Weekly Weather October 22, 2012

Prediction Techniques Astrology Weekend in Beautiful Vermont with Anne Ortelee


Bodhi Events presents astrologer Anne Ortelee. Join Anne for a Prediction Techniques workshop at the Inn at Willow Pond in Manchester, Vermont.

When: November 2-4, 2012


Weekend is offered with or without hotel accommodations. Included is:
• 2 nights of accommodation at the beautiful Inn at Willow Pond
• Five meals
• Course tuition
• Individual instruction From Anne

Contact for more Information:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775
E-mail: [email protected]




Weekly Weather October 22, 2012


Whatever the question – you already hold the answer
Whatever the illness – your cure is within you


Our gal pal Venus is dancing all over the heavens this week. Busy, busy, she’s indefatigable as she rolls through the last degrees of Virgo and enters Libra on Sunday, one of her favorite places to be. She and Mercury are literally waltzing through the sky together in an extremely fertile, highly productive, accomplishment oriented sextile all week. They are working together to set the tone and story for your upcoming journey. Mercury’s playing the strong silent type, lurking behind the scenes, missing nothing, seeing all and reading the secret tells or signals of the people in your life as he travels through the back part of dark, secretive Scorpio. In the meantime, Venus is in get the chores done super responsible earthy Virgo. Venus is clearing up unfinished business, organizing the paperwork, figuring out the details and laying down plans for her (and your) future. Mercury and Venus are great buddies. This week, Mercury is whispering in Venus’ ear “It is time for us to get to work!” He tells her some secrets too as he’s been listening to what is going on while she’s been busy working. Pay attention to what you hear this week as Mercury is dishing the truth. He might have some of the motivations wrong but the message and the story he carries to you IS CORRECT.









I had Ocean City Vacation Brain last week and MISSED, completely MISSED that Mercury entered his Shadow for his upcoming retrograde in Scorpio and Sagittarius on Wednesday, October 18. Mercury entered his shadow of 18 Scorpio on Wednesday. That means we are getting the sneak preview of his upcoming retrograde journey at the end of last week and this week. Mercury actually stations on the USA Election day, November 6, at 6:04 pm EST. The few days before and after Mercury’s station are typically chaotic, crazy and a bit bizarre. I did a brief video piece about the impact of Mercury’s station on the upcoming election. You can even see my bright red desk when I sit typing on the computer and in the background by the window.


Mercury Stations on Election Day ~ Anne Ortelee






I know, I know. That WAS a kind of diabolical laugh at the end there. And I didn’t like my prediction either. Not at all. Not one bit. I hope I am completely, completely wrong. However, after thinking a bit more about the implications of Mercury stationing in Sagittarius, it might be the Electoral College as well as police governed riots in the streets and chaos. Sagittarius rules colleges ~ and the Electoral College falls under that category. So it might be Obama wins the popular vote and Romney wins the Electoral College. Millions of Americans get a Civics Lesson when Romney becomes the next President. If your state permits early voting, get your butt out to vote early as the day of the station, with Mercury stopped in a sign he completely hates, will be chaotic, broken voting machines, long lines, screwed up paperwork, conflicting news reports and quite crazy.




Mercury and Venus in the sky.







The transition from Saturn in Libra into Scorpio has taken place. Mars finished with Scorpio. Mercury finishes with Scorpio next week ~ even though he will revise part of vision with his upcoming retrograde. You have gained a bit of your footing in the swamp ~even if it feels a bit slippery and mucky underfoot. This week, the Sun arrives to dive into Scorpio for 30 days. The Sun will officially outline what your Ego and Soul’s developmental tasks are going to be for the next three years. All the planets above our heads are in service to helping to develop your ego, reason for existence and the purpose of your life. Get your pen and paper ready to take notes as Sun jumps into the Swamp on Monday night. Sun meets up with Saturn early Thursday morning. That means the early part of the week, Sun pushes on Saturn, in a closing phase, settling and ending situations and relationships. It is a GREAT time to give up, end or release things. Sign those divorce papers. Severe relationships. Clear out bad habits. Let go of stuff that doesn’t serve you. Once Sun meets Saturn on Thursday, he starts to outline the next phase of your ego development, particularly the role that Saturn will be playing while he travels through Scorpio. Trace the Sun as he moves through Scorpio, one degree a day, and use your Mars in Scorpio spreadsheet as a cross reference.


So what can we expect? I have wonderful clients who share their insights with me via emails. This week, Ed wrote the following which completely describes a great approach to take with the new energy rolling over our heads….



