Weekly Weather November 18, 2013

Weekly Weather November 18, 2013













Prejudice survives all evidence.  McGee

The week ahead is another two part week. The first part of the week features Chiron stationing with Mercury arguing with Pluto.  It is full of opportunities for miscommunications, sad or wounded feelings, disagreeable moments and arguments.  Silence is advised unless you completely can’t take it a moment longer.

The back end of the week has a distinct adventurous quality to it as the Sun enters sparky changing fire, visionary and spirited Sagittarius for 30 days and the emotional nature shifts to passion and creativity.  Time to Dream Your Impossible Dream!

Part one, part two.  A clear and noticeable shift.

At the same time, Saturn is still asking you to commit, especially with all planets between 11:32 and 16:23.  You don’t have to commit to a PERSON or THING (if you are not sure).   Instead commit to the CONCEPT of what you want ~ more passion, extra time, better health, cleaner relationships, or clearer communications.  You get the idea ~ the concept of or vision toward which you will work. Soon enough the planets will be giving you some new relationships to practice with to refine your commitments.

The theme of the week is flexibility.  Stay as flexible, graceful and agile as possible. There will be lots of opportunity for dancing around situations that inspire or conspire to tie you down in ways you don’t want.  Practice opening up the triangles and including all the parts to keep maximum flexibility and grace.  Agility will grow with a bit of practice and rehearsal.  Keep at it. Agile! Practice! Flexible! Grace!  Do it again!  And again! Kindness!


The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

 Sun enters Sagittarius for 30 days of fire, vision and passion…. The holiday season arrives in Thursday night at 10:29 pm EST!

Mercury plays with the Nodes of Fate twice this week ~ accept all offers that appeal to you! Reach out to folks who are of interest to you. Notice who arrives in your life and the things you learn, hear about, or connect with on Monday and Saturday, November 18 and 23 respectively. Give voice to your dream!

Venus in Capricorn enters her shadow for her upcoming retrograde on Tuesday, November 19.  You find out the financial, love or desire matter(s) you will be dealing and working with until the first week of March 2014.  Venus is still out of bounds so it maybe an over the top issue, hard to control and unlikely to follow the rules.  Venus does not follow the rules when she is out of bounds.  You don’t need to follow the rules either!

Saturn wants commitment from you between now and November 27th.   It is your last week to get the commitment story finalized! Or to get out of commitments you no longer want to do! Any planets between 11:32 and 16:38 HELP you commit or holler at you to take off and GET OUTTA here! Talk to them!

Chiron stations and turns direct on Tuesday November 19, at 98:07 Pisces sextile to the shadow of Venus in Capricorn’s shadow ~ does your wound relate to love? Chiron reminds us that we are all alone in the world, no matter how much we wish were connected. You might feel a bit existential the five days on either side of his station.  Build up your immune system. We are going to have a very intense flu season this year.

Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes Void Square to Mars on Tuesday Nov 19 2013 at 11:00:34 am EST.  Moon enters Cancer on Wednesday Nov 20 2013 at 06:24:02 am EST. Moon is void Tuesday afternoon and evening.

Moon goes void sextile to Mars on Friday Nov 22 2013 at 02:12:23 am EST. Moon enters Leo on Friday Nov 22 2013 at 06:57:35 pm EST Moon is void most of Friday.

Moon goes void Square to Saturn on Sunday Nov 24 2013 at 03:59:44 am EST and enters Virgo on Monday Nov 25 2013 at 07:11 am EST.  Moon is void all day Sunday and early Monday.




Stay flexible, agile and frisky during the week like the baby otters!

And if you can’t do that, count your Nos until you get to YES!  Yes comes at the end of the week. No is the operative word at the beginning of the week!


Moon day Monday November 18, 2013 Moon is in Gemini with harsh closing aspects for the next few days of a square to Mars ~ people are in the mood to disagree, argue and be difficult. Take time to consider what you want to do~ or to complain about what you don’t want to do.  Then do something about it to make changes!!  Lots of dreams make tossing and turning part of the story! Health matters seem to be incrementally improving.  Mercury connects with the nodes of destiny ~ notice who you met or what you learned tonight!  It moves you to the next phase.

