Weekly Weather October 14, 2013

Weekly Weather October 14, 2013


“There is only the trying. The rest is not our business.”  T. S. Eliot






The eclipses are coming!  The eclipses are coming!

These are some mighty wild and crazy eclipses.  Just take a look at the world around you to get an idea of what we can expect. That energy taking place in the outside world is happening inside of your chart too.

Eclipses bring things to the surface that have been festering for a long time. We have a sense that we HAVE to DO SOMETHING!   The eclipse season before us will be quite powerful. And for quite a few of us, it will mark a major turning point in our lives as Saturn connects with the North Node of our Destiny.

Saturn starts to travel over a new section of the sky this week. We pass the degree of his station from February 2013. Look back to your Mars in Scorpio worksheets from last fall ~ we move from 11:32 to 23:19 Scorpio or September 10, 2012 to September 28, 2012 in your Mars worksheet.  We enter all new territory with Saturn in Scorpio as we dive headfirst into these eclipses.

Saturn is moving assuredly and definitively into the Pisces decant, the second 10 degree section of Scorpio. We can expect VERY OUT OF CONTROL energies ~ similar to being swamped in deep ocean currents and carried away. As usual our popular culture reflects the imagery with movies about being adrift, unmoored, enslaved or captured in situations that illustrate the Pisces/Scorpio energy ~ “Gravity” ~ two astronauts adrift in space, “12 Years as a Slave” ~ a memoir based film about a free black man captured and sold into slavery in 1853, and “All is Lost” with Robert Redford silently adrift alone at sea. Redford said in the NYTimes, “I’m interested in that thing that happens where there’s a breaking point for some people and not for others.  You go through such hardship, things that are almost impossibly difficult, and there’s no sign that it’s going to get any better, and that’s the point when people quit. But some don’t. You just continue because that’s all there is to do.” He‘s still passionately interested in the world.  But he says he’s no longer sure how to critique politics when “the center is not holding, when everything’s spinning and spinning, and when you can’t beat ‘Saturday Night Live’.”  Who knew that Robert Redford watches Saturday Night Live?

Saturday Night Live ~ We did Stop the Government

The key to this center not holding, spinning and spinning energy is to stand in the “I” place. What can “I” do?  What can “I” commit to? Where can “I” be responsible? What is before me that “I” am able to address and take care of? No telling the other guy what they need to do.  No using the “YOU” word. Make it be about what “I” can do.  Saturn is all about responsibility. Personal responsibility. You just continue because that’s all there is to do…

Another way of looking at it is when you pirouette as a ballerina, to avoid dizziness and hold the spinning and spinning at bay, you focus your eyes on an external point. It is called a spotting action. A spotting action is when your eyes lock into something and you turn around keeping your eyes on that place by turning your head around and snapping back to that place with your eyes. It’s very important to perform this action as you do the turn. Spotting action helps to focus and hold your attention. Then pull out your “I” word and say it. Take that approach over the next few weeks. Focus on what you can do IN THE MOMENT. Take a spotting action. Make an “I” statement ~ “I am going to cook dinner.” “I am going for a walk.” “I am going to change the cat litter.”  “I am going to pirouette.” The small, Virgo tasks that help Mars ground and focus on what he CAN do. It is a process. Focus on the step that is next before you in the process.  Spotting action and proceed!



The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

We still have the earth Grand Trine with Pluto and the South Node, as Mars moves into replace Ceres and Vesta who are moving out.  Earth Grand trines encourage us to ground our energy and make physical changes in our homes, bodies, diet and environment to support our goals.

Sun opposes Eris so discord, dissention, and arguments rule the early part of the week.

Mars enters Virgo on Tuesday Oct 15, 2013 at 07:04:52 am EDT until December 7, 2013 for 54 days. Answering to intense Mercury in Scorpio about to station and go retrograde, Mars is intense, focused and very, very process oriented. One step at a time, practice, practice, practice until you get it right!

Venus in Sagittarius is OUT OF BOUNDS!  Expect Venus to NOT follow the rules made by the authorities or the Sun!   Venus has a number of stressful aspects this week ~ Eris, Nodes, Chiron and Uranus ~ wild and wooly stuff about money, desire and love energy ~ amplified by her OUT OF BOUNDS state and her answering to exalted Jupiter in Cancer.  Hold on to what you want.

Moon has a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Friday Oct 18, 2013 on 07:37:39 pm EDT at 25°Aries 45.’  The New Moon was April 20, 2012 and Opening Quarter was January 18, 2013. Events from those dates “ripen” now.

