Weekly Weather November 3, 2014

Weekly Weather November 3, 2014


The Eclipses are leaving! The Eclipses are leaving!

votin rights 


















We officially leave eclipse season with the Full Moon in Taurus on Thursday.  However, we probably need to extend eclipse season until the Mars/Pluto conjunction next Monday night,  November 10th   at 11:35 Capricorn.  It finishes off the eclipse energy and marks the advent of Saturn into new territory and life decisions.

Our week ahead has two main features:  The building tension of the Mars/Pluto conjunction and lots of NO or that is NOT happening with the Moon and her aspects.

Mars approaches Pluto all week, building up a deep emotional action taking earth energy that often expresses, in its lower form, as anger, fights, violence, war or accidents.  Higher forms of Mars and Pluto working together are powerful people, triangular dynamics, leveraging power plays, very hot sex, and an amazing energy that can get things accomplished, leap tall buildings with a single bound or surmount just about any barrier or block.  Yes, Superman had a Mars/Pluto aspect!  The Mars/Pluto folks living among us don’t stop until they get exactly what they want.  People who have Mars/Pluto aspects in their charts are having “natal excitations” this week.  They know who they are!

The rest of us get to see what our Mars /Pluto family or friends live with all their lives. We all have a Mars/Pluto aspect this week even the meek and mild types!  Back when I was first studying astrology, a Scorpio friend with a Mars/Pluto aspect commented that her darn square aspect was set off by a sneeze or a breeze. When she was 8, she’d picked up her much older sister and dumped her head first into a sink full of dirty dishes.  Often you’ll find the Mars/Pluto folks put their hands over their chart to hide that aspect when they are getting to know you.  But sooner or later, Mars and Pluto will come out to play.  It is a hard aspect to hide!

Next, we combine Mars and Pluto with a week of very emotional NOs.  Moon has harsh closing aspects during the work week ~ in Aries opposite Mercury in Libra clearing his shadow Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ~ lots of NOs coming at you. Then Moon in Taurus is opposite Saturn in Scorpio Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ~ causing blockage, separations from home, mother or authorities.

That means there is a great deal of emotional frustration feeding the Mars/Pluto conjunction as it builds in intensity during the week from an Angry Moon and a Stubborn Moon.  Going to be a busy news week!

In the middle of this messy energy, we have national and state wide elections on Tuesday.  Expect major upsets and reversals as well as chaos and long lines.  Folks are voting on a Moon in Aries on a day with Moon square to Mars, square to Pluto and joined to Uranus ~ actually there is an occultation of Uranus and the Moon.  Going to be fun elections!

So how do we work with the energy?  Back away or postpone “that discussion” you are supposed to have until AFTER next Monday, November 10.  Or if you are completely clear that you WANT to end a situation or relationship, take advantage of the energy to blast it out of your life. Trust me, it won’t be back! This is an excellent energy for LETTING GO of situations that bind your life or habits that are not desired any more. It is great for clearing the project obstacles, tackling the immense job and climbing that individual mountain in your living room or office.  Better NOT to try collaborative projects…this is NOT a collaborative energy… think solo performance.  Lone wolf.  Be an island. Impersonate a Rock!

When the anger or emotions rise, direct it TOWARD a productive place or project that needs doing.  You CAN harness the energy towards a project.  You will make MAJOR progress on it! Try to NOT blast the other guy ~ remember they are having a Mars/Pluto aspect too.  You might find yourself upended into a sink of dirty dishes!




Do be careful with mechanical devices that are dangerous ~ chain saws, cars, drills, trains, and anything that can hurt you if unleashed on your body.  Back when I was first studying astrology, I was cleaning out files (probably on a Mars/Pluto aspect) and found a listing of High Cost Claims from my days working in the insurance industry. It included the date of the accident/incident.  Sticking a head into a construction site elevator window and being beheaded by the descending elevator, cutting off their arm in a manufacturing line, getting dragged physically into a pizza oven and crushed, and a car crashing through the window of a McDonalds and killing people were only a few of the Mars/Pluto High Cost Claims.  So be careful out there!

