Weekly Weather September 16, 2013


Weekly Weather September16, 2013








As I sat broadcasting my radio show on a sunshine filled porch in a rocking chair overlooking Casco Bay from Peak’s Island in Maine this morning, seven, count them, SEVEN dragon flies landed on the sun warmed porch rail before me. Lined up like planes about to take off, the dragon flies were simply adorable, with their tails flexing and stretching, as I talked. They were enjoying the last days of summer sun and the gentle breezes from the harbor. Earlier in the day, while eating breakfast on the back deck, more dragon flies circled about. One landed on my hand, wiggled and twitched, while looking straight at me for several long minutes. I wished I could speak Dragon!

Later in an email, from Cathleen G, “Did you know as you sat among seven dragonflies doing your podcast that the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams say-


“Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment, and the communications from the elemental world. The elemental world is made up of tiny spirits of plants, and elements of air, earth, fire and water. In essence, this world is full of nature spirits.”

“If dragonfly has flown into your space today, on the psychological level, it may be time to break down the illusions you have held that restrict you in action and ideas.”

“Dragonfly medicine always beckons you to seek out parts of your habits which you need to change. Have you put on too much weight, or are you a scarecrow? Have you tended to the changes you have wanted to make in your life? If you feel the need for change, call on the Dragonfly to guide through the mist of illusion to your present question and situation, and remember that things are never as they completely seem.”

“Geezus, Anne, talk about being “bombed” with a message from the universe!”

A rare planetary event will occur this week, September 18 to 20.  If you live in the northern hemisphere, shortly after sunset, you’ll be able to see Venus and Saturn joined in the southwestern sky. Venus will be very bright and beautiful. Saturn will be less visible but you might be able to see him if the sky is clear. The Venus Saturn conjunction in Scorpio takes place every 30 years.

The conjunction of Venus and Saturn takes place where the Moon’s orbit around the earth and the earth’s orbit around the Sun intersect ~ on the North Node of Fate. Such an occurrence of Venus/Saturn/North Node occurs about once every 1500 years.

If we only look at Saturn joining the North Node of Fate, that happens every 12 years. Think back to October 1956, April 1968, July 1979, January 1991, and June 2002 to see the previous times Saturn and the North Node connected the karma and work of your life with the path of your soul’s fate to serve and meet up with your higher (or sometimes lower) purpose!

If we look at the unique conjunction from a Vedic perspective, it occurs in the Nakshatra of Swati which is ruled by the North Node. Swati is a chalice through which the divine spirit flows to the physical level of manifestation. It is symbolized by a quivering blade of grass and is abundant in creativity, art and freedom with distinct and developed psychic and intellectual gifts. The North Node being about your karma in this incarnation, including Swati and the conjunction of Saturn/Venus with the Node activates the super-physical forces for a unique and powerful crossroads in your life. Take a truth –seeking approach to the situations before you, reducing things to their simplest components and seek harmony without sacrificing your core values.

At the end of this week’s column, I’ve included a list of houses and what they rule.  Look at your chart and see which house Saturn, Venus and the North Node are located in to find where your life is changing this week.  Watch out for dragon flies!


The Week’s Planetary Highlights 


It is an amazing, rocking and rolling week.  Decisions made this week shape the rest of your life. Choose wisely!  Lots going on.  Connect to what is best for your soul’s evolution!


Sun plays with Saturn and the Nodes of Fate on Monday asking you to change how your ego approaches things.

Sun enters Libra on Sunday Sept 22, 2013 at 04:44:08 pm EDT starting the season Fall, and beginning 30 days of Libra. Days become shorter than nights….

Mercury brings you shocking or unusual news early in the week with his opposition to Uranus and sextile to Mars. Later he overdoes things with his square to Jupiter ~ overdoes in a GOOD way.

Venus dives into the North Node of Fate on Sep 18 at 10:06:59 am EDT. Venus joins with Saturn and sextiles Pluto later in the day presenting you with the opportunity you’ve been working on since last fall.  Time to evolve!  The dream wants to be born. It is

Saturn dives into the North Node of Fate on Sept 17, 2013 at 00:39:40 am EDT instigating a new 12 year cycle around your karma and soul’s path.

