Weekly Weather Sept 19, 2005 to Sept 25 2005

Weekly Weather Sept 19, 2005 to Sept 25 2005
Okay, forward we go towards a new version of our life. Last week, the Finger of God, or Yod, forming between Mars in Taurus, Pluto in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra perfected moments before the full moon. The full moon chart had numerous inconjuncts and illuminated our world. This Wednesday, Saturn in Leo perfects the first of three inconjuncts to Uranus in Pisces. Inconjuncts and Yods, two inconjuncts sharing a planet and working “together“, create an opportunity for us to become conscious. Think of Yods as “God” or “Goddess” or “Your Karma” or “The Purpose to Your Existence” pointing a large, brightly spotlit finger right at an area of your life that has to, wants to, needs to change. You have been resisting and quite irritable about the entire concept of changing. Your choice is to change or become incredibly stressed out, snarky or a bloody, angry bull people start to avoid. Yods and inconjuncts produce stress and anxiety in direct proportion to the lack of action and change. If you take action for change, your anxiety releases. If you choose to avoid it, swallow it, ignore it, bellow at it or charge it like an angry bull then nothing is different! Yes, your anxiety was released by behaving like an angry bull but you got stabbed a few times by the matador and his assistants. Have you noticed your wounds yet? You have to change your approach! Remember the bull ends up dead! Do you want to die? The reason the bull ends up dead is because his behavior is predictable, known and easy to redirect with a flashy, red cape. The bull refuses or doesn’t know he’s got to change. Opportunities exist to revise your bull’s strategy as Mars in Taurus makes two more inconjuncts with Pluto in Sagittarius. Our bullfight lasts until Spring 2006. Of course, the crowd of Jupiter in Libra turns into a Scorpio crowd in a few weeks. Their blood lust will grow! In the meantime, our bull, bloodier and bloodier, pursues his traditional strategy with the matador. Our bull will die IF he doesn’t change. If the bull changes his strategy, he lives and goes back to his field. The Universe will help you save your bull, your self, and your life. Decide to change. Change. Live.
So how was your week? Once we got over wailing, “But the bull dies!“, we could step back and envision a different ending. The bulls I know came up with various strategies to avoid death. One bull became a standup comedian and got her matador and spectators laughing. Another bull decided to resist getting captured and stay in the field. A third bull pretended to be colorblind and did not charge at the red cape while another climbed the fence to escape after deciding the odds were not in her favor. Remember, there can’t be a bull fight if the bull doesn’t fight! What strategy did you adopt? Were you a matador or a bull? Or perhaps a matador in one situation, the crowd or a bull in another? Did your bull notice the open gate to freedom over in the corner and decide to make a break for it? Isn’t it fun once you get the hang of it? Know that you are a strong and smart bull and understand the rules of the game! Bull ring owners their and Matador employees HATE smart, unpredictable bulls.
There is a day long void moon next Saturday but the rest of the week offers us oodles of opportunities to change our lives and save our bull. Most important is Saturn inconjunct to Uranus on Wednesday and forming another Finger of God with Mercury next weekend. Mercury and the Sun move into Libra to start the Fall Season. The moon moving through Aries and Taurus at the beginning of the week, offer our bull clever ideas. Venus in Scorpio squares Neptune in Aquarius suggesting we look at offers and deals with a critical, discerning eye.
Monday, Pallas enters Scorpio suggesting we be strategic in our approach to all legal and contractaul matters. The moon in volatile Aries is distracted and lose her temper as she dances with Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto. Be strategic, instead of hotheaded, in all actions as the inconjunct between Saturn and Uranus builds. Venus and Mars argue as they contraparralel each other. They need to stop fighting and focus on what they want to achieve. No side fights. Divide and conquer only works if you agree to divide.
Tuesday, Mercury enters Libra and has a difficult aspect to Neptune in Aquarius. Be very any wary of contracts, deals, approvals and negotiations that happen today. There are major, concealed, scorpio type elements and control issues lurking right below the pretty smooth surface, unseen and important to note. The Sun in Virgo trines Chiron in Capricorn suggesting the “technicality” you fail to address will provoke major problems and wounding down the road.
Wednesday, Mars exacts his inconjunct to Jupiter, completing our first pass of the bull charging the matador as Saturn exacts his inconjunct to Uranus completing our first pass of visiting the destroyed structures of our lives. By parrallel, the Sun joins Mercury as Venus joins Neptune. If it sounds too good to be true, IT IS! If it is over, finished or condemned, figure out what you want to do. If it is salvagable, put it in a keep to dry out pile. Throw out stuff that can’t be saved. Moon in Taurus approaches a conjunction to Mars this evening heightening emotions. Stay home! You are NOT going to know exactly what you want. Make a start. Make a plan. Continue to revise, revisit and adjust it towards creating your goals and the life you want. Maybe you only know what you DON’T want. If so make a list of don’ts, then create a positive version of dos from it.
Thursday, Fall begins at 6:42 pm EDT. Cast the chart and check it out! While not EASY, it is EXCEPTIONALLY POWERFUL! The inconjuncts are with us for the season. Change your life! Throw out or Hang on! You have Fall to figure out, adjust and fine tune what you want. Go for it. Tweak away.
Friday, Ceres moves from her painful place of sorrow in Scorpio to firey Sagittarius as Venus dances with the nodes and Vesta‘s home and hearth. In myth, Ceres, unable to find her abducted child, started to burn and scorch earth in an all out attempt and mother’s anquished protest to get Zeus’ attention and get her kid back. She enlists the people on earth to beseech Zeus to find Persephone. And Zeus, in his wisdom, or perhaps as he won’t be a god any more if every one on on earth dies of starvation, gives Hades a call. Zeus tells Hades to send the kid back to her mother. There is a Peace March in Washington, D.C. as Mercury in Libra moves into position to create a YET ANOTHER Finger of God with Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Leo. What a marvelous, positive configuration of the imagery! Don‘t you just love astrology? Watch your Libra, Leo and Pisces houses over the weekend as well as all degrees between 7 and 9 as Mercury lights up our consciousness about needing change. Help your Ceres energy find and recover her cherished child or project again!
Over the weekend, Mercury forms a Finger of God with Saturn and Uranus. Venus in Scorpio squares Neptune in Aquarius on the World Axis creating mighty powerful, often unpleasant aspects for us to pay attention to! The moon in Gemini and Cancer are communicative and emotional. Mercury provokes the bull, Mars in Taurus, by sesquiquadrate. The Sun semisextile to Athena in Scorpio suggest brilliant, strategic ideas as Venus receives a gift from Chiron ~ suggesting a healing of our desires!
Like many of us, you are probably quite tired and drained from the stressful, difficult Finger of God formations. After this weekend, and our second malefic Finger of God, we break from the harsh energy, find solace and can start to rebuild our lives in their new direction. Hang on, the best is yet to come.
Mundane: My, my, George Bush sounded positively democratic and New Dealish during his speech Thursday! Didn’t he look concerned and sound caring in front of that church in deserted downtown New Orleans? Let’s look at HIS BEHAVIOR! Actions speak louder than words. He’s released all the rebuilding contractors from paying workers prevailing, liveable wages of $9 an hour by repealing a 70 year old law. He gave no-bid-hourly-pick-your-profit contracts to his cronies at Haliburton, Kellogg Brown Root and Service Corporation. He’s proposed reducing environmental protections following the worst environmental disaster since Exxon spilled oil all over Alaska‘s coastline. He’s going to have lotteries of federal government land (wetlands?) and give parcels to ‘the people‘. He’s NOT going to ask Congress to adjust the new draconian bankruptcy law to help people and small businesses affected by disaster. He is NOT going to repeal tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% or raise taxes, just increase our balooning deficits. As allocated, there are no checks and balances on the money. There will be no independent commission investigating what happened after we’ve spent billions already on “Homeland Security” which miserably failed it’s first crisis. There was an expansion of the eminent domain provisions which give governments extensive lattitude to condemn and take land for ‘desired economic development’ just approved by the Supreme Court. Dick Cheney, while missing in person, was quite busy behind the scenes redirecting utlility workers to repair electricity to oil pipelines instead of hospitals where people were dying. Stories of FEMA deliberately blocking supplies, fuel, convoys of trucks carrying water, help and cutting emergency communication lines abound. Hmmm. I am one bull paying attention!
Copyright ©2005 Anne C. Ortelee