Weekly Weather October 21, 2013
The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here!
Eclipse Season Part One, the Full Moon eclipse, happened last week. Now, as the Moon wans, decreasing in light and energy, from Full to New, we can expect lots of departures, endings and conclusions to the various stories going on in our lives. We, or they, are being set free. Eclipses seem to make things happen because people can’t STAND IT A SECOND MORE! Of course, the situations could have been going on for months or even years but NOW, RIGHT NOW, we feel the need to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Expect eruptions, explosions, outbursts, and solutions to problems to present themselves.
We are RELEASING for the next two weeks, so focus on letting go of the problems or problem areas in your life. Things want to leave so it won’t take much effort or energy to have that leave taking happen. Like ripe fruit falling off the tree, PLOP, it releases from the branch, falls to the ground and rolls away from the tree towards freedom.
The other part to remember with eclipses is you don’t actually HAVE to DO anything. The universe will actually do it for you! So you can sit quietly and just watch the world and the people in it spin wildly around you! Silent observing is always an option! That fruit is ripe and just falls to the ground all by itself (well with a bit of help from gravity!)
These are some mighty wild and crazy eclipses. Just take a look at the world around you to get an idea of what we can expect. That energy taking place in the outside world is happening inside of your chart too.
Next up, in the midst of the eclipse chaos, Saturn is moving into brand new territory. He’s moving forward until March 2, 2014 and the degree of 23:19 Scorpio. In March, Saturn stations at 23:19 Scorpio and goes retrograde to 16:38 Scorpio on July 20, 2014. All the planets in your chart between 11:32 and 23:19 are going to feel his influence over the next few months as he moves full speed ahead. Saturn is in the Pisces decant of Scorpio so he feels much more collective based, dream worthy and expansive like the ocean. Saturn will pass THREE times over the degrees between 16:38 and 23:19, allowing us to adjust our decisions and change our structure.
However, right now and through November 27th, Saturn is passing through this particular section of sky JUST ONCE. The Scorpio degrees between 11:32 and 16:38 are one shot deals this time around. The next time he’ll be in this section of sky is 29 years from now. The last time Saturn was here was between December 7, 1983 and October 17, 1984, when he passed over the same degrees three times.
Saturn will go through ONCE which means the things that you commit to between now and November 27th will be PERMANENT and FINAL. No changing your mind once Saturn moves past November 27th. Saturn will chisel your choices in solid and quite rock solid granite stone. Commitments to Saturn and your karma will be noted in your chart and your life. We enter new territory with Saturn in Scorpio as we dive headfirst into the eclipse energy. That means it is extra important to PAY ATTENTION to what is going on in your life these next few weeks.
The Week’s Planetary Highlights
We are in the middle of a major and very profound Eclipse season going from a Full Moon to a New Moon Eclipse. As the light of the Moon wanes, there will be lots of “endings” over the next two weeks. Beloved people and animals who are hanging on by their fingertips or claws will pass away. You can expect sudden reversals in fortune and MAJOR changes in life direction to take place. These are mighty powerful eclipses as they incorporate both Saturn and Mercury on the North Node of Destiny and incorporate the Grand Earth trine with Pluto and Mars.
We have a Earth Grand Trine with Pluto, the South Node, and Mars. Earth Grand trines encourage us to ground our energy and make physical changes in our homes, bodies, diet and environment to support our goals.
Mercury stations on Monday October 21 to go retrograde. He’s retrograde between October 21 and November 11, clearing his shadow on November 27. Mercury meets Saturn on October 29 and November 25. Talk to your ghosts when they reappear in your life. Find out what’s been going on in THEIR world. Important information is yours to be heard!
Pallas parallels the Node of Fate on Tuesday October 22 at 11:04:04 pm EDT encouraging us to make fated decisions about our path in life. Choose your heart’s path!
Sun enters Scorpio on Wednesday October 23 at 02:09:50 am EDT for 30 intense, deeply working days of transformation, evolution, deaths and rebirths.
Sun trines Neptune on October 25 at 06:40:26 pm EDT and helps your dreams start to come true (or at least get clearer!).
Mars is in Virgo until December 7, 2013. Answering to intense Mercury in Scorpio retrograde, Mars is intense, focused and very, very process oriented. One step at a time, practice, practice, practice until you get it right! Or rather RE-practice, RE-practice, RE-practice until you get it right.
Venus in Sagittarius is OUT OF BOUNDS! Expect Venus to NOT follow the rules made by the authorities or the Sun! She’s answering to Jupiter exalted in Cancer so all the stress of LAST week, this week, she’s a much happier lassie! Hide your credit cards and focus on creating positive versions of changing fire Venus.
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon enters Gemini on Monday October 21, 2013 at 12:14 pm. Moon is void Monday morning in Taurus with productive closing aspects.
Moon goes void opposite Venus on Tuesday Oct 22, 2013 at 08:35 pm EDT and enters Cancer on Wednesday Oct 23, 2013 at 11:36:49 pm EDT. Moon is void all night Tuesday and all day Wednesday.
Moon goes void joined to Jupiter on Friday Oct 25, 2013 at 04:31:53 pm EDT and enters Leo on Saturday Oct 26, 2013 at 12:12:38 pm EDT. Moon is void Friday night and Saturday morning. Leo Moon goes void with Trine to Venus.
Of particular interest to me is Mars in Virgo answering to retrograde Mercury in Scorpio. Mars rules the various Scorpio planets (Sun, Saturn, Node of Fate, and Mercury) as well as Uranus and Eris in Aries. Mars in Virgo is all about the process and how things get done. It can present unusual surprises. It can be completely mundane and just do its job. On Friday, Mars starts to form a Finger of God with Uranus as the Apex while the Uranus Pluto square builds to its fourth square next week on November 1. We can expect all sorts of chaotic, surprising, unusual, challenging, fun and even difficult events from this configuration. It can feel a bit like this!
Or it can show up like this!
Or it can be this!
However the Finger of God shows up with Mercury the trickster ruling Mars while he’s retrograde and forming part of the eclipse, you can be sure you will not forget the story that takes place in the Aries part of your chart any time soon! Prepare to be surprise, shocked, amazed and struck silent in awe.
Moon’s Day Monday October 21, 2013 Moon is void in the morning in Taurus. Moon enters Gemini on October 21, 2013 at 12:14 pm. Closing aspect is an opposition making today and Tuesday great days for letting go of things. Mercury stations to go retrograde for 21 days in Scorpio. As Mercury rules Mars in Virgo and thus Saturn in Scorpio, this is also a great time to reconsider (sider means stars: con means work with: re means retrograde!) your decisions. Continue to use the “I” word from last week… You have NO control over anyone else. You only have control over yourself so focus on yourself and what you want or don’t want to do. Sun has an adjusting aspect to Admetos so it is a permanent adjustment ~ no turning back or taking it back. Mars sextiles Hades so dreams are disturbing on awakening ~ try to remember the message. There’s a deep desire to form NEW groups or tribes to travel forward with in your life. Look for connections and opportunities to join like minded communities or groups you want to be a part of. It is a great few days for research on what and where you want to go. Mars is inspired to take a new approach to old stories or situations. Moon’s square to Neptune and Mars causes miscommunications in the early evening. Dig in and try again ~ it’s just because it is a new idea. Nip the cold or flu in the bud with extra vitamins and try to get some extra sleep tonight. Eclipses bring on colds! Mercury’s parallel to Pluto suggests strong words or ideas from powerful people or triangular situations can have an inordinate influence on your life and your decisions. Pay attention to the stories you hear and the messages you receive. Mercury’s station is a mighty communicator.
Mars’ Day Tuesday October 22, 2013 Moon is in Gemini with a closing aspect of an opposition to Venus at 8:35 pm EDT. Moon is void in Gemini in the evening and all day Wednesday. Sniffles and running noses rule the day… get more vitamins in your body! It is a kind of foggy and perhaps exhausted day as Sun’s aspect to Neptune makes us feel mighty tired, emotional or otherwise distressed… There isn’t much else to do but know that it will pass in a few days. It feels like a bit of an uphill struggle but for what is NOT clear. Mercury is still basically stopped and starting to move backwards so double and triple check all communications. Sun’s contraparallel to Mars can feel either exhausted or energized but with a dissipating and dispelling energy. Energy to RELEASE as opposed to bring in. Mars in Virgo sesquiquadrate to Astraea can cause throat, voice, and digestive squalls and storms… brief health disturbances that are designed to detox or get you to sit quietly and listen. Pallas meets up by declination with the Nodes of Fate inviting you to get clear on your patterns and choose towards healthy new directions in your life. Yes, it can be that easy. At least it is easy right now. Things be changing!
Mercury’s day Wednesday October 23, 2013 Moon is void all day in Gemini and enters Cancer at 11:36:49 pm EDT with separating aspects. Pitch and throw out! Shred and DE-clutter! Evaluate and Re-lease! Polish and pre-serve! That retrograde Mercury in Scorpio is SO into clearing out stuff… give the little guy permission to power through your piles of stuff! Sun enters Scorpio for the middle part of Fall ~ 30 days of intense, emotional and expressive feeling states. Mars contraparallel to Neptune can be either exhausting or exhilarating (or alternate rapidly between both). If you find you need to take a nap or respite from the world, today is a fabulous day to retreat. No one will miss you! Hide under the bed covers! Cuddle up with tea and crumpets and a good, tear enticing book. Pluto’s trine to Hygeia suggests there is profound healing taking place beneath the surface of everything. Pallas’ trine to Eris is loud and stressful arguments at the end of the day about the same thing you’ve been arguing about for frigging years ~ can you see the patterns at work here? It is the same old, same old. But now you actually DO see it! And that means it can change! Aren’t you tired of having the same fight over and over? Okay, the same discussion. They aren’t going to change. You aren’t going to change. Can you agree to disagree and call a truce?