Mars Day Tuesday November 19, 2013 Moon in Gemini has hard closing aspects of a square to Mars. It is easy to misinterpret what the other person is saying. Moon goes void square to Mars at 11:00:34 am EST. Moon is void most of Tuesday. Watch out for unpleasantness or disagreements. Mars links up with Ceres inviting you to take action on how you care for yourself (or others).  Chiron stations to turn direct, reversing his retrograde journey since June 16, 2013.  We feel his station about 5 days before and after today ~ it’s the wounded spot in you that feels a bit like an orphan, widowed, sidelined, abandoned or unloved. Look at where Chiron at 9 Pisces is by house and sign placement.  Yes, you ARE loved. But perhaps you are not so much loved in THAT situation or by THAT person or THOSE people.  It is a Deep, DEEP wish!  Notice the wish for what it brings up for you to become conscious about.  Venus’s aspects to Admetos and the South Node makes it VERY easy to permanently end relationships that you don’t want to be in any more ~ especially if they are costly to you! Mars and Jupiter link up to provide oodles of energy to get things accomplished today ~ mainly letting go of things energy but it is still energy that glows, flows and pulses with creativity.  Creatively release and reflect!  It is an inspired idea! Sun opposes Admetos and clamps down on Algol ~ don’t lose your head literally or figuratively!  Let it go (if you can).  If you absolutely CAN’T let it go without one more conversation, have it with Mercury’s trine to Kronos where you raise the specter of dissolving the family. That might perform a miracle!  Venus enters her shadow today.  She’s going to be in Capricorn until March 5, 2014, with a retrograde between December 22, 2013 and January 31, 2014 which will bring all sorts of old love, relationships, and desires back into your life. Watch the shadow energy carefully to see what Venus issue you are going to be working with for the next four months… answering to Saturn the issue will be around something you probably NEED to commit to!

Mercury’s Day Wednesday November 20, 2013 Moon enters Cancer at 06:24:02 am EST with productive closing aspects to Mars ~ great day for conquering your to-do list! Mercury’s inconjunct to Uranus indicates you might hear words you don’t want to hear!  Or words that mean you have to adjust how you do, see or understand things.  Adjust. Adjust. Adjust. Health matters start to improve.  Mercury’s trine to Chiron suggests the words may sting or smart a bit but are probably true ~ or at least you think they are.  Ignore the mean words.  Validate their reality.  Understand YOUR reality too. Then decide what you want to do!  And it may NOT be any of the choices currently on the table. Mercury sextile to Pluto continues the conversation with other people chiming in.  Open up those triangles! Turn up the volume and sing. Sing along with the songs that make you happy.  Connect with the words that touch your heart. Big, big, word and communication, connection and enjoyment day!

Jupiter’s Day Thursday November 21, 2013 Moon is in Cancer with productive and creative closing aspects. A great day to kick butt with your schedule, to-do list and projects that are rolling around uncompleted on your desk.  Start with organizing the piles and finding the missing things that you need to complete the task. Next, take advantage of Ceres’ aspect to the Nodes of Fate ~ if you don’t love it, dump it. My organizer friend Thea always encourages you to keep the meaningful and dump the rest. Dump it if you don’t love it (and that means people, classes, jobs, clothes, etc).  Why are you wasting your life on things you don’t love?  Sun enters Sagittarius for 30 days of parties, vision, fire sparks, new ideas and dreams.  Time to encourage yourself to go for your vision, to become your own Don Quixote.  Dream Your Impossible Dream!

Friday Venus’ Day November 22, 2013 Moon goes void sextile to Mars at 02:12:23 am EST. Moon enters Leo at 06:57:35 pm EST Moon is void most of Friday.  It is a productive day for working on finishing up existing projects as the closing aspect makes it productive.  There is a bit of a challenge early in the morning as Sun and Pluto link up ~ work with your triangles productively.  Triangle energy is all about creation when used in its highest form ~ an egg and sperm get together to make a baby ~ creation and transformation is the outcome of the union. Today you can create profoundly.  Groups are active and full of energy mid-day ~ work with your team or coworkers to come up with new approaches to old or seemingly stuck situations. They will resolve rapidly.  Later in the day, there is a bit of annoying energy that invites disagreement ~ tackle it piecemeal and with the goal of adjusting the situation in a process based way to move it towards a new solution.  It seems hard to believe that we’ve reached the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination. I was nine when it happened. It was stunning to have all the grownups crying.  How has half of a century gone by?  Vesta takes us back into our earlier history and invites us to look at similar situations or stories from our past. Jupiter’s stressful aspect to Pallas invokes a shift in how we see things.


Saturn’s Day Saturday November 23, 2013 Moon is in Leo and goes void Square to Saturn tomorrow so things move along but have an energy of separation or endings to them.  You realize that they (or you) are getting older.  Proud but not quite able to keep up the way you (or they) might want to. Health matters shift and come to an end today ~ a solution to the problem or there is nothing more to be done. An awareness of what’s left undone or unsaid is part of the story too. Mercury’s union with Juno invites you to speak words to heal or resolve a difficult matter that involves a hurt heart or emotional scar.  Mars is in a difficult aspect to the Nodes of Fate ~ step up and invite collaboration or connection.  You are NOT as far apart as you might think.  However, until someone moves, it is checkmate and you aren’t completely sure why.  Saturn’s aspect with Zeus invites a shift in your vision of who you are and asks you to expand your idea of what is possible for you. Right behind Saturn, Venus steps up and talks to Zeus about HER vision… and desire. Back to dreaming the impossible dream. Allow yourself to go there. Venus has a very productive working sextile to Saturn and wants to move everything forward.  Mercury connects with the Nodes for the second time this week so watch who you meet, what you hear, or the connections you make ~ these are people  you will be traveling the path in your future with.

Sun’s Day Sunday November 24, 2013 Moon goes void Square to Saturn at 03:59:44 am EST and enters Virgo on Monday at 07:11 am EST.  Moon is void all day Sunday.  A void moon on Sunday is perhaps one of the best days for a void ~ we play, dance, sing and don’t have much in the way of responsibilities. Sun’s square to Neptune suggests a psychological approach to ego’s problems and issues. We see a situation clearly as Sun clears the fog of Neptune.  We might not LIKE what we see, but we do see it.  Chiron’s contra-parallel to Vesta suggests there is no place like home and we want to go home again.  Allow for creative fancy to step forward as inspiration.  The idea is brilliant. Now all you have to do to make it perfect is live it, embody it, do it ~ a paraphrase of my friend Llorraine’s oft stated wisdom. We are where we are supposed to be.  Allow yourself to move toward recognizing that wherever you are is exactly where you are supposed to be ~ it IS perfect even if you aren’t particularly thrilled with it.  It WAS perfect ~ which is why you are there.  AS the dictionary says ~ Perfect: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.  Free from any flaw or defect in condition or quality ; faultless. Precisely accurate, exact. to  make (something) completely free from faults or defects, or as close to such a condition as possible. Synonyms are idea, model, faultless, flawless, consummate, quintessential, exemplary, best, ultimate, unrivaled, unequaled, matchless, unparalleled, utopian, incomparable, nonpareil, peerless, inimitable, excelled, unsurpassed, unsurpassed, mind, flawless, pristine, impeccable, immaculate, superb, superlative, optimum, prime, peak, excellent, faultless, unspoiled, unblemished, spotless, and unmarred.  Based on the vision you had of your life, Mercury’s biquintile to Uranus suggests that the result is before you. Now if you have a DIFFERENT vision of your FUTURE life, start living it, perfectly (or as close as you can get), now.  No more victim head. No more giving it to the other guy. Take complete responsibility for where you are right now.  Uranus opposes Ceres and inspires each of us to

Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Counting Nos until you get to YES!

Scorpios Talking: Michael and Anne talked about reaction formation in abusive relationships!  An interesting show!

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne talked about the astrology conference, hiding in plain sight and life.

Access Astrology: Mark and Anne took calls from listeners!

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.


Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014. Her topic is “Planetary Returns.”  Meetings are open to the public: http://www.lincgr.com/

Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC.  Early Bird Rates through November 30, 2013 are $150.  At the Door $250. Register for the Workshop: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504

Anne will be teaching, with Access Astrology, a Chart Reading A to Z Weekend Workshop on February 7, 8 and 9, 2014 in NYC. Early Bird Rates through December 1 are $165. Full Rate is $225. Register for the Workshop at:  http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139006705

Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 18, 2014. Her topic is “Planets as People!”  To register: http://www.isarastrology.com/etapestry  For Information:  http://www.isarastrology.com/Astrology-World-2014

Anne will be speaking at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014.  Limited in-person consultation appointments with Anne are available in Michigan.  To register: http://greatlakesastrology.com/


Copyright© 2013 A.C. Ortelee