Weekly Weather November 25, 2013
We are making adjustments to my website so apologies for the missing days last week when Yahoo rolled my site to the new server and the late posting of the Weekly Weather column this week. I think you will love the planned changes and facelift. Watch your mail box and this site for a survey of readers, listeners and clients.
After 19 years of studying astrology, 12 years of being a fulltime astrologer and 9 years of writing this column, I’d like your feedback on what else you would like to see, read, experience or learn about astrology. Together, as we move forward in these evolutionary, chaotic, profound and transformative times, how can astrology assist, guide and further enhance your life? Stay tuned for the exciting changes! Watch for your opportunity to express what else you would like.
This week, we’ve started to build a dictionary to assist you in understanding astrological terms like sextile ~ just hover your mouse over an underlined word to see the definition. And at the bottom of the column, there is a print friendly box which allows you to print out the column ~ editing as you go ~ in a number of user friendly formats!
That’s a WRAP! Saturn finishes his travels through 11:32 to 16:38 Scorpio this week to leave it behind until November of 2042. Ready or not, that section of your life is wrapped up and finished for the next 29 years as far as Saturn in Scorpio is concerned! NEXT!!!
Saturn rolls forward this week… we are going forward toward the Scorpio degrees between 16:38 and 23:19. Think about what was going on in your life during those years of your life ages 16 and 8 months and 23 and 4months. Saturn will roll over all the planets in your chart between those ages and WAKE THEMUP!
Saturn is also stimulating and reviewing the time between August 1984 and September 1985 when he last traveled this Scorpio section of your chart. If you are an elder, he’s goosing the same Scorpio section from December 1954 to November 1955 as well.
Saturn is going to go back and forth through the degrees of 16:38 and 23:19, this section of sky, THREE TIMES between now and next October. You will have plenty of time to figure out the developmental journey and tasks ahead of you as the Lord of Karma pushes you to evolve.
Saturn steams ahead to March 2, 2014 when he stops at 23:19. Between now and then, Scorpio wants you to commit and agree to do, in a deeper level, the contract you made between Saturn and your soul at the time of your birth.
Look at the Scorpio section of your chart to see Saturn is going to take you deeper and transform your life. The house in your chart with Scorpio ruling it resonates to Scorpio keywords: Motivated, penetrating, executive, resourceful, determined, scientific, investigative, probing, passionate, aware, needs to scrutinize, search and examine in depth, strong likes and dislikes, strong convictions, intuitive, subtle, secretive, introspective, capacity for powerfully and subtlety influencing others, magnetic, dislike of superficial, pervasive manner, endurance, habit prone, readily emotional, keenly and sensitively influenced, subtle, tenacious, concentrated, intense, shrewd, industrious, and inquisitive. On a bad day, Scorpio is vengeful, temperamental, secretive, overbearing, violent, sarcastic, intense, suspicious, jealous, intolerant, obstinate, dogmatic, critical, uncompromising, resentful, brooding, dominant, sarcastic, possessive, forceful, and easily hurt.
In our week ahead, we have a family gathering of the planets above our heads. The planets are having Hanukkah and Thanksgiving too! Gathered around the family table, Saturn has a complicated dance with Mercury and gets news of an ending. Mercury and Saturn discuss what you need to learn in the months ahead to do your Saturn properly as he travels through 16 to 23… think Parent Teacher conference about you! Then Mercury leaves his shadow and Grampa Saturn to pass information to his Great Aunt Venus and his father Jupiter. Venus gets all bent out of shape as she argues with her Nephews Jupiter and Chiron about Mercury’s news from Saturn. Venus is out of bounds AND in Capricorn so she is BOUND by Saturn and what he has planned for you until she leaves Capricorn around the time when Saturn stations in early March 2014. That all happens by Thanksgiving.
After that, Sun, child of Jupiter, weighs in and talks to Great-Grampa Uranus and Uncle Pluto on Saturday. How are you going to deal with the evolutionary tasks coming over the next three months? Finally on Sunday, Venus emotionally calms down and stops yelling at Jupiter. Moon in Scorpio occults both Saturn and Mercury bringing One LAST secret or story to light so EVERYONE is on the same page and in agreement. Or at least everything that needs to be out in the open is out in the open.
Complicated I know. Pay attention. The events of this week and the next two weeks set the stage for the next eleven months of your life. Try and figure out who all the players are in your life. You are going to be working with them or the concepts they represent in the months ahead.
The Week’s Planetary Highlights
Sun trines Uranus on Saturday so expect exciting fireworks, eruptions and explosions as we build towards the energy all week! Generally they will be pleasant yet thrilling… you know you want it!
Sun makes an adjusting aspect to the Nodes of Fate inviting you to examine your blind spots. Set free by his trine to Uranus, his subsequent square to Chiron says the wound will always be there….the good news? You know how to comfort your wound now.
Mercury connects with Saturn for the third time. Serious conversations, defining moments, and words that shift the structure of your world. Mercury met up with Saturn three times this Mercury retrograde. Kind of like a parent-teacher conference in the sky, they’ve been talking about you and getting clear on what you learned over the last 14 months while Saturn’s been traveling through Scorpio. Mercury talked to Saturn on October 8 at 10:52 Scorpio, October 29 at 13:19 Scorpio and this week, Monday November 25 at 16:33 Scorpio. Expect news of endings.
Mercury clears his retrograde shadow in Scorpio on Wednesday November 27. Expect a few major ghosts to surface this week to help you work with your past, release it and move on.
Venus in Capricorn is in her shadow for her upcoming retrograde ~ you have to work SERIOUSLY with your money, finance, love and desire energies until March! She chats up Mercury mid-week and gets scoop that upsets her. Venus is mad and not in the mood to put up with BS or take it anymore. She argues with her nephew Jupiter about his overdoing and refusal to handle the situations before him. Then she fights with Eris because she’s tired of the jealously, envy and general spiteful behavior. Don’t make her do what she doesn’t want to do. Allow Venus time off from the drama so she can focus on what she wants to do. Or let her have her space to decompress and be depressed. She’s NOT in the mood for being teased, picked on or disrespected! Venus is out of bounds so she may go completely over the top! She’s hard to control and unlikely to follow the rules.
Saturn wants commitment from you by November 26th. It is your last week to get the commitment story finalized! Or to get out of commitments you no longer want to do! Any planets between 11:32 and 16:38 HELP you commit or holler at you to take off and GET OUTTA here! Talk to them!
Saturn enters his shadow degree of 16:38 Scorpio on after Tuesday Nov 26, 2013. Now we enter flexible Saturn energy… revising and changing any and all commitments made between now and March 2, 2014.
Over the weekend, Saturn really puts stress and emphasis on looking to see if it is freedom IN partnership versus freedom FROM controlling partners. Part of you loves it and the other part of you hates it. Discuss!
Ceres, the principle of nurturing and caretaking, takes a punch to her chin this week with a Scorpio type inconjunct with Chiron and a psychological closing square of stress from Pluto. Essentially, understand, WITHOUT JUDGING, how the childhood nurturing you received OR didn’t receive when growing up created the various situations and the current story of your life. It was the “stew” your carrot was cooked in so to speak. Now that you are a cooked carrot, you are free to change YOUR UNDERSTANDING of the story and allow it to integrate on a new level. No victims. You are a cooked carrot.
Pallas in Virgo talks to the Nodes of Fate on Nov 30 2013 asking us to change, in teeny tiny bits, the processes we follow, to go in the direction we want to head. Let go of the fear and accept that you are not a victim ~ you get to decide how to “frame” the story of your life. Make it be about learning how to….If you were never taught it, you don’t know how to do it. Now you are learning how to do it.
Astraea enters Aquarius on Nov 30 2013 until February 23, 2014 for 85 (eighty five) days. Health issues move to the lungs and circulation. Cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze because you are liable to spread disease. Build up your immune system!
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon enters Virgo on Monday Nov 25, 2013 at 7:11 am EST. Monday and Tuesday are very productive with Moon and Mars in Virgo. Power through your to-do list!
Moon goes Void joined to Mars on Wednesday Nov 27 2013 at 06:44:49 am EST and enters Libra on Wednesday Nov 27 2013 at 05:00:39 pm EST. Moon is void all day Wednesday
Moon goes void square to Venus on Friday Nov 29 2013 at 06:14:39 am EST and enters Scorpio on Friday Nov 29 2013 at 11:03:57 pm EST. Moon is void all day Friday
Moon goes void sextile to Mars on Sunday Dec 1 2013 at 08:34:55 pm EST and enters Sagittarius on Monday Dec 2, 2013 at 1:31 am EST. Moon is void Sunday night.
Monday, Moon Day November 25, 2013 Moon enters Virgo at 7:11 am EST and goes Void joined to Mars early Wednesday morning. Today is a very productive day! Mercury makes his third conjunction with Saturn (the first two were October 8 and 29 respectively). All the last bits of information that need to be delivered are sent. Pay attention to the news of endings that you receive today. It is a productive day as Mercury and Saturn are making lots of difficult or not so difficult decisions. Yes. NO. No. YES! Mmm Maybe? Define how and who you want to partner with. Lots of dreams keep you tossing and turning. You can be wounded by someone’s decision to change things. The changes need to be made. Cupido’s trine to Eris suggests there might be some unspoken jealousy or envy underlying the issue. Health issues deteriorate. Deep sadness or depression tonight!
Mars Day Tuesday November 26, 2013 Moon is in Virgo. Moon goes Void joined to Mars making today a very productive day. Saturn enters his shadow degree of 16:38 Scorpio ~ everything from this day forward is negotiable and will most likely change when we get to March 3, 2014 ~ commit with this idea in mind. Go for what you want but permit changes to happen. You are not in the mood to be subservient. Moon in Virgo gets lots of things done as she talks to Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. It is a great opportunity to get house and home cleaned up and sparkly for the holidays. You’ll have a lovely time tonight celebrating your decision(s). Lots of laughter!
Mercury’s day Wednesday November 27, 2013 Moon is in Virgo and goes Void joined to Mars at 06:44:49 am EST. Moon enters Libra at 05:00:39 pm EST. Moon is void all day Wednesday. Even though the Moon is Void, Moon in Virgo makes today quite task oriented for working on existing projects. Dreams are inspirational upon awakening. Watch for news of endings this morning. You saw it coming and now it is here. Consider partnerships that you find exciting or innovative where you are able to show your stuff ~ don’t commit to them today but do explore ideas. Venus has a spark of brilliance tonight as she connects to people or situations that inspire you. Mercury passes news to Venus that she doesn’t much like BUT she has to do something about it or know it.
Jupiter’s Day Thursday November 28, 2013 Moon is in Libra and Moon goes void square to Venus on Friday Morning making today a day of overdoing and excess ~ exactly what we want for the Thanksgiving holiday! Plus Hanukkah starts! Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgivenukkah. Dreams have you waking up several times with a start! Make sure to notice their messages and images. We are in fast changing times! Pluto squares Ceres inviting you to transform how you nurture yourself! Venus is arguing with Jupiter ~ he’s being excessive and perhaps a bit stupid in his overages while she’s feeling prim and a bit proper. She wants him to behave himself. He’s not so inclined. Watch for small explosions and fires in the morning that start the day off right. It is a volatile pile of energy today. Suggest, very gently, changes. People are not in the mood for criticism and just about anything said today can quickly be interpreted AS criticism. Especially if you remind them they are subservient or suggest they be subservient~ even as a “joke”. You will get an earful! And hear about pent-up frustrations that you never knew about! Mars and his sister Eris are fighting so sibling drama can take place today. Watch out for old envy issues or inequalities surfacing as the gravy gets passed. As you take your leave of the relatives, watch for a last argument to swell. Sun’s square to Pallas invites you to plan to be out of town on NEXT year’s holiday!
Venus’s Day, Friday November 29, 2013 Moon goes void square to Venus at 06:14:39 am EST and enters Scorpio at 11:03:57 pm EST. Moon is void all day Friday and overdoing. You can easily overspend today. And what you buy will probably NOT be what they want. Stay home and decorate instead! The cold that is nagging at your throat can swell up. Saturn is being difficult about being in crowds with groups of people so leave him home. Sun’s crabby aspect with the Nodes of Fate indicate you are NOT going to find what you want ~ combined with the Void Moon ~ don’t bother shopping or trying to connect today. Better bargains Saturday and Sunday. Mars contraparallel to Chiron suggests arguments and disagreements mid-day over silly stuff but combined with intense emotional reactions, you are better off walking away. Mercury has an outburst of envy or jealousy from a sibling or co-worker flaring up at you. It isn’t about YOU ~ it IS their issue but you can feel like you are taking the heat for someone else’s misdeeds. Go to bed early tonight as Neptune’s sextile to Hygeia indicates the cold or flu that’s nagging at the edges wants to erupt.
Saturn’s Day Saturday November 30, 2013 Moon is in Scorpio. Moon goes void sextile to Mars making today and Sunday powerful, passionate, intense and transformative with good results. Today is a rocking and rolling day. After another intense night of dreams, you wake up with a firm resolution as the Nodes and Pallas connect in a positive manner to support changes in your life. Astraea enters Aquarius indicating lungs, circulation and air are the health focuses for the next three months ahead of us. Sun’s trine to Uranus offers you a break through or break out of energy! It is a BRILLIANT idea that you simply MUST do. Or an amazing connection that will drive your next chapter of life. Or a person who will weave a magical connection in your life. News of an ocean or water story will be upsetting ~ Mercury’s at the degree of Saturn’s upcoming station in March. Pay attention to the story unfolding today. Mercury is giving you the trailer for the upcoming movie or events in your life. Unexpected and perhaps a bit more drama than you usually go for but still part of the future. Chiron’s trine to Black Moon Lilith invokes a firm rebuke about being patronizing or controlling. Own your side of the argument. Time to psychologically adjust to new energy or different perspectives about your own responsibility in the situation. Open up the triangles you find yourself in ~ secrets and abuse of power is limited if you tell the tale! Tell the tale!
Sun’s Day Sunday December 1, 2013 Moon goes void sextile to Mars at 08:34:55 pm EST. Moon is void Sunday night. Moon in Scorpio occults both Saturn and Mercury today making deep emotions surface from the depths of your being. Allow the feelings to surface and express. It feels like it will NEVER end but it does emerge and you will feel much better after you get it out of your system. Today is another productive day with the closing aspect of a sextile to Mars in Virgo. Lots of pushing and pulling energy feels like the planets are trying to split yourself into a million bits! Sun’s square to Chiron wakes up the wounded energy and invites you to look at things in a different manner. There is quite a bit of energy inviting you to pay attention to your patterns. Venus is square to Eris so she’s still a bit upset with the events from earlier in the week. Watch for envy and jealousy to swell up ~ pay attention to where you feel it. Pluto is parallel to Pallas encouraging connections to evolutionary patterns that support change ~ watch for news of evolution in your life or the life of your friends. Today is a day of profound change ~ Mercury and Pluto are connecting in a deeper way. Speak your truth today as others are listening and available to help. Venus and Jupiter kiss and make up today after their fight earlier in the week.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: Forward into Saturn’s new territory. Finishing up with the ghosts!
Scorpios Talking: Off for Thanksgiving!
The Mary Anne Show: Off for Thanksgiving!
Access Astrology: Heather on her own as Mark and Anne are off for Thanksgiving!
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.
CG Jung Speaks! Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung. Working on individuating? Listen in!
Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014. Her topic is “Planetary Returns.” Meetings are open to the public: http://www.lincgr.com/
Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC. Early Bird Rates through December 6, 2013 are $150. Full Rate is $250. Register for the Workshop: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504
Anne will be teaching, with Access Astrology, a Chart Reading A to Z Weekend Workshop on February 7, 8 and 9, 2014 in NYC. Early Bird Rates through December 5 are $165. Full Rate is $225. Register for the Workshop at: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139006705
Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 18, 2014. Her topic is “Planets as People!” To register: http://www.isarastrology.com/etapestry. For Information: http://www.isarastrology.com/Astrology-World-2014
Anne will be speaking on “Tertiary Progressions” at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014. Limited in-person consultations are available in Michigan. To register: http://greatlakesastrology.com/
Copyright© 2013 A.C. Ortelee