Weekly Weather September 12, 2005 to September 18, 2005

Weekly Weather September 12, 2005 to September 18, 2005
It isn’t going to be easy on Planet Earth during the week ahead as Mars perfects his inconjunct to Pluto on September 17 and Saturn and Uranus move closer to their inconjunct peaking on September 20. Plus the Fingers of God from last week continue. The universe is asking us to profoundly change our vision of ourselves and world. Both of the more difficult inconjuncts forming in malefic planets are “Virgo” feel inconjuncts. We perky little human beings, profound creatures of habit and fixed routines, generally do not like our “Virgo stuff” tampered with, touched or disturbed. Our sixth houses are ruled by Virgo, the cosmic keeper of ritual, habits and service, who likes what she likes when and how she likes it. Virgo doesn’t appreciate other people using her toothbrush to brush their teeth! When irritated or grossed out Virgo gets critical, frustrated, mean and very, very cranky. Rational behavior is out when our flexible Virgo friend loses it. Any planets between 7 to 8 or 20 to 22 are the spots to watch in your chart. We can anticipate three versions of drama: 1) You inadvertently used someone’s toothbrush and they yell at you; 2) You walk into the bathroom to find your beloved toothbrush, obviously wet with toothpaste foam on it, sitting used next to the sink; or 3) You get to watch a nasty, mean, silly stupid fight between two people over a used purple toothbrush.
The first thing to remember is: IT IS NOT ABOUT THE TOOTHBRUSH! A replacement toothbrush costs 59 cents. It’s not about the toothbrush! It will be a multimillion dollar drama over a 59 cent toothbrush! The second thing to do is to figure out what it is about. Deep down, the over reaction about the used toothbrush comes from having to face CHANGE, FEAR, FRUSTRATION AND SOUL LEVEL ANGST! The planets involved are Mars in Taurus inconjunct to Pluto in Sagittarius. Mars, the sign of the bull, is STUBBORN, grudge holding and possessive of territory in Taurus. Pluto in Sagittarius is speedy, barbed, righteous, sanctimonious and dogmatic. While Pluto will technically “win” the argument as he used the toothbrush for a good reason, Mars in the sign of the bull will charge, snort, hold a grudge and stomp off. Mars is mad as a bull in a china shop until he finally leaves Taurus in mid-February. He really wants everyone to leave him alone so he can graze in the field and eat bonbons. But he’s mad, frustrated and angry. As any bullfighter can tell you, the strategy with an angry bull is to stay out of it’s way or get gored. That said, Pluto has just about had it with Mars stomping, charging and breaking dishes. Pluto has a red fire sign cape! Watch for a bull fight over the toothbrush in your world.
If we continue with our Mars/Pluto bullfight over a toothbrush analogy, what can we do? Frankly, not a whole heck of a lot unless we agree to become conscious or take action. Inconjuncts are tough energies to work with. Energy is stuck and difficult to clear. The energies between inconjunct planets argue as the sign‘s behaviors and elements are different: Fixed vs. Mutable. Earth vs. Fire. The matador provokes the bull. The bull charges matador’s red cape. The matador stabs the bull and dances away. The bull screams. Repeat. Occasionally, a matador gets gored. Usually, the bull dies via a slow, tortured death as he gets madder and bloodier with a hundred small stabs to his strong, powerful body. We, the spectators to the bullfight, are supposed to cheer on the matador. However, right now, we have one tough bull that doesn’t want to die! But the bull has to die. Or does he? Who made those rules? Why do we have bullfights? Whom do you root for ~ the matador or the bull? Why? What would a different version of a bullfight over a toothbrush look like? Can we make our bull conscious by showing him a videotape of what happened to all the previous bulls tricked and distracted by waving red capes? If this bull sees matador’s strategy, will our bull “get” the red cape trick, change his behavior and turn at the very last second to gore our matador? Or perhaps our bull will change by staying in his pen and refusing to fight? Then it would simply be a slaughter. It is absolutely no fun if our bull doesn’t charge! How about if we take away our matador’s red cape and assistants? How would that change the fight? We all know our matador alone with a mad bull in the ring, missing his distracting red cape and helpful assistants would quickly be a dead matador! Why do we let our matador have such an advantage over our bull? That bull is outnumbered ~ matador, assistants, and thousands of observers. But put that bull alone with a man in an open field and let’s see who wins. Will our bull see the danger to his life in a tricky red cape and cheering crowds? Why do we have bullfights and blood sports? Is it possible to stop fighting over toothbrushes? How about if we offer our bull a chance to plow a field and give our matador a challenging mountain to climb? Too boring?
While I can’t tell you how to deal with the bullfight over the toothbrush in your life, I can point out that there are other options. It is your choice on how you decide to handle it. So forward we sally, into a week or two of cosmic bullfights!
Monday, a Capricorn moon and two Scorpio format inconjuncts bring a new form of consciousness: Mars to Jupiter and Mercury to Neptune. The Mars/Jupiter inconjunct forms one leg of the finger of God with Mars/Pluto as the other leg. We are becoming conscious of the dynamic of relationship to others, probably through a good, knock down dragged out fight about the used toothbrush, bull and matador. Look to your Libran, Taurus and Sagittarian houses for your unique version. The energy empties out into the 20s of your Scorpio house. Change. You know you have to. Use the Mercury/Neptune inconjunct to write a list of all the things you DON’T want in your life anymore. Next, write a second list with a positive vision for your world, opposite or modified versions of your negative list. Rip up the negative list. But before you do, understand how those things have served your life thus far. They exist because you agreed to let them exist. They served a valid purpose. You’ve just outgrown them.
Tuesday, tack the list to the wall. The lunar aspects are fabulous to get stuff done. Tell two or three friends about your new vision. Take advantage of Sun trine Mars and biquintile Neptune to tackle or begin tasks on your new vision list. Change is work. Work is change. You can do it. Wednesday involves a back slide as Sun squares Pluto and sesquiquadrates Saturn. Two steps forward, one step back. No despairing now. Achy muscles, yes. But, hey, you haven’t used them in a while. You know with effort, and perhaps pain, you can build those muscles back up. Chiron squares Pallas suggests the desire to punch some snippy person’s lights out. It will get you arrested. Better you contemplate the imagery of the bullfight, bull, matador and purple plastic toothbrush. Some times fighting back plays right into their hands. Do fight if you must. Remember you are outnumbered in the bullring! Better to get the matador alone in an open field!
Thursday is a day to watch. The Sun forms a difficult health aspect with Uranus in Pisces. Mercury aspects Neptune, the nodes, and Mars suggesting the bull watched videotapes of previous bullfights, got the message about his fate and has a plan on how to deal with the matador. It’s brilliant. It might just work. Take a leap of faith in your idea today. Our Aquarian moon has mixed, but mostly positive, aspects before going void at 4:23 pm EDT.
Friday if you tell someone the bull’s idea they will point out an important point that you overlooked. They might have an idea of how to solve it too. Mercury squares Pluto and sesquiquadrates Saturn ~ please don’t despair. Understand it will take more time than you thought. But you will get there. Make where you are a temporary home as you can’t go back to your field just yet.
Saturday our Mars/Pluto inconjunct aspect perfects as the energy of the two planets merge. OF COURSE, the Universe with it’s fabulous sense of cosmic humor (I swear it has a Capricorn Mercury!) throws in a full moon at 25 Pisces to light up our life, heighten emotions and create a mutable cross with transiting Pluto in Sagittarius, USA Natal Neptune at 22 Virgo, USA Natal Mars in Gemini at 21. Ouch. Sun joins Mercury and Jupiter sextiles Pluto suggesting our bull has a plan, a strategy, a vision. Hold on to it. Perhaps the matador is tired of killing bulls? Will they both pretend to kill the bull so he can go free and romp in the field again? Watch, pay attention, notice your world. Buy a replacement toothbrush just in case.
Sunday, Venus squares Saturn and that not getting what you want energy abates too. I know. I didn’t mention it earlier. You had enough going on in your world. It’s like telling you that you look a wreck and your mascara is smeared as your mother is dying in intensive care. Get a wash cloth. Go sleep. We have a tad more ahead with the Uranus/Saturn inconjunct and then we are finished for a bit. But you need good food, a 20 minute hot shower and a nap. And aspirin for your headache. Venus trines Uranus right after she squares Saturn so you are going to feel SO GOOD after that hot shower!
Mundane: In the USA chart, (July 4 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA), we are experiencing our own bull fight over a toothbrush on the following planets: Vesta at 19 Taurus, Chiron at 20 Aries, Juno at 20 Libra, Mars at 21 Gemini and Neptune at 22 Virgo. Let’s continue our analogy of a bullfight over a toothbrush. The toothbrush is fossil fuel (natural gas and oil) in the rich deltas of the Mississippi River emptying into the Gulf of Mexico at New Orleans. The bull is New Orleans. The bull ring owner is the Federal Government and Vice President Cheney’s secret energy plan. The idea was to provoke and then kill the bull so they could drill for the toothbrush without environmental protections. But the bull didn‘t fight back the way it was supposed to! The riots, anarchy, looting and chaos of the bull were overstated. There was no water or food for the bull! Our population tuned into watch a bullfight. Instead, we witnessed an outright slaughter. Instead, we witnessed murders, homicides, of thousands of people. We saw old bulls and baby bulls and mom bulls and sick bulls die before us. We identified with the bulls not the matador. Suddenly, we started to understand that bullfights revolve around killing poor, defenseless bulls. Bullfights are about a bunch of guys dressed in fancy, expensive tights hired by owners of bull rings. The owners of bullrings make oodles of money by selling seats so we can watch blood sport. Bullfights are complete with cheering crowds, flashing swords, waving flags and swirling, distracting red capes and fights with a bull or three to their deaths. This promised to be an exciting bullfight ~ the National Guard and military matadors entered New Orleans with orders to shoot to kill the looting, rioting, stomping bulls. Of course, to get the bulls mad, they had been deprived of food and water for five days and held captive in the arena in subhuman conditions. Those bulls should have been pretty angry, mad and rampaging! In fact, they were waiting for help. The matadors put their guns down and gave water to the bulls. They deputized some of the bulls to help them get the weaker bulls out of the arena. The bull ring owners were very irritated! No juicy fight. No blood sport. No cheering. Just a bunch of sad, sick, mom, dad, baby and old bulls. Now, the owner of the bullring is telling us it was all the bull’s fault. Or the matador’s fault. Or the mayor’s fault. Or the toothbrush’s fault. And, by the way, we don‘t need to see pictures of all the dead bulls, who drowned in their nursing homes or died waiting for WATER. The news media is being banned. Didn’t the Chinese ban the photos of Tiananmen Square after the government slaughter there? By the way, the EPA says New Orleans is too polluted to stay in. If I remember correctly, the EPA lied to New Yorkers about how safe our air was after 9-11 to get us back to work in toxic fumes. Is the EPA being truthful now? Or is the bull ring owner engaged in some kind of land, resource or natural gas grab? How will we ever tune in to watch another bull fight with the same enthusiasm? Will we continue to see bull fights with our eyes distracted by the handsome men in capes, flying flags, cheering crowds and manage to completely miss the killing of the bulls? So, how, exactly, did we get into a bull fight over this toothbrush in the first place? Now do you understand why Iraq is STILL a mess? The bullring owners succeeded in deceiving us there! Iraq was a bullfight for oil. We don’t get to watch that bullfight any more! Did you know that more reporters have been killed in Iraq than during all the years of Vietnam? Control information and control minds. But this time, we KNOW better! Don’t we know better? We saw what they did. They made a mistake and didn’t control the information. We heard about all the help turned back by FEMA. We heard about the truckloads of water refused. We heard the pleas for help via our televisions. We watched the bulls scream out for help as they died of thirst via a slow, tortured death, madder, sadder and bloodied with hundreds of small ponds of undrinkable, polluted water around their dehydrating bodies. We AND THE ENTIRE WORLD watched people being murdered, killed, slaughtered, annihilated by the bull ring owners in New Orleans, Louisiana, in the United States of America. And now they say it was all the bull’s fault. The world saw our bullfight for what it was! Do we? Is this who we are? Is this who we want to be? Are you, your family or friends going to be the next bulls? Why not? What makes you think it can’t happen to your world too?
Copyright Ó 2005 Anne C. Ortelee