Weekly Weather November 28, 2011
The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here!
We are in the middle period between two eclipses. The New Moon eclipse took place last Friday early morning, visible deep in the southern hemisphere ~ making that be the area of the world be where the “action” happens over the next few months. The penguins, the Australians, New Zealanders, as well as South Africans could see a partial eclipse.
The eclipse focused energy into the handle of the bucket, Mars in Virgo. Mars’ ruler, Mercury, is out of bounds in a sign he doesn’t like, Sagittarius, as there is too much to keep track of. Mercury is stationing, stopped dead in the sky, preparing to trace back over his previous steps. The world (and we) pause to listen to information we don’t much want to hear but hear it we must. Mars in Virgo suggests we will take action on what we hear or find out. We DO need to take action on it. It also makes this an excellent eclipse to reveal what your next steps are to be ~ Mars in Virgo is a lover of detailed to-do lists. Make that list! Mars is in Virgo until July 2012 so we are getting our marching orders for the next nine months.
The energy of Mercury in Sagittarius, ruler of the Mars in Virgo, IS a truth speaker. It WILL speak the truth as it simply must, must, must be heard. As Mercury moves backwards towards the Sun this week, he will connect with the Sun in Sagittarius next Sunday. And all week long, Mercury will be talking to us about what we need to do as he focuses our energy on our voices, devices, communications, connections, siblings, cars, and papers that inform or incite ideas.
Mercury (and we) will be increasingly convinced of the “rightness” or “righteousness” of our viewpoints, purposes and ideas. Sagittarius is a fast moving, expansive, competitive and visionary sign ~ mutable fire. It is supposed to inspire us, designed to make us think, and always coming from a position of seeking to expose us to new ideas and beliefs.
So listen to your own inner voice become more convinced about what it wants to do and where it wants you to go. Listen to the ghosts from your past that cross your path this season during Mercury’s retrograde journey. Pay particular attention to voices from your early years, during schooling experiences or when you had travel, learning or other Mind expanding times and opportunities. The people from those earlier times are going to be dancing through your life and talking to you about what they remember of you. Listen to their stories. Tell them stories you remember of those times. See how the patina of time and experience broadens your shared experiences. Expand on those thoughts.
As my friend Jemaja says “Self Knowledge removes the stumbling blocks.” That Sagittarian voice encouraging self knowledge and personal wisdom is clear even if it requires a change in direction from the original plan. And as Mercury is retrograde and out of bounds as well, it may very well be a bit of an outrageous idea that is being whispered in your heart by your soul. Remember Sagittarius is the sign that encourages us to follow our vision after the killing energy, the killing frost and plant dying of Scorpio. There IS life after death. There IS a spring that follows the ending energy of the previous growing season. Party on with the abundance and creativity of Sagittarius that wants to celebrate and give thanks for all the good in your world and life. Listen carefully as Mercury rolls backwards across virtually all the planets in the sky for the new vision to come in.
Mercury’s rapid backward motion also connects him with the Nodes of Fate, offering you an opportunity this week to choose a new direction or work on a new project on Friday.
Venus moves forward in Capricorn and is in mutual reception with Saturn in Libra. Mutual reception sets up special communication channels between the two planets and allows them to switch places. So Saturn in “Capricorn” by mutual reception is approaching a conjunction with Pluto on Thursday when Venus in Capricorn actually joins with Pluto. That makes this week particularly fraught for relationships and the various structures that support them.
The nodes and the upcoming 18 full moon Sagittarius and Gemini eclipse are at the degrees of 9-11‘s Saturn and Pluto and 18 Virgo Sun. Saturn and Pluto were across from each other in 2001, now they are laying on the nodal axis taking place this week. The mutual reception and eclipse also wake up 1982 when Saturn and Pluto were last joined in Libra, offering each of us a re-definition of relationships and their structures in our lives. Finally, Jupiter in earth echoes and awakens the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Taurus in May 2000, with Saturn popping into to trine Jupiter via that mutual reception. Tie the three stories together ~ fall 1982, spring 2000 and now to see how the universe is cross connecting the wires and people in your life.
