Weekly Weather November 7, 2005 to November 13, 2005
Question: So WHY do I have to wait until March 2006 to know what is going to happen with my life’s direction and the questions/issues I am facing? Answer: There is a giant traffic jam up in the heavens, with planets forming a grand cross in the fixed signs. The traffic jam starts this week and next.
All planets and sensitive points, in EVERY chart, found between 4 and 12 are tied up in the planetary traffic jam until the energy shifts and breaks free. The energy doesn’t begin to break free until March, and in some cases, April. Essentially, your planets are either caught in the accident, stuck in traffic or rubbernecking, trying to get a good look at what‘s going on, as you inch forward, at a snail‘s pace. Mars is retrograde in Taurus, Jupiter is in Scorpio, Saturn is about to go retrograde in Leo and all the planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus) soon to travel through Aquarius bollix up the traffic. Neptune is at 14 Aquarius so he counts but is a bit wide for the current pile up. The planets form a traffic jam called a fixed cross until March 2006.
Between now and March, Mercury stations, goes retrograde and direct. Venus stations, goes retrograde and direct. Mars is retrograde and goes direct December 9, but doesn’t finish his slow moving journey in Taurus until February. Next week Uranus stations and goes direct while the week after Saturn stations to go retrograde. Saturn and Uranus are involved in an intricate inconjunct two step, causing a chaotic, change based shot of Uranus in Pisces energy into that fixed cross energy, making it a real doozy of an accident!! The two planet stations less than a week apart means Uranus and Saturn will begin to move TOWARD each other AGAIN for pass number two of their intricate inconjunct dance. There are a couple of difficult lunations on very nasty fixed stars. Jupiter and Pluto are in mutual reception amping, revving and elevating each other’s energies and cooperating with each other. Remember Jupiter is involved in the traffic jam too, so his buddy Pluto automatically gets to come along because Jupiter invited him by mutual reception.
This is NO minor fender bender of a planetary traffic jam. Either chickens are lose, clucking all over the place (I simply couldn‘t resist a small bird flu reference! J ). Or a truck‘s worth of concrete poured on the road burying the cars behind it. Or a tractor trailer carrying hazardous material tipped over, caught on fire and poured flammable liquid all over the road. It is going to take a while to clean the mess up! Plus, the cops, the tow trucks, Jaws of Life and the ambulances won’t arrive for a few weeks. When they do get there, they will further clog up the traffic flow. Dead stop. Inch forward. Dead stop. Inch forward. Dead stop. Inch forward. Until March, maybe April. After March/April, you’ll be past the accident and be able to zoom along, on your way back into your life at a normal speed again. There is a planetary traffic jam until March. We will all be caught up in it some how.
IF you have planets or points in the early fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) between 0 to 12 ~ you have to revise, revision, restructure or reexamine your life or endure struggles with someone who is attempting to change but finding it hard to do so. Projection is a wonderful thing! It is all their fault. You are having a bullfight in your chart between the fixed points. Remember the bull doesn’t have to die! The matador and the bull can become friends and go live happily ever after. Envision a different ending ~ make a break for the opening in the wall, go for quick goring, lie down, pretend you are dead, refuse to fight, learn to fly, redirect the energy and start telling standup jokes to the crowd. Bulls good at standup comedy can make a lot of moola! Look at Seinfeld! The fixed planets are IN the accident or right behind it watching it happen. The fixed planets and houses are busy and tied up with the accident until March/April. Pace them. Distribute their energy wisely. Make decisions. Move to the areas you can help the most. Let go. Lie down and wait for help. The bloodiest, most endangered but still survivable parts get to go first. Triage ~ assess what you can do and where you are most able to make a difference. The broken leg can wait. The heart attack in front of you might be able to be saved. That one yelling for help over there those other people can handle.
IF you have planets or points in the mutable degrees (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) between 6 and 11, those planets are caught up too but in more of a tidal wave, hurricane or tsunami of watery, chaotic emotional currents and movements. A rule of ocean swimming is when caught in a riptide; float along until the current changes or shifts. Grab on to the life jacket, log or paddle next to you. Remember, FLOAT ~ don‘t struggle, swim for shore, panic or exhaust yourself. FLOAT or you may drown. You have to float until March to find out how it all turns out. Know that the lifeguard is busy rescuing someone else right now. You are on your own.
IF you have Cardinal planets or points (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) between 0 and 12 ~ they are caught up in the planetary traffic jam. Their movement is completely impeded because nothing on the road is moving. You get to sit there, stuck in traffic, and wait it out. Or you can take those planets and go do something else with them.
Now, as usual, we want to know about our options which is one reason we study the heavens. First figure out what each of your planets will be doing ~ in the crash, floating in chaos, or stuck in traffic. Plan accordingly. There are many options available to you!! The planets in the traffic jam are tied up but the rest of your planets have options! So, take a different route if you know the back roads or an alternate passage. Zoom along the shoulder. Read your magazine. Be a hero and pull a victim from the burning car. Send emails with your blackberry. Follow the ambulance when it shows up. Take the service road. Inch along in traffic loudly singing along with the radio or your favorite cds. Get your beach chair out of the trunk, pop a brewski and settle into watch everyone argue and fight. Flag traffic along. Listen to a book on tape. Give CPR. Put on your makeup. Call 911. Write down brilliant ideas and a to-do list for your favorite dream project. Plan your wedding guest list. Put the roof down and enjoy the sunshine. Get out your map and figure a different route. Daydream. Call ahead and tell them you will not be getting there until March so start without you as you‘ll catch up with them later. Pull off into the mall and go shopping for sequins. Cancel the journey, turn around and go home. Stretch your body and arms. Make phone calls. Scream at the kids in the backseat when they start to fight with each other. Flirt with the cute fellow in the limo next to you and offer him mustard for his ham sandwich. Roll down your windows and curse the idiot who just cut you off. Lean on your horn. Flash your lights. Set off flares. Play car games. Pull off the road and get a bite of food at the next rest stop.
It is your call. It is your life. What do you want to do? I know, March FEELS far away, a very long time in the future, especially if one of your planets is lying on the side of the road bleeding. But, now that you know you have to wait until March or maybe even April depending on how fast the traffic moves, ambulances arrive, cops gather data, clean up and release the area or the tow trucks leave, what do you want to do?
The interesting part of planetary traffic jams is most of us have planets in a combination of cardinal, fixed and mutable signs. Know that your fixed planets are hung up on that grand cross. Nothing much for them to do but wait. Let those planets be. Staunch the bleeding. Give them water and oxygen. Take their blood pressure. Pat their hands. Tell them it will be alright. However, your mutable and cardinal planets can go off and have fun or do whatever else they want to do. Plan accordingly. Swim in the ocean (remember the life guard is busy at the traffic jam! In case of a riptide ~ float!), shop, dream, call people, flirt with that cute fellow in the limo, go a different route or sing etc. Honking your horn or complaining isn’t going to do ANY good. Plus, you will annoy the rest of us. The traffic jam lasts until March, perhaps April. So settle in and settle down. No whining. Yes, you heard me, at least March, probably April.
This week Mercury, Uranus and Saturn each reach the degrees of their upcoming stations. The heavens are pausing and our traffic jam begins!
Monday a fast moving, difficult t-square forms as Sun opposes retrograde Mars in Taurus. Mars squares Neptune in an opening square. Consciousness. Sun joins by parallel Neptune suggesting you go with the flow and float along. Watch out for sudden outbursts, and let the energy wash over you. Nothing much you can do about it any way. But do pay attention. You will use the information you hear further down the road. Did you remember to pack your favorite Jimmy Buffet CD for the traffic jam?
Tuesday’s first quarter moon at 16:46 Aquarius illuminates our recent Neptune station at 14:49 Aquarius. The fog blows away a bit so you can finally start to see what is going on. Don’t like it? Tweak, tweak, tweak. Election Day brings a nice Venus sextile to Jupiter suggesting rewards received for good work done. The Sun receives gifts from both Chiron in the last degrees of Capricorn and Juno who has been traveling opposite Pluto. Remember that wounded relationship stuff and issues from 1982/83 that you’ve been struggling to come to consciousness about with lately? Please forgive yourself. Please forgive them. We all do the best we can at the time with the information and skills we have at the time. No wincing. No self-flagellation. Move on. Move along.
Wednesday finds moon void virtually all day long in the last degrees of Aquarius. Intellectually process Tuesday‘s events. Take a day off! You deserve it. Besides you are going to be stuck in traffic for four months very soon. Maybe a manicure and massage?
Thursday finds us refreshed if a bit emotional with oodles of fun lunar aspects and Pallas’s intellectual detective arguing with Juno‘s data collection activities. Hey, remember you incarnated to learn about this stuff. No, it is not always easy but it sure is interesting once you get the hang of it! Aware. Analyze. Act. Please remember you have many, MANY choices of actions ~ read the traffic jam list above again! Did you realize you could do so much stuff in your car? Now expand that list into the rest of your life. The traffic jam lasts until March, maybe April 2006. Might as well have fun while you are stuck waiting.
Friday is Veteran’s day. The Universe, in a particularly generous mood, gives us ANOTHER void moon day, in Pisces. Mars and Pluto argue with each other by declination. Mars and Pluto in this position are usually violent energies! Again, remember to duck if angry, crabby energy flies by your left ear! Athena in Scorpio is BEYOND pissed off as she makes a semi-sextile to Pluto and pulls up Jupiter in Scorpio‘s energy. No whining. No horn honking. No screaming at the kids. Okay, you CAN shake a fist at the sky and pound your steering wheel if you want. Or punch a hole in the wall. The traffic jam lasts until March, maybe April. Want to go shopping? Have an astrology reading? Learn to Surf?
Saturday rocks! Moon is in Aries ramping up the fire energy and making fabulous aspects. The energy of Sun pushes off and separates from stationing Saturn with a whoosh of rocket fuel, consciousness and profound, soul level getting it to the marrow of your very wise bones and stomach vibrating, lurching resonance. Mars and Venus decide to change their behavior. Like it or not, you are individuating! Hey, you signed up to do YOUR path! Not your mom‘s path. Not your dad‘s path. Not your brother‘s path. Not your sister‘s path. Not your partner, spouse or friend‘s paths. YOUR PATH. So go do your very own path. Or rather, get ready to do it after the traffic jam breaks up. March/April. But you can make plans!
Sunday. I know ~ You. Got. It. Celebrate!
Mundane: Politics, politics. Me thinks there is a MAJOR power struggle going on between various factions of the intelligence community and the Administration. How else to explain the Washington Post’s new moon at 9 Scorpio “revelation” of our secret torture camps scattered all over the globe run by the CIA with the sanction of Cheney, Rumsfeld and the Neo-con cabal? Uranus in Pisces stations 6 days before Saturn in Leo stations and suggests a sudden collapse of existing structures. The Saturn/Uranus midpoint is 24 Taurus, smack dab on the full moon‘s degree and Pluto is EXACTLY inconjunct the full moon and the Saturn/Uranus midpoint. Pay particular attention to USA political events, especially this week and around the full moon next Tuesday on November 15. Uranus stations literally MINUTES before the full moon happens. President Cheney, oops, Vice President Cheney’s Mercury at 23 Aquarius and Uranus at 22 Taurus will absorb the lunation’s emotional, solar, Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus/Saturn, and earlier Mars station at 22 Taurus energetic wallop while Cheney’s Sun at 10 Aquarius receives Saturn’s energy from the opposition’s station six days later. Perhaps instead of “Seven Days in May”, we will be saying “Seven Days in November”? To quote from that 1964 movie: “And if you want to talk about your oath of office, I’m here to tell you face to face, President Lyman, that you violated that oath when you stripped this country of its muscles – when you deliberately played upon the fear and fatigue of the people and told them they could remove that fear by the stroke of a pen. And then when this nation rejected you, lost faith in you, and began militantly to oppose you, you violated that oath by not resigning from office and turning the country over to someone who could represent the people of the United States. Or, perhaps, my personal favorite, when President Lyman introduces his dog Trimmer to Col. Casey, “Trimmer is a very political dog. He doesn’t have many principles, but he’s loyal to his friends.”
Did anybody besides me notice that Republican leaders Senator Frist and Representative DeLay were simultaneously taken out of action due to “legal” matters? The USA succession plan says next up is Speaker of the House, Representative Hassert and then Condoleezza Rice. Rumsfeld is number six in line. Homeland Security Chertoff would be eighth if the House approves the Senates’ late July 2005 bill moving the Homeland Security secretary to number 8 on the list. Last I heard, that bill is still awaiting House approval. Interesting times we live in. Take your bee propolis.
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee