Weekly Weather October 8, 2012
A client recently asked me “Soooo, when is it going to go back to normal?” I laughed and replied, “This IS the NEW NORMAL.” We’ve entered a new reality! Saturn is in Scorpio. Jupiter is drunk in the corner, going backwards, talking to himself, muttering softly actually. Pluto is pulling power plays. Uranus is blowing things up and creating chaos in his wake. It is going to be fun! So the heavens are erupting around our heads. Saturn is asking us to step up our game. Just do it. The time for action has arrived. No more indecisive back and forth, dilly dallying energy of Libra. The time is now. When you turn your body over to a surgeon to operate on, you want someone who is decisive, can handle an emergency, and knows what they are doing who can get the job done right. Scorpio rules surgeons. The time is now. It is time to do it.
We are each going to be in cosmic therapy for the next three years as Saturn goes through Scorpio. Now, like everything else, there are good therapists and bad therapists. Saturn in Scorpio is a good therapist although at times you might feel like quitting his therapy because consciousness is a pain in the butt.
Good therapists hold you accountable for your actions. Good therapists ask you to commit to change. Sure, there is a certain amount of whining, crying and carrying on that is permitted but only as long as it is in service to figuring out what is going on. Once you both figure out what is going on, the therapist says “Well, they are not going to change. You get to change.”
We are each going to be in cosmic healing for the next three years as Saturn goes through Scorpio. Now, like everything else, there are good healers and bad healers. Saturn in Scorpio is a good healer although at times you might feel like quitting his healing protocols and going back to your bad old habits.
Good healers hold you accountable for your actions. Good healers ask you to commit to change. Sure, there is a certain amount of whining, crying and carrying on that is permitted but only as long as it is in service to figuring out what is going on. Once you both figure out what is going on, the healer says “Well, to heal yourself, you have to change.”
We are each going to be in cosmic transformation and shape shifting for the next three years as Saturn goes through Scorpio. Now, like everything else, there are good shamans and bad shamans. Saturn in Scorpio is a good shaman although at times you might feel running for the hills because shape shifting and transforming is mighty scary at times.
Good shamans hold your space as you transform. Good shamans ask you to commit to change by shape shifting. Sure, there is a certain amount of whining, crying and carrying on that is permitted but only as long as it is in service to figuring out what is going on. Once you both figure out what is going on, the shaman says “Well, to transform, you have to shape shift.”
So let’s talk about what will be required of you in the months ahead. We will go through each year of Scorpio approximately a decant at a time. Each sign is divided into three decants of 10 degrees. The first 10 degrees of Scorpio are Scorpio-Scorpio. This is the most intense, primal, primitive, passionate and pointed section of the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio-Scorpio is intensely feeling based, very private, hugely passionate and deeply reactive. Found in the Path of Fire, the Via Combusta, when this section of Scorpio gets stirred up, it is driven by passion that can be heedless of consequences. Very often wordless, it is deeply chthonic, dark and hidden from view. It can sting like the Scorpion does ~ quickly and without warning from a hidden place. It can be amazing. It can be horrid. Like Jesse Ware sang last week, “In our wildest moments, we can be the greatest. We can be the worst of all.”
To illustrate the combined level of both passion and privacy, the first 10 degrees of Scorpio rule the body parts you don’t usually get to see unless you know a person very, very well. The degrees rule the urethra, uterus, testicles, epididymis, fallopian tubes, scrotum, sperm duct, vagina, corpus cavernosum of the penis, penis and labia majora. These body parts do tend to have responses to stimulation that require action on the owner’s part. Not easily ignored, when they are up and active, people notice or take appropriate actions to satisfy them.
Between now and February 17, 2013, we’ll travel through the first 11:31 degrees of Scorpio (between August 23rd and September 10th on your Mars Spreadsheet). Then Saturn retrogrades to 4:49 Scorpio on July 8th, 2013 (August 31st on your Mars Spreadsheet) for us to retrace our steps through October 17th, 2013 when he clears his shadow and station point of mid-February. For the long term changes in our life, the outer planets offer us a solid 8 to 10 months to figure things out, crystallize, form the frameworks and make the needed decisions. Between now and February, Saturn will ask you to put the emotional and psychological foundation in place for the next 30 years of your life in this deeply private section of your chart. Then you have the remainder of the year, from February to mid-October 2013, to revise, change or shift the vision to be what you actually want.
Events taking place in our lives between now and November 14, 2012 are PERMANENT. Saturn passes through this section of degrees, 0 to 4:49, ONLY ONCE. Grab for it quickly as Saturn flies by this section of the heavens very rapidly. You are making 30 year decisions ~ similar to the way we did in September and October last fall. The decisions are permanent and full of consequences. So planets found between the degrees of 0 and 4:49 are primed for action as Saturn sets them off. If you are not sure you want to do whatever it is for a long period of time, avoid committing. If you KNOW you definitely want to do it, make a commitment to it during this period. Saturn is paying attention. This is a fabulous time for changing habits in a very primal, deep and profound manner.
I found a poem on the internet about Swamps. Scorpio rules the deep, wordless energy of the swamp~ with its incredible yet impenetrable, mysterious beauty. Know that the secrets of Scorpio are about to be revealed to you in all their amazing dimensions and depth.
Although you’re a magical dwelling
With countless wonders to behold
Some only see with blinded eyes
Never finding secret treasures you hold
Some consumed with a dark dampened world
Discerning eyes see past this outer disguise
Your vast array of world within world
Remain forever absent from naive eyes
Your majestic fortress of dead and alive
Includes bird, frog, insect, moss and tree
The list of blessings never ceases to amaze
And you humbly offer it to us for free
The rhythmic sound of croaking toads…
The sad love song of the whippoorwill…
The unique smells of your sanctuary…
Make me yearn to be part of you
The gentle breeze through my window
Whispers softly, “believe in me”
Lightly caressing my cheek
Like the comforting touch of a Mother’s hand
Others may see you as just a Swamp
But you are my heaven behind the house
© 2010 Linda Rogers
The week ahead is designed for releasing the stuff you no longer want, desire or need. We are in the dark phase of the moon, moving toward a New Moon at 22:32 Libra next Monday. The New Moon will be the FIRST New Moon while Saturn is in Scorpio, a kind of inauguration so to speak. If you remember, each of the personal planets and Saturn hovered or stationed around 22/23. Saturn’s station degree was 22 ~ he was there in November 2011 and during May, June and July. Mars stationed at 23:05 Virgo on January 24, Mercury stationed at 23:51 Pisces on April 4, Venus stationed at 23:59 Gemini on May 16, and Saturn stationed at 22:46 Libra on June 25. The New Moon next Monday begins our emotional journey of Saturn in Scorpio by joining with the Sun at that hot degree of 22:32. Our ego purpose and drive combines with our nurturing requirements and deep emotions. Our Sun and Moon take into consideration the realizations, knowledge and understandings we’ve worked out about relationships and partnerships since last November. We bundle all this wisdom together and move ourselves forward into the intense, merging and connecting energy of Scorpio.
Back when I worked developing, programming and installing computer programs, I had an office ritual which I found quite helpful to mark “completions”. Large software projects were broken into installation phases. After we completed a phase, launched a business unit or rolled out a major section of code successfully, I would take all the piles of papers, test runs, deadline sheets, printed emails and sign offs from their various places in my office. I’d weed through the various papers, easily throwing away half to three quarters. It was interesting reading through the old correspondence and remembering the process and progress. I’d set up pendaflex files in my “Completed Drawer” to hold the remainder of the papers that seemed important to keep. I’d break out my Lemon Pledge and clean my desk top and file surfaces. There was a distinct satisfaction to the wrap up exercise. At Pepsi, we further celebrated business unit conversions with balloons and cakes for the IT Department. When the balloons appeared in the morning over our cubicles, the department knew there would be cakes at 3 pm!
This week, I plan to have a wrap up ritual with Saturn in Libra. I encourage you to do something in your life to celebrate the ending of Saturn in Libra and your successful conclusion of that journey. And you WERE successful if you are still standing (or even sitting) and clearer about relationships and partnerships than you were three years ago. It is a great time for a wrap up ritual. Admittedly, over the past three years, I lost a few people I didn’t want to lose ~ some to death and others to life changes, choices and challenges. Some relationships blew up rather unexpectedly. Others disappeared, dribbled away or dissolved. I learned a great deal from each loss or change, good or bad. And that is what life is for. I intend to celebrate the new people who arrived in my life as well as the people who I have grown closer to over the past three years.
We only have NOW…so focus your intentions on what and who you want to celebrate as you say goodbye to Saturn in Libra. Release the sad memories or moments and encourage them to reform or shape shift into what did you LEARN from Saturn in Libra. While Saturn is a tough teacher ~ look to your natal Saturn by sign and placement to see what Saturn was trying to teach you while traveling through Libra ~ he is eternally clear in his message to you. It always comes down to by sign, by house placement lessons. In my case, a watery Saturn in a watery house, it is always about boundaries ever the boundaries! I THINK I am being good about my boundaries and suddenly, oops, nope, not so good, they dissolve and there is a puddle. And, Saturn sits me down and has a chat with me. “Respect the boundaries Anne.” So when Saturn was in Libra, I learned about boundaries with words, communications, in partnerships or relationships. What did Saturn teach YOU? And remember that “Ah well, life IS a process.” We still have so much to learn. We’ve Only Just Begun!
For the most part, this is an easy week ~ especially after the past few difficult ones. So celebrate the love in your life and the people you love. We get to work next week with Saturn in Scorpio. To help us remember how to feel love, here is a Bob Dylan song, “Make You Feel My Love”, sung by Adele.
Saturn mirrors the dates August 24 to 26, 2012 in your Mars in Scorpio Spreadsheet.
Void Moons This Week
Monday October 8, 2012 03:34:23 am EDT to Tuesday October 9, 2012 07:56:05 am EDT
All Day Void Moon
Wednesday October 10, 2012 05:40:55 pm EDT to Thursday October 11, 2012 03:24:33 pm EDT
All Day Void Moon
Friday October 12, 2012 07:49:01 pm EDT to Saturday October 13, 2012 07:02:51 pm EDT
All Day Void Moon
Moon day Monday October 8 Moon in Cancer has stressful closing aspect squaring the Sun in Libra asking us to make a choice between our ego desire for relationships and our need for nurturing emotions. Dreams are tumultuous. Sun has a sesquiquadrate to Neptune suggesting you are clearing a deep emotional space. Venus has an adjusting aspect with Uranus ~ this can be a health aspect, the opportunity to speak with someone you had a falling out with or a great releasing aspect to clear out things you want to let go of. There is a gift of brilliant communication and the ability to see patterns that you never noticed before. Take advantage of it!
Mars day Tuesday October 9 Moon in Leo is playful with easy flowing closing aspects of a sextile to the Sun in partnership oriented Libra helping us move forward to positive relationships. There is a fast moving Finger of God formed yesterday and today, bringing back health aspects as well as communication snafus. Venus and Mercury are the legs of the Finger while Uranus serves as the apex. Misunderstandings can fuel hurt feelings or emotional silences as well as sudden departures. Remember this is finishing and releasing week. Pallas sesquiquadrates Astraea offering a regressive desire to stay home and in bed as you feel lousy. Sun’s trine to Jupiter offers expansive dreams and contacts. Mercury’s trine to Chiron speaks to words wounding or healing your soul. Mercury is in Scorpio so it might be a hand gently placed on your back too. Comfort from touch. Venus’ trine to Pluto suggests you are sitting in a powerful place around creation if you let yourself go and do it. Clear out your house and allow new spaces for self-expression. There are unique opportunities for partnership today so say yes even if you are not 100% sure it is what you want. Give it a go to help clarify what you actually DO want. No grumbling that you don’t get what you want. You get what you need. Look at how what you have answers what you need. The Finger of God points to changing how you approach problems and using a fresh approach. Mercury, largely wordless while in Scorpio, feels very deeply. Take new approaches to how you describe partnerships too. Ego needs around relationships argue with the desire to seek and find freedom. Can you find a balance between the two? Not so easy today. There is a push for freedom over security. Pallas doesn’t much like what she is seeing about patterns that are resistant to change… push a bit harder.
Mercury’s day Wednesday October 10 Moon in Leo continues to be playful with easy flowing closing aspects of a sextile to the Sun in partnership oriented Libra helping us move forward to positive relationships. Venus argues with Uranus offering a sudden abrupt wake up call. Mercury and Pluto are having a deep conversation about power dynamics in relationships and how they can play out. If someone attempts to power play you today, watch them carefully. There is another agenda operating that you are not privy to. It is a good day to fight with your mother or start a diet as you are just irritated enough with yourself to stick to it. Hell can open up before you very quickly so watch for flashes of anger that seems a bit out of control or out of place today. Stand back as fists can fly. It is an old issue ~ as the saying goes, if it is hysterical, it is historical. Saturn perfects his trine to Neptune and forms a grand trine with creative Ceres. This is the first emotional whisper of the new dream. A new dream is forming, created by Saturn, Neptune, Chiron and Ceres in water. It’s the dream of the next 14 years of Neptune and 29 years of Saturn. A dream is like a river, sung by Garth Brooks, inspires us to learn from what’s behind us and sail our vessel towards tomorrow’s dream.
Jupiter’s day Thursday October 11 void most of the day, the Moon in Leo continues to be playful with easy flowing closing aspects of a sextile to the Sun in partnership oriented Libra helping us move forward to positive relationships. Moon enters particular, work obsessed Virgo late in the afternoon. Virgo Moon has an overdoing aspect with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini so you can overcommit. Notice your new friend or family this morning. They are part of your new tribe for the next passage. Hygeia stations to turn direct so health matters start to improve today. Venus is sextile to Poseidon so emotions are a bit overwhelming. You realized how much you had lost or might have soon lost so the gratitude is profound. Appreciate the people in your life who make it wonderful. Black Moon Lilith is arguing with Mars ~ look at the difference between sovereignty and servitude. Mars is in a bossy, know it all sign and tends to think he is right when in Sagittarius… it is hard for him to hear dissenters from his view point. Get clear on that issue now. He’d rather be right than happy which isn’t always the best choice. Venus is contraparallel Jupiter and fondly missing a relationship that isn’t or wasn’t working.
Venus’ Day Friday October 12 Moon in Virgo is particular, work obsessed and fussy with an overdoing aspect with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini so you can overcommit, overdo or over promise and not deliver. Be careful. Mercury and your feeling mind are quite emotional today as he links up with Poseidon. You hear hard news about an ending or a death this morning. Mercury’s gift of communication livens up Jupiter going backwards. Last week the two of them were fighting, now they are best of friends. Mercury’s hard aspect to Vesta suggests there is news about a loss of your childhood, your home or your safety space. Partnerships are particularly challenged today… keep focused on what you can do something about. There are repetitive patterns that need to be addressed and broken or changed. Ceres makes a profound connection to the Nodes of Fate offering our new dream from the other day a path forward. Pallas is finishing up and releasing old patterns, ideas and approaches. Partnerships can be irritated but focus on the future and what you want to create.
Saturn’s day, Saturday October 13 void all day, the Moon in Virgo is particular, work obsessed and fussy with an overdoing aspect with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini so you can overcommit. This evening she enters Libra to form a closing union with Sun in Libra making connections deep and profound for the next three days. Sun and Chiron tussle over why wounds have to carry forward with us. Is it possible to extract the essence of the energy, learn the lesson and leave the shell or husk of the wound behind us as we move forward? And if we can do that, how do we do that? Sun’s gift and dance of brilliance with the South Node suggests the karma of the wound holds our soul in captivity. How do we get to forgiveness? How do we let the anger or the pain go? Why do we like to hold onto our wounds so dearly? What would happen to us if we put the wound into a balloon and launched it out into the heavens? Can we do that? Will we do that? Listen to the words that nurture you, join up with them. Venus argues with Mars suggesting our approach to link up desire with action is frustrated today. Mercury’s gift of brilliance to Uranus offers us an understanding that by standing in the energy and doing the work of breaking free from it, we can actually liberate ourselves from being stuck in the same old place. Faced with doing the work of change, we can embrace it and move toward it instead of standing frozen. Look at the patterns in your life that need to be released to make the changes needed. Pallas at the last degrees of Pisces recognizes the need and desire to throw the old outworn patterns into the void of the universe and step back from the edge.
Sun’s day Sunday October 14 Moon in Libra forms a closing union with Sun in Libra making connections deep and profound for the next two days. Our ego needs to finish and release something around relationships and mark their closure. There can easily be a fight today as Mars triggers wounding by squaring Chiron. You can also have an accident or wound to your foot or ankle. Mars in Sagittarius is restless and can have danger from hills or mountains as well as large animals. Health matters seem to take a slight turn for the better even if there is an infection. Sun’s opposition to Eris offers a bit of irritation as the New Moon forms at the same degree. A New beginning with irritation? Hmmm that sounds about right. Eris is Mars’ sister after all.
Monday Moon Day October 15 the Moon is void all day in Libra, yet she forms a closing union with Sun in Libra making connections deep and profound even if nothing comes of them. You feel loved. There is a new Moon in Libra as the last aspect which echoes and awakens the degree of 22 and wraps up all we’ve learned and gone through since last November 2011. All during the spring of 2012, each of the inner planets stationed at 22. Now the New Moon forming on that 22 degree reminds us that everything is related and interconnected. The New Moon falls in the 12th house of the chart cast for Washington, DC. There is a Grand Trine in Water between Saturn at 1 Scorpio to Neptune at 0 Pisces, Chiron at 5 Pisces and Ceres at 2 Cancer. Venus in Virgo, highest planet in the chart, rules the Libra Sun and Moon suggesting our work while Saturn is in Scorpio is based on what we learned and did while Saturn was in Libra resolving our past life and current life karma around relationships. A Fire trine with Uranus in Aries and Mars and Juno in Sagittarius and forming a Grand Trine in the DC chart with Midheaven in Leo offers us a burst of enthusiasm and joy as we enter into Saturn in Scorpio’s first new Moon. Two kites pull us in opposite directions ~ how do we maintain our sovereignty while allowing the great work of transformation to take place…universal questions of Scorpio. And, of course, right in the middle of the chart is a transformative Finger of God, asking us to proceed with our lives towards our heart’s calling, no matter how wounded or perhaps in SPITE of our wounds ~ the legs are Pluto and Chiron, the Apex is the Midheaven of Leo. The Pluto leg says transformations, which might just wound us, are part of the story of life. Know all wounds and the wisdom from each, which we integrate with a loving heart serve to create our lives. It is time to get on with great adventure awaiting us as we dive into Scorpio’s murky, intense, transformative waters and begin a new journey with Saturn.
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon degree is CHANTICLEER’S VOICE HERALDS THE RISING SUN WITH ENTHUSIASTIC TONES. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Image is:
Commentary: ‘Chanticleer’s Voice Heralds the Rising Sun With Enthusiastic Tones’. The word ‘Chanticleer’ is from the French “Chanter Clair” meaning to sing clearly. He ‘Heralds the Rising Sun With Enthusiastic Tones’. As this ‘Chanticleer’ is quite clearly the symbol of a rooster, it’s most likely he sings loudly, as well. It is also said that the cock crows loudly in order to scare away evil spirits. The cock was dedicated to Apollo in ancient mythology because he gives notice of ‘The Rising Sun’. Just like the cock, some people are heralds of the new day, the new age, and they notice and give voice to this emergence, often ahead of time. Most often the voice that is heard at this new time is enthusiastically received, but there are times that what is said is rejected, ignored or reviled or it’s perceived as loud and irritating.
Oracle: In this situation, someone may feel that they are the driving force behind what’s happening. There may be a strong need, or desire, to draw attention to them. This may be someone in the public eye, or someone who feels that they should be listened to, or that things cannot continue without them. Rightly or wrongly, there’s often a claiming of responsibility for things. There is always a need to learn to listen, rather than just crowing about one’s self, one’s ideas or life. The sound of someone’s voice can become grating and annoying when they don’t know when, or how, to stop. It can be that the ‘Chanticleer With Enthusiastic Tones’ overstates his role somewhat and there can be a blurring of the concept as to whether the cock causes or simply heralds the new day. Done correctly, however, ‘Enthusiastic Tones Heralding the Rising Sun’ can be wonderfully stirring and can move people to new beginnings and realizations that they’ve not had before.
Keywords: Anticipating new opportunities. Waking early. Being a morning person. Having a clear, beautiful or loud voice. Speaking up when it’s needed. Heralding the new age. Seeing things ahead of their time. Being attuned to cosmic forces. Change or renewal. Someone associated with new things. Always being on the go. Being eternally vigilant. Alarms that spur to action.
The Caution: Overstating ones role, talents or abilities. Needing a wake-up call (literally and symbolically). Crowing about things-disturbing others. Being noisy when others are trying to sleep. Loud and irritating.
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. Rabindranath Tagore
Determination is the wake-up call to the human will. Anthony Robbins
Said a Rooster, “I’d have you all know I am nearly the whole of the show; Why, the Sun every morn/ Gets up with the dawn For the purpose of hearing me crow!” Ethel Watts Mumford
Dawn does not come twice to awaken a man. Saudi Arabian Proverb
Great braggers, little doers. Romanian proverb
One filled with joy preaches without preaching. Mother Teresa
It takes a person who is wide awake to make his dream come true. Roger Babson
The sun sets without thy assistance. The Talmud
She understood how much louder a cock can crow in its own farmyard than elsewhere. Anthony Trollope
Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid. Mark Twain
Two new blog talk radio shows are offered on my website. If you look to the left of the website, you’ll see the “blog roll” listing is expanded. I am doing a new show, Scorpios Talking, with my friend Michael Colberg, a psychotherapist, on how to deal with the Scorpio energy we will all be immersed in for the next three years. My dear friend, LLorraine Neithardt’s new show, Venus Unplugged, will talk about all things Venus. We are still in the learning process so check in a few times to try us out. And, of course, the shows you know, listen to and love still continue: Weekly Weather, Access Astrology and The Mary Anne Show.
Prediction Techniques with Astrology Weekend In Beautiful Vermont with Anne Ortelee
Where: Bodhi Events presents astrologer Anne Ortelee in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont!
Topic: Anne Ortelee is a certified astrologer who lectures, teaches and writes to a worldwide audience. Join Anne for a Prediction Techniques weekend workshop at the Inn at Willow Pond in Manchester, Vermont.
When: November 2-4, 2012
The Weekend is offered with or without hotel accommodations. Included is:
• 2 nights of accommodation at the beautiful Inn at Willow Pond
• Five meals
• Course tuition
• Individual instruction From Anne
Why: Because who wouldn’t want to spend a lovely weekend at a gorgeous inn learning astrology?
To register or for more information contact: [email protected] or call Beth Shaw at 802 379 5775.
The Inn at Willow Pond
Manchester Village, VT
Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction
An introduction to predictive techniques and a review of natal chart interpretation to see the potential of the person including basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in today’s workshop transits, and solar arcs. We’ll explore what each technique does and how to analyze horoscope charts to see what happens. We will work with famous people’s charts and put the techniques together. There will be time to practice these skills on your chart with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Anne will cover secondary progressions and lunations/eclipses. We’ll add these techniques and how to apply them to horoscope charts. We will work with famous people’s charts and put the techniques together. There will be time to practice these skills on your chart with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break are included for all.
Contact for more Information:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright © 2012 A. C. Ortelee