Jupiter’s Day Thursday October 24, 2013 Moon is in Cancer with a closing conjunction of abundance to Jupiter in Cancer making today quite a productive day. The energy starts to feel like it is swelling and growing. Moon makes a pile of aspects, including speeding up with Mars in Virgo, arguing with Pluto in Cappy trying to control her and breaking free from Uranus’ bossiness. Productive but rebellious and evolutionary! Last night had another night of messages from your unconscious and deeper soul’s urging. Note what the heavens are trying to tell you ~ get a book of dream interpretations or talk about them with friends. The idea is to process the new visions and images into the concept emerging about your future. Pay particular attention to home and hearth dreams. They have a secondary message for you. On waking you get harsh news or hear difficult or sad news. Later in the day, with more information, Mercury’s quintile to Mars encourages you to take firm and positive action. Vesta invites you to sit with family members who are aging or other elderly people to hear their stories. Listening is an important skill today.
Friday Venus’ Day October 25, 2013 Moon goes void joined to Jupiter on Oct 25 2013 at 04:31:53 pm EDT. Moon is quite creative even though it is void in the afternoon and tomorrow morning. Sun’s trine to Neptune while the Moon is so flowing makes today a day of dreams or tears or both. Sometimes our dreams make us cry. Moon links up with Mercury making today a good day to express deep feelings or emotions so they can be heard.
Saturn’s Day Saturday October 26, 2013 Moon is void in the morning in Cancer and enters Leo at 12:12:38 pm EDT. Leo Moon will go void with Trine to Venus making this afternoon quite productive and profitable. Shopping, dancing, singing or playing have fun today. Health matters take a turn for the better as the cold or flu thingy starts to leave you feeling a bit better. Venus can easily overspend today. If you REALLY love it and it is COMPLETELY unique even if it BLOWS UP your budget, go for it. Venus out of bounds aspecting Jupiter exalted in Cancer in an adjusting manner says you can eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a couple of weeks to compensate for the splurge. Sun’s trine to Hades encourages that deeper transformation energy to cobble together an approach to a difficult situation where you are being asked to take a leadership role. Time to step forward. Use your “I” words today! Vesta’s square to Cupido indicates it is okay to get rid of that old thing that you simply don’t like even if it was your great-great-grandfathers. Just make sure it isn’t valuable before you sell it in a garage sale. Tonight is a great night for romance, fun, frolic and togetherness. It’s a beautiful island of connection and laughter in the middle of the eclipses as Venus and Neptune dance together. Take advantage of the energy to enjoy your life!
Sun’s Day Sunday October 27, 2013 Moon is in Leo and goes void with Trine to Venus on Monday making today quite productive and creative as you leap out of bed. Energy is flowing and quite active. Moon makes structural changes with authorities and at work. Later Moon has heated emotional conversations with young people or deals with communication, computer or car breakdowns. Time to shift and readjust the various organization structures. Uranus contraparallel to Chiron encourages unusual approaches to all sorts of problems and health matters. See old patterns of suffering for what they were ~ you don’t have to go there any more. The time for suffering is through. Take a creative approach to people and situations this afternoon ~ those ideas are simply inspired and you are in the mood to be creative. Chronic or difficult health matters seem to shift and become a bit more workable ~ perhaps a new approach or a shift in attitude helped? There is a resistance to being subservient ~ simply say you don’t want to. Or better yet, suggest a new approach to how things could proceed. Everything can change, including this situation. Venus connecting with Cupido suggest a new group or community becomes part of your life mid-day. Enjoy the pleasant and creative aspects and take time to laugh today. Mars sesquiquadrates Eris so a small squall of a squabble can appear out of nowhere mid-day ~ permit yourself to renegotiate or reconsider your approach in the face of envy or jealousy. It is all part and parcel of the human condition. Next week is going to kick our butts energetically so early to bed!
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here! It is another “I” week! Saturn enters a new patch of the sky until March 2014. Full steam ahead! Responsibility!
Scorpios Talking: Last week was another great show if I do say so myself. Michael and Anne on holding the center.
The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne were on vacation last week! We know how to live!
Access Astrology: Mark and Anne held forth on the eclipse and took calls from listeners.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.
Anne will be teaching at the New York NCGR Education Conference on November 16 & 17, 2013. Her topic is “Pluto in Capricorn ~ The Decant of Taurus”
Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014.
Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC. Early Bird Rates through November 30, 2013. Register for the Workshop: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504
Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 18, 2014 ~ Her topic is “Planets as People!” 9 to 10:30 am EST. Save the date!
Anne will be speaking at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014. Limited in-person consultation appointments with Anne are available in Michigan.
Copyright© 2013 A.C. Ortelee