Juno, Pallas and Saturn are all parallel to each other…WOW are we seeing our patterns in relationships this week!  Own your side of all relationship conversations or negotiations.  Say “I”!  Avoid “YOU”!

Mercury is in his retrograde shadow and stations on October 21 to go retrograde.  He’s slowing down and is virtually stopped over next weekend. The Mercury retrograde is between October 21 and November 11, leaving his shadow on November 27.  Mercury meets Saturn on October 29 and November 25.

Mars opposes Neptune on Saturday Oct 19, 2013 at 09:53:03 pm EDT releasing and freeing you to see clearly what exactly is going on. Finally a clear path to process on!


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes void opposite to Mars on Monday Oct 14, 2013 at 04:29:12 pm EDT and enters Pisces on Monday Oct 14, 2013 at 05:06:41 pm EDT.

Moon goes void trine to Jupiter on  Wednesday Oct 16, 2013 at 03:15:57 am EDT and enters Aries on Oct 16, 2013 at 09:18:37 pm EDT. Moon is void all day Wednesday.

Moon has a Lunar Eclipse on Friday Oct 18, 2013 on 07:37:39 pm EDT at 25°Ar45′ D

Moon goes void opposite the Sun on Friday Oct 18, 2013 at 07:38:46 pm EDT and Moon enters Taurus on Saturday Oct 19, 2013 at 03:27:43 am EDT.

Moon goes void sextile to Jupiter on Sunday Oct 20, 2013 at 05:02:39 pm EDT and enters Gemini on Monday Oct 21, 2013 at 12:15 pm EDT.












In addition to lots of arguments, tensions, eruptions, creativity and brilliant ideas, the Full Moon eclipse on the Aries/ Libra axis, invites us to look at the patterns in our relationships. Saturn is parallel Juno and Pallas all week. We will see how the structures (Saturn) of our life created the situation before us. How we partnered (Juno) with the pattern (Pallas) which got us to where we are now.  The next three weeks offer us an amazing opportunity to take control of our Saturn and change the patterns in our life. One “I” step at a time.  The Full Moon eclipse is visible on the east coast of North America. The Nodes of Fate aspect the Arabic Part of Catastrophe while Uranus is on the Arabic Part of Discord. The Part of Fortune is joined to the Fixed Star Agena who signifies the pain of learning (often the hard way).  The GOOD news in all this energy is that it is temporary, temporary, temporary…. Spinning and spinning but soon to settle down (three more weeks) into a new form.  In the meantime, focus on your “I” word ~take action where you are clear to take action. Take responsibility ~ not to “FIX” it ~ you can’t actually fix it right now ~ but to “I can do this.”  And then, keep your word and do it!














Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:

Commentary: The image of the ‘An Eagle and a Large White Dove’ are represented in many facets of our lives. Their symbols can be found in several religions, most notably Christianity and in heraldry and hermeticism. They represent opposite sides of the same spectrum. The ‘Eagle’ is symbolic of strength, stamina and skyward flight. It is a bird of prey and can be seen as aggressive and domineering. It is also considered to be the king of the birds. The Dove is a symbol of peace, tenderness, innocence and gentleness. When they are ‘Turning Constantly Into Each Other’ they are able to embody a strong sense of grounding in one’s own power at the same time as being aware of and awake to love and the wonderful messages that come from the emotional and spiritual realms, through personal expression.

Oracle: In the situation facing you, there is most likely a need to mix, and integrate, the principle of the will with the principle of the emotions. This symbolizes having the will and the strength to love and to do so with energetic conviction. It is the ideal of being strong, but not aggressive; firm without being overly assertive, and confident without being oppressive that creates a sense of peace. Equally it is a sense of peace and love that can energize your convictions into action. However, there may be some confusion around whether to use force or love in this situation. This Symbol may also indicate that somebody’s behavior is unpredictable and sometimes off-putting. Someone may be rather schizoid and flounder around from one response to another, leading others to wonder what sort of response they are likely to receive at any given time. This could be a result of a chemical imbalance, the use of drugs or alcohol, or merely their personality. Using moderation and the alternation of these responses will probably lead to a solution-be firm and yet kind.

Keywords: Tempering one’s will with love and bolstering up one’s emotional responses with strength. Cooperation of mind, will, spirit and heart. Schizophrenia. Eagles and doves. Being strong and soft at the same time. Adopting the attitudes of spirit, power and love.

The Caution: Being “all over the place” with reactions. Being changeable. Not acting for the purpose of a definite outcome. Confusing others with conflicting behavior. Not knowing what to expect next.

For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love-this is an old rule. The Dhammapada

Censure pardons the ravens but rebukes the doves. Latin Proverb

We must combine the toughness of the serpent with the softness of the dove, a tough mind and a tender heart. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it. Dwight D. Eisenhower

“Oh, wise one!” said the eagle, while he sank, In deeper and ever deep’ning thought-”Oh Wisdom! like a dove thou speakest!” The Eagle and the Dove. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Well, there’s a rose in a fisted glove, And the eagle flies with the dove, And if you can’t be with the one you love, honey, Love the one you’re with. Stephen Stills


The Sabian Image for the Eclipsed Moon in Aries is A MAN POSSESSED OF MORE GIFTS THAN HE CAN HOLD

Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Image is:

Commentary: ‘A Man Possessed of More Gifts Than He Can Hold’ is an image of a wonderful abundance of gifts, talents or possessions. The words ‘More Than He Can Hold’ imply that it’s rather difficult to keep or contain all of these great things at once. Perhaps some of the things need to be let go of. In this Symbol ‘Gifts’ can refer to talents, possessions, people, possibilities, status, etc.

Oracle: As this Symbol talks about ‘More Gifts Than He Can Hold’, it suggests that we sometimes need to realize that sometimes we can’t have and hold everything to ourselves. We may need to let go to make space for new things in our lives. There are, however, a lot of good things that can be ‘Held’. This Symbol implies being prepared to give up, or put aside something or someone in order to pursue something else or to have a desired outcome. Having many great ideas and ambitions is wonderful, but it can keep us from really doing anything – life can become unfocused or distracted by too many possibilities. Feeling weighed down by and keeping tabs on your possessions can be tiring. The best way to get things done is to do them one at a time. Recognize that you are surrounded by abundance, but you may be unable to experience it all at once. The aim is to appreciate those things you can do or achieve now and not feel bad about the things you have let go of. If you feel you don’t have the ability to cope, then look into your “storehouse”, you will be surprised at what talents you have probably never used. This Symbol is about gifts of all kinds. Just remember that you can’t do and have everything at once.

Keywords: Potentials and the obsessions they can bring. Obsessions about “having things” or achieving goals. Counting one’s blessings. Jack-of-all-trades. Having to drop the bundle as one more thing is added. Being talented and blessed. Enormous responsibilities. Wanting to contain all possibilities. Storage. So many things to do – so little time.

The Caution: Not being able to focus on one issue at a time, or on ideas of real worth and therefore not really achieving anything. Inability to gain or contain everything that is desired. Ambition that knows no bounds. Greediness and insatiability. Being told that you can’t have what you want. Things piling up.

A full cup must be carried steadily. Old saying

Everyone has inside himself a piece of good news! The good news is that you really don’t know how great you can be, how much you can love, what you can accomplish, and what your potential is! Anne Frank

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. Francis Bacon

You must learn day by day, year by year, to broaden your horizon. The more things you love, the more you are interested in, the more you enjoy, the more you are indignant about, the more you have left when anything happens. Ethel Barrymore

And the wild regrets and the bloody sweats None knew so well as I: For he who lives more lives than one, more deaths than one must die. Oscar Wilde

He was one of those men who possess almost every gift, except the gift of the power to use them. Charles Kingsley

Moon Day Monday October 14, 2013 Moon is in Aquarius most of the day. Moon goes void opposite to Mars at 04:29:12 pm EDT and enters Pisces at 05:06:41 pm EDT.  Today is a very active day. Venus has a pile of aspects ~ most of them stressful and difficult but focused on helping you see what you need to see around what you value.  Mars is at the LAST degree of Leo so chest pounding and loud roaring can be expected from any one feeling they are being disrespected. Saturn has reached the degree of his retrograde station from last February 18, 2013.  We are officially in NEW SATURN territory as we roll toward the eclipses. You are in NEW energy even if you are resolving old issues or matters. Be conscious of what you are doing. Use “I” statements. Avoid “YOU” statements. Take personal responsibility. Lots of wild dreams last night could have kept you up tossing and turning. Mercury works productively with helping your organize your thoughts and home.  Venus, OUT of BOUNDs in Sagittarius and Eris the Goddess of Discord are duking it out this morning ~ neither side wanting to budge an inch and both shouting at each other. Mars has a quintile aspect to Saturn mid-day offering a new idea that could move things in a different way… just as Saturn passes the degree of his retrograde Station.  Mars in Leo wants to be honorable, loyal and creative. Give him a chance to do the right thing.  In the evening Venus is feeling quite cranky and very picked on. Venus aspects the Nodes of fate quite stressfully, looking for ways to adjust and shift the energy into something else. That adjustment and shifting is probably not going to happen.  The energy is what it is. You have to sit with it quietly and see what it wants to tell you. Expect extreme emotions. Mercury has a biquintile aspect to Uranus suggesting something is about to blow up and spiral out of control.  Uranus is riding on the asteroid Nemesis so we still have that self-destructive, shadow energy flying around our ears. Own your own stuff.  Use the “I” word!  Here is a lovely Venus story to help you focus on keeping your word and knowing what is important to you. Use “I” words to defuse situations.




Mars Day Tuesday October 15, 2013 Moon is in Pisces and goes void trine to Jupiter tomorrow so it’s a great day to proceed with supportive, growth oriented projects. Mars enters Virgo at 07:04:52 am EDT. Mars will be in Virgo until December 7, 2013 or for 54 days. Answering to intense Mercury in Scorpio about to station and go retrograde, Mars is intense, focused and very, very process oriented. One step at a time, practice, practice, practice until you get it right! Pay attention to the details. Mercury’s contra parallel to Admetos suggests communications come to a complete stop.  Venus is refusing to be submissive and take it quietly. No laying down for her. She’s not going down without a fight ~ and taking part of her opponent with her. Sun has a biquintile to Admetos saying logic and rationality is not going to prevail. Venus is in a paran to Algol the most difficult and deadly fixed star in the heavens ~ Medusa’s blinking eye.  Men turn to stone under her gaze. Venus has an inconjunct to Kronos ~ Can we adjust to this or have we reached our breaking point? Sun finally perfects his opposition to Eris bringing discord, dissension, and arguments to a rather ugly head.  At least they have a chance to rupture and shift going forward! Vesta has a biquintile aspect to Eris ~ time to work with all the discord in a manner to help keep the home fires burning. Your sense of dissatisfaction inspires you to make the needed and oh so necessary changes. Venus has a hard aspect with Pluto ~ a feminine energy steps forward to help negotiate the changes that are needed in the power dynamics. Remember Venus is OUT OF BOUNDS and over the top even as she attempts to reign in the situation.  It is either going to be a home run or a ball hit into the stands at 100 miles per hour which knocks some poor person out. Watch for wild emotions.

Mercury’s Day Wednesday October 16, 2013 Moon is in Pisces. Moon goes void trine to Jupiter at 03:15:57 am EDT and enters Aries at 09:18:37 pm EDT. Moon is void all day Wednesday in Pisces. Another night of out of control, swirling dreams. The closing aspect of the Moon is lovely but the swirling, spinning and wild energy is a bit out of control. As this is the proposed day of our country’s financial default, we can expect a female and a young man to step forward. I am curious who it will be. Sun’s contra parallel to Vesta suggests a level of brinksmanship that flows over the cliff or off the edge of the building.  Venus’ square to Chiron wounds around the financial, money, desire and emotional matters.  Jupiter’s quintile to the South Node invites us to each release what we no longer want to do, have or be. Yes, it is that easy right now. This is a big departure day for people who are loosely tethered to earth. At the end of the day, Venus trines Uranus so a woman or feminine energy emerges from the chaos to say “follow me ~ this way!”  I encourage you to follow that energy or take that invitation. It is very easy to criticize today. Catch yourself and focus on what you can do.  What is the “I” word where you can stand, be responsible and make a difference?  Criticizing is very easy to do… how can you CHANGE or IMPROVE the situation before you?

Jupiter’s day Thursday October 17, 2013 Moon is in Aries all day with a separating aspect as her closing making it a great day to say so long farewell!  I am outta here!  Moon in Aries sets off the Cardinal Cross ~ squaring Pluto, joining Uranus (and trining Venus) to goose things along. Nothing like an Aries Moon for leaping into the fray and kicking a bit of butt. Venus is quite stressed today….she’s just not having a great time right now. But she IS clear!  And starting on a new journey. Eclipses bring up colds, sneezes, sniffles ~ today is a good day to dose with a bit extra Vitamin C or Airborne.  Lots of energy around illness. Ceres is struggling with which direction to take ~ does she want to continue to nurture or let it go?  Allow some silence to come into your life to find a bit of clarity. Focus on the “I” word. What do you want to do? What
“I” can you commit to? What “I” do you want to let go of? Mercury’s parallel to Pluto pulls in fighting words and activates by declination all sorts of difficult communications. Or clarifying communications… you’ll see the world in a whole new way after today!