Saturn is in NEW TERRITORY!  Between Now and DECEMBER 8, 2014 when Saturn gets to 28:19 Scorpio, we are on a ONE shot get it done in this section of heavens and your chart.  You get ONE shot for the next 29 years (or subset).  Things committed to between now and December 8 are cosmically locked and loaded into our chart.  So THIS WEEK commit to an exercise or diet program under this energy~ you will definitely get it done!  You are able to leave behind those bad old habits and get good ones in place.  Mars/Pluto in the disciplined sign of Capricorn is good for the individual performance goals.

Things let go of now are done and finished without a reopening opportunity.  There is NOT a lot of play or wiggle room between now and December 8, 2014.  If the idea of commitment freaks you out a bit, delay your commitment until after December 8.  Commit to the stuff you KNOW you want to change!  There is a new chapter of life being born into all this energy!  Watch for it!  Please take the time to click on the link below…. another, more positive version or vision of Mars/Pluto.  It IS a wild and wonderful life force!!!








Void Moons in the Week Ahead:  When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns.  Kick back, let life flow, and center yourself.  Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes void trine to Saturn on Monday,  Nov 3, 2014 at 04:06:19 am.  Moon enters Aries on Monday, Monday, Nov 3, 2014 at 01:54:20 pm. Moon is void Monday morning.

Moon goes void opposite to Mercury on Wednesday, Nov 5, 2014 at 08:26:04 am.  Moon enters Taurus on Wednesday, Nov 5, 2014 at  04:34:07 pm.  Moon is void all day Wednesday.

Full Moon November 6, 2014 at 5:23 pm EST at 14:26 Taurus Moon/Scorpio Sun.

Moon goes void Opposite Saturn on Friday, Nov 7, 2014 at 11:17:59 am.  Moon enters Gemini on Friday, Nov 7, 2014 at 08:45:44 pm.  Moon is void Friday afternoon and early evening.

Moon goes void Sextile to Jupiter on Sunday, Nov 9, 2014 at 11:22:43 am.  Moon enters Cancer on Monday.  Moon is void all day and evening Sunday.

full moon nov 2014













The Full Moon in Taurus opposite to the Scorpio Sun is quite a powerful one. Not much earth to ground the energy or air to explain what is going on.  There is lots of fire and water ~ expect steam and boiling when those two get together.  Mars is approaching his conjunction with Pluto.  Mars rules all the Aries and Scorpio planets ~ Uranus, South Node, Athena, Sun, Venus and Saturn.  He’s building up a head of steam as he approaches his buddy, Pluto, ruler of the underworld.  Mars rules war which sends lots of fresh bodies to Pluto’s realm.  Use the energy of power wisely on your own projects.  The Full Moon is part of a larger cycle. If we go back in time, the current lunation’s opening New Moon was May 9, 2013, with the opening quarter on February 6, 2014.  The closing quarter will be August 6, 2015.  Map the larger projects across this time line.

Jupiter is approaching his square to Saturn so there is a good/news bad news quality to the Lunation.  Look for the underlying lesson. Reframe the story so you are working with it in a productive manner.  Remember Saturn’s been working to get you conscious of your psychological issues these past two years.  Own your stuff. This is a LOVELY moon for all kinds of projection, denial and blame.  People are not going to want to take responsibility for their choices, behaviors or perhaps the outcomes of their actions.  However, the Moon /Sun energy WANTS, practically BEGS for recognition and assumption of responsibility.  If you were badly behaved, it comes home to roost now.   Moon and Sun are on the world axis of the fixed signs so there is a very public quality to the energy experienced under the Full Moon.



Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Symbol is:
Commentary: ‘Children Playing Around Five Mounds of Sand’ shows ‘Children’ playing, enjoying themselves and each other in a safe, natural setting. The ‘Five Mounds’ often represents the pentacle, or pentagram. A pentacle is a five-pointed star, often held to have magical or mystical significance. It is a symbol often associated with and used in Wicca and pagan rites. The ‘Sand’ is symbolic of impermanence; it can disperse over time, leaving only a passing impression. The ‘Children’ symbolize innocence and, in this case, almost a lack of awareness of the more serious or crucial factors in their lives. Here the ‘Children Play’ in and around the pentacle with no consideration of whether there may be some other deeper or ritualistic purpose.

Oracle: You may feel that you have the potential for greater things, but don’t understand what they are. Development takes time and it is the first experience of ‘Playing’ with latent talent that leads to greater knowledge. You will be able to fulfill your potential, but maybe you need to start at the beginning. Nowadays, the true art of ‘Play’ has largely been lost. We have the apparent need for more and more complicated machinery and gadgets in order to bring joy. Much can be learnt from letting go and allowing yourself to experience joy naturally found in the company of others. Indeed, if ‘Playing’ is seen as sacred and special, it can be particularly healing. Things such as walking in the desert, doing sweat lodges, and enjoying spiritual gatherings with others. Interacting with others brings their “humanness” to life. It will be necessary to be conscious of their needs, as some may get ‘lost’ in this situation, losing site of the others as they disappear behind the ‘Mounds of Sand’. Taking things lightheartedly and enjoying the company of other people, particularly those that are creative and intelligent, can move this situation forward.

Keywords: Creative integration of new ideals. Five being the number of mankind. The value of play in getting to know one another. Playgrounds. Crop circles. The desert. Throwing caution to the wind. Playing ‘hide and go seek’. Shifting sands. Rituals. American Indian rites. The love of the physical world. The five senses. Carefree and happy playgrounds and laughter.

The Caution: Being too serious to see life’s lighthearted side. Mourning or regretting over childhood lost. The inability to take life seriously.

If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. Dr. Seuss We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open. Harry Edwards

The only moral lesson which is suited for a child, the most important lesson for every time of life, is this: “Never hurt anybody.” Denis Breeze

There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago. Julius Robert Oppenheimer

The soul is healed by being with children. Fyodor Dostoevsky

The world is your playground. Why aren’t you playing? Ellie Katz

And on her head, lest spirits should invade, a pentacle, for more assurance, laid. Rose: Orlando Furioso



Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Symbol is:

Commentary: The ‘Old Man’ is someone who understands many things. He is ‘Attempting to Reveal the Mysteries to a Group’ that don’t seem to understand, or at least they aren’t readily showing that they do. This is ‘A Motley Group’, which means it is made up of people who are different from each other in their appearance, background, interests etc. However, he is succeeding in teaching them as he’s accomplishing a ‘Degree of Success Unsuspected by Him’. It is likely that the ‘Old Man’, or the teacher, is the one who misunderstands what’s going on with the ‘Group’, or his students. He may see the superficial differences in the ‘Group’ as a barrier to their ability to understand his message. It is more likely that they are actually quite focused on the message, but each in their own way. By imparting knowledge, ‘The Mysteries’, the ‘Old Man’ has unified the ‘Group’.

Oracle: It may seem that nobody is paying attention to the advice or wisdom that is being offered, but it is not the wisdom that is at fault. There may certainly be a need to alter the way the message is delivered to make it more easily understood, however it is also important not to underestimate the capacity of the listeners to comprehend the messages that are being imparted. Take confidence in the message being given, or received, and have less expectation on how people should behave, respond or look. Remember that “conventional wisdom” does not always overcome the human emotional issues of confidence and self esteem. Be confident that the message is valuable enough to hold the attention of those participating.

Keywords: Try a new approach. Challenging the status quo. Astrodrama. Being way ahead of one’s time. Getting one’s message across in an innovating and creative way. A teacher uniting diverse people in a common cause. Generation gaps. Wisdom given with expectation.

The Caution: Exaggerated opinion of one’s understanding of the situation. The mistaken belief that others wish to know or not being in touch with the “times”. Feeling outdated. Preaching old, possibly outworn ideas. Insecure feelings based on conservative expectations of others.