“Anne ~Always a good read and stimulating. I want to share an ‘ah HAH!’ moment.

It has occurred to me that what’s going on is that I’m re-learning how to be me. Not a “new me” but a higher order of me. It has felt, however, like the gods are bowling over my head. “Go bowl someplace else!” (Shouting at the gods, by the way, is like someone who is sitting on his own sideline booing the ref thinking ‘that’s really gonna fix things!!’)

I also realize that what is going on – all of the “bowling” – is the mechanism to re-learn me. This is not something to wait out in favor of a return to an old normal. It’s something to embrace. Hug what’s here and rhumba. I’m still shouting and complaining, but I’m doing it from inside the momentum of life. And actually, ‘complain’ isn’t really the right word. It’s more like ‘challenging the story as it happens’ because I’m not on the sidelines. Win, lose or draw, I’m playing on the field, which is enormously energizing.

And something else. Breakdown might have been the thing I have vaguely feared but it is also the thing needed to get to the pony, which is breakthrough. They aren’t separate events, one to fear, one to aspire to. They are two phases of the same event. I don’t know that I’ve ever really understood that linkage.

So, the gods can keep their bowling shirts on. I’m digging mine out and joining them. And I thank you for your part of the conversation that helps turn on the lights. “




Thanks Ed! I LOVE the imagery of relearning how to be me ~ a higher order of me. And, personally, I LIKE to shout at the refs. It helps. My maternal grandfather was a referee all over upstate New York. He told wild stories about what happened when folks didn’t like his calls. Refs DO pay attention! My NCAA Division 1 Basketball Coach sister has received a few technical fouls from her comments to refs. Refs DO listen. The might not DO anything but they HEAR you. (Of course, shouting at Refs on TV does NOT work even if members of my family who will remain nameless do it.) I do believe shouting at the planets bowling over your heads helps too… at least as a tension reliever. To Ed’s bigger point ~ it is time to get into the dance, hug what is before you and rhumba. Get inside the momentum of your life. Get on the playing field, go for the goal and be energized. Here are a couple of Rhumbas ~ a COMPLETELY Scorpio dance if ever there was one ~ to inspire you!




The incredibly creative Grand Trine in Water gets set off by the Sun entering Scorpio and stimulating it. Look for burst or outflows of creativity.


Last but certainly not least this week, Mars opposes Jupiter. Their opposition culminates a cycle begun on May 1, 2011 as Mars and Jupiter stand across the heavens from each other ~ perhaps shouting, perhaps arguing or maybe just figuring things out as they look at each other. Their opposition takes place on Sunday. Of interest, was what was going on at the BEGINNING of their current journey. They met at 22 Aries in May 2011 … smack on Eris the Goddess of Discord. It is yet another occurrence of that hot, hot, hot degree of 22. If we aren’t clear about our work on relationships yet, this will be a major ah-ha moment. If we are clear, we may very well hear from someone or see a person who was part of our journey who we had a falling out with. Or we may have a falling out with someone kind of out of the blue. Just keep paying attention… Neither planet is particularly happy.


Mars and Jupiter are in the mood to argue with each other this week. Mars in Sagittarius is often a righteous hot head. Right now Mars in Sagittarius is answering to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini ~ it is all about disagreeing over stupid things that were said that, truth be told, were NOT what you were REALLY fighting about any way. The stupid things were the cover for the real issues underneath that remain unspoken. Jupiter in Gemini is going backwards and answering to Mercury in Scorpio ~ so Jupiter, who normally is a jolly happy guy is holding a grudge, irritated, and also being stupid over silly things. Neither side really wants to give in but they just might run into each other and stare across a crowded room.


Other days in the current Mars/Jupiter cycle to pay attention to were the productive working opening sextile on Aug 18, 2011 at 10°Cn07′ and 10°Ta07′; understanding the gift of brilliance on Sept 6, 2011 at 22°Cn16′ and 10°Ta16′; the stressful opening square on Oct 3, 2011 at 08°Le30′ and 08°Ta30′; the first productive opening trine at Nov 16, 2011 at 02°Vi50′ and 02°Ta50′; the second flowing and productive opening trine on Mar 14, 2012 at 09°Vi35′ and 09°Ta35′; the third lovely productive opening trine on Jul 17, 2012 at 07°Li37′ and 07°Ge37′; the stressful sesquiquadrate when miscommunications started on Aug 20, 2012 at 28°Li17′ and 13°Ge17′ and the irritating adjustment you made on Sep 16, 2012 at 15°Sc51′ and 15°Ge51′. If you have a relationship or story that tracks to these days, you’ll have a realization this week about it. Jupiter is going retrograde back to early July over the next few months… so pay attention to the story that is culminating with an opposition this week. It still has another year to go ~ until July 22, 2013 when we have a new cycle start at 5:54 Cancer.


