Weekly Weather November 14, 2011

Changes, changes! As you noticed, the astroanne.com and anneortelee.com websites have changed. They will continue to evolve over the next few weeks as we load more content up into it. It isn’t quite what I want yet but close enough to get out there before Mercury goes Retrograde.

The old site, while much loved, was taking increasingly longer and longer to load (it loaded all 400+ entries).  And the software was degrading around our ears as Yahoo migrated out of supporting it. They moved onto a new platform…. So we finally leaped too.

The new site allows for RSS feeds to you so you can be alerted when posts go up. It is easier to share with Facebook, twitter and other kinds of services. I can add things myself ~ always good for a Virgo gal to be able to tinker and tweak. Stuff has moved around but all of it is still there (at least I think it is ~ if you notice something missing email me!).

And More Will Be Coming!  So stay tuned.

Weekly Weather November 14, 2011

The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! We enter eclipse season this week to help us on our journey by illuminating, with a cosmic strobe light, where we don’t have quite enough information and where we find out things that will challenge our philosophy of life.

The eclipses have been in Sagittarius and Gemini since last year. The first were last fall and early winter when Maria Shriver (Sag rising) found out her husband had fathered a child with the woman who helped keep her house, cook and care for their children. Literally, separated by a few days, two boys, twins (South Node in Gemini) were born to Maria and the Housekeeper. In June, the rest of the world found out, when the eclipses revealed Arnold was the father of both. Now as we come to the third pass, right now, their divorce will be finalized with all participants moving onto the next chapters of their lives.

There have been similar eclipses of revealing secrets or information that you need to know but were not aware of ~ South Node in Gemini. The revealing of that knowledge, encourages, cheers and supports you to move forward to a greater understanding and a new philosophy or outlook on life ~ Sagittarius North Node.

We’ve all been having eclipses in the Sagittarius (North Node ~ move towards this area) and Gemini (South Node ~ karma, the past, release this area) the past year. The upcoming eclipses are a New Moon at 2:37 Sagittarius on November 25 and a Full Moon at 18:11 on December 10. Your job, should you decide to accept it (cue the mission impossible theme song) is to go boldly forward. There is a GRAND TRINE IN EARTH with Jupiter, ruler of the Node of Fate, in Fixed Earth Taurus, supporting your forward steps ~ even if the ground feels a bit squishy below your feet.

To be able to move forward boldly and bravely, think about the re-birth energy after the death freeze of Scorpio. All those Christmas tree lights, parties, the abundance of Thanksgiving and the sparkle of the holiday are the exuberance behind this energy. The Nodes are calling you forward. Give yourself permission to go, even if you don’t have a confirmed reservation!

Our week ahead is actually kind of quiet. (the pause before the storm?) Mars is in Virgo so we will be working with his detailed and precise energy for the next 9 months ~ until July 4. As my friend Cathy Van B says “Mars in Virgo is action or anger with a personal twist. It is very hurtful to Virgos. You guys are very Sensitive under all that dirt!”  We will all be sensitive under all our dirt Virgos for the next NINE months in the area of our action taking, sex and anger. So get ready to work the process rather than feeling too sensitive and wounded.  Yes, they DID mean what they said ~ (and NO it wasn’t very nice of them) HOWEVER, what is YOUR agenda? Focus on working on YOUR agenda. Ignore their agenda.

Mars in Virgo is the anger among the working class people and the “Virgo” types ~ the workers, paid staff, servers, servants, civil servants, peasants, slaves and the not cared for people.   See the Occupy Wall Street energy grow stronger and stronger over the next nine months. Mars in Virgo is often strikes among the workers. So while most of us kind of shake our head at the NBA lockout ~ the “workers” ARE actually locked out by their employers, even if they are highly paid. The student riots at Penn State as the Board of Trustees fired the “workers” ~ the coaches  ~ in the child abuse sex scandal are another example.

Across the street from my apartment, the Teamsters are protesting and blowing whistles each and every day in front of Sotheby’s Auction House. The unionized Art Handlers were locked out last August. Now we are in High Auction Season with galas, fine furs, Manolos and limos galore.  I came home from my class last Wednesday night to some 400 Teamsters and Occupy Wall Street folks. They were carrying signs saying “Sotheby’s sells to the 1%!” and shouting VERY LOUDLY, in unison, “Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame on YOU!” I arrived home as the One-Percenters were leaving the auction house and looking for their limos. The woman in the flowing white dress with her red soled Louboutin high heels looked VERY nervous as she climbed into her waiting town car, chased by chants. All that was missing were the flaming torches and a guillotine for it to be the French Revolution! As I walked to my non-descript apartment building, I was happy the lynch mob wouldn’t think I was part of the 1%.

