Weekly Weather September 24, 2012

Weekly Weather September 24, 2012
“Sorrow, fully accepted, brings its own gifts. For there is alchemy is sorrow. It can be transmuted into wisdom, which, if it does not bring joy, can bring happiness.” Pearl S. Buck


“The absence of the light is a necessary part.” Jason Mraz



Last week we evolved. By evolved, I mean Saturn, Uranus and Pluto helped us get to a new level of consciousness about ourselves. Uranus and Pluto surprised us. Saturn structured us or reinforced his lessons about structure. We then evolved. Think about where you were surprised by an unexpected change, shift, adjustment or power struggle in a relationship that has been brewing and swirling around for the last two weeks. There always is a 2 week or so build up with Uranus where you get the signal that things need to change. And change they must. Look where status quo said “I am not able to xyz anymore.” Across my client, student and friend pool of examples, people asked for divorces, sold houses, sold businesses, moved, quit jobs, entered rehab, ended relationships, had medical situations diagnosed, stopped bad behaviors, set boundaries, vowed to change their old behaviors going forward, reached out to resolve or settle long standing problems, debts or situations or perhaps were thrown back INTO old stories in their lives for one more round of awakening. The goal from the Universe’s perspective was to see things with “fresh eyes” or apply auspicious consciousness or listen and learn an important truth. The story rose up and spoke to you. And, although you might have been “hearing” it for a while, NOW YOU GET IT. Or you get it on a new level.



Saturn is traveling across the intense last degrees of Libra for the next few weeks. He’s pounding the structures we build for ourselves into new consciousness. The Libra Saturn is currently within a degree of his station in January/ February 2012 at 29:30 so the story from earlier this year is echoing in your brain. Saturn is inviting you to make some changes in your relationships and commitments. On some level, you know it is time to move on. On another level, you don’t really want to go just yet. Enjoy the indecision, stay a while in the moment, mull the situation and stories before you. To everything there is a season, including a season of endings. This is a season of endings. Right behind ALL of the endings are new beginnings. We are working with the endings, endings, endings for the next few weeks. It is time for things to end so you can move on to the next chapter of your life. To add to your understanding of the nature of cycles, Saturn is waking up a point that was highly active in November of 1982 and in February and October 1953.



Saturn is also closing up the story from 1982 to begin a new story over the next few weeks. Draw the correlations back to 1982 or even 1953. Notice where you are in your life relative to those earlier dates. Compare now to where you were in November 1982 and early 1983. And across time and space, Saturn is just past the degree of his union with Pluto on November 7, 1982 at 27:35 Libra. That 1982-83 story is up dancing around the room. If you are an ephemeris based reader or astrologer, look at all the transitions and dates for the cardinal degree points 27-29 to see the choice points, the various turning points in your life, that take place every seven or so years.



In my case, last week the story was about the end of a relationship due to death ~ my Saturn is in my 8th house. I am writing this column in Florida where there is a gathering of my maternal clan. My Uncle Cliff died Sept 19, the day before my sister’s wedding anniversary. My family is gathering in Florida for his funeral. Cliff was married to my mother’s younger sister, Kay for 56 years. Saturn’s return to the point of relationships ending in the sign of Libra takes us back 29 years. On November 7, 1982, my mother was diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer as Saturn and Pluto were joined at 27:35 Libra. When Mom died on April 17, 1983, Pluto was at 28:10 Libra opposite the Aries Sun at 27:20. Mom died the day before my father’s 54th birthday. All week long I have been rocketing and ricocheting back and forth between the deaths in 1982 and 2012.



I have an eternal memory of standing at the foot of Mom’s bed in the hospital ICU in a half-circle with 9 other family members, watching and waiting, as the monitors announced her march towards death. She died over a very short weekend from chemotherapy complications and a pulmonary embolism. My brother and father were on either side of Mom, with my father prone, his face down in Mom’s belly, sobbing his heart out. My Dad is a stern, stoic German, 6’4” Aries with a Leo Moon/ Neptune and Rising. I had never seen my dad cry before. It was a body wracking, shoulders shaking weeping.



This summer Uncle Cliff’s departure was long and slow, related to old age system failures and body shut downs that happen at age 86. Until three months ago, Cliff was regularly walking a few miles a day in his neighborhood, petting the dogs, “supervising” projects, chatting with everyone and going to nightly sunsets on the beach to stroll the sand with Aunt Kay. Four bouts of Pneumonia since July and now Cliff is gone. We sat around telling family stories as neighbors and friends deliver food and hug my Aunt Kay. We remember parties, talk about the other dead relatives, lingering and happily joined up with cousins and grandchildren separated across time and space by life choices. So much laughter. So many memories ~ happy and sad, good and bad. On Saturday night, as we left the party, my father fell, cutting his head open on the sidewalk. After three hours spent arguing that he needed stitches, we spend 3 hours in the emergency room getting stitches. No wonder I can be so stubborn and argumentative at times ~ I learned it from a German Aries Leo mix! It was a week of pops, starts, and deep inside evolution. I could feel things shifting and changing all over the place.


When Death Comes by Mary Oliver

When death comes like the hungry bear in autumn
When death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse
To buy me and snaps his purse shut;
When death comes like the measles pox
When death comes like an iceberg between the shoulder blades.
I want to step through the door full of curiosity, wondering;

What is it going to be like that cottage of darkness?
And therefore I look upon everything as a brotherhood and sisterhood,
And I look upon time as no more than an idea,
And I consider eternity as another possibility.
And I think of each life as a flower, as common as a field daisy and as singular,
And each name a comfortable music in the mouth tending as all music does, toward silence.
And each body a lion of courage, and something precious to the earth.

When it is over, I want to say: all my life
I was a bride married to amazement.
I was a bridegroom taking the world into my arms.
When it is over, I don’t want to wonder if I have made of my life something particular and real.
I don’t want to find myself sighing and frightened or full of argument.
I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.


So what happens THIS week? Well, it is another three week page of aspects, which means lots of activity, ideas, events and processing will take place over the next seven days. Venus, Mars, Moon and the Sun all make aspects to the Uranus/Pluto square, further adding to our enlightenment and our evolution. Unfortunately, the personal planets are each making harsh, difficult or stressful aspects to Uranus/ Pluto. We may find people are making choices through loss, violence or anger rather than simply shifting, changing or stopping the behavior. It doesn’t have to be that hard. We have to choose for love. Venus is in Leo ~ ruling that Saturn and the Sun… Choose love.




We often don’t learn how to set appropriate boundaries as children or adults. We have a limitation as described by our Saturn. Our eternal struggle with our own Saturn is to learn about appropriate boundaries without being TOO rigid and controlling while at the same time doing our own work in this life time. Now as Saturn wraps up his three year roll through the relationship sign of Libra, we are learning about how to set appropriate boundaries in our relationships. And of course, as our relationships are the vehicle WE LEARN through, currently our relationships are teaching US how to work with our Saturn in revised, different, changed or new ways. And as Saturn is the father, we always go right back to those early authorities in our lives, starting with Dad (or Mom). Reach out to some of your GOOD authority people if you are having a tough time with these transits.



Venus at 18 Leo forms a Hammer of Thor with Uranus and Pluto on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, hammering home a point about love and relationships needing to change due to Uranus and Pluto’s square. Later in the week, Venus fights with Mars in Scorpio and aspects the Nodes. If you are waiting to see if a blown up relationship resumes, you will get information by the end of the week. Venus’ square to the Nodes of Fate twice this week, by declination and by square. By the Full Moon on the 30th, Venus will tell you things about the story. It is time to make a choice. Choose love. No more lingering and hoping. Choose Love. It is time to move forward. Choose love. If you are waiting for someone, they can catch up to you. They know where you are and how to reach you. They have to choose love too. And maybe, right now, for whatever reason, they are unable to choose love. But YOU are READY to choose love.