Saturn sextiles Pluto for the third and final time on Sept 21, 2013 at 01:44:45 am EDT at 8:59 Capricorn. The earlier sextiles were on Dec 26, 2012 and Mar 8, 2013.  The moment of evolution has arrived.

Pluto stations and turns direct on Sept 20, 2013 at 11:28:35 am EDT

Ceres Sextile the Node of Fate on Sept 16, 2013 at 07:07:10 am EDT setting up the story for Saturn and Venus.  How are you going to use the energy to nurture your creativity, grow the life that you want and break free the situations that don’t work for you.

Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes void opposite Mars on Monday Sep 16 2013 at 04:20:09 am EDT and enters Pisces on Tuesday Sep 17 2013 at 09:59:03 am EDT.  Moon is void all day Monday.

Moon goes void Opposite the Sun (FULL MOON) on Thursday Sep 19 2013 at 07:13:57 am EDT and enters Aries on Sep 19 2013 at 12:58:43 pm EDT. Moon is void Thursday morning.

Moon goes void Opposite to Mercury on Friday Sep 20 2013 at 09:26:24 pm EDT and enters Taurus on Saturday Sep 21 2013 at 06:34:10 pm EDT.  Moon is void all day Saturday

Moon day Monday September 16, 2013 Moon goes void opposite Mars on Monday Sep 16 2013 at 04:20:09 am EDT and enters Pisces on Tuesday Sep 17, 2013 at 09:59:03 am EDT.  Moon is void all day Monday.


After the big news of Venus and Saturn diving head first into the Nodes of Fate, the second major event of the week is Pluto’s station to turn direct on Friday at 8:59 Capricorn.  For the five days before and after Pluto’s station, we feel the tension build and build. He stationed to go retrograde on April 13 at 11:35 Capricorn. He entered his shadow on December 22, 2012.  The stories from April and December surface again for final resolution. Pluto stations bring earth quakes, volcanoes, wars and general life changing events.

Next up, Saturn and Venus sextile Pluto. Saturn’s done this sextile dance with Pluto twice before ~ part of the evolutionary journey begun last December 26 and tweaked on March 8.  Part of the Finger of God we experienced between December and April.  Saturn is all about the structure of your life while Pluto is the evolutionary pulse that all creatures on earth experience as part of their development. We start in one state and over time, evolve and change into a new state. Nothing in this world is static or stagnant, including you. Evolve and change!  You can do it!

We start a new season as the Sun enters Libra on Sunday Sept 22, 2013 at 04:44:08 pm EDT.  Fall begins. And the Sun strolls through Libra making our days become shorter than nights….here in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, their nights become shorter than their days and Spring commences.

On Thursday, there is a full Moon at 26:40 Pisces/Virgo axis. The New Moon was on March 22, 2012 and the opening quarter was December 20, 2012.  The closing quarter will be June 19, 2014.  Look back at these dates to see the project culminating in your life now.












The Sabian image for the Full Moon in Pisces is A HARVEST MOON ILLUMINATES THE SKY.  Lynda Hill’s interpretation of it is:

Commentary: ‘A Harvest Moon Illuminates the Sky’. This is an extraordinary Symbol, considering the fact that these Symbols came through the clairvoyant, Elsie Wheeler, in random order. It’s extraordinary because the ‘Harvest Moon’ can very easily fall on this degree, as the ‘Harvest Moon’ is calculated as the full moon occurring nearest to the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, about September 23. On several nights in succession, at this time of the year, the moonrise is at nearly the same time, because of the relation of the moon’s path to the horizon. On these nights, there is full moonlight almost from sunset to sunrise if the sky is unclouded.

