Weekly Weather November 19, 2007

Weekly Weather November 19, 2007

A cosmically powerful Thanksgiving week arrives with quite a few things to watch out for as the energy shifts and swirls as the outer planets get towards the end of their signs. Time to give thanks for all of the joys and sorrows in your life ~ they combine to create the world you live in!

First, Mars is moving backwards in the sky to revisit all the points he’s traveled over since late September. Looking for something he lost or perhaps going back to reexamine his recent choices and actions, Mars retraces his steps to find a version of security he can carry forward with him forever. Well, WE know there is no forever security but Mars is looking for something for a LONG while! Mars wants security and assurances right now. There is not a lot of security and assurances energy around right now. Nothing lasts forever. So, Mars retrograde make us focus in on our own inner movements and private actions we take to create our own version of internal security. If you can’t find security in the outside world, turn to your inside world. Make the effort to find the security within yourself. That is the place to start. Besides, it is next to impossible or very difficult to get things moving in the outside world right now as Mars, the planet of action and self-direction, is going backwards. So focus on taking care of the things that are before you ~ take care of them! Wrap them up. Finish them up. Plan and prepare for your future while you are working in your present. Know that when Mars goes direct at the end of January, you will be ready to go forward. Take care of what you need to take care of to support your inner security and nurturing.

Second, it is the ending of the fall season when the Sun enters mutable, changeable Sagittarius. The Sun will be ruled by lovely, Christmas light filled Jupiter in one of his favorite, expansive and happy signs, Sagittarius. The shift highlights the transition into the next 12 years of our wisdom and life journey with a new, shiny, and bright form of personal philosophy we can lovingly and wholeheartedly embrace. Expect some of those darker feelings you’ve been working with, living in or having over the past few weeks to lift as Sun’s entering Sagittarius makes you quite a bit jollier.

Third, Mercury has a number of aspects that move along his learning, knowing, understanding and teaching energies while he’s wandering around, blindfolded, in the under world darkness of Scorpio. Passions have been running rather strong and deep lately. We might have felt blindsided or not seen something coming. Might have been grabbed around the ankles and scared or perhaps even tackled emotionally by something. That was ONLY to get you paying attention! Mercury is mucking about in the ending energy and stirring up our darker, more Scorpionic feelings. We are all trying to get ourselves ready for the upcoming changes of the planets into new signs. The impending sense of arriving new energies brings up new feelings. Plus those old energies, the ones that are coming to an end, ask us to look at “our stuff” in a different way. Kind of a last hurrah so to speak before they head off to a new sign in the zodiac. A going away party of a cosmic sort. A lesson to be reminded of. On some level, we know that our “assurances” and “guarantees” are not as “assured” or “guaranteed” any more. We’ve seen the changes around us. All these shifts are part of life telling us we are moving on into new chapters. Let go of your fears! It is all about the changes coming soon. Take a deep breath!

Fourth, we have a lovely full moon, bringing a luminous light, in the very early degrees of Gemini and Sagittarius, which asks Mercury in Scorpio‘s psychological, hidden and mysterious learnings to be in charge of the flirty, chatty and yet emotion full Gemini Moon looking at the Sun and Jupiter found in Sagittarius’ philosophy, wisdom and goal of understanding and higher knowledge. What the heck does THAT long William James sentence mean? Talk about it!! Will you please talk about it? Talk. Talk. Talk. 

Understand, RIGHT NOW, the entire focus and force of the heavens is pushing at you and asking you to figure things out! You need to be able to name those feelings of yours. You need to be able to put the feelings into words. You need to be able to look at your behaviors and put them into words. You need to be able to talk about it. Even if the words are “NO” or “ARGHH” or sounds made from the base of your soul. You have to be able to translate that sound or feeling into a coherent sentence that your brain can wrap itself around. You have to be able to say the sentence to those folks who listen to you. The point is to be able to articulate the issues and the feelings before you and swirling within you. Now, because Mars is going retrograde in water and Mercury is in Scorpio you are NOT going to be able to find words to use to adequately describe it ~ even in a teeny tiny part. So that will be a problem ~ too emotional to put into words but do TRY to wrap some words around it. Try as that is what the universe is asking you to do. Metaphors and Music work well during times like this.