Mars in Scorpio has crabby, cranky aspects with Uranus and Pluto as well as an adjusting psychological aspect to the Goddess of Discord, Eris. Tempers will be short and not particularly pleasant this week. Keep recording in your Mars log so you know how to work with the story when Saturn eventually gets to these degrees over the next three years. Review the energy and activity of the past few weeks to see how to work with Mars productively. Take Mars out for a run. Go punch out a bag at your gym. Whack your pillow. Drum. Write your grudges down on paper and burn them to release them. Write the very nasty letter you want to send to someone and then DON’T send it ~ read it out loud so you hear it, you’ve said it, and when finished rip the letter into tiny shreds and bury it in dirt, flush it, scatter it to the wind. Again, we can choose a different outcome for ourselves this time. Saturn, Uranus and Pluto want us to evolve! Give yourself permission to change.



Remember EVERYONE is having these aspects so watch out for road rage, rage in general and anger erupting. People are not going to be in the mood to back down so walk away rather than confronting. Boundaries. Boundaries. Boundaries are Saturn’s favorite thing. Uranus says chaos and change. Pluto says evolve. Even old Venus, the Goddess of Love is feeling the energy and stress of evolution and change in a probably harsh way. Know that it is a set of rough transits, soon to be over. Then we are off into a new place. Choose love. And be kind.



The Full Moon’s Sun and Moon form a powerful T-square as they aspect the Uranus Pluto square on Saturday September 30. Moon joins with Uranus and squares Pluto while the Sun lights up the nature of the power struggle or dynamic that Uranus / Pluto wants to bring to consciousness or understanding. Sun gazes from across the sky as he brings consciousness to Pluto and looks at the awakening, lightning bolt, and illuminating energy of Uranus. Uranus joins with the volatile Moon in Aries, to offer us a shocking conclusion, change, redemption or epilogue to the Saturn in Libra story. If you’ve had a relationship or two go south this month, especially if it blew up over Labor Day Weekend September 2 or 3 or under the new Moon on the 15th or 16th or last week during that nasty set of aspects, don’t despair that it is completely over. You will probably receive more information under the Full Moon this week. And we still have until Saturn gets out of Libra for good and true on October 5th. Hang in there. Keep doing your own work. Show up for your life. Open the mail. Answer the phone. Pay attention. Keep evolving. Keep getting conscious.



The Full Moon on Saturday is the Harvest Moon. It takes place at 7:22 Aries Moon and Libra Sun. The Sabian Image for the Libra Sun is A BLAZING FIREPLACE IN A DESERTED HOME. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Image is:


Commentary: ‘A Blazing Fireplace in a Deserted Home’ gives an impression of warmth, security and love. The ‘Blazing Fireplace’ conjures up images of coziness and comfort, and can provide a feeling of being surrounded by the secure and good things in life. Even when no one is there to provide the warmth, there can be a feeling of good energy, containment and safety.


Oracle: Even in times of real loneliness, when you are separated from everyone or everything, there is a constant, sometimes unseen, sustaining energy ready to welcome you ‘Home’; whether it be the ‘Fire’ of your own spiritual center, the warmth and familiarity of family and kin, or the certainty that one is sustained by humanity at large. The ‘Home’ may be ‘Deserted’ by having no parent, or no one living there, someone moving out or by having no furniture or few of the usual comforts. Everybody should have a place of refuge and safety and sometimes we have to be reminded that the warmth of the “flame” is always there for us, and that we just need to acknowledge it and accept it. A ‘Home’ can be a symbol of love-even when it is left behind or ‘Deserted’ it can remain warm and ready for your return. This can be the love within family, marriage, or very close friends. This love should never really diminish or lose its warmth. Also, a ‘Home’ can radiate warmth and protection by its very nature. Something simple like turning on the lights can make a home warm, comfortable and inviting to others. Placing a candle in the window or turning on a light in the hall can work wonders, lifting your spirits and inviting love in.


Keywords: Security and comfort left behind. A fire left blazing inside to reassure. Wood for burning. Gas, electricity connections. Holiday homes, or homes that are rarely visited. Homes filled with love, if not people or possessions. The warmth of the heart. Holding a candle for someone who’s gone. Fertility issues. Heart and hearth. Fireplaces.


