Weekly Weather October 10, 2011
Our week ahead holds decisions ~ we need to make decisions between our Needs and our Wants. Once we make those decisions, we are able to proceed with clarity. We will be getting clear…. Clearer ever clearer.
Our NEEDS are the things that we truly need ~ air, water, food, and perhaps a roof over our head. We require our needs to physically live. Needs are essential and necessary to stay alive. Needs are required.
Our WANTS are everything else. Wants are the things we desire, wish for, miss, long for, yearn, covet, crave, seek, or feel a lack of or scarcity about. Want comes from the German work “lacking” and the Norse word “be lacking”.
Often we confuse our Needs and Wants ~ it is easy enough to do. This week, Saturn and the New Moon in Libra/Aries will get you clear, crystal clear, about the difference between need and want.
Our wants are often tied to things we didn’t get enough of as a child or in our lives. We survived but there is a hole in our insides that we fill by meeting our wants. We often thinks these wants are needs… An example is a person who was not nurtured enough as a child who nurtures others to fill that early lack of nurturing in their life. They seem to attract every lost soul into their orbit and take care of them. Or the person who was financially poor as a child who lives in abject fear that they will return to a cardboard box and limits their life choices accordingly.
Often our relationships are mirrors of our unmet wants masquerading as needs. That cutie patootie landed right on your want place. It was heaven for a while. And then, gradually, you found yourself turning yourself upside down or inside out because they were reflecting an unmet want right back into your void. You were working so hard and yet they didn’t appreciate you!
With Saturn in the sign of Libra, we each are being asked to take responsibility for our unmet wants and satisfy them. The other person can’t do it for us. Or they don’t want to. We have to do it for ourselves. We have to meet our own unmet wants and fulfill them. That is the energy before us this week.
There is a Full Moon on Tuesday that involves the Moon in Aries opposite both Sun and Saturn in Libra.
It is a fire and air Full Moon, low on earth and water, so passions will be flying high and wildly around our heads. This is NOT a very grounded energy for a Full Moon. The only earth planets are Jupiter going backwards and Pluto in Capricorn. Fortunately, they form a trine, making the decisions productive, solid and life altering. There is no turning back.
Think back to what was going on in your life around mid-April 2010. On April 14, 2010, the New Moon was seeded. It started the cycle culminating before us now during this Full Moon. If we go back a year earlier to April 9, 2009, there was a Full Moon at 19 Libra ~ also echoing the energy of this lunation. Tie the stories together. They are related and all speak to the same decisions you are being asked to make this week.
Additionally, this week, Venus and Mercury both start their journeys in the passionate sign of Scorpio. Both face adjustments as they form Scorpio type inconjuncts to Uranus. Both gain power and prestige as they sextile Pluto to expand their sensitivity and knowledge of the underworld and hidden realms. Both expand their vision and physical manifestations as they argue with Jupiter the principle of greater relationships in the world in the productive axis of Taurus and Scorpio. Watch for Venus ~ the principle of love, money and desire to adjust Monday, to take a stand with her power and Pluto on Thursday and to argue for abundance on Friday with Jupiter. Watch for Mercury ~ the principle of communication, ideas and connections to adjust on Friday, hang out with his bad buddy Pluto on Sunday and argue with Jupiter next Monday. It will be an emotional roller coaster.
Sun joins with Saturn this week in his annual sobering moment of truth and reality. Their union is Thursday, right after the consciousness of the Full Moon Tuesday night settles into our beings. Sun and Saturn join just after Mercury enters Scorpio for several weeks in silent, observant Scorpio.
So that is the best course of action. Silence. Observe. Try not to react. Take it all in. Listen. Notice what is both said and unsaid. Often in the absence of what is NOT said is the truth. Scorpio Mercury and Venus parse the truth out through the spaces and silences.
More to come…. I’ve been rather swamped at the salt mine…. All good but just not nearly as much time as there used to be.
Copyright © 2011 A. C. Ortelee