Weekly Weather Report November 14, 2005 to November 20, 2005
As Ed Sullivan used to say, “It’s going to be a really big shew this week, a really big shew!” I always got excited when he said that or if Topo Gigio would be on! The heavens are promising a really big show on planet earth the next few weeks. We have a full moon, Mercury in his fall, stations at 10:54 Sagittarius and goes retrograde squaring the degree of Uranus’ station last June and trines Saturn’s station next week. Uranus stations, at 6:51 Pisces, less than an hour before the glorious, passionate, volatile and potentially gory full moon at 23:46 Taurus/Scorpio. I don’t talk much about fixed stars here, but the ancient astrologers paid attention to them. They didn’t have satellite photos of hurricane weather patterns, earthquake detectors or microscopes to see the viruses that cause plagues. Astrologers watched for when the planets in the heavens danced with difficult or dangerous stars. Our lunation is near Algol, the Medusa’s head (25 Taurus) one of the most evil, violent, and dangerous stars in the sky. Medusa’s head is found smack dab in the middle of the “Great Trench” of Taurus 17 to 29 which historically indicated piled up, dishonored, decapitated, dismembered corpses. Of course, there is a positive side to Algol as well! A few weeks ago I wrote the mutual reception between Pluto and Jupiter could lead to wealth beyond measure ~ this is the lunation to visualize exactly WHAT you want as both are involved with Algol and there is energy galore skiddling around in the universe to hook your dreams onto. Keep tweaking your vision until the traffic jam breaks in March/April, but get the ideas out of your head, onto paper, into your life and start to work on them NOW! Algol is prominent in the charts of Onasis, Hearst, Ford, JP Morgan, Jackie Robinson, George Washington, Stephen King, Einstein, Patton, MJ Kopechne, Nicole Simpson, Dick Cheney, Ben Franklin, Ted Bundy, Lenin, Salvador Dali, Robert DeNiro, and Prince William, among others, all of whom have wealth, fame or power beyond measure of one sort or another. Algol ain’t pretty but Medusa’s hair of twisting; wiggling snakes did get her whatever she wanted before she was beheaded!
The other point I want to cover is Uranus and Saturn’s station less than 6 days apart while they are in the middle of an aspect configuration. When two planets station this close in time and space, the six days between them is exceptionally “ripe and juicy” for what ever they mean in any chart. Look to your Pisces and Leo houses as well as where natal Uranus and Saturn are found. IF you have Uranus and Saturn involved in a natal aspect, it is getting stimulated as well, so this next week or so is extra important!! For example, RENT, the movie, about the AIDS plague is based on La Boheme the opera about a Tuberculosis epidemic, opens next week. The composer of RENT, Jonathan Larson, had a Uranus, Saturn, and Mars aspect in his chart being stimulated when RENT opened off Broadway in 1996. The director of the movie, Christopher Columbus, has the aspect and his progressed Sun is triggering the recent eclipse ascendant. RENT, the movie, is opening when the aspect repeats again in the sky. Recurrences are the theme. Whenever outer planets in aspect to each other station near each other, like Uranus and Saturn are doing now, we have amazing things happen in our world such as the discovery of the structure of DNA, harnessing the atom, and mapping the genome.
So, make sure to push towards a POSITIVE version of Uranus and Saturn ~ change of existing structures, becoming your own king or queen, making sure YOU shine, becoming your own authority, floating on the riptide instead of struggling against it and addressing the chaotic points in your life in a positive, productive, intelligent, honorable manner. You can’t change or fix any thing just yet (remember that traffic jam lasts until March/April) but you CAN change or fix your REACTION to it as well as the amount of time you spend obsessing over it. Essentially, right now, you have next to no control. BUT you can make choices that support YOU and your loved ones as we all go through the traffic jam ahead. Take time to play with the planets and people you have fun with and love while you are caught up in traffic. We have no day but today.
Monday starts bright and early with Mercury stationing at 10 Sagittarius and going retrograde. Mercury also parallels Ceres, in detriment and out of bounds at 24 South. Out of bounds planets do strange things and do not follow the rules, acting with a life force of their own, outside of convention. The lunar aspects are cranky and irritable. Stay home if you can! But you won’t be able to.
Tuesday, full moon in Scorpio/Taurus coupled with the Uranus station, turning direct at 6:51 Pisces within an hour of each other. Stations are incredibly important as the sky is constantly moving and the apparent pausing of a planet sends shock waves out into the cosmos from our perspective here on planet earth. Algol is involved in the lunation and the Sabian symbol is not pretty BUT one the good side, at this moment the energy peaks and the roller coaster goes straight down hill from here! Pluto is involved in a stressful aspect to the Sun and Moon. Be wary of volatile emotional outbursts!
Wednesday, countdown begins as the sole aspect is Mercury to Venus by semi-sextile. Tension, anxiety, emotional waves of feeling, the whole mess exacerbated by the moon in emotionally unstable Gemini, ruled by retrograde Mercury in detriment in Sagittarius. Whatever is said to you today please take with a grain of salt, a xanax and a stiff drink. People are not themselves. It isn’t going to be that bad. Life will go on. Honest.
Thursday Venus trines retrograde Mars as she inconjuncts stationing Saturn, Kind of like an enormous cosmic orgasm of energy after hours of foreplay and stimulation (remember back when you were 20ish?), the building lunar tension releases, flows out, moves off, releases and breaks free and ebbs away in a burst of the cosmic dam.