The Caution: A sense of isolation, separation, abandonment, and bitterness. Sabotage by, or of, loved ones and family. Being forced out of the home, possibly for social reasons. Desertion and decay of love. Never being at home because of work concerns and commitments. Separation. Divorce. Latch-key children. Feeling alone and out in the cold. The light being on, but no one at home.


Home is where there’s one to love us. Charles Swain


East, west, home’s best. Traditional proverb


… And the still deeper secret of the secret: The land that is nowhere, that is the true home… Chang Po-tuan


Since the house is on fire let us warm ourselves. Italian proverb


If the world is cold, make it your business to build fires. Horace Traubel


One may have a blazing hearth in one’s soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passersby see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. Vincent Van Gogh


When I can no longer bear to think of the victims of broken homes, I begin to think of the victims of intact ones. Peter De Vries


Figure it out. Work a lifetime to pay off a house. You finally own it and there’s no one to live in it. Arthur Miller


Men resemble great deserted palaces: the owner occupies only a few rooms and has closed-off wings where he never ventures. Francois Mauriac



The Sabian Image for the Aries Moon is A WOMAN’S HAT WITH STREAMERS BLOWN BY THE EAST WIND. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Image is:


Commentary: ‘A Woman’s Hat with Streamers Blown by the East Wind’. The ‘East Wind’ often implies messages or forces coming in seemingly from out of the blue. These messages could be about spirit or spiritual teachings. There’s a degree of gentleness here and adaptability to external forces. Eastern philosophies can come to mind as a way of thinking through this experience. Indeed, some of the oriental systems of thought may play a major part in this situation.


Oracle: In the situation facing you, you may feel as though you’re being blown a little off course from what you originally set out to do. This can happen even more if someone you’re dealing with can’t make up their mind, or are constantly shifting their perspective. There’s a need to adjust continually to the direction of outside forces. Shifts of mind and attitude may happen, as a result, or may indeed need to happen. Any changes are best greeted and considered playfully and lightly. Allow wisdom to lead you to new and different solutions, but be wary of acting superficially. Look to see if your mind keeps changing course and blowing you off center. If you do lose your way temporarily, be assured that you can be steered back onto the right course with just a little contemplation on the direction your life is meant to be taking you. Take your time, be patient and act with the feminine forces of gentility, grace and dignity. This Symbol indicates that you are somewhat protected from the more disturbing elements of your situation. Is someone running after something or someone, trying to retrieve it whilst it just keeps being blown further away? In what direction is this ‘Wind’ blowing you?


Keywords: Attuning oneself through Eastern philosophies. Protective guidance. Balloons and hot-air ballooning. Compasses. Weather vanes and wind chimes. East meets west. Being adaptable to the moment. The winds of time and change. Shifts in the ‘Wind’ bringing shifts in attitude or direction.


The Caution: Only accepting solutions that satisfy selfish or social needs. Insincere and easily blown around. Fickleness. Being tossed around by momentary patterns in the “weather”. Conflicting ideals. Forgetting things in a moment. Being easily distracted. Changing course midstream. Being blown off the path, thereby losing ones center or way.


Imagination is the highest kite one can fly. Lauren Bacall


I am a feather for each wind that blows. William Shakespeare


Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When you don’t know what harbor you’re aiming for, no wind is the right wind. Seneca


Like a kite cut from the string, lightly the soul of my youth has taken flight. Ishikawa Takuboku


Distracted by what is far away, he does not see his nose. Malagasy Proverb


If the winds of fortune are temporarily blowing against you, remember that you can harness them and make them carry you toward your definite purpose through the use of your imagination. Napolean Hill


If you pay nervous attention to other people’s opinions, maneuver to obtain their indulgence and to stand high in their esteem, you will be whisked about in their winds and you will lose yourself. Jo Coubert


Void Moons This Week
5:19 pm EDT Monday September 24 to 7:32 pm EDT
11:33 pm EDT Wednesday September 26 to 1:24 am EDT Thursday September 27
10:35 pm EDT Friday September 28 to 9:14 am EDT Saturday September 29



Moon day, Monday September 24 Moon in Capricorn has a harsh closing aspect of an opening square to Saturn in Libra, inviting you to make some changes in your relationships and commitments. On some level, you know it is time to move on. On another level, you don’t really want to go just yet. Enjoy the indecision. Capricorn Moon knows to everything there is a season, including a season of endings. It is time for things to end so you can move on. Libra Saturn is currently within a degree of his station last January/ February at 29:30 so the story from then is echoing in your brain. And across time and space, Saturn is next to the degree of his union with Pluto on November 7, 1982 at 27:35 Libra so that is up dancing around the room too. Mercury is offered a bad choice today so defer decisions if possible or make temporary ones. Examine your understanding of love, subservience and servitude one more time ~ often they are tied in an unnatural relationship through lack of conscious thought about what you wanted in a relationship. We set up relationship structures that are not working for us anymore. We don’t actually have to END the relationship but we do have to end the way it is currently operating or behaving. And No saying the other guy has to change. The other person is who they are. Accept them or not. The change requirement is coming from YOUR side of the relationship. Patterns are patterns… we can get conscious of them and understand OUR reaction on our side of the table. We have to do our work here. Sun in Libra wants to create a new kind of partnership so listen to the offers you receive. Again, you may not be able to do it, accept it, or even want it. Still take time to listen. Keep moving forward. See the patterns even if you are unable or unwilling to change them. Notice the change in YOUR response to them. THAT IS EVOLUTION. You have done it. Mars is at 20:49 Scorpio.



Mars day, Tuesday September 25 Moon in Aquarius has helpful and productive closing aspects to Saturn allowing you to see the big picture. Look at things from the perspective of will it matter when you are 95? Will it matter? Are you a bride married to amazement? Did you take the world into your arms? Have you made of your life something particular and real? Mars argues with Uranus and Pluto in the morning today ~ notice where any anger is coming from inside of you…. It is a space that wants to shift and change. Allow it to evolve, release, let it go into greater understanding… time to change. Mercury’s union with Zeus offers words that inspire or perhaps take you to a different understanding via the bigger picture. Pallas cooperates with helping you see the pattern in your relationships and partnerships. There are some that work better than others. The Hammer of Thor with Venus as the handle perfects today. Underneath everything is either love or not love. Uranus and Pluto are sesqui-square to the handle of Thor. So Venus in Leo, as the handle, can, at times, pound away at or disturb what your understanding of love is. Or help it evolve. If we realize that what we were told when we were YOUNG was what we came to understand was LOVE (or not love), then we can see the distortions in our current perceptions of relationship of what is LOVE (or not love). We communicate what we view LOVE (or not love) as but we are not always clear what we are communicating. Today we get a bit clearer. Mars is at 21:51 Scorpio.



Wednesday Mercury’s day September 26 Moon in Aquarius continues to offer a long distance far seeking perspective. Today is a ROCKING day internally. We continue to evolve with the Hammer of Thor handle Venus sesqui-square to Uranus and Pluto our definition of LOVE (not love). Mars is exceptionally irritated as he has a psychological adjustment with Eris the Goddess of Discord. So if you were raised by Fire parents, you think Fire is LOVE. If you were raised by Water parents, you think Water is LOVE. If you were raised by Air parents, you think Air is LOVE. And if you were raised by Earth parents, you think Earth is LOVE. If your parents had elements that were different than yours, we start to run into NOT LOVE as part of the definition of LOVE. If your elements were completely different than your parents ~ by polarity ~ air/fire versus earth/water ~ then we get into figuring out NOT LOVE as the underlying theme of your life. Ceres entry in Cancer helps us determine what we thought was love/not love as a child. Look at the current relationship problem area in your life and see how it reflects that LOVE (not love) paradigm. No right or wrong here. To everything there is a season. Understand and value the different seasons. Mercury is trying to point out how PART of you feels this is LOVE ~ which is why you got into the relationship in the first place and another PART of you feels this is NOT LOVE. Again, no right or wrong here ~ just hold the space and watch it evolve, mindfully. Mercury’s trine to Jupiter in Gemini asks you to look at your definitions and offer yourself an opportunity to RE-state them, or choose a different version or spin on the story. Venus is all charged up and ready to take action as she gets fueled by Eris… choose love. Stand in your heart place. Partnerships can finish up under this one. Allow that to happen without a fight. Let them do what they need to do. It can feel like the tribe is separating with Jupiter’s argument with Cupido. The point is to ask yourself what is the person’s reality? If their reality is that they are unlovable, who are YOU to challenge it? So often we argue with people about what their perception of reality is. When we stand in our heart center, we don’t need to get them to change their perception of reality. They have their vision. We have ours. Allow that to happen today. Let them have their reality. Validate their reality if you can. It IS what they see. Mars is at 22:12 Scorpio.



Jupiter’s day Thursday September 27 finds Moon in sensitive, emotional and intuitive Pisces with lovely closing aspects. It is another busy day. Venus has a fight with Mars and neither one of them are in the mood to change their minds. Again, why is it so important to change their version or vision of reality? Take action. Agree to disagree. Mercury in Libra answering to Venus in Leo wants to see both sides of the story even if his argument with Juno seems unresolvable. It is unresolvable. Does that mean the relationship has to end? Venus is feeling she needs to set some firm boundaries or clarify the ending. Mercury will probably attempt to end things nicely… remember people are hearing things from THEIR reality. A while back, I had a person working for me. Every time I was not happy about something they did, it caused a huge uproar in our dynamic. A therapist suggested I ask what she heard me say when our dynamic started to take off. I said “This needs to be better organized.” She heard “I am going to get fired.” Her emotional content completely took over and my words were completely lost. That can happen today. Ask them what they heard you say. Sun joins with Mercury by declination ~ people are filtering through THEIR ego or emotional needs. Mercury joins with the Nodes of Fate offering you an opportunity to tell yourself the story in a different manner. Make yourself the hero of your own journey. Mercury’s union with Venus is powerful and deeply connected so speak your truth (and make sure that they heard it clearly). Venus links up with the nodes so make sure that you choose love. Sun links up with Venus ~ choose love. Stand in the best heart place you can find. These ARE crappy transits but they remind us that all we have at the end of the journey is love. The rest doesn’t get to go with us when we die. Lots of ending energy today. Expect departures. Mars is at 22:54 Scorpio.



Venus’ day Friday September 28 is quieter and peaceful with Moon in Pisces seeking to unify and connect after all the turbulence of the past few weeks. Make sure to speak your truth to important people in your life. Your ego needs to adjust in a psychological way to the wounds of the past few weeks. Allow yourself to retell the story so it offers you options and possibilities. Emotionally, we can feel a bit overwhelmed and desire to escape, sleep or dream. So focus the dream out into the world ~ consciously dream about what you would like to create. Visualize it. Imagine it. Smell it. Taste it. Involve all your senses. Suspend your critical nature. Allow the dream of Pisces to invite and hold you. Mars is at 23:35 Scorpio.



Saturn’s day Saturday September 29 Moon enters Aries and kicks some butt. Today the Sun in Libra is going to go through the gauntlet of Uranus and Pluto as he moves towards a Full Moon at 11:19 pm EDT. Moon in Aries goes through the gauntlet in the evening. The Full Moon, cast for Washington, DC has a Cancer Rising, forming a cardinal cross with the Sun, Pluto and Uranus/ Moon/ Athena. This is a rocking Full Moon culminating the story from March 2011 when the New Moon took place at the same degree. Mars is approaching the Node of Fate and pushing us all to choose to go forward to our fate. Venus has a gift of pattern seeing brilliance with Pallas. You have your reality. Can it change or shift a bit? Yes, with consciousness ~ note dreams upon awakening. Suns’ argument with Uranus creates turbulent sleep patterns. Mercury hears or says harsh words that are designed to hurt or which can sting… be aware of that kind of energy today. And think twice before you speak. Your ego and soul have a dream that they want to pursue. Today is a great day to say that dream out loud, shout it to the heavens so it is heard and answered. Mercury’s biquintile makes this a fabulous day for letting things go that you no longer love or need in your life…. Release papers, ideas, concepts and approaches that don’t work for you. Delete emails. Clean shelves of old books whose thoughts you have integrated. Sun’s square to Pluto suggests that all evolution happens with a triangle. Pluto is part of the evolutionary process ~ without him bringing things to consciousness, we would never evolve. Without him composting the detritus of plant, animal and personal life into rich compost, we would never grow. Watch for unnecessary power struggles. You can receive word of an ending with a sibling or a harsh communication tonight. Mars is at 24:17 Scorpio.



Sun’s day Sunday September 30 Moon in Aries continues to be passionate and a bit out of control. Following that powerful Full Moon of Illumination last night, we are still processing feelings and emotions. Mars joins with Jupiter so we can feel like accelerating or zooming out of control. Mercury is opposite Eris so words can be sharp and painful. Be careful as what you say today can cut the other person deeply. Mercury refuses to be subservient and wants to call out and fight with others. Normally, he’s not that kind of guy but boy is he wild today. The ego wants to finish up a story and let it go today so allow that to happen. At least in your own mind if not in form. Sometimes we just resolve not to do something any more. Other times, we resolve to go forward and do it in a different way. That is the energy of this. It doesn’t have to be mean or angry. You just have to resolve and move forward. Neptune’s trine to Ceres points out where you might have learned the first behavior that you are releasing for the next, new option. Yes, early childhood ~ becoming conscious of all the messages we received as children that operate within us without us being aware of them. Notice which ones don’t want to play anymore. Or which ones you want to add into your life. Venus has a square to the Nodes of Fate… choose love. Go for that higher version, vision, evolution of what you can be. Choose to evolve. You can totally do it ~ and now that you are ready, you might find it much easier than you thought it would be. Think back to last week’s stroll down memory lane about your grandparents and how THEIR story affected your parents and thus affected you. In my case, my father’s mother stopped her schooling when she was 10 to go to work as HER father was killed when she was 7 and there were youngers to feed and clothe. Education, or rather the lack of it, became very important to her. I never learned that until I was looking at her chart to prepare a eulogy. When my aunt answered the question of what happened when Gramma Ortelee was 7, due to the solar arcs in her chart, I was stunned. It explained so much. My father finished first in his undergrad studies and was invited to apply to medical school in his junior year. He finished tied for second in medical school. As his mother asked him, my father always asked us “What happened to the other 8 points?” when we brought home a grade of 92 ~ anything less than perfect. Each of his children dealt with that question in different ways. I said “Who cares about the other points!” and went my own way, stubbornly. My brother felt he’d done something wrong and failed. My sister said “Right, next time I am getting those points.” And she is a Division 1 College basketball coach. There were three different responses from three different children to the same question. In my mother’s case, the boy, my uncle, went to college. There wasn’t money for the girls, my aunt and her, to go to college. So Mom was adamant her girls would go to college. Again the story passes down based on experiences that shape it or frame it in a different way. Look at the patterns in your life ~ particularly in your relationships to the other person to see how those early experiences shaped your understandings and beliefs about yourself. It was a perfect family stew to cook you and make you into the person you’ve become. How do you want to change the recipe? No right or wrong here… just shifting the recipe! A bit more garlic? Maybe some extra seasoning…. It is the recipe that is making your life. Stir your pot! Mars is at 24:59 Scorpio.



Advertisement: On November 2, 3, and 4, I’ll be teaching a Prediction Techniques workshop in Manchester, Vermont with the Bodhi Consult women, Beth Shaw and Elaine Haytko. We are meeting at the Inn at Willow Pond. The weekend cost includes two nights, meals and a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in astrology with interesting people. You need to know how to read a basic chart… nothing fancy. http://www.bodhiconsult.com/ Call Beth for more information: 802 379 5775.


Lynda Hill’s work on Sabian Symbols appears with her permission. Check her work out at www.sabiansymbols.com
Copyright © 2012 A. C. Ortelee