Weekly Weather November 4, 2013

Weekly Weather November 4, 2013

The eclipses are leaving!  The eclipses are leaving!

Well, if you are reading this, you lived through the Uranus/Pluto square and the Solar eclipse with Mercury/Saturn conjunction! Last week you got very interesting and perhaps difficult news about your future and your fate.  Good, bad or indifferent, your life shifted and changed. You got it! You saw it. You figured it out. It happened. That chapter is finished. Time to move forward.

Now you start! Time to start again!  As the eclipses leave, we move forward with the Sun and Moon and Nodes of Fate. They are working with Saturn and Mercury.  It is time to build the next chapter of our lives. Forward.  Step forward with enthusiasm, hope and joy. It is time to focus on creating using our love energy, our playful heart and our safe space. To inspire you, Carole King’s song Safe Again came to mind.



Safe Again  by Carole King

Seems so hard
All I want to do is let down my guard
Laugh like a child and play out in the yard
I want to feel safe again

I don’t know
What happened to you, where did you go
Wish I could not feel the cold wind blow
I want to feel safe again

If only I could believe everything will soon be
Like all the fairy tales I’ve read
But I feel so lost and naked
And I wake up with the shape of a dream
In my head

Seems so hard
All I want to do is let down my guard
Get through just one more day unscarred
I want to feel safe again
I want to feel safe again
I want to feel safe again
With you

Creation happens with the inspiration of our fifth house combined with the energy of the eighth house. We all have Saturn, the planet of manifestation and karma, rolling through the eighth house sign of transformative, intense, passionate and deep Scorpio. We are in mighty powerful creative times. We have to harness our Saturn’s now.  Harness your Saturn and focus him toward what you want to create.

We create from our fifth house when we stand in the playful space and energy of our chart’s Sun. Our Sun is what we are here to do in this life time. Look to your Sun and the ruler of your fifth house.  Look to the sign on your fifth house as well as the fifth house’s planet ruler to find your creative space and how to harness it.









The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

We are at the end of a major and very profound Eclipse season going towards a Full Moon in two weeks. This week as the light of the Moon starts to grow, there will be the opportunity for new beginnings, particularly after Wednesday when Sun and Saturn meet up and Saturn meets up with the Nodes of Fate. Until Wednesday, there can still be more endings as folks process what went on during the past few weeks.

Last week, Michele emailed this EXCELLENT link from Susan Miller’s site on working with eclipse energy that I encourage you to take time to read.  It will help you process all that is going on and to help your friends and family work with the energy productively.


Mercury turns direct on Sunday, November 10 so we feel him slow down as of Friday. Continue to talk with your ghosts this week. Take their calls. Review your past adventures in life. We are talking some mighty old and dusty ghosts and perhaps difficult memories or conversations. However, important information is located here too! Silently pay attention! Mercury chats up Venus and Neptune so you’ll probably hear from old ghostly loves too!

Venus enters Capricorn on November 5, 2013 until March 5, 2014 ~ for 119 days of Venus in Capricorn. She is retrograde between December 21 and January 31. Expect a serious focus on all matters of money, love, desire and passion. Venus is still out of bounds … once she shifts on Tuesday, she’ll be much more intense. She’s answering to Saturn in Scorpio.

Both Sun and the Nodes of Fate meet up with Saturn on Wednesday November 6, 2013 making Wednesday an incredibly profound moment in time around your life choices. Choose life. Choose hope. Choose belief in what can be.

Saturn is in new territory.  Between now and through November 27th, Saturn is passing through this particular section of sky JUST ONCE until 29 years from now.  The degrees between 11:32 and 16:38 are one shot deals!  Things that you commit to between now and November 27th will be PERMANENT and FINAL. That means it is extra important to PAY ATTENTION to what is going on in your life these next few weeks.

Jupiter stations and goes retrograde on Thursday at 20:30 Cancer. He goes backwards until March 6 when he stops at 10:26 Cancer. Stories from August 12 until now can be reversed. We feel his station all week.

Neptune is slowing to Station and turn direct next week at 2:35 Pisces. Neptune forms a trine with stationing Mercury. It’s the stuff that dreams are made of. Time to send loving intentions towards your dreams!

Pallas Athena enters Virgo on Saturday, November 9, 2013 until March 5, 2014, for 115 days. Your pattern seeing and creative ability is running at a fabulous and productive level ~ the warp and woof of your life starts to weave a brand new tapestry to wrap your dreams in.

Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon is Void Monday Morning and early afternoon and enters Sagittarius on Monday, Nov 4, 2013 at 3:14 pm EST. The closing aspect is quite productive.

Moon goes void square to Mars on Tuesday Nov 5, 2013 at 11:49:28 am EST and enters Capricorn on Wednesday Nov 6 2013 at 04:44:57 pm EST.  Moon is void Tuesday afternoon and most of Wednesday.  These are harsh, arguing energies between emotions and actions.

Moon goes void opposite to Jupiter on Friday Nov 8, 2013 at 02:39:52 am EST and enters Aquarius on Friday Nov 8, 2013 at 06:30:44 pm EST.  Moon is void for a bit on Friday afternoon. These are peaceful but possibly depressing and separating aspects.

Moon goes void square to Sun on Sunday Nov 10, 2013 00:58:17 am EST and enters Pisces on Sunday Nov 10 2013 at 09:37:27 pm EST. Moon is void most of Sunday.  More separating aspects ~ emotions and ego needs are in conflict.

















When children play at around age 5 or so, they are in a highly creative and safe space where they use love, joy and intensity to create all kinds of wondrous worlds and adventures. As adults, we need to remember to use a playful child’s example to help us create what we’d like to manifest in our lives. Focus on what you want to create. Send it lots of love, joy and affection. Imagine it in your life. Dance with it. Sing with it. Be joyful with it. Create with it. Invite it into your life. Create from a place of joy and abundance. No temper tantrums. Stand in joy, laughter, abundance and peace. Center into your deepest heart space.

Once we focus our attention, with joy, love and abundance toward ANYTHING we change our relationship to it. And if things or people in your life don’t want to create with you, turn away from them.  Go create by yourself ~ starting with choosing to focus on the blessings and joy in your life and then expanding that joy about your blessings out into the world. Focus on the stuff that dreams are made of… The planets are paying attention and stand ready to help you make manifest the dreams of your life. After all, if it is in your heart, it IS in your chart. And our dreams are supposed to come true!


Up until this moment in your life, what you have is what you’ve created through your vision of reality, admittedly as reflected by your chart. People tend to blame their vision boards, or charts, or bad choices on why their dreams don’t come true. Circumstances beyond their control yada, yada.  It will always be this way as THAT is the only thing that happens to me. We fail to recognize how we create it and invite it into our life. We can also uninvite it and ask for other things. Much of my work as an astrologer is pointing out where and why people limit themselves and how to use their energy in a different way.

Let’s say you want a relationship but you keep pulling in people who won’t commit to you. Look to your chart to see where YOUR fear (ie Saturn) is creating that fear or lack of commitment. So if Saturn is in your third house, you are going to talk trash to yourself (and others) about your fear of commitment or the lack of commitment from the people in your life. You have to step forward, own your Saturn and work WITH him to get the commitment you say that you want.

It actually is easy once you get the hang of it. Now that Saturn is in the decant of the Ocean, we are going to be working with the visionary energy of Pisces wrapped around the Saturn reality of creation and commitment to the dream within between now and March 2014.  Get ready for some serious manifesting as Saturn is aching to work with you!

Moon day Monday November 4, 2013 Moon is Void in Scorpio on Monday morning and early afternoon and enters Sagittarius at 3:14 pm EST. The Scorpio Moon closing aspect is quite productive so use the morning to finish up projects. Sagittarius moon has a closing square to Mars so expect a bit tension as things release the next few days. Dreams were busy last night but full of helpful imagery demonstrating how to partner with yourself creatively going forward. A relatively quiet day after all the craziness of the past few weeks, so use it to recuperate. Take extra time for sleep and self-care as eclipses often challenge your health…lots of exhaustion with this much difficult and emotional energy flying around. Moon’s trine to Neptune at days end says you might be in bed right after dinner! There can be unnecessary partnership drama. Suggest you discuss it later in the week.

Mars Day Tuesday November 5, 2013 Moon is in Sagittarius and goes void square to Mars at 11:49:28 am EST. Moon is void Tuesday afternoon and most of Wednesday.  These are harsh, arguing energies between emotions and actions.  Pallas squares Admetos so while you might have known it on some level, on another level, you never saw it coming. Patterns change today forever. Notice the patterns earlier next time. Venus enters Capricorn for a long 119 days.  She has a retrograde coming too. Suddenly emotions and finances get very sober and somber. Venus is still out of bounds but now she’s answering to Saturn in Scorpio instead of jolly exalted Jupiter in Cancer. Figure out where you can save, cut costs or shift your finances around. Be particular about your expenses. Unexpected fights mid-day as Moon squares Mars in Virgo ~ probably due to something you said or didn’t say.

Mercury’s Day Wednesday November 6, 2013 Moon is void and enters Capricorn at 04:44:57 pm EST.  Moon is void most of Wednesday.  These are harsh, arguing energies between emotions and actions today so be gentle with yourself and others. When in doubt, be silent. Sun links up with Saturn bright and early making today a GREAT day for committing to new plans, procedures, approaches, policies, structures, ideas or things you want to build in your life. It also marks an ending as conjunctions require an ending energy before a new beginning. Saturn also links up by declination with the Nodes of Fate, offering you a profound choice of how to proceed.  Please, please proceed with creative hope and with your dreams in your heart. Laugh like a child. Play in the yard. Allow the dreams you had to speak to your heart. Let down your guard. Feel safe again. Venus squares Ceres inviting you to take action to create and nurture partnerships that are supportive of your heart and your life’s dreams. Tears are very possible today. However, they are cleansing and releasing tears tied to realizing what is important for your future and life.

Jupiter’s day Thursday November 7, 2013 Moon is in Capricorn and goes void opposite to Jupiter which are peaceful but possibly depressing and separating aspects. It is time for emotional releases around folks who have left your life. Moon in Capricorn works productively with just about everything in the sky after a bumpy start this morning when your get into an accident or upset right at the beginning of the day. Jupiter stations and goes retrograde at 20:30 Cancer. Jupiter goes backwards until March 6 when he stops at 10:26 Cancer. Stories related to Jupiter from August 12 will now be reversed. Sun has an aspect of brilliance to Uranus encouraging your ego to step forward and go for the creative dream.  Sun on the world axis today brings things that have been hidden to light. Mercury is working overtime revealing the secrets. Ceres relates to the Nodes of Fate too asking you to take steps to nurture that new idea or brilliant suggestion you hear from someone close to you. Mercury’s trine to Hades invites you to stop going back and forth on a matter than needs to be finished, dead and buried. Let it go. No more emails or communications. Venus’ sextile to Neptune invites you to focus on your dreams again. In earth, she brings the solid ground for those dreams to bloom on. You might also find or meet a beloved person today… make sure to act on impulse and get their number or give them your card.  Communicate your desires! Lots of opportunity tonight for connections with people who support and love you. Or will support and love you in the future.

Venus’ Day Friday November 8, 2013 Moon is in Capricorn and goes void opposite to Jupiter at 02:39:52 am EST and enters Aquarius at 06:30:44 pm EST.  Moon is void most of the day Friday.  These are peaceful but possibly depressing and separating aspects.  Lots of dreams again last night as Mercury and Neptune connect by declination. Neptune can only talk to you via images, dreams and whispered images from others ~ pay particular attention to last night’s dreams as the stuff that dreams are made of wants to emerge from within your heart. Mercury’s sextile to Venus brings good news in the morning, particularly around love, money and desire. Venus is serious about connecting you to your karma over her 119 day journey through Saturn’s sign. She’s pushing for connection and commitment to the finer, costlier, elegant and refined dreams. Refine your dream this morning. Release the not your dream stuff during the course of the day.  Allow your Sun, your heart center to speak of or dream of, your future. Ask again.

Saturn’s Day Saturday November 9, 2013 Moon is in Aquarius and goes void square to Sun making for detached emotions which can cause arguments with intense ego statements. Sun parallels Pallas in your early morning dreams bringing unusual visions or illumination about how to take action through the maze before you.  Mars sextiles Saturn today making it quite a productive day of accomplishing things.  Take right actions to move forward, guided by last night’s dreams. Venus points out a gentle way to let things go that allows both sides to release and move on. As Venus moves closer to Pluto over the next few days, triangles that have been bubbling along quietly rupture and release their contents ~ the last bits of the eclipse energy leaving.  Part of the eclipse energy was designed to show us where we were creating things or situations that we didn’t want in our lives any more. Now, seeing that, you can shift how you create.  Go into the creative, happy, playful, love space with in and dance like a five year old. Play the energy forward of your heart’s dream into your life.  Saturn is watching. The ESSENCE of what you want ~ not all the details. Jupiter’s quintile to Ceres encourages you to partner again with the creative energy of your dreams. Neptune’s inconjunct to Ceres invites you to adjust the direction, focus, color, content or scope ~ make it more match what you are looking for. Don’t let Mercury retrograde’s aspect to Ceres cause you to pull back from the complete picture. Mercury’s trine to Neptune invites you to clarify the various versions of the dream you were working on last summer during the Star of David. Back then, you were attempting to get your CURRENT life with the CURRENT people and situations to create your new dream.  Maybe it did. Maybe it didn’t. You did get clear on what was blocking you. Now, you are ready to focus, intently and clearly, on how to create the next patch of your life. When we are clear and committed, the entire universe flows in behind us to help us co-create the dream we want. It fuels us. Pallas enters Virgo for 115 days of process centered, focused, step by step, task oriented creation.  We are actually clear and ready now.  Uranus’ semisextile to Chiron invites us to step back and take a running leap at our dream. If you are exhausted, go to bed early.

Sun’s Day Sunday November 10, 2013 Moon goes void square to Sun at 00:58:17 am EST and enters Pisces at 09:37:27 pm EST. Moon is void most all the day on Sunday.  More separating aspects ~ emotions and ego needs are in conflict.  Sun brings a permanent ending to situations that have been troubling you.  Vesta’s trine to Admetos offers an option to shift and change things up a bit.  Mercury stations and turns direct at 2:29 Scorpio, trine to next week’s Neptune station.  It is the stuff that dreams are made of.  Chiron has a stressful aspect to Astraea and fosters a needed health change. Moon entering Pisces suggests you take an early to bed approach this evening. Extra self-care is in order.


Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving! The most profound week of the year leaves with us adjusting to the shifts in our life. Saturn is in a new patch of the sky until March 2014 changing the very structure of your life. Three planets station this week.Full steam ahead!  Take Responsibility! Make Changes! Evolve! Creative Chaos inspires!

Scorpios Talking: Michael and Anne talked about the eclipses and working silently with the energy.

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne had a good time! Talk about karma!

Access Astrology: We all were eclipsed!  What a week!

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.



Anne will be teaching at the New York NCGR Education Conference on November 16 & 17, 2013.  Her topic is “Pluto in Capricorn ~ The Decant of Taurus”  Register for the conference here:  http://www.astrologynyc.org/


Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014. Her topic is “Planetary Returns.”  Meetings are open to the public: http://www.lincgr.com/


Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC.  Early Bird Rates through November 30, 2013 are $150.  At the Door $250. Register for the Workshop: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504


Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 18, 2014. Her topic is “Planets as People!”  Save the date!


Anne will be speaking at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014.  Limited in-person consultation appointments with Anne are available in Michigan.



Copyright© 2013 A.C. Ortelee