And, last but certainly NOT least, Uranus stops dead in the sky, stationing to go direct ~ at LONG last! Uranus stopping will reactivate all of our stories from last March, particularly from around the 6th of March. Back then, Uranus entered his shadow, the point where he stops this week. Back then, hidden things were brought to light amidst the energy of the powerful spring 2007 Eclipses across the mutable axis. Yes, that old story is back in your life! And you will be working with it until early March 2008. So figure it out and put it into words so you can get to work on it. It does seem like everything old is new again. Expect an emotional swell when you try to find the words.

I know, that is quite a bit of stuff to focus on during the week ahead. It is a bit of a swirly mess of feelings and emotions as the holiday energies start to ramp up. The entire point of the week is to focus you on your future as you wrap up your old life and get ready to move into your new chapter beginning mid-December. So take some time over the long holiday weekend and make a plan. Articulate your dreams, old and new. Name your feelings, old and new. Put them, old and new, into cute little piles so you can see the stuff clearly. Work on your dream book for the next 13 years for a bit. All part of a busy, busy time in the heavens and your life. Remember to breathe.

Monday has a bundle of aspects that kick the week off. Mercury squares Chiron bringing words to wounded feelings ~ gotta say it! Venus has an aspect of brilliance to Jupiter offering an understanding once you can name your feelings. Venus is square to retrograde Mars bringing in the energy of conflict around relationships and connections with family. It’s a bit of a stressful day where folks are going to be a bit thin skinned or sensitive. So take extra time to approach all situations with a moment of caution or care. Be aware of your words as quickness or sharpness can be misinterpreted very easily. If YOUR feelings are hurt ~ well find the words to say what hurt them!

Tuesday, Sun has cranky aspect to Pluto as it lights up a power struggle in that blind spot of yours. You know, that place where you tend to undo yourself? Yep, THAT blind spot. It is SO similar to when you pull out to change lanes while driving. Remember how you make sure you look over your left shoulder? If you forget to look today, someone is going to honk at you! Think of it as your cosmic blind spot. Pay attention to your blind spot. Watch out for your blind spot. Once you know you have a blind spot, you move more carefully through the world. It is a honk at the blind spot kind of day.

Wednesday, if the accident was averted, ride the Mercury trines Uranus to self c
ongratulations. Good thinkin
g! Nice reflexes! If the accident happened, well what did you learn by not checking your blind spot? Now say what happened! Put it into words! Give it a name. Make it conscious. The Sun has an aspect of brilliance to Chiron pointing out that the differences between us are actually opposite sides of the same coin. Can you see that? Push at it. Pull at it. As Venus pushes against Ceres in an adjusting aspect ~ we are created by how we were raised. We forget that at times. We either embrace it or react against it most of our lives. Maybe there is a third option? Or a fourth option? Try to name some options. What is your blind spot?

Thursday, Venus is in an argument with Uranus as he slows to a stop in the sky. If you understand duality, it helps and makes your life MUCH easier. Astrology is all about duality and archetypes. Our world is all about duality and archetypes. Often duality creates in our mind a false choice between seemingly opposite sides. There are two sides of the coin. There isn’t a right or wrong side ~ it is a coin with two sides. The duality of a coin exists to point out to you that there are choices. Heads or tails? Not right or wrong ~ heads or tails? Choice. When I have trouble making a decision, I’ll often take a coin, toss it, and give the coin permission to make my decision. In the second after the coin lands, when I see what the COIN chose, I’ll often have a crystal clear moment of clarity about what I ACTUALLY want. The coin helps me make my choice. The coin helps me remember I HAVE a choice. We forget that we have choices. As you gather around the table to give thanks for the various things in your lives and eat too much food, make sure to remember ALL the choices you have too! As Sun enters Sagittarius, remember the abundance in your world. As Venus has aspects of brilliance with Pluto ~ try to understand the gifts and choices in your life are there because you, some how, some way, agreed to have them be there. Mercury’s aspect to Neptune reminds us, on some level, this is all an illusion and a reflection of what we, or our soul, need to evolve and grow and experience.

Friday Venus squares Vesta ~ that initial clean up after the eating holiday! Put the dishes away! Spot treat the table cloth. Put the crystal back in the breakfront. And, out in the the shopping world, it is “Black Friday” where stores supposedly make it into the black ink. Moon in Taurus suggests you get an early start on the day of spending. Closing aspect is a Moon square to Neptune ~ make sure to label the presents as you wrap them or you won‘t remember what they are! Too much illusion going on. And if it is WAY expensive ~ let it sit on the store shelf for a day or so until Uranus shifts direction.

Saturn’s’ day is full of aspects as Uranus stations to move direct and the full moon takes place a couple of hours later. Mercury has an aspect of stress with Neptune suggesting you look at the deeper meaning of the feelings and emotions in your life. Mercury mucking about in his depths of Scorpio darkness asks you to name those deeper, darker feelings of yours. Own them. If you own them they are not nearly as scary or dangerous. Sun, Pallas and Venus are helping you activate and name the energy of duality in your life. Sun works with the pattern energy of Pallas to help you see the patterns in your life. Name it. It makes it more familiar too!

Sunday, Vesta has aspects of putting the house back in order after a long, chaos filled weekend. Time for leftover turkey ~ maybe a delicious turkey pot pie with sage cream sauce? Get your stuff together for next week. Mercury’s aspect to Pluto reminds us that time is fleeting, fleeing and flying by. Remember when you were little and time seemed to go on forever? Now it speeds by SO FAST!! So what do you want to do with the rest of your life?

Mundane: Last week, China announced they would no longer be buying our Treasury bills. There was a similar announcement last March, when Uranus entered his station degree shadow. China controls 44% of America’s foreign debt. Over the last couple of years Russia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other countries around the world have stopped buying our debt bond issues. It is estimated that China holds $800-plus billion in US Treasury bonds. China stepped up to the plate and bought bonds when everyone else was selling. Almost single-handedly China has kept the dollar solvent in order to protect the balance of trade. Beijing knows that exercising their economic nuclear option, dumping the dollar, will trigger a dollar crash. The resulting dollar crash will trigger a major recession—just before our 2008 national elections.

China’s verbal threats against the dollar helped push the Dow off the financial edge and it dropped 350 points. The dollar nose-dived as well, falling to $1.50 against the Euro—which was also its lowest level against the Canadian dollar in 57 years. Xu Jian, the vice-director of the Chinese central bank issued a statement saying, "The world’s currency structure has changed. The dollar is losing its status as the world’s currency." Affirming China’s plan to dump US dollars, Cheng Siwei, vice chairman of China’s National People’s Congress, said "…We will favor stronger currencies over weaker ones, and will readjust accordingly."

Right on the heels of China’s announcement, the oil producing countries announced they would accept a number of other currencies, a Geneva bundle of options, as payment for oil instead of USA dollars. Think of these two announcements as a one-two punch to the dollar’s stability as a world currency. Think of these one-two punches as the kick off to the interesting times we are about to be living in.

Pakistan astrologers use a chart of August 14, 1947 9:15 am, Karachi Pakistan timed for when Lord Mountbatten addressed the Constituent Assembly. It looks like the turbulence and instability in Pakistan will continue for at least another four months, while the Progressed Moon in Libra moves over past Solar Arc Saturn and Pluto in Libra and Secondary Progressed Neptune in Libra.

Copyright © 2007 Anne C. Ortelee