Weekly Weather September 5, 2005 to September 11, 2005
Sometimes I hate astrology. The heavens said the events last week were going to be difficult. So many planets, so little time. Fingers of God. Crossroads. Of course, I know in my heart, astrology is not to blame. The stars reflect and mirror our world’s journey, shadows and realities. As above, so below. The spirit of the many Fingers of God in the sky right ask us to evolve and change by pointing out and towards our own soul’s challenges and opportunities. What in your own life made you cry, rage, or angry last week? What was your “ah-ha” moment when the veil over your eyes was lifted? What did you finally “get” that you hadn’t seen or understood before? That is where your soul is supposed to grow and change. Time to begin.
Inconjuncts make us conscious. We shed a mask blinding our sight. We see our world differently. We hear a “click” or a cosmic finger snap. It just ain’t the same no more! New realities appear, miraculously, before our nose. If you weren’t conscious, it is okay. You didn’t know. You did it. It happened. It is over. BUT NOW, you are conscious! NOW, you know. NOW, you have to do something different. NOW, you have to begin to change. Like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, we all ate fruit from the tree of knowledge last week. We have numerous inconjuncts forming all September. Some are “easier” ~ the Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and perhaps Neptune ones. The profound one forming between Saturn and Uranus peaks on September 21, 2005. The other “ouchy” inconjunct between Mars and Pluto perfects on September 17, 2005. As you know, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are not the easiest energies to work with. More opportunities for consciousness are coming! Be prepared. Watch where the inconjuncts form in your charts!
First things first about inconjuncts and being born into a new type of consciousness. No blame. It is not their fault. It is not your fault. It happened. It is. For whatever reason, BOTH of you co-created it. Both of you agreed to it on some deep level. It worked for a while. It happened for a reason. What was the gift from it? Sure, you can whine and complain a bit more if you want. So what if you didn‘t realize THAT was what you agreed to? Why focus on it any more? Now you know better. You were born into a new reality last week. What is the point of arguing for the old world view any more? Change. Yes, change. Numerous historical examples exist of people who stepped up, changed their view, world and reality. You can change. It starts with vision, an idea, an image of what you want. And, then, take a step towards your new direction. Sometimes you have to hit bottom to change.
Second things second. If you don’t change, especially now that you’ve become conscious, it is going to get much, much, much worse. See where you hooked into it. Gently unhook yourself. You don’t have to stay there any more. You don’t have to do it any more. Honest. If you stay there, doing the same thing, it gets worse. Actually, it gets three times worse! There’s a theory that after you become conscious, the energy around your old behavior magnifies three fold. Normally, you reap what you sow. Once conscious, you reap three times what you sow. Yes, even the yucky stuff grows! The effect is magnified three fold. Do you want three times more of THAT? Change!
Monday, Labor Day, finds the moon in Libra and sextiling Saturn suggesting we start to revision what we want. The Sun semi-quintiles and contraparallels Jupiter offering illuminations, visions and options of what you CAN have PROVIDED you agree to change your current relationship to the situation you find yourself in. Venus parallels Uranus implying if you partner with the change/chaos, that karmic south node in Libra in your Libra house is freed.
Tuesday the Libra moon aspects Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto as on Wednesday she eclipses Venus, ruler of the moon, nodes and Jupiter before going void until 2:10 pm EDT. Expect extreme evocative, emotional volatility and unexpected, eruptive news. I know you are emotionally exhausted but hang on. You find out WHY it happened on these two days. Once you are conscious and know why it happened, the energy will clear, brighten and move along. You won’t feel so blocked, anxious and irritated. You’ll get it. You may not like it but you’ll have a breakthrough promised by Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus, the Sun inconjunct Neptune, and Mercury semisquare Jupiter. Lots of consciousness evolving these two day!
Thursday we experience Mercury approaching his opposition to Uranus. If you didn’t figure out why yesterday, tell the story to someone today. During the telling, you will experience a profound “ah-ha” of Mercury/Uranus brilliance. Mercury is semisextile to Saturn and contraparallel to Venus suggesting what ever the “ah ha” is ties back to your own old, outgrown and limited beliefs about what you can and can‘t have. Pretend you are Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, tap your heels together three times and say your dream. Hey, it got her back to Kansas!