And then there are the folks who are probably part of the 1% but THINK of themselves as a 99er. From the internet: Mario Batalia said “But I would have to say that who has had the largest effect on the whole planet without us really paying attention across the board and everywhere is the entire banking industry and their disregard for the people that they’re supposed to be working for. … The way the bankers have toppled the way that money is distributed, and taken most of it into their own hands is as good as Stalin or Hitler, the evil guys.” Soon the restaurant world was chattering causing Batali’s spokeswoman to email an apology from him, saying, “It was never my intention to equate our banking industry with Hitler and Stalin, two of the most evil, brutal dictators in modern history.” Many in the banking industry have already tweeted that they’ll take their expense account lunches to someplace other than Babbo and Del Pesto, Batali’s high-priced restaurants.

So watch in your own life where you are set up for OR experiencing conflict as a “worker” or a “perceived/actual 1%er” ~or as a person in power. Watch the Mars in Virgo come flying at you. Watch for your anger with authorities in your life to fly out of control with criticism. Take that Mars in Virgo  energy and use it in other ways. Start an exercise program. Start a business for extra income. Get your house organized. Make a big to-do list. Tackle your health issues. Keep focused on your own agenda. You have YOUR agenda. Focus on it. We ALL have Mars in Virgo in the sky for the next nine months. It can be incredibly PRODUCTIVE. It can also be incredibly CRITICAL, PICKY, FUSSY, THIN SKINNED and DIFFICULT. There isn’t anyone on earth that doesn’t have an authority some place in their life so we all will be experiencing Mars in Virgo when they give us orders.

We build toward the eclipses over this week and next. We are in Mercury’s shadow so expect folks from your past to re-appear or reconnect. There are not a great many aspects this week ~ kind of quiet actually. Watch who you meet on Monday and Tuesday when the Nodes connect with the Sun by declination and Venus and Mercury join the North Node of Fate ~ you’ll be offered something or meet someone important to your future path. Pay attention and make sure to get their business card!  And give them your business card!  SAY YES ~ even if you are not sure HOW to….!

Void Moons This Week

0:22 am EST Wednesday Nov 16, to 11:17 am EST

2:06 pm EST Friday Nov 18, to 5:19 pm EST

5:21 pm EST Sunday Nov 20, to 8:16 pm EST

Moon Day, Monday November 14 Moon in Cancer is very sensitive and has harsh closing aspects of a square to Saturn suggesting matters begun today and Tuesday will end emotionally and with a stress on partnerships. Sun has an inconjunct to Eris creating stress, tension and discord. People will want to argue about silly things (to you) but (for them) they are important.  Remember Mars is in Virgo so anyone feeling treated “like a servant” will be in the mood to pick a fight or be angry. If you are the “authority”, the people who serve you are extra sensitive. If you are a server of someone, they can easily offend you with their attitude or request.  And YOU CAN BE BOTH ~ swapping from servant to authority back to servant and to authority again with nary a moment to catch your breath. And  yes we have this for nine long months (or variations on it).  People are not listening well today. They partially hear and with Mercury out of bounds in Sagittarius, they proceed to leap to conclusions.   The GOOD part about today is Venus joins with the Nodes of Fate implying you will make important and long lasting connections today that further your life and where you are going. Release the fear and ask for what you want. Approach all situations as honestly as you can.

Tuesday Mar’s Day November 15 Moon in Cancer has a lovely trine to Scorpio Sun today offering a plentiful experience of creation. Mars is moving into a Grand Earth Trine so it is a productive day to get things accomplished and out the door, even with the harsh closing aspect. Think of it as a process. Sun links up with the Nodes by declination so pay attention to who arrives and helps your ego expand, your Sun shine, encourages your soul to be all it can be. Think of the Universe as conspiring to help you expand and grow through the connections made yesterday and today. While you may not know how, exactly, you are going to do it, make sure to say “YES!” with an exclamation of joy and willingness.  The times and heavens are shifting, moving toward settling into creation of the partnerships and the visions you have for your life.  Mars in Virgo is an amazing task master and accomplishes SO DARNED MUCH in a single day it is hard to wrap your mind around at times. Push yourself to make and take incremental steps on the various projects you want to accomplish.  Venus has a gift of brilliance with Neptune so follow up on that writing, love or passionate dream you had. Mercury joins with the nodes of fate and encourages each of us to re-approach the situation we’ve had problems with. Communication is the solution even if you are not sure what you want to say. There is a journey we are undertaking here. I had an email from a client Monday who didn’t understand why  a person had treated her badly, saying “To me if someone is a caring person, has strong connections they would never do something so hurtful.”  Remember the people in your life are the transits in the sky created into people and the situations in your life. Ask yourself, especially on the tough transits, “What am I supposed to be learning from this experience?”  There is always an answer if you look for it. Venus squares Ceres so our love and desire principle fights with our need for nurturing and caring behavior. Everyone has a shadow side ~ seeing it is part of the path of growing up.  And we are challenged to grow up until we die.

Wednesday Mercury’s Day November 16 Moon enters into Leo in the late morning and rules Wednesday and Thursday, ending with an opposition to Neptune. We find ourselves dancing with our creative impulses even as everything that is created eventually dissolves into nothingness. So why DO we bother creating, loving and existing on earth? Mercury has an interesting perspective based on his dream upon awakening. Listen to him. Ponder the question of your desires today. Find yourself reflecting back on earlier times. Connect with people from your past who remember you back then.  Venus sesquiquadrates Jupiter offering us an unusual take on the matter ~ scroll through the friends of one of your contacts on Facebook or Linked In.  Notice all the people that you DON’T know.  Or the folks you met once or twice. Realize that EACH of those people has faces of friends on THEIR Facebook that leads to another group of people you don’t know.   Each of these people incarnated with a separate chart, path and set of dreams and visions of their life.  The diversity and expansion of people is amazing and incredible in its breadth and scope.  Stay at the end of a movie and read the credits to see all the hundreds or thousands of people who worked on creating it.  Mars trines Jupiter today encouraging you to focus on abundance and how to create and go about things.  Solid, realistic, grounded earth trine. Give yourself permission to go for your dreams.  Harness the energy of all those faces with dreams inside of them to know that YOUR dream is perfect for you.  Sun’s semisextile to Saturn asks us to trust that the dream in our heart is there for a reason. Mercury has a square to Ceres  advising you to nurture your dream, even if you have trouble verbalizing it ~ do try to say it out loud and to people who love and support you.  If you don’t talk about your dreams, how are they going to become part of your life?  I love the song from South Pacific about dreams. The lyrics are below:

Happy talkin’, talkin Happy talk
Talk about things you’d like to do
You’ve got to have a dream
If you don’t have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true

Talk about the moon floating in the sky
Looking like a lily on a lake
Talk about the bird learning how to fly
Making all the music he can make

Happy talkin’ talkin Happy talk
Talk about things you’d like to do
You’ve got to have a dream
If you don’t have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true

Let’s talk about the star looking like a toy
Peeking through the branches of a tree
Talk about the girl talk about the boy
Counting all the ripples on the sea

Happy talkin’ talkin Happy talk
Talk about things you’d like to do
You’ve got to have a dream
If you don’t have a dream
How you gonna make a dream come true

Talk about the boy saying to the girl
Golly baby I’m a lucky cus
Talk about the girl saying to the boy
You and me are lucky to be us

Happy talkin’ talkin Happy talk
Talk about things you’d like to do
You’ve got to have a dream
If you don’t have a dream
How you gonna make a dream come true
And if you don’t talk happy
And you never have a dream
Then you’ll never have a dream come true

Thursday Jupiter’s day November 17 Moon in Leo receives trines from Mercury and Venus today suggesting she’s ready to create her dreams or at least talk about them!  Venus joins up with Cupido today so you can find your tribe of people or your new group.  Cupido represents the people we feel at home with, those who are our “clan”.  Not too many aspects today make it a smooth flowing day. With Venus’ semi square to Pallas in high flying Aquarius, you are going to understand one of your patterns today. Own it as yours.  You do it for a reason. It serves you. When it doesn’t serve you any more, you won’t do it.

Friday Venus’ day November 18  finds the Moon in Leo most of the day to move into Virgo around 5:19 pm Eastern time. Virgo Moon has LOVELY closing aspects of a sextile to Scorpio Sunday Night suggesting things will go well for you and all projects.  There is stress mid-morning when Moon squares Sun around 10 am ~ the nurture parts are fighting with the ego parts.  It is hard to work with this energy.  Venus and Mercury are both out of bounds adding a wild energy to their efforts and effects in the world. Think about it ~ the rulers of the Moon and Mars in Virgo AND Saturn in Libra are both either hitting home runs or foul balls ~ out of bounds energy is interesting.  Mercury is VERY excited by his sesquiquadrate to Jupiter ~ adding a bit of over the top and expansive energy to his communications and connections.  Mercury sextiles Vesta offering you an opportunity to clear out the home or desk or nest place.  Moon has a lovely trine to Jupiter today offering an opportunity to get things done.

Saturn’s Day November 19 Virgo Moon is answering to that over the top and out of bounds Mercury too. She meets up with Mars and accelerates her energy and causing restless dreams or poor sleep. You are struggling and arguing on the astral plane or in your dreams.  Sun’s opposition to Admetos suggests you are ready to let something leave your life and stop being subservient in a weird way.  Venus has a trine to Eris at 1:17 pm so expect a fight to break out some place near you as the two gals work it out ~ even positive aspects with Eris are fraught with problems.  Mercury has an aspect of brilliance to Chiron offering him a great insight or idea.

Sun’s Day November 20 Moon in Virgo argues with Mercury and Venus while you are sleeping, again causing toss and turn dreams.  Mercury joins with Cupido encouraging connections and relationships. Mercury also argues with Saturn by declination offering a problem to people who are trying to figure out what to do and where to go ~ the two planets, normally friendly, are not so happy right now. Sun squares Neptune too promising clarity in the week ahead as he moves past Neptune. You will have a new sense of vision once Sun gets clear of Neptune’s dissolving and disillusioning effects.  Moon’s positive working sextile to offers you fertile earth to take advantage of the situations before you. And Moon opposite Uranus excites the senses and inspires creativity today. Strive to move yourself forward one big leap.  You are soooooo  ready for the changes before you. Be brave. Go for it.

Copyright © 2011 A.C. Ortelee