Oracle: This Symbol shows an abundant time of ‘Harvest’. The ‘Harvest Moon’ is a positive sign, with high energy abounding. The sky is clear and conditions are perfect. It’s a time of fertility and abundance, but it is also a sign that there may still be much work to be done. For now, this can be an opportunity to relax, enjoy, and to conserve strength in anticipation of the tasks ahead. For the time being, you can reap the benefits of the work that’s been accomplished so far. There can be strong feelings of culmination, fertility and fullness. You may feel that it has taken a while to get where you are, and this is a good chance to take some time out to celebrate and reconnect with family and loved ones. Capture this magical moment whilst it lasts, as the energy may start to wane before you know it. However, while it is great now to celebrate the achievements of the ‘Harvest’, it is also a time of self-discipline because the task must be completed or the fruits of one’s labors may go rotten or be wasted. Be sure not to get so carried away in the celebration that you neglect finishing the tasks before you. With all of this light ‘Illuminating’ the night ‘Sky’, take a look around with open eyes and see what can be seen.

Keywords: Situations that are very ripe and full of fruition. Celebrating what you have. Expanded perspective making everything clear. A sense of achievement. Seizing the moment to make the most of what’s possible. Nature’s bounty.

The Caution: Neglecting the tasks at hand because of the appearance of abundance. Achievements waning because of neglect. Wasting energy on inconsequential activities.

Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character; reap a destiny. Anon

Sow much, reap much; sow little, reap little. Chinese Proverb

Give fools their gold, and knaves their power; Let fortune’s bubbles rise and fall; Who sows a field, or trains a flower, Or plants a tree, is more than all. John Greenleaf Whittier

Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels The dizzy dancing way you feel As every fairy tale comes real I’ve looked at love that way. Joni Mitchell

Under the harvest moon, When the soft silver Drips shimmering Over the garden nights, Death, the gray mocker, Comes and whispers to you As a beautiful friend Who remembers. Carl Sandburg

 Write your wishes on the door and come in. Stand outside in the pools of the harvest moon. Carl Sandburg

 The Sabian Image for the Sun in Virgo is ARISTOCRATIC ELDERLY LADIES DRINKING AFTERNOON TEA IN A WEALTHY HOME.  Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:

Commentary: ‘Aristocratic Elderly Ladies Drinking Afternoon Tea in a Wealthy Home’ is a Symbol that illustrates people meeting together to share a drink, something to eat, and a little chatter or gossip. The fact that they are ‘Aristocratic and Elderly’ implies that they have everything they need, and quite possibly more. It also shows that they have an air of ‘Wealth’ and grace about them, regardless of how ‘Wealthy’ they actually are.

Oracle: In the situation facing you, regardless of your actual financial situation, there’s a need to face things with elegant composure, as this will attract the respect of others. There is no need to hurry and rush; however being punctual and on time is probably important to how people perceive you. Sharing your time with people who quietly know and understand each other can bring peace of mind, but the question is; are these people really able to understand your individual needs? Sometimes issues that really should be discussed are “masked” and covered up in an effort to keep things at least looking respectable. Sharing stories and gossiping, can be rather healthy, as long as things are kept within the bounds of friendship and decency. People can feel excluded from this group, particularly younger people and men, as they feel that they don’t fit in and perhaps don’t measure up. Is everybody having a relaxed ‘Afternoon Tea’, or are they trying to outdo each other in some measure?

Keywords: Quiet knowing atmosphere. Enjoying the company of others. Special privileges and having fun. The ability to take time off and relax, confident that all is okay. The elite versus the masses. The appreciation of culture. Celebrating life through enjoying one’s days. Beauty and wealth. Gossip and chatter. Fine furnishings. Afternoon teas, brunches, lunches.

The Caution: Social exclusivity and smugness that doesn’t allow others to be included. Snobbery and elitism. Always having to go to others or having them come to you. People expecting others to do all the work while they just sit around and chat. Mindless talk. Indulgent behavior. Having little to think about or do. Privilege and exclusion of others as unworthy or uninvited. Loneliness.