Saturn is steadily approaching a trine to Neptune, dissolving, dissolving the structures and things you don’t need in your life any more. Their trine doesn’t “perfect” until next fall when Saturn in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. However, the dissolving energy is taking place now ~ offering you a new kind of vision for your life as 14 years of Neptune’s long journey through Aquarius comes to an end. Saturn met up with Neptune in 1989 when both of the them were around 10 Capricorn.
Now Venus approaches that point carrying her special relationship with Saturn and allowing Jupiter and Saturn to reminisce and catch up. Listen to the memories, dreams and ideas from then to glimpse the new story opening before you now.
The heavens offer us glimpses, via the dances of the planets, of how to proceed with our life path. Look back during the eclipse season as the out of bound Mercury and Venus bring interesting stories to you from across time and space. It is an interconnected, spinning web of information those planets above our heads! And if we watch them and listen to their messages, and look back to those earlier times when they last stimulated these degrees ~ fall 1982 (Saturn/Pluto joining at 28 Libra), spring 2000 (Jupiter/Saturn in Taurus), 9-11(Saturn/Pluto fighting and on the nodal degrees), November 1992 (metonic cycle of the lunation) and now(figure out the interconnections) we can see the correlation and interdynamics taking place in our charts and helping us move forward to the next bright and shiny chapter.
No worries if it doesn‘t come in all wrapped up and ready to be undone. We have a bit more of a journey to go and the rest of eclipse season has to unfold. But do pay attention to the messengers ~ particularly Mercury, the principle of communications, connections, siblings and ideas and Venus, the principle of desire, love, relationship and interconnections.
In my case, Fall 1982 was when my piano teacher, who was also an astrologer, predicted someone I loved very much would die soon (Saturn entering into my 8th house with Saturn soon to return to my natal Saturn in Scorpio in the 8th house). A month later, at Thanksgiving, my beloved mother was diagnosed with colon cancer and died five months later. In May 2000, I decided to leave corporate America and become a full time astrologer. A week or so after 9-11, after my office’s location blew up, I took the leap and became a full time astrologer. After all, you could go to work on a beautiful morning and die! Did I want to waste any more time in my life? Now Saturn is back in my 8th house, like he was in 1982, so I decided to work with Saturn consciously. I took a course this fall at the Jung Institute on “Death and Immortality”. The course led to some new clients, some of whom wanted to know when they were going to die. Of course all of us have lots of Scorpio and Pluto to be taking a “Death and Immortality” class in the first place. And through connections from the death class, I talked, as an astrologer, with a young woman who had lost her beloved father at age 19 and was dealing with her grief. That cycle revolves me back to 1982 when I, as a young woman, was dealing with the loss of my beloved mother. And we still have three to four more weeks of revelations and ah-ha moments before us! I can hardly wait to see what rolls in! If you are a youngster, notice the story in your parent’s lives back then to see the echo in your life.
The heavens are a giant swirling kaleidoscope offering us guidance if we look sky ward and think about our lives. So help people connect the dots over the next few weeks…. It will be a major turning point for all of us as we explore the energy around us. Be bold. Make the cross connections. Understand where you are in your journey. Be adventurous and take the next steps using the guidance you receive..
Void Moons This Week
6:01 pm est Nov 28, Monday to 2:02 am Nov 29 Tuesday
6:27 am est Dec 1, Thursday to 9:45 am est
1:06 pm est Dec 2, Friday to 8:51 pm est Dec 3, Saturday
Afternoon, night and Day Long Void Moon
Monday Moon’s day November 28 Moon in Capricorn has harsh closing aspects of a square to Saturn, suggesting endings take place today. Mercury’s union with Uranus by declination offers unexpected news or difficulties with communications. Astraea works with Hades by quintile ending a situation or health matter is a brilliant manner. Home and hearth energy is annoyed at what all it has to do ~ too much and not enough time. Make a list. Delegate. You don’t have to do it all. If someone near you is sneezing or coughing, avoid them, this cold lasts for weeks as Mercury is carrying out of bounds germs at your head! Mercury joins with Neptune by declination at 4:15 pm offering energy of dissolving and transformation to ideas that you thought you wanted once. Truth be told, you don’t want it any more. Own that shift and proceed. Or if you are disillusioned by someone under this aspect, keep yourself in check and still move forward to your next task. They are working in their world. Hold to YOUR agenda, ignore their antics and agenda. Focus on what you can control. If they introduce a triangle into the matter, open the triangle up to allow for easy flowing energy to take place. You might find YOU are annoyed as the Sun aspects Eris or that the men in your life are cranky. Let them vent ~ they need to get it out of their systems before they move forward.
