Weekly Weather November 21, 2011

Weekly Weather November 21, 2011


The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! We have a lovely New Moon partial eclipse on Friday, November 25, shortly after we all toddle to bed with full bellies after a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner.


Eclipses are like big fat giant juicy pimples or pus filled boils ~ they fill up with toxins, push against our skin, and make us want to express them ~ literally and physically. The tension builds and builds. You keep playing with it with your fingers. Talking about what is going on and showing it to other people. Asking how bad it looks. And then it happens! It POPS!!!  OUT gushes the milky white pus stuff inside…. Whoosh…… and we feel immensely better. The eruption clears it out. The draining leaves us drained but fulfilled at the same time ~ it is over. It is out. It ruptured.


Eclipses feel SOOOO good when they are finally “popped”. However, the buildup can be mighty difficult. The emotional and tension build ups have been happening this week and last week. The eclipse is at the same degree that the Metonic cycle’s New Moon was in 1992 so think back to November 24, 1992 to see a similar energy unfolding in your life now.   Eclipses propel us forward to a new chapter. They are evolutionary ~ whether we want to evolve or not, here it comes and there we go.


The eclipse continues, completes and closes up the story from last June when those eclipses revealed something on the Sagittarius/Gemini axis in your chart as well as the charts of all people.  Maria Shriver, with Sagittarius rising, moves on from Arnold as they finalizing their divorce after the revelation of an extra-marital son fathered by Arnold under the last eclipse.   The eclipse ALSO starts a NEW Story which will finish up next June after you work on solving the question and situations it poses all winter.


According to Bernadette Brady’s book “The Eagle and the Lark”, this eclipse cycle started in April 1074 and is Saros Series 14 North. She writes “A most peculiar eclipse family, heralding an acute time of confusion in personal relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness. Unrequited love, despair, confusion, a draining of energy, a peculiar turn of events. No important decisions should be made concerning incoming events as there is too much confusion and possible delusion to make clear judgments.”


And you will be working on the events that surface during this eclipse most of the winter as Mars retrogrades in Virgo between January and April and Venus retrogrades in Gemini between May and June. Both Mars and Venus will stimulate the emotional component of the events that wake up during the eclipse season. The eclipse points start up with Mercury retrograding back over it in December. Mercury will stimulate the eclipse points several times between now and mid-January.


That makes this a doozie of an eclipse season as the personal planets of Mercury, Venus and Mars struggle to make sense of what the Sun and Moon are trying to communicate to you and in your the world.  Notice the Full Moon eclipse which is coming takes place at 18 Gemini ~ and Saturn in Libra is in the Gemini decant. Lots of conversations about relationships, connections, siblings and communications.


In addition to the Solar eclipse and the Mercury retrograde station this week, two planets change signs. The Sun goes into Sagittarius, starting a new fire and visionary cycle of 30 days as he leaves the swampy water of Scorpio. Sun dries off and gets inspired!  Venus moves into Capricorn and becomes more practical rather than extravagant and wild. She’s going to focus on high quality gifts rather than sheer extravagant volume this year.


Both Mercury and Venus are out of bounds, meaning they are not following the Sun’s instructions on how to behave. Instead they are acting a bit like naughty teenagers. So allow that naughty teenager part of you to come out and have a voice. You don’t have to ACT on it but allow yourself to THINK it.  Hear the voice whispering in your ear. Be a naughty teenager in your heart.


The great news about the week is the Grand Earth Trine between Mars, Pluto and Jupiter ~ the three of them are united in helping you solidly launch something that is productive, fun and different. Give yourself permission to dream big this week (and take a step or two to pursue that dream).


Mars in Virgo is starting to take form for your nine month extravaganza of apprenticeship with the Lord of Action, Daring and Doing! Mars in Virgo can get a GREAT deal of work accomplished. It can also kick up and cause trouble, particularly with servants and authorities. If you are an “authority” and you find your “servants” revolting, arguing with you or otherwise being a bit obstreperous, that is Mars in Virgo. If YOU find YOURSELF revolting, arguing or getting angry at an authority that is not treating you well or nicely, that is Mars in Virgo too.  We have nine months of worker revolts ahead of us. It is going to be fun as the level of anger and crankiness against authorities grows. All we’ll need is some burning torches and pitchforks to be back in the French Revolution! And remember you can swing from authority to servant to authority to servant in very rapid succession.


We have the Sun squaring Neptune for the last time. Neptune will NOT be in Aquarius for another 164 years! Be prepared to delve into something deeper, wider and psychological which will inspire you (and others) to take your own dream from the community or group where it has resided for the past 14 years into a more diffuse, personal, individual, connected yet spiritual level during the 14 years ahead of us. As Sun says goodbye to Neptune, allow yourself a moment of silence and gratitude for how your dreams that have evolved over the past 14 years. Neptune enters Pisces in February and begins an entirely different set of dreams. Or perhaps better said a different phase of the dream of your life.  Is it all an illusion that our soul creates to experience the world? Put on music and dance to the sound of your heart.


Mercury stations to go retrograde on Thursday while in Overdoing and Out of Bounds in Sagittarius a sign he hates (too much stuff, too  much to do, too much action even for Mercury the mischief maker!)  Mercury stationing retrograde on Thanksgiving means the day before, travel Wednesday, he is stopped dead in the water.  That will cause unexpected delays and problems with travel. Leave early. Carry food and comfortable stuff with you. Prepare for Mercury’s tricks while you travel. And drive carefully!


Finally, last but certainly not least, Regulus the fixed star of kings, the heart of the Lion, Part of the Royal Cross in the sky, described in the Book of Revelations as the Lion in the South, one of the Persian Watch stars, leaves Leo, where Regulus has been for 2160 years and moves into Virgo.  We can expect Kings to die.  We can expect the peasants to assume the power. Workers will become the leaders.  As a collective, we are experiencing an empowerment of the servant class and will be developing a new way and understanding of how we look at power over the next 2,160 years as Regulus moves slowly through Virgo at the rate of 1 degree every 72 years.  Depending on which software program I use, the shift of  Regulus happens this weekend or next week. Regulus is moving from fixed, masculine Fire of Leo into changing, feminine, Earth of Virgo.  And in England, they are changing the rules of coronation to allow the first born child, regardless of sex, to be come the King or Queen.  We do live in interesting times.  So in a 2 millennium, a feminine number, we move toward more balance between the sexes. Now Regulus says make the leaders be more nurturing, kind, caring and feminine too.


More to come:


copyright (c) 2011 A.C. Ortelee

The balance of the column will be up in the afternoon Tuesday.  Deadlines galore! Focus on how to get where you want to go!