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. Henry Brooks Adams

Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people. William Butler Yeats

The more abstract the truth you want to teach, the more thoroughly you must seduce the senses to accept it. Friedrich Nietzsche

I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers. Khalil Gibran

When I was fourteen years old, I was amazed at how unintelligent my father was. By the time I turned twenty-one, I was astounded how much he had learned in the last seven years. Mark Twain

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself. Galileo

The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. Mark Twain


Moon day Monday November 3,  2014  Moon in Pisces goes void trine to Saturn at 04:06:19 am.  Moon enters Aries at 01:54:20 pm. Moon is void Monday morning.  Lots of interesting and perhaps disturbing dreams last night as there were turbulent aspects. Mercury wakes up know he has to end a situation in his life. Venus in Scorpio is busy today.  She trines Chiron offering a comforting energy to old wounds.  She argues with Jupiter trying to rein in spending, overdoing or over everything.  She looks to adjust her psychological understanding and approach with Uranus to get a creative break through ~ you don’t have to push hard to get a shift to take place.  Mercury makes important family or tribe connections mid-day as he seeks to expand his vision or partners.  Sun is contra-parallel to Jupiter so the ego doesn’t want to hear what the teacher or authority is saying. Proceed with caution on this energy.  Sun’s sextile to Pluto pushes us to take a new approach to power dynamics in our lives.  It is a closing sextile so you are releasing work or projects begun last year in January… it is time for those cattail seeds to disseminate and take off on the wind.













Mars day Tuesday November 4, 2014 Moon is in Aries. Moon goes void opposite to Mercury so the next few days are full of NOs.  Count the NOs as they get you closer to yes!  It doesn’t mean NEVER ~ it means NOT with that person…Today is election day in the United States.  It is going to be rocky with Moon in Aries (angry citizens) square to Mars (taking action), square to Pluto (asserting their power) and uniting with Uranus (asking for change or chaos).  Moon’s occultation to Uranus means the results will bring unexpected consequences.  Venus and Mercury are pretty stressed out all day so bring a book and expect delays, problems and situations that don’t work out quite how you’d hoped.  Mercury joins with the North Node of Destiny by declination.  Time to make new choices that propel you forward.  Pay attention to who you meet today ~ get their information so you can follow up with them. It won’t be easy but it will be productive!

Wednesday Mercury’s day November 5, 2014 Moon in Aries goes void opposite to Mercury at 08:26:04 am. Moon enters Taurus at 04:34:07 pm.  Moon is void all day Wednesday.  Kick back and enjoy the void moon.  You’ll hear NO or SAY NO on projects or to ideas today.  Set those boundaries. Nos are part of getting to yes. Work on projects that are in process during the void moon.  Mars and Pallas point out patterns you had previously missed or not seen quite for what they were.  Now with the opposition of Moon and Mercury, you see it!  You see it! Ego needs want a bit of healing or can feel re-wounded from old situations that sting emotionally.  Here is where the choice is!  Sun’s inconjunct to Uranus pushes you to make some psychological changes or adjustments.  Mercury quintile to Mars offers an inspired idea or plan to act on and move forward after earlier today’s NO.  Just because THEY said NO, doesn’t mean the UNIVERSE says NO.

Jupiter’s Day Thursday November 6, 2014 Moon is in Taurus. Moon goes void Opposite Saturn so emotionally the next few days involve separations, NOs and problems. Today’s Full Moon encourages expression and digging down into work.  It is the culminating phase from May 2013 and February 2014,  with lots of productive aspects in the morning.  Moon IS Exalted in Taurus even if there is a square.  Solo projects work well ~ it’s the cooperating ones that are problematic. Lots of emotions from very deep places can surface today, particularly in the morning.  Health matters need to be tended to.  Ceres aspects the Nodes stressfully so caretaking or nurturing energy is not easily accomplished.  Time for a new approach to that story too.  Moon’s opposition to Saturn encourages you to connect in a different way than maternal.  Make sure everyone takes responsibility for THEIR part of the deal…. Yes they knew what they were doing.  Make them own their side of the story.