Friday, highly sensitive to touch and everything else, Mars completes his retrograde square to stationing Saturn. There also is long void moon in the last degrees of Gemini. The last of the blocks holding the emotions back break free. Vesta stations retrograde at 23 Cancer as Venus squares the Nodes. Home, hearth and love are our most important themes today. Tread lightly on your loved ones hearts. We ALL will be feeling the release, impact and riptide of energy as it flows out into the world. In many senses, it is over, done, out there and finished. You can tweak it but the essential story is in place. Like a ripple from a stone thrown into a pond spreads out across the smooth body of water towards distant shores, the energy is out into the world. Tweak it a touch before the Saturn station next week but for the most part it has happened.
Saturday and Sunday have a peaceful, family, home and nest building feel to them with no aspects except gentle ones from the moon in Cancer. Whatever happened over the week is starting to integrate into your being and become part of your essence. You do understand it now. You figured it out.
Onto the rest of your life!
Mundane: So, IF I am reading the heavens correctly, I predict we’ll hear the chicken virus mutated into easily transmitted human form over the next week or so. We have a fixed cross that includes the malefics Mars, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus involved with our full moon. Jupiter found in Scorpio within that fixed cross, gives Zeus’s grandiousity a nasty edge and elevation in death. Our full moon lunation in Taurus/Scorpio is near Algol and inside the “Great Trench of Death“. Pluto whose Sabian image is A bluebird standing at the door of a house is in a Virgo health exact inconjunct to the moon ruling the public. Pluto makes a Finger of God with cosmobiology’s Vulcanus found at A leader of Men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power. Malefics Uranus and Saturn are stationing a few days apart with their midpoint smack dab on the full moon where Mars in Taurus stationed earlier this fall. The Taurus moon Sabian image is An Indian, human scalps hanging at his belt, rides proudly. Admetos, one of the cosmobiology’s sensitive points, is conjunct the full moon. I don’t talk much about cosmobiology’s sensitive points as this is a beginner to intermediate column so doesn’t include the more “woo-woo” parts of astrology. Admetos has the energy of Taurus mixed with Saturn signaling finality, absolute standstill, weightiness, suppression, great obstacles, or stagnation. Admetos marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Joined with the moon as found on this lunation, Admetos signifies the hour of immobility, being shut away from the public, vacant houses, the hour of death, stoppage, finality, aloneness, and women at rest. Vulcanus is in the Yod, trine to the sun and sextile to Moon/Admetos. Vulcanus is in charge of thunderbolts, super-human power and overwhelming strength. As a supreme force and high might, it is above the laws and control of Chronos (governments). Vulcanus has an affinity for Aries and feels like a combination of Mars and Pluto giving it tremendous drive, compulsion and fated attractions combined with great physical and mental efforts. Aspecting the sun and moon as Vulcanus does, fateful or powerful days are indicated, including being forced to be at home. Sounds like a quarantine! Transiting Jupiter is triggering last month’s eclipse ascendant for Washington D.C. bringing the energy of the eclipse to consciousness and fruition in our country.
The fixed star Algol, in mundane events, marks great tragedies where a large number of people die or are killed brutally. Algol receives a great deal of energy this full moon. Algol was active in, among other major disasters, the Titanic sinking, first Atomic reaction, oodles of earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, bubonic plagues, yellow fever epidemics, Lincoln, Garfield and Trotsky’s assassinations, Battle of Midway, Tiananmen square, Slave riots (weren’t there just our world’s version of “slave” riots in France where the underclass rose up and rioted?), guillotine invention, Reign of Terror, Guyana massacre, Massacre of the Huguenots, Britain’s entry into WW1, Bhopal, Custer’s last stand, implementation of Hitler’s final solution, and last but not least, PT Barnum’s Jupiter! Anticipate a three ring circus in our world this week and next! Next up we need to look to our leader’s charts to see if our country will be involved. Dick Cheney has a Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn aspect. In fact Cheney’s progressed Jupiter is on his progressed Uranus/Saturn midpoint and being soundly triggered by the lunation. George W. Bush doesn’t have the aspect! So, IF the bird flu comes to the USA, we’ll know Mr. Cheney IS our president! Don’t you just love astrology and how it sheds a different light on things? The contested 2000 election occurred during a Mercury station. Mercury stations again this full moon. Wouldn’t it be JUST like Mercury to have tricked us TWICE when he stationed during the election in the dual sign of Libra at 28 (1982/83, Iran Contra, our recent eclipse) during the election on November 7, 2000? Venus during the 2000 election was at 24 Sagittarius, the same location as Pluto now and Neptune in 1982. Hmmmm.
Taking it down one more leader, Michael Bloomberg’s February 14, 1941 chart is very activated by the lunation. Mr. Bloomberg was reelected Mayor of New York last week. He, like Cheney, has a Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn configuration. The lunation triggers his Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn constellation in Taurus in the 11th house of groups. Algol squares his Aquarian Sun in the 8th house. Billionaire Mayor Mike fits in with our wealthy Algol mogul list! His wealth came from the death of jobs for thousands of clerks keeping manual records of stock prices when he computerized their tasks with Bloomberg terminals!
All that written, I hope I am wrong! But, I am taking my bee propolis and stocking my cupboards with extra food, just in case.
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee