Weekly Weather October 15, 2012
To Live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist. That is all. Oscar Wilde
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for….Hopi Elders
Our week ahead is another three page week of aspects. We are starting our Saturn in Scorpio journey in earnest as the New Moon at 22 Libra inaugurates the three year journey. The first New Moon since Saturn entered Scorpio starts a 30 day and 2 ½ year journey of integrating what we learned about relationships into the deeper part of our being and helps our soul come into connection with our ego and individual purpose for existing. . We now are emotionally connected with our ego’s desire and connecting
It seems appropriate with a New Moon in Libra to let other people’s words help define our week ahead. After all, what we read from others is part of our relationship story too~ Libra rules words.
First up, a quote that Michael read last week on our radio show “Scorpios Talking”.
You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
—The Elders Oraibi
Arizona Hopi Nation
Lisa wrote: Astrology did teach me one thing: it’s always OUR stuff. every interaction, every fight…and i do not want to live my life in conflict…i have a SAG moon…i would rather live my life running around naked singing folk songs braiding my hair…i am joking, i mean i would rather live a life of freedom and peace and love. i have no drama in my life, and i forgotten how boring yet amazing it feels. What a nice shift. It’s maturity too.
Mary Ann wrote: what a hopeful time we are in. I am not saying this is all bliss and enjoyable, but I too believe we are in a huge shift of consciousness and transformation.
I was going through such turbulent times with growing pains, and even now I am in the midst of pain and growth. But it is good pain and I am filled with gratitude and courage to be in the river moving and engaging in life fully in all its wisdom and magnificence. I am absolutely where I want to be right now. Connections are being made, I am discovering I am stronger and more courageous then I ever dreamed. I have discovered prophetic voices Barbara Marx Hubbard, Shift Network, James O’Dea and countless others who are right in the middle of the river of life.
We are strong, we are connected, we are more powerful then we can imagine and yes we are vulnerable too. When we recognize our own wound we can recognize the wounding in the other with compassion and kindness. We can heal ourselves and the world. This deep healing of the wound is possible and inevitable as we enter this evolutionary shift.
A man wrote this letter about his teacher: (See the Gemini/Sagittarius Nodal Shift) After some years of strong idealization of this guy, I got into a conflict with him, strongly, because I felt he abused my trustfulness.
As always, the aftershock of the idealization was the degrading, so I began to see my master as a piece of shit. Luckily I managed to overcome this episode. After a while, I realized to what extent I idealized the guy. I began to see reality more clearly. I began to see my strong need for these kinds of idealizations. Suddenly I could see the guy more “normal”, as a human being, with all his incredible power and abilities but also his “flaws” and weaknesses. It led to a more peaceful relationship with him.
Elizabeth Tipton wrote on her September 1 blog http://elizabethtipton.com/etd.nsf/index/blog:
Lately I’ve heard a lot about “letting go” on the podcasts. “Release, release, release!”, Anne Ortelee chants and writes. I believe it. You know when something’s true, how it rings in your gut. Everyone I know now is in deep transition of some sort. Huge multiple changes being made in relationships, jobs, kids leaving the nest, money. The circumstances seem to mount on top of one another, towering with underlying messages about sustainability and questions about what’s really important.
So as I was making the card this week I found myself ripping a figure out of an old page from National Geographic. I wanted to keep just the pattern from the background. I pasted it down. Suddenly the hole that was left seemed like the most important thing on the page. It held the space for what had been, what was leaving. And it all made sense, release, release, release.
We all have ghosts, things from our pasts that work us. They need to leave now. So scan your inner landscape and notice what’s still there, that thing you need to say good-bye to. I promise once you let it go and bid adieu the emptiness might feel a little unsettling at first, but the new thing that’s waiting in the wings will fill its space, open you up, and set you free.
Thank you to my contributors who each said it brilliantly. We are at a paradigm shift in our lives. Time for a new vision of who we are and why we are here and what we can do.
The New Moon on Monday Morning is profound. She forms a closing union with Sun in Libra making connections deep and profound. You feel loved. There is a new Moon in Libra as the last aspect which echoes and awakens the degree of 22 and wraps up all we’ve learned and gone through since last November 2011 and since Saturn entered Libra in October 2009. Saturn spent May, June and July of 2012 essentially parked at 22-23 Libra.
All during the spring of 2012, each of the inner planets stationed at 22-23. Now the New Moon forming on that “hot” 22 degree reminds us that everything is related and interconnected. It sums up the lessons from Saturn in Libra and carries them forward into Saturn in Scorpio.
The New Moon falls in the 12th house of the chart cast for Washington, DC. There is a Grand Trine in Water between Saturn at 1 Scorpio to Neptune at 0 Pisces, Chiron at 5 Pisces and Ceres at 2 Cancer. Grand Trines are highly productive in creating based on the planets involved. In this case, the trine is in water, with Neptune in Pisces starting a new 14 year journey and Saturn committing to something profound in his life, we are being asked to feel emotions about our next dream, to nurture it (Ceres), to understand how it helps heal our soul’s deepest wound (Chiron) but answers to our most profound desire (Neptune). And with Saturn in Scorpio, we will work out how to actually commit to and start to sow the seeds of fertility for the dream out of the compost of our past.
Venus in Virgo, is the highest planet in the chart. She rules the Libra Sun and Moon suggesting our work while Saturn is in Scorpio is based on what we learned and did while Saturn was in Libra resolving our past life and current life karma around relationships.
There is a second grand Fire trine with Uranus in Aries and Mars and Juno in Sagittarius and forming a Grand Trine in the DC chart with Midheaven in Leo. Fire offers us a burst of enthusiasm and joy as we enter into Saturn in Scorpio’s first new Moon. Mars and Juno in Sagittarius encourage us to partner with our ability to take action. Uranus in Aries encourages us to change how we approach going forward and partnering.
Two kites pull us in opposite directions ~ how do we maintain our sovereignty while allowing the great work of transformation to take place? Sovereignty versus transformation are the universal questions of Scorpio.
In the middle of the chart is a transformative Finger of God, asking us to proceed with our lives towards our heart’s calling, no matter how wounded or perhaps in SPITE of our wounds ~ the legs are Pluto and Chiron, the Apex is the Midheaven of Leo. The Pluto leg says transformations, which might just wound us, are part of the story of life. Know all wounds and the wisdom learned from each wound can be integrated with a loving heart to serve and help create our lives. It is time to get on with great adventure awaiting us as we dive into Scorpio’s murky, intense, transformative waters and begin our next new journey with Saturn.
As the New Moon is the FIRST New Moon since Saturn entered Scorpio, it inaugurates the next three years of Saturn. Take time this week to consciously think about your intent and intentions over the next three years. Reflect on the changes since 1983 when Saturn last entered Scorpio. I recently read for a woman who said “Back then in 1983, I had three kids and my life was crazy. I didn’t have a plan in 1983.” We often DON’T make a plan ~ we weren’t taught to think that way.
But now, now that we KNOW about astrology, we come to understand we are in the middle of these bigger cycles operating in our lives that determine our life’s plan and describe our lives and the events in them whether we are paying attention or not.
I love it when people say to me “You actually believe in that astrology stuff?” I say “Yes, and you do too, even if you don’t know anything about it. Your behavior is affected by the planets.” Of course, next up is denial or degrading (like the idealization fellow who wrote above), always the key to a closed mind. My answer: “Well, IF you sweat in the summer and wear a coat in the winter ~ yes? ~ your behavior IS affected by the Sun’s movement across the face of earth. The Sun’s movement governs the growing seasons. The ocean tides move with the Moon ~ and your body is 85% water, so, of course, the Moon affects you. The Moon’s phases rules women’s menstrual cycles and the biting flies in Massachusetts, you think you are exempt?
So what we are doing is consciously working with the energy unfolding and opening before us as Saturn enters Scorpio and the New Moon asks us to take our life’s lessons, particularly the last three years of lessons worth, and move forward consciously into examining the deeper secrets of our being.
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon degree is CHANTICLEER’S VOICE HERALDS THE RISING SUN WITH ENTHUSIASTIC TONES. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Image is:
Commentary: ‘Chanticleer’s Voice Heralds the Rising Sun With Enthusiastic Tones’. The word ‘Chanticleer’ is from the French “Chanter Clair” meaning to sing clearly. He ‘Heralds the Rising Sun With Enthusiastic Tones’. As this ‘Chanticleer’ is quite clearly the symbol of a rooster, it’s most likely he sings loudly, as well. It is also said that the cock crows loudly in order to scare away evil spirits. The cock was dedicated to Apollo in ancient mythology because he gives notice of ‘The Rising Sun’. Just like the cock, some people are heralds of the new day, the new age, and they notice and give voice to this emergence, often ahead of time. Most often the voice that is heard at this new time is enthusiastically received, but there are times that what is said is rejected, ignored or reviled or it’s perceived as loud and irritating.
Oracle: In this situation, someone may feel that they are the driving force behind what’s happening. There may be a strong need, or desire, to draw attention to them. This may be someone in the public eye, or someone who feels that they should be listened to, or that things cannot continue without them. Rightly or wrongly, there’s often a claiming of responsibility for things. There is always a need to learn to listen, rather than just crowing about one’s self, one’s ideas or life. The sound of someone’s voice can become grating and annoying when they don’t know when, or how, to stop. It can be that the ‘Chanticleer With Enthusiastic Tones’ overstates his role somewhat and there can be a blurring of the concept as to whether the cock causes or simply heralds the new day. Done correctly, however, ‘Enthusiastic Tones Heralding the Rising Sun’ can be wonderfully stirring and can move people to new beginnings and realizations that they’ve not had before.
Keywords: Anticipating new opportunities. Waking early. Being a morning person. Having a clear, beautiful or loud voice. Speaking up when it’s needed. Heralding the new age. Seeing things ahead of their time. Being attuned to cosmic forces. Change or renewal. Someone associated with new things. Always being on the go. Being eternally vigilant. Alarms that spur to action.
The Caution: Overstating ones role, talents or abilities. Needing a wake-up call (literally and symbolically). Crowing about things-disturbing others. Being noisy when others are trying to sleep. Loud and irritating.
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. Rabindranath Tagore
Determination is the wake-up call to the human will. Anthony Robbins
Said a Rooster, “I’d have you all know I am nearly the whole of the show; Why, the Sun every morn/ Gets up with the dawn For the purpose of hearing me crow!” Ethel Watts Mumford
Dawn does not come twice to awaken a man. Saudi Arabian Proverb
Great braggers, little doers. Romanian proverb
One filled with joy preaches without preaching. Mother Teresa
It takes a person who is wide awake to make his dream come true. Roger Babson
The sun sets without thy assistance. The Talmud
She understood how much louder a cock can crow in its own farmyard than elsewhere. Anthony Trollope
Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid. Mark Twain
The balance of the week Moon moves through Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn ~ asking us to commit, learn and put the learning to use in building our life. Sun has stressful aspects asking you to “release” or “adjust” ego attachments to things you don’t need or want. Ego attachments often have us kicking and screaming as we let them go so watch for that reaction to help you know this is what you are supposed to release. Now “release” or “adjust” can also mean changing HOW you are emotionally attached to a situation that isn’t working for you anymore. You can keep the people but change how YOU feel or deal with them. Saturn in Scorpio is recognizing the story is changing and being productive with the changes.
Mercury forms the handle of a fast moving Hammer of Thor this week with Ceres and Uranus so you’ll receive information that is difficult or uncomfortable about nurturing or breaking the bonds of nurturing between Wednesday and Saturday. Mercury in Scorpio suggests you might even ask for the change you’d like if offered a deal you are not happy with.
Vesta stations to go retrograde at 25 Gemini offering us time and opportunity to change situations in our home life that revolve around communications, siblings or papers until the end of January 2013. Pallas Athena, the pattern seer, aspects the Nodes of Fate on Thursday, encouraging you to notice and make easy changes while later in the weekend she argues with your existing systems that need to change to support your future dreams.
Mars starts a new two year cycle around partnerships and relationships on Saturday as he joins with Juno at 9 Sagittarius. This cycle runs until January of 2016. It helps us move forward with a new definition of what we want in the various relationships in our lives ~ especially AFTER the past three years of understanding the various types and forms of relationships we have. (And why we have them!)
Remember, events taking place in our lives between now and November 14, 2012 are PERMANENT. Saturn passes through this section of degrees, 0 to 4:49, ONLY ONCE. Grab for it quickly as Saturn flies by this section of the heavens. You are making 30 year decisions ~ similar to the way we did in September and October last fall. The decisions made are permanent and full of consequences. So planets found between the degrees of 0 and 4:49 are primed for action as Saturn sets them off.
Make sure to take time this week, under the light of the New Moon, to envision your future dreams. Think forward with hope in your heart to the future. Imagine what it could be. Scorpio Saturn brings our inner focus deeper, more penetrating, and profoundly connected to our deepest being. It is time to focus on following your heart. Saturn in Scorpio will help you figure out what is blocking you from following your heart’s dream. So delve and dive to find out. Process. Pay attention.
Void Moons This Week
Moon goes void Monday, Oct 15 at 08:03 am to Oct 15 at 08:07 pm
All Day Void Moon
Moon goes void Tuesday, Oct 16 at 10:24 pm to Wednesday, Oct 17 at 08:26 pm
All Day Void Moon
Moon goes void Friday, Oct 19 at 04:27 pm to Oct 19 at 09:42 pm
Moon goes void Sunday, Oct 21 at 11:33 pm to Oct 22 at 01:03 am
Monday Moon Day October 15 the Moon is void all day in Libra after the New Moon at 8:03 am. Mars trines to Uranus acts as an accelerator to push us along to the next place with lots of energy and passionate fire. Venus is quintile to the Node of Fate suggesting you can find a creative option with love. Love is in the air. The principle of nurturing argues with independent freedom from servitude. Sovereignty has the call and rule of the day. Venus is quintile to Hades suggesting we take an unusual stance to shift the role of love and desire in our lives. Jupiter has a sesquiquadrate to Saturn ~ the second of three ~the first was July 20, 2012, the third is May 20, 2013. Sesquiquadrates are stressful action taking aspects. We are always taken back to Jupiter and Saturn’s union back in May 28, 2000 when we started this great cycle. There is a health aspect today that encourages us to move forward with a healthy lifestyle. Figure out how to creatively move love and passion forward so they help nurture the dream. We have to deal with stresses in partnerships and relationships ~ focus and deal with them creatively and directly. Moon’s trine to Neptune at the end of the day, brings us helpful dreams for our future.
Mars’ day, Tuesday October 16 finds the Moon in passionate, intense Scorpio with solid closing aspects of a conjunction and occultation of Mercury bringing deep emotional clarity today. You might find out information you are not happy to hear but that you need to know. Mercury and Venus play well together ~ they help you come up with a winning strategy to move relationships forward. Sun is inconjunct Sedna making you or others prone to emotional feelings around how you belong or don’t belong in a particular place. Jupiter encourages you to stand up for what you believe. Pay attention to what you hear from someone you believe to be your opponent ~ they reveal more of themselves than they meant to. Use that reveal information to help move yourself forward. Mercury and Jupiter argue a bit today so confusion about how things happened or what actually went on is part of the story too. Allow space for the confusion, then double check the facts. Venus is square to Jupiter causes a bit of trouble with desires versus how they are satisfied. It is time to choose. You can’t have it both ways, even if you want to. At least not today. Venus is pretty angry at what she sees as disrespectful behaviors so stand back if she is directing that anger at you. Later in the day, Mars is very irritated and aggressive about how to take action, especially on or about places that feel very hurtful.
Mercury’s day Wednesday October 17 Moon is void all day long in Scorpio, pulsing with passion and desires. Venus argues with Saturn. The argument encourages them both to step forward and take a stand, even if it is an unpopular position. Mars and Pluto are exceptionally irritated today so allow space for negotiations and movement. Mercury unites with Saturn suggesting it is better to keep your opinion to yourself as it is not welcomed ~ especially if it varies from the opinion being spoken by the other person. Venus wants her own way so allow the feminine to speak their truth. Health matters, particularly around the lungs, can take a turn for the worse. You hear difficult news as Mercury sesquiquadrates Hades ~ this is not what you wanted to know or hear. However, it WILL help you make decisions about or around areas that you need to move forward on. Take action around a stagnant area that you have not been dealing with.
Jupiter’s day Thursday October 18 finds Moon in Sagittarius with a lovely closing and working aspect to the Sun. Ego and Power combine to create a great new idea or approach to a difficult situation. Sun faces a choice of how to proceed ~ choose the path or approach that supports your dream. Health matters shift a bit and seem to improve ~ keep pushing. Sun’s aspect to Vesta encourages you to clear out the unneeded or unwanted clutter in your life or things that don’t support your new dream. You have to take a different approach to how you view take care of yourself. Be kinder. Pallas Athena, the pattern seer, has very productive aspects to the Nodes of Fate… allow what you’ve seen to help inform your choices and your direction. Emotionally sensitive and profound, Pallas is moving backwards in sensitive Pisces… listen to your intuition and the whispers from your higher self to help move forward toward the dream.
Venus’ day, Friday October 19 find Sagittarius Moon very active and productive. It’s a day of choices. Sun has a stressful and adjusting aspect to situations that are NOT what you want them to be. Speak and ask for the correction you need. See the patterns that need to change as you are moving forward even if you can’t quite see HOW that will actually happen. You are the change you need in your life. Only you can do it. Understand the choices you face are designed to help you evolve. Mercury encourages you to ask for a needed change and helps describe what you actually need. There is a need to speak for what it is regardless of whether you feel up to it or not. Sovereignty is called for ~ if you are not clearly focused on how to say no, yes will not happen. Saturn in Scorpio is all about taking action and going for it. Just do it. Just deal with it. Focus your intention. Commit. And it doesn’t matter WHAT went down or on before… your moment is NOW. Speak up or take action towards what you want, need and deserve
Saturn’s day Saturday October 20, finds the Moon in Capricorn with a closing aspect of an argument or stress about how to proceed. Mars links up with Juno starting a new two year cycle around partnership and relationships. Take time today to think about the kind and style of relationships you want in your life. Mars links up with Juno at 9 Sagittarius. Mercury sesquiquadrate to Uranus brings unpleasant or difficult news ~ and possible computer or technology issues. The Hammer of Thor is banging away and asking you to step forward into a new form of communication. Sun’s inconjunct with Admetos offers an opportunity to end things in a relatively easy manner. Saturn’s biquintile to Pallas allows you to proceed toward your dream today.
Sun’s day, Sunday October 21 finds the Moon in Capricorn forming helpful aspects to Venus and Mercury encouraging each of us to work harder on clarifying your dream. Vesta stations in Gemini to go retrograde encouraging clearing out the home space and organizing the papers. Pluto has a productive aspect to creative energy and independence encouraging you to move forward. It is time for you to start to shine. In the afternoon, you can have arguments as Mercury is inconjunct to Eris…. Scorpio Mercury has very deep feeling about how to proceed. Mercury’s semi-square to Pluto at 4:15 offers stressful communications and arguments. Women are feeling quite irritable today. Venus has an inconjunct to Eris too ~ desire is incredibly irritated today. Just not too much fun… Vesta’s square to Pallas encourages each of us to listen to the inner wisdom and change how our individual environment supports or doesn’t support our future path, dreams and ideals.
Prediction Techniques with Astrology Weekend In Beautiful Vermont with Anne Ortelee
Where: Bodhi Events presents astrologer Anne Ortelee in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont!
Topic: Anne Ortelee is a certified astrologer who lectures, teaches and writes to a worldwide audience. Join Anne for a Prediction Techniques weekend workshop at the Inn at Willow Pond in Manchester, Vermont.
When: November 2-4, 2012
Weekend is offered with or without hotel accommodations. Included is:
• 2 nights of accommodation at the beautiful Inn at Willow Pond
• Five meals
• Course tuition
• Individual instruction From Anne
Why: Because who wouldn’t want to spend a lovely weekend at a gorgeous inn learning astrology?
To register or for more information contact: [email protected] or call Beth Shaw at 802 379 5775.
The Inn at Willow Pond
Manchester Village, VT
Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction
An introduction to predictive techniques and a review of natal chart interpretation to see the potential of the person including basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in today’s workshop transits, and solar arcs. We’ll explore what each technique does and how to analyze horoscope charts to see what happens. We will work with famous people’s charts and put the techniques together. There will be time to practice these skills on your chart with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Anne will cover secondary progressions and lunations/eclipses. We’ll add these techniques and how to apply them to horoscope charts. We will work with famous people’s charts and put the techniques together. There will be time to practice these skills on your chart with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break are included for all.
Contact for more Information:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright © 2012 A. C. Ortelee