On Friday, the moon is void all day and Saturn sesquiquadrates Pluto. Just cry. Wail. Gnash your teeth. Tear your hair. Rend your garments. The fear rises up. They only have power if you give it to them! Feel the fear, anxiety, stress, and craziness about changing your life. Breathe. Do it anyway.
Saturday, Mercury contraparallels Uranus so expect a click, clunk, clump, ker-ching as the observations from the Mercury opposition to Uranus sink into your soul. Yep. You got it. Tiny, baby steps. Or sit a bit longer. Plan your move. Now, move. The moon in Sagittarius asks you to look for and at the higher purpose as she aspects Saturn, Uranus and Mercury.
Sunday the moon goes void at 12:52 pm EDT. Before she does, she aspects Neptune, Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Pluto. Venus enters Scorpio. Now that you know what you want, go for it. Take an honorable approach as Venus enters the sign of her detriment Scorpio. Those Taurus and Libra Planets and Nodes have a very vengeful ruler now! Mercury semi-quintiles Uranus suggesting communications, contract and deals are evaluated and improved. Mars quintile Uranus and contraparallel to Pluto indicate unexpected actions, outcomes and responses to plans. The quote “Human’s plan and God laughs.” comes to mind. Or perhaps, “Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.”
Mundane: As a liberal independent living in New York City, I found the events in New Orleans and the south enormously stunning, astounding and deeply disturbing. People DIE without water in 2 to 4 days that is why 72 hours is the “magic time frame” to save people who are trapped. Children and the elderly, as our frailest, are our most vulnerable. As I write, on Friday, Day 5, after the hurricane and subsequent levee break, drinkable water is starting to be delivered to New Orleans. The people, who followed instructions to go to evacuation centers, wait in sweltering 101 degree heat and 95% humidity WITHOUT WATER. Prior to becoming a fulltime astrologer, I was a computer gal and worked at the second largest soda manufacturer in the USA. ONE of our hundreds of bottling plants, found in most major cities, create thousands of bottles of soda, tea and water each and every day. Those cases of fluid are loaded onto pallets. WAREHOUSES of pallets are fork lifted into fleets of trucks every day. The deaths by dehydration didn’t have to happen! According to the Red Cross website, they were asked by Homeland Security to NOT GO INTO NEW ORLEANS with water and food. People were dying due to lack of water, dehydrating to their deaths! People were trapped in their homes, standing in sewage up to their necks. Next will come the cholera from living amidst fecal matter and sewage for a week.
For those of us who want to blame someone (and I sure do!), I am reminding myself, and now you, of my college anatomy lab experience where we dissected dead cats. As the cats were distributed, our teacher suggested we keep the skins with our cat’s body after we peeled them off. The cats had fur in all colors ~ tabbies, golden, grays, blacks, and Oreos. Of course, some of us didn’t keep the cat’s pelt. We learned one dead skinned cat, without its distinctive fur coat, sure looks just like another dead skinned cat in a bin of dead skinned cats. What was the difference between Tigger, our beloved cat at home and the dead cat on the dissection table in front of me? Peel off our human skins of many colors. We look exactly like each other underneath! What is the difference between me and the people dying in the south due to no water? Nothing. We are. We come into and we leave this world alone. We don’t get to take our goodies, toys, cash and prizes with us. We are sowing our karma, by our actions. Our actions are the only things that travel with our soul! Or perhaps determine our place in heaven or hell. At this astrological moment in time, we have a unique opportunity to ride the Fingers of God in the cosmos to envision and decide what we want to create as our future, our heaven and hell, our karma. Don’t blame. Acknowledge their behavior. Hold them accountable for their behavior. They are responsible for their behavior and choices. Believe their behavior as an indication of who they are and what they want. Do not listen to the words. Watch the behavior. Take responsibility for your response. We are all accountable for our choices. Move towards what you want. Sow what you want to reap. What is your vision?
Copyright Ó 2005 Anne C. Ortelee