There are chapters in every life which are seldom read and certainly not aloud. Carol Shields

To a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea. Henry David Thoreau

Where there are friends there is wealth. Titus Maccius Plautus

Don’t take up a man’s time talking about the smartness of your children; he wants to talk to you about the smartness of his children. Ed Howe

Thank God for Tea! What would the world do without tea? How did it exist? I am glad I was not born before tea. Sydney Smith

I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. T. S. Eliot

Frequently the more trifling the subject the more animated and protracted the discussion. Franklin Pierce

Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and have her nonsense respected. Charles Lamb



Moon day, Monday September 16, 2013, finds the Moon void all day in Aquarius. Lots of very active dreams last night set the tone for today. Mercury’s opposition to Uranus can cause you to see things you never saw before ~good or bad.  Just take all the information in and process it as best you can. Sun has a squabbly aspect with the Nodes of Fate so you might find problems with the situation you find yourself in ~ clarify what YOU want to do. Be kind…. To yourself and to others.  Ceres starts the week off by aspect the Nodes of Fate bright and early.  You are all you have!  So take care of yourself! Sun has an argumentative aspect with Chiron in the early morning so words can wound or be hurtful.  Sun’s trines to Sedna, the Inuit Ocean goddess encourages you to connect with the deep, interior place where you placate others rather than standing up and stating what you believe to be true for you. You don’t have to SAY anything right now but you DO HAVE TO KNOW what you believe to be true and best for you.

Mars day Tuesday September 17, 201 Moon enters Pisces at 09:59:03 am EDT. Saturn enters the North Node of Fate today starting a new 12 year cycle about how the Karma of your life collides and connects with your destiny.  Dreams are full of transformative messages last night. Words are fast and full of energy.  Look at how your desire nature conflicts with your need for nurturing. Both need to be supported today.  Allow for adjustments to the patterns in your life. The basic supportive energy of the universe is transforming today.

Mercury’s day Wednesday September 18, 2013 Moon is in Pisces. Venus dives into the North Node of Fate on at 10:06:59 am EDT. Venus joins with Saturn at and sextiles Pluto today presenting you with the opportunity you’ve been working on since last fall.  Time to evolve!  The next dream wants to be born. It is time. Nodes work with Kronos pointing out how your past has created your present and now moves you forward.  Venus works with Kronos allowing you to release old loves, beliefs about inadequacy and missing connections. Pallas opposite Juno encourages you to see the patterns in relationships that are not supportive so you can change them. Venus joins Saturn and sextiles Pluto today and stimulates the evolutionary process again.

Jupiter’s day Thursday September 19, 2013 Moon goes void opposite the Sun (FULL MOON) at 07:13:57 am EDT and enters Aries at 12:58:43 pm EDT. Moon is void Thursday morning.  Our Full Moon today culminates and invites us to see the vision of the future in our Virgo/Pisces houses.  Lots of tossing and turning with dreams last night. There is an opportunity for healing today ~ take positive actions to improve your health. Ceres encourages you to positively dream your future and float on the images of your life. Floating on the images, reframe the images that appear to have them tell the story of your future. Partnering with your dreams is how you are going to proceed…. Know that what the images you hold about what is possible for you is what you are allowing to happen.  Broaden or limit the visions accordingly.  Mercury is quintile Pallas encouraging communication about Patterns. Words can be very healing today. Join with your dreams, partner with your heart, encourage yourself to soar. Mercury’s square to Jupiter encourages broad based communications in your environment. Speak what needs to be said.