Vulcanus stations on Friday October 26 so we have the potential for an eruption as he pauses on 28 Cancer… we love that 28 degree! Venus and Mercury are both at 27, stimulating it on Saturday. We can have eruptions out of seemingly thin air. Actually it is passions that need to be expressed so let them erupt. January and September of this year are back for emotional processing… one more time with feeling.


Life is not a book in which good and bad deeds are being written.
It is a wide river that carries rain drops into the sea.
Life is where you are.
Life is the biggest miracle.
Life has always existed even without people’s will.
It is made by the power of creation and the power of destruction.
Love life – because life only destroys so it could create something new.
~from Ivlisti Timlijada – Mirilot


Void Moons This Week
Tuesday Oct 23 2012 at 9:27:56 pm to Wednesday Oct 24 2012 at 7:01:03 am

Friday Oct 26 2012 at 11:05:24 am to Oct 26 2012 at 3:32:05 pm

Saturday Oct 27 2012 at 9:33:28 pm to Monday Oct 29 at 2:15 am EDT
Void All Day Sunday


Moon day, Monday October 22 finds moon in Aquarius with a square to Mercury as the closing aspect indicating emotional words ~ or detached communications depending on how Mercury decides to play it. Sun enters Scorpio today for 30 days of intensity ~ leaving Libra behind. The Sun actually shifts right before the Presidential debates tonight at 8:14 pm EDT. Astrology in Action ~ make sure to tune into watch what happens as the energy should get mighty intense. Scorpio can be a bully. Mittens has Scorpio in his sixth house of servants and the public. Obama has Scorpio in his ninth house of foreign affairs. Immediately energized, Mars is now in charge of the Sun. Moon is active with creation and change energy making it a good day to detach and change your way of dealing with situations that are needing a new approach. A health matter can flare up with Mercury’s, Mars’ and Venus’ aspects to Hygeia ~ mucus or pus. Mars is joined with Hades in the sky so feelings can be quite intense and angry. Take care of yourself. Emotions are profound and perhaps a bit overwhelming later tonight.


Mars Day Tuesday October 23 finds Moon in Aquarius and connecting to the bigger picture. Sun’s trine to Neptune in the morning stimulates our creative pulse to move forward and create. The grand Trine in Water is flowing and productive. You can get a great deal accomplished today. Sun’s sesquiquadrate to Jupiter offers a bit of overdoing but is productive nonetheless. If you find yourself irritated later today, Pallas is joined with Eris… you are seeing the pattern that you are supposed to see. No more ignoring it. Pay attention to it. Pallas kind of hopes it is going to change but realistically not going to happen. However, you CAN accommodate the situation in a different way. Or take another approach to it.


Mercury’s day Wednesday October 24 finds the Moon in sensitive and emotional Pisces with separating aspects of Moon opposed to Venus. Dreams are full of meaning and import so pay attention to them. Mercury’s trine to Pallas offers a different way of thinking about things that you might integrate or write down so you don’t forget it. Venus opposes Pallas so she’s feeling that even though forgive and forget might be an option, she’s not quite there yet. No worries ~ getting conscious about things helps move you forward. Endings might really be final endings as Sun sets off the last degrees of Libra while the other planets cluster and watch. Feelings emerge from a deep place. Mercury has an adjusting aspect to Vesta suggesting you figure out a new system for keeping track of things as the old one is simply NOT working very well any more. Venus square Vesta suggests that if you don’t absolutely LOVE it you need to take steps to get rid of it. It is NOT your mother’s life. It is YOUR life. Time to let go of the old rules, old things, old beliefs that no longer serve you.



Jupiter’s day, Thursday October 25 finds Moon in Pisces pushing emotional boundaries to clarify matters of the heart and deep feelings. Sun joins with Saturn today so start taking notes on what your new dance is going to be… a rhumba? Tango? Quickstep? Time for change. Time for new beginnings. Is there a new dance partner on the horizon? A different approach? Mercury dives onto the North Node of Fate ~ fate invites you to move out into the world in a different way. Time to ride the dragon again! Mercury on the Dragon’s Head will carry you off into the heavens. Venus trines the South Node so things can easily release today while she works to hang onto the Dragon’s head. Riding Dragons is tough work. Hang on tight. Notice who you meet today (or yesterday or Friday…you have a bit of orb to work with) as they will be important to your future. Dragons are carrying you where you need to go. Complete with a jump into the dark water…

After you ride the dragon on Jupiter’s day, Mercury and Venus connect to congratulate each other. And congratulations are in order. Sun’s trine to Hades pushes us out and into the world even if it is a bit darker and more difficult than we thought it would be. Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be.









