Weekly Weather October 17, 2011
As we move deeper into Fall here on the Northern Hemisphere, the leaves are starting to turn colors as the light steadily decreases each day. Last week, Mercury and Venus full committed to Fall by moving into the killing frost, let us end things sign of Scorpio. They announce that the growing season for the year is done! Finished. Kaput. Right before they shifted into Scorpio, they each trined Neptune in Aquarius to inquire about the nature of your dreams around your thoughts and communications and your love, money and desires. How well are you communicating what you want? How clear in your own mind are your thoughts? How clear are you about what you desire, love and seek?
Over the next week, the Sun will move into a trine with Neptune ~ offering each of our souls and our own chart’s Sun an air time to look at our own personal and life dreams. What IS your purpose on earth? What are YOU here to do? Your Sun tells the world that story. The rest of your chart works to support your path in the world as best the planets in your chart can help and support you.
That air trine between the Sun and Neptune makes this a FABULOUS week for each of us to asses for our selves where we are. We will be able to assess deeply and clearly and without the usual judgment and name calling that we often use with ourselves. (Note: we would NEVER talk to our friends that way but we sure can beat up on ourselves!) To assess clearly, simply stay tuned in the moment. No worries or blame about the past ~ it is done. No fear of the future, it is still unformed. But the DREAM or VISION of the future is where you can spend some time this week
We have a Hammer of Thor forming this week with three of the “meaner” planets in the sky. Mars is the Handle of the Hammer. Mars sesquiquadrates Uranus on Monday and Pluto on Sunday as he moves from 16 to 20 Leo. While it is a “wide” hammer of 4 degrees, as Uranus and Pluto are separating from each other, it still counts as a major shift in energy. We can expect revelations and changes from August 2010 to solidify now. You might feel “hammered” this week ~ all to clarify your vision and understanding. The Hammer is descending to knock, in some cases literally, it others figuratively, out the structures that need to go. They need to leave your life.
Uranus and Pluto are change agents. Their arrival by transit means change is coming. The two are dancing in an action taking square with each other between now and 2016, causing revolutions and profound changes in many areas of our society and in our lives. We’ve already experienced the beginnings of the changes with the economic and structural issues affecting so many of our lives. Most folks are not thrilled with Uranus and Pluto transits as change is hard for folks. It brings up our security issues, our fears of not getting our needs met or our anxieties about what will happen to us.
When Mars in Leo forms a stressful but action must be taken aspect with them ~ like he does this week ~ you KNOW you are going to have to pick for your SOUL and your Ego’s purpose. What is GOOD FOR YOU? What does your soul want you to do. And, if you feel guilty, no worries. Own that guilt. But do NOT ACT from the guilt. Act from the place of wholeness and centeredness.
As my friend Llorraine says “We often feel guilty when we are being untrue to what our soul wants us to do.” Listen to your soul’s whispering this week. No doing something because you “should”, you “must”, you “always do”, or you “have to”. It is time for each of us to connect into the deeper parts of our being so we live in a more authentic and true to ourselves manner. We need to get busy doing what we are here to do in this life.
This past weekend, I taught a “learn astrology intensive” on Amelia Island. During the course of it, we worked on a mystery chart to develop our understanding of the chart without the person’s identity being revealed. The participants were asked to use “Key” words that described the person. As they said the key words, I wrote them on the white board. And, as I knew the identity of the person, I found myself editing their suggestions. Or putting question marks by the suggestions I knew were “incorrect”.
As I drove home Sunday night with the glorious sun setting over the Florida swamps of the inter-coastal waterway, I found myself reviewing and thinking about the weekend. And my mind returned to that moment of editing. How often do we each edit the choices and options in our lives by dismissing them because we “know” better? Here I was exposing newbies to the wondrous and wide range of astrology but I was also editing their suggestions to match what I knew to be true of the mystery chart.
Mercury and Venus are both in Scorpio right now. They will be joined by the Sun in Scorpio on Sunday. The universe wants us to go deeper. To NOT edit something out because we know it is “not true”. And as I thought about it, using a BROAD definition, the mystery person kind of was a priest. He ministered to the needs of his congregation ~ the members of the city he lived in as well as the people in the wider world. He taught truth, justice and the way to be. Hmmmm. He did minister to people in need. He preached compassion and kindness. He modeled it actually. Maybe I should erase that question mark….
So when you find yourself editing options this week ~ when you hear yourself saying “No, that isn’t it.” Stop. Take a deep breath. Step back. Look deeper. Dive into the swamp with Mercury and Venus in Scorpio to get to the bottom of things. Look at the essence of what the universe is trying to teach you by what is appearing in your life. Go deeper. Look at the images of what you are trying to NOT accept. What would happen if you accepted those ideas or images? What would happen if you said “Yes, he was kind of a priest but not in the traditional way ~but he DID minister to people. And he DID preach.”
Take your understanding deeper ~ expand your understanding of it. Look for the purpose or the story you might not normally think of.
I was talking to a client tonight about her son. At the conclusion of the call, she said “You are always so positive.” After I laughed and said “Oh no I am not!”, we hung up. And again, Mercury took me on a journey of introspection. I prefer to think of my approach as “reframing” or balancing with my Mercury in Libra.
Each and everything, good, bad or indifferent, shows up in our natal chart. And everything shows up for a reason ~ a transit, a progression, our natal potential coming up to fruition. We can roll around on the ground wrestling with what shows up (and sometimes I am right there rolling around on the ground in the mud!). OR we can try to put it in perspective. We can shift our perspective to see what is happening. We can reframe.
There was a great scene in the terrific movie, Dolphin Tale, where the injured war veteran is saying “I am broken” and Morgan Freeman says “No, you are hurt.” Their exchange continues for a few minutes. Then Morgan Freeman says “THIS is broken.” He holds a water glass out in the air and drops it from shoulder height onto the ceramic tile floor. The glass shatters into a thousand pieces. “THAT is broken!”
How often do we use words or ideas to hold ourselves back or keep away from what we deeply and truly want to do? Look at what you are saying to yourself this week to see where your words or ideas are holding your soul back. Look where you are editing your understanding or definition of things rather than seeking to broaden it. Look where your definition of things ~ broken versus hurt ~ can inhibit your full expression of being.
When someone comes to you this week and says something you want to “edit”, “refute” or “argue with” ~ look to see where you can find a connection and partner with the words before you. Words are mighty powerful things. Use them wisely.
Void Moons
6:18 pm EDT Monday October 17 to 9:38 pm
11:30 pm EDT Wednesday October 19 to 6:06 am EDT Thursday October 20
8:35 am EDT Saturday October 22 to 10:41 am EDT
4:47 pm EDT Sunday October 23 to 11:49 am EDT Monday October 24.
Moon’s day, Monday October 17
Moon in Cancer heightens emotions today, Tuesday and Wednesday. Her closing aspect to the Sun of a square suggests we will be making emotional choices around relationships the first three days of the week. Mars sets off the first part of the Hammer of Thor as he pounds home an idea using Uranus ~ breaking things into parts. For an example see Barack Obama speaking about “breaking” the jobs bill into parts to FORCE (hammer type words) his jobs bill into a passing vote. You’ll be asked to break things into parts too ~if only to get them accomplished as the whole is too big to tackle at once. There are over the top communications as Mercury opposes Jupiter to ask and receive permissions, ideas, raises or yes/no. Mercury in Scorpio wants us to “reframe” or “dig deeper” to see the hidden meaning. So if you get a no, dig deeper into why. If you get a yes, dig deeper and find out if there are conditions attached. If you are told your child has processing issues, DO take him to a neurologist to rule out a biological issue. Dig deeper to find the source of the hidden things. You will find it if you dig. Armadillos are ruled by Scorpio and they will dig your lawn right up into a pile of holes in their search for food. Be your own Armadillo ~ Dig your lawn right up to make sure that the hidden problem is seen. Sun connects with the Nodes by parallel so you can meet an important person or connect profoundly today. Invite them into your life.
Mar’s Day, Tuesday October 18 Moon in Cancer continues to make the days emotional but clarifying. Moon has supportive aspects after a restless night of poor sleep. She’s talking to Jupiter, Venus and Mercury so connections are smooth and flowing today ~ things work well in the emotional and feeling realm. Invite ideas and new things into your life as the Sun approaches his trine to Neptune at the end of the week. This is a week for dreams to at least be spoken out loud. He has support from Mercury and Venus traveling ahead of him to prepare the way for the dreams to arrive. Mercury has a Parallel to Uranus offering unexpected news or information that you can use to help your idea go through. There is on opportunity for a great partnership this evening so go on that date, say yes to the meeting and accept offers. You don’t have to leave your old life behind exactly but you do need to create room for the new to arrive INTO your life. Open your doors. Reframe your ideas to support expansion. Get a list of words that describe your Sun’s sign and add new words, or job, or visions to your reality. Reframe your vision of yourself. See how you are that energy too ~ especially if you think there is something “wrong” with the energy or were TOLD as a child or adult that there was something wrong with you. Embrace that new definition of you ~ at least for a day or two to see how it feels. Strive to be happy in your new definition. Your path is your path. ‘
Mercury’s day, Wednesday October 19 Moon continues in Cancer today until 11:30 pm. Today we argue with the new definitions of ourselves as Moon has squares to Saturn or Sun. so if you hear a definition you don’t much like today, focus in on it to see why or what you don’t like about it. Then back up. Step down. Look. See how it DOES apply to you. See without judgment. Steve Jobs hated it when people called the man who raised him the “adoptive” father. He had no relationship with his biological father after he found him. “Adopt” isn’t a “bad” word ~ it means to legally raise another’s child. It also means to choose and decide to use something such as a plan, idea, cause or practice, to assume a way of acting, to use a new name, to vote in favor of accepting something, and to officially accept something as a requirement. It means to “chose for yourself” in French and “to choose. Steve’s adoptive father was a machinist ~ what a brilliant assignment by the universe. The two of them tinkered together in the garage, building things. No mistakes in the way or manner that your chart introduces you to the perfect environment to create your life. Your choice after that is how to work with it. Moon today can be crabby ~ so no worries. Just look at how and why she is crabby. Figure out how to nurture yourself. This reframing business is emotionally difficult. We are often “invested” in our story. How difficult it was. The struggle. The rejection. Maybe the rejection was to free you up to go pursue your path. I know in my case that the end of my relationship lead me to get a chart reading with an astrologer (what the hell was I doing ~ a good Catholic girl seeing an astrologer?). The reading intrigued me ~ how did he KNOW those things about me and my ex? Throwing caution to the winds ~ I started studying it. So I can say the end of the relationship ruined my life (it DID blow up my existing life) but it also opened the doors to a NEW life. Which way should I focus my attention ~ probably on both… So look at what the endings (you are going to be thinking about them today any way) brought INTO your life after that door closed. Neptune trines Juno suggesting the universe doesn’t always tell us the reason for why we partnered with a particular situation. But partner we did ~ so own the partnership. Accept the gifts of it. And move on to the reality of what the partnership brought into your life. Attend to the sniffles cold or the health matter too as the health planets are up and dancing around the heavens. Early to bed with you! Take care of your body.
Thursday, Jupiter’s day October 20 Moon in Leo is profoundly creative and playful with a lovely closing aspect of a sextile to the Sun on Saturday morning making Thursday and Friday very productive and fun filled. Allow yourself to let your Sun say what it wants and DO IT. Life is short. The trine of Sun to Neptune also suggests these two days are good for the big picture, the vision, the dream. And perhaps for some disillusionment as Neptune can bring that to YOUR DREAM. If you were flying along on an illusion notice what the dream was UNDER NEATH the illusion. The DREAM is what you REALLY want ed. You just hooked it on someone else whose dream it was not. So unhook your dream from them and own your dream for yourself. Create that Dream of yours in your own life. The Hammer of Thor keeps banging away at structures this week. The Hammer does not want unreal structures to continue. He also takes out unstable structures that need to be renovated. Figure out who your tribe is. Who is your chosen family? Start building your new dream there. There are adjustments today that can feel harsh.
Venus’ day, Friday October 21 Moon in Leo wakes up with an agenda after a tossing and turning night of sleep. Notice what your dreams were ~ make sure to write them down as Mercury and Venus were active last night digging into your psyche and taking you deeper. Moon in Leo has action oriented aspects today as she works with Mars, Saturn and Neptune. Mars and Saturn are malefic or mean planets but they are cooperating with the Moon today. So maybe the emotional process will be hard but necessary. Or the news won’t be what you want but it will be something you need to see. The Hammer of Thor continues to bang away. Venus has an adjusting aspect with the South node… often these shows as a relationship that “primes the pump” of what you want. It gets you ready so to speak. A practice run. And then it leaves your life. So if something or someone leaves you that you DESIRE today, let it or them go. They served their purpose of getting you ready. Now that you are ready, it is time to go find the one that is for real and true. Remember Saturn in Libra only wants for real for true things in your life. Hold on to the DREAM ~ don’t hold onto the “FORM” of the dream. Let the dream show YOU what and how it wants to appear in your life.
Saturn’s day, Saturday October 22 Moon in Virgo works well with all the energy in the heavens and has a lovely closing sextile to Venus. Again the health aspects are dancing so take your vitamins and get extra sleep. With these aspects there is a tendency to ignore the body’s needs…. To just keep pushing. Give your body some nurturing today as Moon in Virgo likes to take care of things ~ so take care of yourself. Venus inserts herself into the Hammer of Thor stimulating it to take a swing at what it wants. She’s moving to square Mars next week but right now, she’s playing with him and not that nicely either. Expect unexpected information about things that your value and care for. Venus also forms her own Hammer of Thor with Uranus and Hades as the Hammer. We are really wanting to break down the old structures today! Have at it. Go rolling around in the swamp and dig deeper. Sun joins with Juno at the last degrees of Libra ~ we are reimagining and reinventing all of the partnerships in our lives. It is for our evolution and growth. Sun also squares Pallas asking us to see the patterns in our lives that are shopworn and old. It is time to let them go and release them. Time to change our patterns. We don’t have to change a whole huge amount but incrementally, teeny tiny increments, with the goal being solid and clear change over time. Allow yourself to revision those words that you use to describe yourself. Imagine a different story.
Sun’s day, Sunday October 23 Moon in Virgo continues to offer comfort and organizing work today. Moon in Virgo works productively with both communications and desire today as she sextiles Mercury and Venus. Take time to plan what you want to bring it. Literally sit down and write it down. Mercury and Venus are working together now, traveling together through the heavens, partners and buddies. So harness their desire to create passion, vision and transformation in your life. Let them get the fields ready for the next growing season. Plant the bulbs you want to bloom. Mercury has the same aspect that Venus has yesterday with the nodes. An adjustment to your addiction to a certain thing is needed. It doesn’t mean you can’t have it again but not right now. Go forward and create your own. It is time. Pallas squares Juno in the cardinal signs asking you to notice your partnership patterns and CHANGE them. So let’s say you always feel you give too much in a relationship. Sit back and wait to see what the person before you gives first. Try changing up your regular patterns of what you do and say. Sit in silence. Allow the space to open before you. Notice what it does. Listen to what is says. No wrong here. Just an opportunity to change. Sure, if they said yes it would be easier. But they are not saying yes. That doesn’t mean you can’t find yes someplace else. And yes, they really are probably saying no. Listen. Pay attention. Change. It is time. Sun enters Scorpio today asking each of us to go deeper. To probe below the surface. To dive deeply into our OWN stuff and own it for what it is. Mars hits that Pluto by sesquiquadrate and sets off the final bang of the Hammer. Time to change ~ fundamental change is asked of you. Is being asked of all of us. You can do it. You are so ready. Sun enters into the dance with the nodes of fate that Venus and Mercury did the past few days. It is time for you to find your tribe, your people, your next life, your new chapter, the vision of where you want to go in your being. Forward, without fear, knowing that this is part of your life path.
Advertisement: Advanced Chart interpretation class starting on Monday. Secondary Progressed Class starting on Thursday. Limited space in both classes. Write for more information!
Copyright © 2011 A. C. Ortelee