Friday Venus’s Day September 20, 2013 Moon goes void Opposite to Mercury at 09:26:24 pm EDT. Moon is void Friday night and all day Saturday in Aries. Today is an amazingly busy and very profound day. Pluto stations and turns direct on Friday at 8:59 Capricorn at11:28:35 am EDT  For the five days before and after Pluto’s station, we feel the tension build and build. He stationed to go retrograde on April 13 at 11:35 Capricorn. He entered his shadow on December 22, 2012.  The stories from April and December surface again for final resolution. Pluto stations bring earth quakes, volcanoes, wars and general MAJOR life changing events. Venus is sextile to Ceres so you awaken with profound dreams around food and family. Venus trines Chiron encouraging healing about the feminine in both men and women. How do you value that connected, related, receptive part of your being. Chiron’s opposition to Ceres indicates you are leaving some very old training or wounding behind as you push forward toward a new way of taking care of yourself. Mars is biquintile Pluto and suddenly it seems easy to take transformative actions.  It actually IS easy as long as you allow yourself to stand in the place of creativity and be joyful. Adjust your understanding of the speed of creativity too ~ in an instant you can create.  It is inherent in your being. Silence is preferred as you need to align your mind with your vision. Don’t speak about it and dilute it today but do write it down or vision board it so you remember. After Pluto goes direct, coming up next you will be asked to just make adjusting steps to implement it. Energy soars tonight.

Saturn’s day Saturday September 21, 2013 Moon is void in Aries during the day.  Moon enters Taurus at 06:34:10 pm EDT.  Saturn and Pluto sextile each other for the third time today. Today the purpose of the journey begun on December 4 completes and you understand how and why you had to evolve.  Saturn in Scorpio asks us to commit deeply.  You’ve been clearing out your blocks to commitment since last December. Now clear, you can evolve into the next chapter.  See how much you’ve figured out or transformed? There are strange and unusual adjustments to your nurturing principles and understanding. If you don’t do everything for them, they will be cranky but they will live. Adjust and break free to nurture in a new way. Ceres, the principle of nurturing is aspecting the Nodes of Fate inviting you to see the various roles and methods that take care or don’t take care of you. You are grown up now.  You get to decide what shape you want your life to be. Your life is the way it is because you agreed to the terms offered to you. Going forward, you are going to be much more responsible for your own well-being. Get ready to take charge and take care of you. Sun and Jupiter play nicely today.  They invite you to creatively play ~ like five year olds play ~ in the creative fields of your life.

Sun’s Day Sunday September 22, 2013 Moon is in Taurus. Sun enters Libra at 04:44:08 pm EDT starting the season Fall, and beginning 30 days of Libra. Days become shorter than nights….balance an egg on its head.  Mercury’s aspect with Vesta suggests a sad ending or sorrowful feelings about changes in your home. Mercury’s union with Pallas Athena lets you see patterns you had previously missed, not understood, or ignored. Understand how you don’t always ask or speak your mind and thus cause yourself to be sacrificed. No keeping your silence any more. No more subservience. Moon in Taurus today talks to both Saturn and Pluto to emotionally process and ground all the evolution that took place this week and over the past few months.


Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Anne’s on a learning vacation in Maine night sky watching over the ocean and studying by day with Mythic Astrologer Wendy Z. Ashley. Our week ahead features Saturn and the North Node of Fate meeting up. They do this once every12 years. Pluto stations at 8:32 Capricorn and turns direct. Sun enters Libra. And there is a Full Moon in Virgo/Pisces. The Star of David breaks apart this week. Tie yourself into the Saturn/ Nodal Axis energy and converse with them ~ make sure to work consciously together to plot your future.

Scorpios Talking:  Michael and Anne discussed swirling energy and how to work with it.

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne have banned politics (again) as they (the politicians) seem to be in advanced psychosis. So many topics, such little time! Come laugh with us!

Access Astrology: Heather, Anne and Mark talked about the energy and answered a question from a writer.  Mark’s phone died so he rang the Aunt Clara bell twice!

Venus Unplugged:  Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

Where are Saturn and the North Node in Your Chart?  The Houses are the areas where Saturn and the Node of Fate are connecting and adjusting your path this week. Tune into the energy. Think back to October 1956, April 1968, July 1979, January 1991, and June 2002 to see the previous times Saturn and the North Node connected the karma and work of your life with the path of your soul’s fate to serve and meet up with your higher (or sometimes lower) purpose!