Venus’ Day Friday October 26 has a soft morning Moon in Pisces and an action packed afternoon and evening Moon in Aries. Something ends gently this morning as Mercury and Venus both connect with Admetos… it is time for you to let it go. Sun triggers Ceres and Hades in a gentle working trine… it is a productive day to get things launched out into the world that you’ve been meaning to do. Creative energies abound and dance around the room. You might find you are a bit more irritated than usual ~ Mercury is connecting with Eris ~ use the energy to inspire you to make needed changes in an area you’ve been neglecting. Emotionally you are in the mood to separate and offer another option rather than continuing in the same old way.


Saturn’s Day Saturday October 27 finds Moon in passionate Aries with a productive aspect to Jupiter ~ reconciliation is possible under this energy. Or perhaps a resumption of dialogue. You see the situation that started the story a bit more clearly and are able to work with it again. Moon wants to move forward… as Moon trines Mars and sextiles Jupiter… She is in the mood for reconciliation. However, Mars is opposite Jupiter so he might not be ready to make nice. Or she might not be ready to make nice. It is one of those you’ll find out when you get there kind of things. As the Dixie Chicks sing, “Not Ready to Make Nice”



Can’t we just get along? Perhaps not but at least make an attempt to talk to each other. Sun has a trine to Chiron ~ setting off the productive and creative grand trine in Water one more time. Allow the water trine to soften your heart and the situation before you. Or not. But try not to carry it forward…. No need to poison the water of your life.


Sun’s day Sunday October 28 finds the Moon void in Aries all day long. Mars opposes Jupiter so the tension of is the fight peaks today. The cycle continues so other opportunities will be available down the road. Chiron’s square to the Black Moon Lillith suggests there is something about subservience involved in the matter. Wounding through either not being enough or being too subservient. Sun’s adjusting aspect to Uranus is a classic health aspect as well as an opportunity to adjust your or their positions on the matter. Adjustment is the key word for inconjuncts ~ sometimes we can’t go there so it shows as a problem. Venus enters Libra, leaving critical Virgo behind. When the Sun was at this degree on the New Moon in Virgo last month, September 15/16, there was a similar kind of flare up energy. Just notice the pattern if you are still not ready to make nice. Venus will be in Libra for about 3 and a half weeks offering a connecting energy that is productive to forming or creating partnerships and planning things. Dark health matters surface and need to be dealt with. Venus has an adjusting aspect to Neptune ~ what IS that new dream that is pulling, tugging, nudging your heart strings? Neptune wants to merge. Venus wants to connect. Where is the middle ground? Where does love stand?  What DO you love?


We can do no great things, only small things with great love. ~Mother Teresa


Prediction Techniques with Astrology Weekend In Beautiful Vermont with Anne Ortelee
Where: Bodhi Events presents astrologer Anne Ortelee in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont!

Topic: Anne Ortelee is a certified astrologer who lectures, teaches and writes to a worldwide audience. Join Anne for a Prediction Techniques weekend workshop at the Inn at Willow Pond in Manchester, Vermont.

When: November 2-4, 2012

Weekend is offered with or without hotel accommodations. Included is:
• 2 nights of accommodation at the beautiful Inn at Willow Pond
• Five meals
• Course tuition
• Individual instruction From Anne

Why: Because who wouldn’t want to spend a lovely weekend at a gorgeous inn learning astrology?

To register or for more information contact: [email protected] or call Beth Shaw at 802 379 5775.

The Inn at Willow Pond
Manchester Village, VT


Weekend Schedule

6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction
An introduction to predictive techniques and a review of natal chart interpretation to see the potential of the person including basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.


Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in today’s workshop transits, and solar arcs. We’ll explore what each technique does and how to analyze horoscope charts to see what happens. We will work with famous people’s charts and put the techniques together. There will be time to practice these skills on your chart with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.


Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Anne will cover secondary progressions and lunations/eclipses. We’ll add these techniques and how to apply them to horoscope charts. We will work with famous people’s charts and put the techniques together. There will be time to practice these skills on your chart with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break are included for all.


Contact for more Information:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright © 2012 A.C. Ortelee