Venus’ day Friday October 18, 2013 Moon is in Aries. Moon has a Lunar Eclipse at 07:37:39 pm EDT at 25°:45’Aries/Libra.  Moon is void Friday night as she opposes the Sun as her last aspect. Moon in Aries squares Jupiter bright and early this morning in a burst of overdoing. Venus reaches a compromise with Saturn a bit later today ~ perhaps there is a different approach? Watch for things to arrive out of your blind spot. No you didn’t see that coming but it is okay, now that it is here, make good use of it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help with your “I” statements.  Just because you are saying “I” doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. Lots of opportunity to see patterns today. Saturn links up with Juno asking you to partner in a new and different way with yourself or others. Sun’s contraparallel to Ceres suggests that ego is struggling with how to nurture or nourish.

Saturn’s Day Saturday October 19, 2013 Moon enters Taurus at 03:27:43 am EDT. Mercury is stationing today, preparing for his retrograde on Monday. It will feel like communication is particularly important today. Saturn links up with Pallas and Pallas links up with Juno by declination. Imagine the three of them having a conference below the equator of earth. The beauty of declinations is the planets are in signs they normally DON’T have aspects between so we get wild and crazy combinations. Pallas Athena is in Leo ~ wanting to claim for her own what her heart desires.  As the earth turns, Saturn in Scorpio travels behind Athena over the same  degree of latitude stimulating it, activating it and inviting it to connect and merge with each other.  More importantly, now that Saturn’s in a new degree of the zodiac (12 Scorpio), he will actually be COMMITTING to Pallas Athena. Saturn’s got her back and will be help her do it. Next up, here comes Juno, in Aquarius, trailing the two of them, drawing up the partnership contract between the three of them ~ unusually creative and inspired (Pallas), commitment driven (Saturn), serving the greater good of the community (Juno).  The three of them are working very hard to serve your heart’s desire. Of course, all the craziness around our heads can make us THINK nothing is going on.  However, underneath, deals are being struck, new paradigms are emerging and profound shifts are taking place. Mars opposes Neptune and breaks free to be able to see clearly what exactly is going on.  Mercury’s sextile to Vesta clears up a home and hearth matter and gets papers or details in a productive working order.

Sun’s day Sunday October 20, 2013 Moon is in Taurus and goes void sextile to Jupiter at 05:02:39 pm EDT. Last night something permanently broke free as Moon opposed Saturn ~ permanently ending a situation in your life. Venus releases a deep wish in the early morning hours. Let it go. Let it go. Mercury is slowed to a stop, preparing for his retrograde journey tomorrow. Pack that suitcase and watch for important messages to arrive in your life, mailbox, voice mail or cell phone. The messages might be a bit shocking but they are necessary to clear the space and send you forward.  Sun’s figured out how to work with power and is feeling quite frisky about it. Health matters can take a turn for the worse so address them promptly. New alliances form. Venus is biquintile to Jupiter making her feel quite beautiful, cherished and rather frisky. Allow some time for wild happy dancing! Get out your air guitar, strum and sing… it feels like things are finally shifting. Moon’s closing aspect of a sextile to Jupiter encourages us to have a connected and related evening with family or friends. Kick back and relax as Moon is void Sunday night. She isn’t working so you shouldn’t be either!  Next week is simply crazy so you need a bit of laughter and humor to help you move along.  “I” words and spotting action. Keep on doing it!


Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! It is an “I” week! Avoid using YOU in sentences.  Be all about your own “I”!  Take responsibility!

Scorpios Talking:  Last week was a great show if I do say so myself. Michael and Anne on working productively with chaos. .

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne are on vacation this week! We know how to live! Last week Mary and I talked about fate in relationships.

Access Astrology: All three of us were there! Woo-hoo!  Several calls from our listeners!

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.


Anne will be teaching at the New York NCGR Education Conference on November 16 & 17, 2013.

Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014.

Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC.  Early Bird Rates through November 30, 2013.  Register for the Workshop: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504

Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 18, 2014 ~ Planets as People!  9 to 10:30 am EST.  Save the date!

Anne will be speaking at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014.  Limited in-person consultation appointments with Anne are available in Michigan.


Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission.  Check her out at SabianSymbols.com

Copyright© 2013 A.C. Ortelee