First House:  Personality, disposition, individuality, how you express yourself, how you are seen, how you begin things, physical body, overall health, approach to life, appearance, bearing, beginnings of all enterprises, outlook, tendencies, self-interest, worldly outlook, head and face, character, forming & presenting & maintaining identity, attitudes toward yourself, needs for recognition, enjoyment from personal risks, mannerisms, how to work with self, development & nurturing or abandonment of habits, nuances, styles, appearance, your name, forefront of anything, axe, arson, martial arts, loud things, male things, iron, guns, freshmen, point of view, missile, vigor

Second House:  Financial affairs, money, moveable possessions, investments, earning power, inner talents, skills, resources, self-worth, values, emotional feelings, freedom, outer resources, throat and ears, benefit from material things, value of money earned, personal role of finances, personal and psychological worth, comforts, compensation, personal value placed on services rendered or given to others, material things balanced with inner happiness and spiritual needs, ownership, borrowing & lending of personal possessions, care you give to things you own, relaxation & comfort in material world, music, gifts you give, jewelry, flowers, wallet, serenity, thoughtfulness

Third House:  Local neighborhood, brothers, sisters, communications, transportation vehicles, short trips, adaptability of mind to learning, taken for granted skills, conscious and objective parts of mind, grammar school, writings, mental inclinations and ability, shoulders, arms, hands, lungs, collar bones, nervous system, inner cleverness, limits to what you accept, learn, try, repeat, relearn, daily encounters, reading, writing, arithmetic, term papers, appropriateness of what you write and speak, wit, repartee, distribution of goods & systems, alibis, weather, variety, archetypes, air, books, barter, questions, mimicry, microphones, limericks, early education

Fourth House:  Home, parents (mother), family you came from, roots, home you will establish, heritage, heredity, ancestry, psychological roots, preverbal learning, private life, property, all things secluded, endings, closing years of life, fame after death, place of burial, your subjective self, foundation of your character, mines, land, property, environment, domestic affairs, the result of undertakings, breasts, stomach, digestive organs, tradition, early life, emotional attitudes in basic personality foundations, how you live, inner nature, fixed possessions,  privacy, attitudes towards family, instinctive emotional motivations, emotional roots and origins, care and devotion received & strings attached to same, initial adjustment to life, ethnic traditions, family support, subjective building blocks of self, self-sufficiency, how you guard your space & property & work area, folklore, memories, sentimental, agricultural products, abundance of goods available, attachment to objects, hold you have on your possessions, fence, flags, phobias, rivers, midnight, nostalgia, scab

Fifth House:  Children, love affairs, romance, pleasure, amusement, holidays, vacations, games, speculations, hobbies, avocations, emotional attitude, the love you give, enterprise, sports, originality, creative outlets, dramatic, literary and artistic ability, publication, politics, fine arts, social affairs, pregnancy, education of children, groups which have to do with fun, heart, back, pleasant things in life, mastery of self, self’s abilities, child rearing & molding & teaching, values imparted to children, teachers, theater, play, luck, prizes, winnings, drama, contrived emotions, laughter, celebrations, applause, humor, spontaneity, matters of the heart, popularity, toast

Sixth House: Work attitudes, health, habits, employment, employees, tenants, servants, co-workers, pets, dependents, service given to others, routine matters, clothes & how you wear clothes, hygiene, interest in food & diet, sickness, conditions affecting your health, aunts uncles, unconscious mind, high school years, apprenticeships, food, small animals, solar plexus, bowels, productivity, illness, healing, nutrition, food preparation, food served, tools, analysis, coping with stress, chores, duties, your feelings about employment, work output, applied discipline to self-improvement, dedication, devotion, loyalty, faithfulness, allegiance, body functions, discipline, body cleansing, celibacy, bread, magic, harvest, criteria, file cabinet, knitting, luggage, ephemeris, napkin, telephone directory, skills

Seventh House: Business and marital partners, marriage, divorce, contracts, lawsuits, bargains, agreements, dealings with the public, public’s response to you, open enemies, cooperation with others, lack of cooperation, what you most lack in yourself, attitudes towards marriage, your mate, kind and quality of your marriages, how many marriages, grandparents, people who act as your agent or on your behalf, public relations, unions, kidneys, ovaries, lower half of back, participation, interaction, oppositions, sharing, competition, compromise, fairness, others return what they feel you deserve,  reconciliation, equality, alternatives, obstruction, blockages, withdrawal, behavior, manners, etiquette, social skills, how others help you or fight you, peace, harmony, tolerating differences, virtues, bitchiness, law suit

Eighth House:  Sex, death, taxes, Support from other people ~ financial, moral, spiritual, & physical.  Legacies, trusts, wills, insurance matters, secrets, spiritual & physical regeneration, psychological rebirth, degeneration, occult matters, sleep, deep research, investigation, hidden assets, assets & financial affairs of partners, alimony, surgery, astral experiences, muscular system, bladder, sex organs, deep motivations, mutually sharing, obligations, emotional gifts, reciprocation, interchange, retaliation, compensation, swapping, giving, deep questions, is the exchange equal or not?, garbage, removal, eradication, uprooting, amputation, transformation, mystery, process of death, afterlife, reincarnation, soul travel, distillation, investigation, probing, analysis, depth, innards, core, conception, poison, peat

Ninth House: Higher mind, super-conscious, religion, law, science, ideals, higher learning, college education, philosophy, psychology, profound mental study, dreams, visions, distant travel, foreigners, foreign dealings, commerce, big business, imports, exports, organized religions, clergy, in-laws, grandchildren, intuition, ethics, public opinion, lessons learned through living, places remote from birth, psychic experiences, education, higher development, scientific, philanthropic, spiritual tendencies, liver, thighs, experiment with life, go beyond your boundaries, different ways of thinking, legends, myths, moral courage, justice, the courts, jury, ceremonies of ritual, publishing, creeds, folklore, expedition, vistas, passports, hymn, gospel, wanderlust, wisdom, marketing, sports team, editor, gypsy

Tenth House:  Profession, reputation, standing in the community, ego, status, fame, promotion, ambition, business and social activities, employer, government, any authority over you, achievements, how the world sees and evaluates you, influence you have in own circle, parent (father), honor, knees, skin, cartilage, high standards, fulfillments, completions, recognitions, setting & meeting goals, returns in kind for what earned, stature, esteem, maturity, father figures, mentors, bosses, consequences of actions, roadblocks, work done is rewarded, equal return for equal effort, bones, aim, time, Oscars, clock, landmarks, glory, vocation, quota, peak, skyscrapers, warts

Eleventh House: Capacity for friendship, attitude towards friends, acquaintances, non-emotional relationships, desire, goals, love received, money from profession, step-children, children of other people, foster children, adopted children, circumstances over which you have little control, humanitarian interests, way you see others, large & small organizations, clubs, associations related to career or work, ankles, informal relationships, cliques, gangs, syndicates, clusters, societies, brotherhood, shared convictions & beliefs, politics, civic matters, airport, balloting, political awareness, consensus, caucus, effecting change, oddities, eccentricity, bohemianism, networking, large machinery, office automation, assembly lines, labor saving devices, revolutions, electricity, astrology, chorus, surprise, perversity, junk food,

Twelfth House:  Unknown or hidden strengths, weaknesses, sorrow, suffering, limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustration, behind the scenes action, places of confinement, jails, hospitals, mental institutions, restraint, inhibitions, exile, secret enemies, hidden dangers, self- undoing, clandestine affairs, things we hide from others, research, background, subjective sustainment, inner consciousness, subconscious mind, spiritual debts to be paid, karma, charity, sympathy, public welfare, closet or dustbin of horoscope ~ all the problems which are painful to face or difficulties we refuse to acknowledge, unseen & unexpected troubles, large animals, occult or hidden side of life, feet, charity, selfless deeds, drugs, alcohol, diffusion, rehabilitation, poverty, chains, conspiracies, ambush, analgesic, boots, litter, emancipation, desertion, clouds, chemicals, ESP, fog, kidnapping, eavesdropping, crying, miracles, masks


Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at sabiansymbols.com.

Copyright © 2013 A. C. Ortelee