Weekly Weather November 7, 2011
Oh Wow oh Wow oh Wow ~ do we have a week of excitement, change and action ahead of us!
Two planets, Neptune and Chiron, stop in the sky, causing turbulence and massive shifts in their focus and emphasis. Neptune is turning direct at 28 Aquarius and heading, full steam ahead out of Aquarius and back into Pisces. Your 14 year dreamy journey around Aquarian matters such as groups, acquaintances, connections, tribes, hopes, dreams and computers is transitioning and now coming to an end. Your brand new journey around Piscean matters ~ the oceans, spirituality, interconnection, psychic, imagination, artistry, ethereal, addictions, drugs, creativity and dreams will be starting soon. When a planet finishes their last retrograde in a sign before transiting into a new one, they practically JUMP into the next energy. They are so eager to leave the old energy behind and take off into their new future. So we’ll start to feel like Pisces is already here even though we have to wait officially until February 4, 2012 for the actual transition to happen.
Chiron’s direct station continues his deepening exploration of the wound to our collective and individual souls and how to heal the wound. He entered Pisces on February 8, 2011 to begin an eight year journey, until February of 2019 around emotional and psychic connections combined with healing. All planets in our chart in Pisces will evolve and heal during these years.
Several planets aspect the Nodes of Destiny at various times during the week, introducing new characters into our lives or causing folks to take their exit from our life. We can move onto new chapters. It is time.
On November 10, Mars enters the quick changing, detail oriented, critical, analytical and process oriented earth sign he is going to be in for NINE very long months, the sign of Virgo. Mars leaves Virgo on July 4, 2012. We’ll talk about Mars in depth next week as this week has JUST too much other stuff going on. But you will be noticing the shift as Mars drops from playful Fire and dives into the ground and wants to tackle all sorts of things on his suddenly huge to-do list.
Of particular interest is Mercury, Mars’ Virgo ruler, is pretty far out of bounds. An Out of Bounds ruler means you can do really amazing things (out of bounds is a home run in baseball) OR have a very tough time (foul balls, game stops, ball turn overs). And you can swing between the two poles, home run/ foul balls depending on what else is going on in your chart. As Mercury is out of bounds as Mars enters Virgo we essentially have an out of bounds Mars too! Yes, this promises to be an interesting nine month gestation period for our lives!
Saturn and Mercury entered their shadow degrees last week on Thursday and Saturday respectively ~ outlining what you are going to be working on during their upcoming stations and retrogrades. In Mercury’s case, you’ll be working on that communication or sibling issue until New Years. In Saturn’s case you’ll spend much of May, June and July 2012 figuring and working out last week’s events.
Saturn’s retrograde cycle is a nine month cycle from start to finish. So having Mars and Saturn starting major developmental phases in each of our charts for the next nine months in the past seven days suggests the months ahead will be profound and event filled.
We have a lovely Full Moon at 18 Taurus opposite the Scorpio Sun taking us back to May 13, 2010 and February 11, 2011 to see the earlier chapters of the story. We enjoy the culmination of that story now as it ripens in our charts. Taurus Moon is exalted, based in springtime and full of love, blooming, beauty and grace. Of course, Moon is opposite the Sun in the sign of Scorpio ~ finance, death, killing frosts and dying so it presents us with a lovely contrasting energy to work with during the week. We can expect the financial markets to rock and roll this week. The Sabian Image is A NEW CONTINENT IS RISING OUT OF THE OCEAN for the Taurus Moon. Lynda Hill’s Interpretations for the degrees of the lunation are:
Commentary: The Symbol of ‘A New Continent Rising Out of the Ocean’ is a powerful image of new opportunities and a whole new sphere of operation. When a land mass emerges from the ocean – the ‘New Continent’ that is ‘Rising’ – there is usually some kind of eruption or disruption that precedes it. A whole field of activity is coming to light as this fresh, new arena of opportunity erupts.
Oracle: A ‘New Continent’ is ‘Rising Out of the Ocean’; it might feel as though it is coming out of nowhere, or from somewhere you didn’t expect, however things have probably been building up for some time. Perhaps you saw it coming, or maybe you weren’t aware that the changes you’re seeing would go as far as they have. One thing’s for sure: it is coming from somewhere deep within your emotional and spiritual development. There is a promise of rewards and brand new beginnings. However, this is only the beginning. There is much work to be done developing this possibility into something fertile and productive. Observe and learn from the new things that are erupting into conscious reality. You will, or you will have to, find that extra spark to create a brand new, original opportunity. What is possible, and what is not, will become more obvious as time goes on. You may feel a little alienated in this new ‘Continent’ or sphere of activity, but that’s only relative to the conditions of what it is that you’re leaving behind. There has probably been a recent period of throwing out things that haven’t worked, things that have cluttered up your life and have been in the way of your forward growth. What you’ve done or achieved in the past has led to this, but these new beginnings need to be met with a fresh sense of purpose, confidence and possibility.
Keywords: Enormous potentiality emerging. New trends and ways of being. Sudden eruptions of talent or fields of endeavor. The greenhouse effect and global warming. Atlantis and other ancient underwater cities. Evolution. Patience. Developing slowly but surely. Emerging generations of people. New environments. Things feeling suddenly foreign. The birth of a nation.
The Caution: Continually seeking “new worlds” rather than finding a place in the existing one. Not taking responsibility for the birth of the new. Not showing respect for the old or established.
One does not discover new continents without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. Andre Gide
AUSTRALIA, n. A country lying in the South Sea, whose industrial and commercial development has been unspeakably retarded by an unfortunate dispute among geographers as to whether it is a continent or an island. Ambrose Bierce
Today, the treacherous, unexplored areas of the world are not in continents or seas – they are in the minds of men. Allen Claxton
I know that Nature designs that this whole continent, not merely these thirty-six states, shall be, sooner or later, within the magic circle of the American union. William Seward
Nay, be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought. Henry David Thoreau
The Sabian Image for the Scorpio Sun is A PARROT LISTENING AND THEN TALKING, REPEATS A CONVERSATION HE HAS OVERHEARD . Lynda Hill’s interpretation is:
Commentary: ‘A Parrot’ is shown ‘Listening and Then Talking’. He ‘Repeats a Conversation He Has Overheard’. The ‘Parrot’ has the ability to mimic what’s being said and the various sounds that surround him. In esoteric symbolism, birds often symbolize spiritual forces.
Oracle: This Symbol often infers some level of spiritual channeling, as thoughts and words can sometimes appear to course through a person, especially if the “messages” seem to come from somewhere else. It can show someone who is receptive to the thoughts and ideas that are around, or in the environment, and can process the information to the point where it becomes their own. The ability to convey the facts or a message accurately and responsibly will be very important to the outcome. However, there is a need for caution with this Symbol. It can imply messages, talk or gossip that loses its integrity once it reaches someone who operates on an unconscious level. Translating things into different languages or repeating them can lead to things being either more understood or less. One needs to be accurate about what was actually said, and what was meant, before any misunderstandings take place. Look to the source of the information in this situation; is it reliable and was the original message understood in its entirety? Is this a “conscious” retelling of the story? Is what’s being said coming from the heart, or is it really not worth listening to? Also, this Symbol can show someone who expects instructions or orders to be followed without question.
Keywords: Transmitting information or knowledge. The need to integrate things into consciousness. Recorded messages. Answering and fax machines. Mumbling that is difficult to understand. Translators, birds, parrots, news reporters, gossips, stool pigeons. Telephone operators. Messages from strange places. Automated responses.
The Caution: Rote responses that are ill considered. “Towing the party line” without having any opinion of your own. Going over the same territory. Losing true meaning through repetition. Repeating without knowing the real meaning or purpose. Meaningless banter. Tunnel vision. Gossiping. Missing the true essence of what’s being said. Not having a mind of one’s own. Brainwashing. Re-runs of the same old line. Broken records.
Sometimes they write what I say and not what I mean. Baseball player Pedro Guerrero on reporters
INTERPRETER, n. One who enables two persons of different languages to understand each other by repeating to each other what it would have been to the interpreter’s advantage for the other to have said. Ambrose Biere
Accept your genius and say what you think. Ralph Waldo Emerson
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted then used against you. Bumper sticker
When you talk, you repeat what you already know; when you listen, you often learn something. Jared Sparks
The real menace in dealing with a five-year-old is that in no time at all you begin to sound like a five-year-old. Jean Kerr
Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said. Anon
The best time to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something or bust. Josh Billings
We have some rocking aspects of the personal planets as Mars opposes Neptune for the last time in 14 years of his journey through Aquarius. Expect relationships from 1997 to pop, shift, change or open up in unexpected ways as Mars and Neptune face off in the heavens. Watch for too much pride or prideful behavior under this energy that can cause you to not do what is in your best interest. The pride and ego of Mars can bite you in the butt if you come from an ego based place. What is actually for the greater good? What is the bigger vision? Can you focus on THAT to help you move forward?
And with Mercury out of Bounds in free speaking Sagittarius DO be careful what you say to other people. They are not necessarily going to hear what you said correctly or in the spirit in which it was offered. So validate and inquire. Literally ask them “What did you hear me say?” You’ll be surprised at the distortions flying around. And do try to avoid sentences beginning with “Frankly” as they are simply trouble causing this week. If they ask you if they look fat in this outfit, do you REALLY have to answer them truthfully? Be kind if you have to answer a question you don’t want to go near.
Void Moons This Week
0:46 am EST Wednesday Nov 9, to 2:45 am EST
11:27 am EST Friday, Nov 11 to 3:10 pm EST
10:43 pm EST Sunday Nov 13, to 2:19 am EST Monday Nov 14
Moon’s day, Monday November 7 Moon in Aries is assertive and bold with a terrific closing aspect of taking action as he trines Mars in the last degrees of Leo. Take bold actions the next two days to help move things along. Sun argues with the way you are keeping your house or office ~ the dissatisfaction allows it to change. Sun finds a health matter or ego matter troubling as he tries to figure out what to do about a situation that is not going the way he thought it would. You can make adjustments but might not want to. Take a pause and see what works. Wait for Mars to get past his opposition to Neptune today so the clouds and lack of clarity can calm down. Mars opposition to Neptune offers the opportunity to clear things up today so you can proceed with your work or projects. People can be very emotional. Vesta works with the Nodes of Destiny today so you may very well hear about permanent changes coming to your home and hearth or with/around a person who nurtures you. Venus is annoyed by Eris the Goddess of Discord ~ she’s stirring the pot and getting Venus all bent out of shape about what needs to happen. Venus DOES join with Neptune by declination so peace and good will can take place and have a happy ending. But you need to clear the air and get back to where you used to be. Mercury also has a squabble energy with Eris ~ be careful what you say as people can be easily offended today. Venus and Mercury have an adjusting aspect to Kronos at 6 Cancer ~ be warned this is not only from THIS lifetime ~ it could well be tied to stuff from previous lives…. What to do? Adjust and speak your truth. It will work out the way it is supposed to. Just be KIND when you speak your truth.
Tuesday Mars’ day November 8 The Moon in Aries continues to make this a kick butt and take no prisoners kind of day. You get bad news around 1:10 pm as Moon opposes Saturn but you’ve known it was coming for a while now. Sun has a quirky aspect with Uranus so pay attention to your dreams as they will be talking to you all night. Health concerns can take a sudden turn for the worse ~ fevers, spike in fire, OR a break through and release of the energy with Venus’ aspect to Hygeia. The Nodes of Fate work with Zeus offering you a choice. Take the one that looks a bit more challenging ~ that is where the greater reward lies. There is stress in personal relationships today as Venus and Saturn argue over the same old territory they have discussed numerous times in the past. Make a pact to NOT discuss it until after Thanksgiving. Take that argument off the table and see what Mercury’s upcoming retrograde surfaces as the REAL argument. You have to get out of your own way. Sun is trine to the Creative Force within all of us ~ things need to end or change to permit new things to grow in their stead. Get out of your own way. Show up or stop going ~ but DO stop complaining about it.
Mercury’s Day Wednesday November 9 Moon in Taurus is solid and slow moving with a closing square to Neptune offering a NOT-so-happily- ever-after close to the chapter. Still the upcoming Full Moon at 18 Taurus helps you get clear on things and see them for what they really are over the next few days. Neptune stations today offering us the last parts of his journey in Aquarius. He is full steam ahead into Pisces ~ nothing in front of him but the big, wide wisdom and sea of Pisces. Kenny Chesney’s Lyrics to “Soul of a Sailor” seem appropriate. It is time to shift things and follow your heart.
He walked in with a salty sway
Lookin’ like Blackbeard in his day
A brother in arms just like me
I was born a son of the sea
I can’t be still, I can’t be tied
The only time I feel alive is
When the wind fills my sail
Riding on a lifelong swell
Let my heart take me where it wants to go
That’s the soul of a sailor, the soul of a sailor
He slid a stool and a beer to me
Said, you know, we’re both a dying breed
Here’s to love lost and newfound friends
And living out life in the boat we’re in
I can’t be still, I can’t be tied
The only time I feel alive is
When the wind fills my sail
Riding on a lifelong swell
Let my heart take me where it wants to go
That’s the soul of a sailor, the soul of a sailor
Let my heart take me where it wants to go
That’s the soul of a sailor, the soul of a sailor
Listen to the great idea that comes your way late in the evening. That is an approach you might consider taking!
Jupiter’s day, Thursday November 10 Today we have a lovely full Moon at 18 Taurus, bringing us back to May 13, 2010 and February 11, 2011 to see the ripening of the stories begun in our Taurus house back then. Now the story culminates and we see clearly in the opposition between beautiful growing, gracious Taurus and transformative, deep, profound Scorpio the story of how we attempt to balance what we posses and love with the knowledge that eventually, it will pass away. Mercury takes the brilliant idea that Jupiter had yesterday with Venus and puts it to paper and grounds it into words. Venus is feeling a bit swamped and overwhelmed but it is only because she has so much to do. Relationships are cooperative and power based today (and yesterday) so work with the energy of change and transformation openly. There is an opportunity for healing as Pluto cooperates with Astraea and the two of them connect in with Jupiter. It actually is a cleansing and detox that is going on. Chiron stations today offering a new understanding of the healing energy required in your life. Mars enters Virgo for the next nine months. Yes, you read that right. Mars will be in Virgo until July 4, 2012. We have a lot of work ahead of us. Get that to-do list written!
Venus’ day, Friday November 11 Moon in Taurus leaves with a square to Neptune stopped in Aquarius offering you an opportunity to adjust your dream to something different. Moon enters Gemini at 3:10 pm encouraging communications and connections even if you might be in the mood to fight about how it is actually going to get done. Saturn has an aspect of brilliance to Pluto offering an opportunity to address power in a different way. Be willing to change how you traditionally approach power structures or your authority issues ~ either being one or working with one. It is time to repattern that area of your life too. Constant change these days ~ isn’t it amazing? This is the new reality. Constant, constant change.
Saturn’s Day November 12 Moon in Gemini continues to encourage people to step up their communication skills. Remember Mercury is in Sagittarius so we can find that folks are not in the mood to mince words. Today the Moon argues with both Mercury and Venus. Do you REALLY want to do it? Are you absolutely positive? Double check what you hear the other person saying. Validate their words by repeating them back. We are well into Mercury’s shadow so we are not clearly hearing what all is going on in the air around our heads. Jumping to conclusions and assuming is rampant. If someone makes an assumption about YOU it actually says more about THEM. Mars opposite Chiron, recently starting to move direct, can cause solid bit of wounding around actions and communications with people. People are in the mood to not be kind. Finally, the difficult health aspects are clearing up so expect health matters to shift rather suddenly. Venus links with Uranus by declination encouraging you to take an unusual approach to the same old same old. Also it can inspire you to fix up your Venus with new makeup, clothes, or a change that sets your beauty free in a new or unexpected way. Mars inconjunct to Uranus offers and asks you to make adjustments in your health or your approach to things. The Mars Uranus aspect is a pretty big aspect so watch out for unexpected arguments to burst out of nowhere (seemingly) as it perfects around 8:40 pm Eastern. It will be a fairly volatile moment. Vesta is sesquiquadrate Hades suggesting stress in the home and hearth around a permanent change involving the underworld ~ not a great energy either. Fortunately, the closing aspect for the Moon is a lovely trine to Neptune so push through these squabbly energies to the dream lying on the other size of them. Often when we are faced with reaching our dream, we have a minor “freak out” or stress reaction. That is what is going on here…
Sun’s day November 13 Moon in Gemini continues to connect Today with much easier aspects than yesterday had. So the results of the matters begun Friday afternoon to now, actually turn out just fine and in a happily ever after manner. Moon trines Saturn offering a solid commitment feel to the energy. Moon also trines Neptune offering a bit of dream come true energy. Sometimes we have to go through a bit of bad to get to the good. Jupiter wants you to see the pattern before you as the grand trine in earth forms. Notice it. Pay attention. Where are you compromising that you don’t want to. Sun is intense in his communications with Pluto offering a problematic energy which wants to transform things. Fluids can flow today. Mars sextiles Hades asking you to work willingly in the underworld ~ back you go. Go help with the transition before you. Family matters are prominent. Venus connects with the Nodes of fate so major transitions into and out of your life can take place. The new thing arrives, the old gently leaves. Venus is opposite the South Node in Gemini, offering release of the old patterns. It is a lovely day to meet a new romantic partner or break up with one that is not showing up the way you want. Freedom to love the way you want. Uranus has an aspect of brilliance to Juno offering you the opportunity to partner in a new manner with the kind of relationship you want to have. Venus is also working with Zeus today suggesting she wants a wider vision of what ever she’s been working with. Allow yourself to dream and move toward it. Work with the patterns before you to see what they reveal. Release. Release. Release.
Lynda Hill’s Interpretations of the Sabian Images appears with her consent. Check out her work at http://www.sabiansymbols.com
Copyright © 2011 A. C. Ortelee