Tuesday Mars Day November 29 Moon in Aquarius offers a detached approach with a gentle union to Neptune in a few days ~ it’s a dream so support it and help it move forward. After arguing and fighting in your dreams all night, you wake up with a sense of having accomplished what you needed to do psychically. It’s a day when you can feel old and sad about what you hear or find out. Watch for high fevers or rash impulses to take actions. They do not serve your greater purpose. Again Mercury is carrying germs that are unusual so avoid the sick folks coughing near you. Venus links up with Jupiter by declination so she’s got great news of a plan or dream about love, money, attraction and distance. Notice the Venus love and desire story unfolding before you like a flower. Venus IS out of bounds so unusual actions will be required to make this dream a reality. If it matches your dream in the slightest, go for it! Sun wants to work productively with the patterns before him and can inspire others to do the same. Notice the patterns and time frames unfolding in your life. Sun has a gift of brilliance and abundance with the relationships in your life as he aspects Jupiter. Say yes, fast and clearly to offers you receive. They will move your life fast and far. No, you don’t know how you will do them and they probably will change a bunch before final form is taken but say yes, without reservation. Draw on the bigger picture of the cycles before you to gain confidence that this is the correct decision.
Mercury’s day Wednesday November 30 the ghosts of the retrograde are jumping around today so pay attention to who you meet or connect with from your past. Lots of Mercury aspects. Mercury also joins with the Nodes of Fate by declination so people can leave your life too. It is time for them to go do something else. Sun joins with Mercury by declination so if you are feeling like making a speech or being righteous or talking about all you have done for them, it is time to be silent. They did a lot for YOU too! Give them credit. Be gracious. No door slamming or loud goodbyes. Just go. There is a phrase in the Bible that I particularly like for this aspect ~ shake the dust from your sandal and walk away. Don’t look back. They know where you are and will catch up with you if they want to. Sometimes they need to roll around in the muck and mire of Scorpio for a bit longer before they are ready to move on. Offer prayers for them (and for you) if you are a praying sort. The etheric plain works better in situations like this~ trust that they will figure out what they are supposed to do. You telling them is NOT the path to THEIR self-knowledge. On the other hand, if someone is telling you something that you outright want to dismiss, do take the time to listen to it and note it. If it comes from a fear place, or fosters inadequacy, drop it and walk away. If it comes from a place that is meant to empower you or offer you skills or services that HELP you, say yes but add that you are not sure how you are going to use them so you will get back to them. There is an energy of wanting to rejoin or help others flying around in the heavens so take advantage of it.
Jupiter’s Day Thursday December 1, Moon in Pisces makes this a rocking day as she stimulates all the early water and earth planets. Expect to get oodles of stuff done as you fly around, changing, changing, changing! Listen to your intuition as it is quite strong today and speaking about things to come, visions of the future even if only half formed. It is World AIDS Day and the health aspects in the heavens suggest we may have some break through announcements regarding health and diseases. Hygeia enters Capricorn so health matters become practical and down to earth. Today is a solid day to focus on how to take better care of you. Venus joins with Pluto ~ swap in that mutual reception she has with Saturn and we are back to the fall of 1982, and 2011 when the two big fellows joined and fought in the sky. What is the sky message coming through? Venus Pluto or Saturn Pluto often exposes us to the darker sides of human nature and nasty triangles. Expect news of or about past nasty triangle people in your life. Reflect on what you have learned since you last encountered them. See how much you’ve grown? Sometimes when in the discouraging parts of our lives, we forget that optimistic, dewy eyed part of our soul is only waiting for us to spend time with it. Spend time with your soul today. Nurture yourself constructively so you remember you are a unique person here on this big spinning rock ~ what IS your unique contribution to the world? And yes, you have one. If you are not sure what it is, find a good astrologer and book a reading. Hold onto that vision of why you are here. Time passes SOOO fast. One of the beauties of death is that it reminds us that life ends. This too shall pass. But until it ends, what DO you want to do with your life? Give yourself permission to do some of that each and every day. Just a little bit. Maybe first thing when you get up? Start your day right by doing your purpose? Sounds better than oatmeal to me!’
Venus’ Day Friday December 2 Moon in Pisces continues to run until tomorrow night but it goes void at 1:06 pm est today asking you to reflect on what and who you’ve connected with or separated from this week ~ particularly Wednesday and Thursday. You can find yourself particularly annoyed, irritated or in the mood to take action today to get a situation fixed, resolved and settled. Sun squares Mars so while you are itching to conquer, fight or argue, be strategic. Take your long range goals into account. If you had a dream last night, pay attention to the contents of it as a guide for the future actions. Mercury links up with the Nodes of Fate so accept invitation or ideas that come your way. Begin crusades. Start projects that require outsized energy. Yes, I know, Mercury is retrograde ~ you still need to get this going. Just know it will change down the road and anticipate the renovation before it comes. Stay flexible. Mercury also has a shocking aspect with Uranus mid-day so you can be amazed at what goes on. It is a separating aspect so it is designed to make you a bit afraid. Don’t bite. Don’t be afraid. Just note it and say “Wow, that is interesting.” And keep moving with your own agenda. While it is a distraction, and it affects you, a few adjustments and you will be fine. Venus and Saturn have a great idea late in the day and are sooooo ready to go for it. Give them permission to say yes. Take unusual approaches to health matters and handle situations that need to be dealt with directly and without any fear. It is a great day for releasing stuff you no longer need so if you find yourself cleaning closets or cupboards tonight, know you are in sync with the cosmos…
Saturn’s day December 3 Moon is void almost all day long in Pisces. Today is a kick back and do nothing kind, creative musings, playful and relaxing kind of day. Avoid shopping… stuff bought today will only have to be returned or won’t be used. Put up the decorations, address the cards, clear out the spaces that need to be cleared, relax in the void moon and pursue spiritual concerns. Settle into a chair with a cup of tea and a good, delicious book. Take advantage of the quiet before the storm when Moon enters Aries at 8:51 pm EST tonight and EVERYTHING starts to rock and roll. If you are up late tonight, and out having conversations, you are likely to run right into Sun joining Mercury’s volatile mouth. So watch out for conversations that escalate quickly into arguments. Walk away before it gets started if you can.
Sun’s Day December 4 Moon in Aries continues with lovely closing aspects of a sextile to Neptune on Tuesday. Today is a rocking and rolling day as the Cardinal, action taking Moon rolls through the early planets and stimulates all of them to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING. You will feel like you are going to jump out of your skin. You aren’t of course but there is SO much energy flying around it is hard to contain it. So get lots of things done. As quiet as yesterday was, today is action packed and dynamic. Take information under advisement too ~ gather it up but don’t take action on it until you get the full and clear picture. It is a party kind of day with Mercury opposite Jupiter offering connections and separations due to arguments. Mercury’s square to Mars is action taking even as it argues when it leaves. You can find your mouth is a bit out of control with this energy ~ or other people’s mouths are out of control. Also pay attention while driving as the other could very well be texting or talking and not paying attention. A fender bender kind of energy. Mercury is very active today too so link up your various stories from across time and space. Pay attention to who you meet and have conversations with your past. If we don’t remember our past, we are bound to repeat it. If we understand our past, we can use the energy to move us forward to the next chapter. It is that kind of day. Pay attention.
Copyright © 2011 A. C. Ortelee