Friday Venus’s Day October 31, 2014 Moon in Taurus goes void Opposite Saturn at 11:17:59 am. Moon enters Gemini at 08:45:44 pm.  Moon is void Friday afternoon and early evening.  Another day with void moons to encourage us to dream and work  in a spiritual flow.  Hygeia stations to go retrograde at 15 Cancer on the USA Sun.  Expect changes in the health care system or the approach you take to health.  Otherwise it is a kind of quiet day. Mars is still building to his union with Pluto next week but it’s a quiet one.  Discuss health care matters with people who can help. Mercury’s aspect to Admetos invites you to lose your head (or the other guy to lose their head) in a sudden emotional argument that appears out of nowhere around towards the end of the work day.  If that happens, use the information gained as instructions on what you want to do next.  Venus ends a love relationship today as she aspects the South Node ~ part of you has been moving away from it for a while now.  All to the good.  Try to get a good night’s sleep.  It is a busy weekend.  If you find you are restless, Moon in Gemini invites you to write or connect with people you haven’t talked to in a while tonight.

Saturn’s Day Saturday November 8, 2014 Moon is in Gemini. Moon goes void Sextile to Jupiter so there is lots of energy flying around the next few days that inspires, conspires and intrigues.  Venus works with Uranus in a creative manner encouraging a new approach to the matter.  Dreams last night were full of relationship stories or featured you solving problems.  Apply them to your life when you wake up.  The eclipse cold can flare up again or migrate to the lungs.  Seems there is too much to do and not enough time so take a step by step approach.  Gemini wants you to scatter your energy to the winds, answering every beck and call, which is NOT a good idea.  You have a number of unfinished projects.  Tackle them in order rather than the scatter shot approach.  Mars in Capricorn semi-squares Saturn encouraging you to dig in, with intensity, and get the job done. Pluto bring a triangle to the relationship… you probably knew, on some level, about this but it is NOT nice.  Psychological adjustments are required to move forward. Or you might opt out. Watch for anger to flare on this energy.  When you inquire, they freely admit they knew what they were doing and did it anyway.  That information presents YOU with a choice… it is different if they didn’t know what they were doing… but they KNEW and did it anyway.  Yes, this is definitely one of the bummer parts of Mercury retrograde clearing his shadow.   You didn’t actually want to know but NOW that you DO know… what are you going to do.  Take it on advisement and think a few days about it (until next Tuesday at least) or you can end the situation here and now. There’s a testing component to the story.  And a deep jealousy which what actually motivated the bad behavior in the first place. Neptune’s square to Ceres says they are a grown up.  You are a grown up.  Grownups are responsible for their actions and behaviors even if they are a bit bratty.  No one is here because they don’t want to be.  Even if it feels like you are dealing with a rebellious teenager acting out against mom.  But unless you actually ARE their mother or vice versa ~ this is a hot mess of projection and everyone needs to be “grown ass adults” as Whoopee Goldberg says.  Mercury enters Scorpio so be cautious and strategic with your words.  Listen and think about what you want to do or say.

Sun’s day Sunday November 9, 2014 Moon in Gemini goes void Sextile to Jupiter on Sunday, Nov 9 2014 at 11:22:43 am.  Moon enters Cancer on    Moon is void all day and evening Sunday but with a pleasant exit and cooperative energy.  Just don’t spend all afternoon cooking as you won’t eat the food next week. Venus’ square to Jupiter suggest you can overspend, over do, over connect, over over… of the good stuff but still it is over over.  Moderation is the key here.  It is a great evening to clean out spaces and create room for more to come in your life.  Lots of things will reach their expiration date this next few weeks. If you don’t love it, get rid of it.  Saturn’s biquintile to the South Node says a karmic situation is ending and will slip, gently, out of your life into a new place. Let it go. Bless it and let it go.



Anne’s Three Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via iTunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather: A week of NO as the eclipses are leaving!  Mars and Pluto build in intensity ALL WEEK~ watch for angry eruptions. Harness the Mars/ Pluto energy constructively! Use it to conquer lingering or difficult projects in your life! No fighting!

Scorpios Talking:  No broadcast as Anne overslept.

Access Astrology: Anne, Mark and Heather answered listener’s emails and took calls.

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation and your understanding of Venus!

CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. will be completing the series this month.  He reads excerpts from Jung.  If you are working on individuating, take the time to listen in!


Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission.   Check her out at Sabiansymbols.com.


Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee