Weekly Weather November 11, 2013
The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving!
They officially finish on Sunday with the next Full Moon in Taurus. Finally!
Our week ahead is a two part week. Two very distinct parts ~ the first part of the week is kind of fun ~flowing and connected, easy peasy. The back end of the week is clarifying, crabby and emotionally quite difficult with the gift being you figure out something important about your love nature and the Goddess Venus ~ which isn’t bad in the long run just not fun in the short run.
The week’s first part is relatively easy and flowing as stationing Mercury slowly starting to move again trines stationing Neptune slowly turning direct after being retrograde since June 5th. Both planets are in water signs ~ Scorpio and Pisces. Both are communicating easily ~ water flows abundantly back and forth between the swamp and the ocean. Lots of dreams, hopes, wishes, ideas, and connections. Little piles of watery energy. Deep currents. Swirls. Whirls. Tidal shifts. You get the idea. Moon trines Sun and Sun trines Jupiter ~ all lovely flowing energy.
The best approach to the beginning of the week is singing ~ what is your theme song? You might find you or others are at a loss for words. However, a song comes to mind. Look at the lyrics of the song. In the lyrics is the emotion you are trying to find words for.
I was at a lecture this summer at Lilydale. The speaker kept asking people when they got “stuck”, what song came to mind. Their song was inevitably instructive about their “stuckness”. Since then, I’ve used that technique quite a bit. It inevitably works ~ putting words to feelings. Feelings run in the water element. Words travel through the air. Not much air this week. Lots of water feelings! So try using theme songs to help you express yourself this week. There is a big difference between “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”, the theme song from “Jaws”, “Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder” and “If Ever I Would Leave You.” See how you ricocheted around in emotions as you read the titles? A slight caution ~ make sure the person you are singing it to doesn’t have a negative connotation to the song ~ we are going for mood shift and lyrics here ~ expressing feelings swirling between Neptune and Mercury.
Next up, comes the MEAN and rather difficult part of the week. Venus is out of bounds in Capricorn. She squares Uranus on Thursday, joins with Pluto on Friday and is in charge of a Full Taurus Moon on Algol, the meanest star in the heavens on Sunday. Algol is a difficult star in every astrology system on earth~ she’s the blinking eye of Medusa in ours ~ signifying beheading and loss of emotional control. We can expect news of beheadings ~ both literal and physical. In Chinese astrology, Algol represents piles of corpses. As Typhoon Haiyan’s water recedes from the Philippines and Vietnam, we’ll be seeing piles of corpses. And had that typhoon hit a bit further up the coast, Japan’s badly damaged Fukushima nuclear plant would have been in her path. As it is, Japan is about to try to remove more than 1000 fuel rods from the crippled plant. Clearly, they don’t have an astrologer on staff!
Okay so potential nuclear fallout and piles of corpses in THAT part of the world. Over here, we get to work on our Venus and relationships issues! Venus is out of bounds so she’s not following rules. She’s ruled by Saturn in Scorpio ~ who wants each of us to commit to our Saturnine path and do our work in the world in a new way. However, BEFORE we commit, we have to be sure we are committing to what we actually WANT and DESIRE. This is going to be a big break up week. Quit the job I hate week. Dissolve the partnership week. Write the “Gotta Go!” letter or email. Tweet goodbye. Call off the wedding. Ask for a divorce. Walk out the door with your own version of Jennifer Hudson signing, “I am Telling you I am not Going” to you. Or perhaps YOU will be Jennifer Hudson singing to someone who is walking out the door. Make it clean. Do it kindly. Take your leave gently. It is painful enough. Yes, it has to be done. It is time. You know it has to happen. Life has hard moments. This is one of them.
The Week’s Planetary Highlights
We are at the end of a major and very profound Eclipse season going towards a Full Moon on Sunday. The Full Moon Chart is quite stressful when cast for the East Coast. The Taurus Moon lands on the Fixed Star Algol, a very difficult star which is the Eye in Medusa’s severed head in the sky pictures. The Full Moon chart relates back to the New Moon of May 20, 2012 and the Opening Square of February 17, 2013. Events from those days culminate this week.
Mercury turned direct on Sunday, November 10 and trines Stationing turning direct Neptune. What is the theme song of the moment? It’s the stuff that dreams are made of!
Venus meets up with the Nodes of Fate on Wednesday and has difficult aspects to Uranus and Pluto at the end of the week. She’s out of bounds so she does not want to follow the rules. The time has arrived for a serious focus on matters of money, love, desire and passion. She’s answering to Saturn in Scorpio. It is time to commit! Or it is time to end commitments that don’t work for you anymore.
Saturn wants commitment from you between now and November 27th. Saturn is passing through this particular section of sky JUST ONCE until 29 years from now. Look where Saturn is in your chart, by sign and house ~ that is where you are to commit. That is where your life’s work lives. Any planets between 11:32 and 16:38 will HELP you commit. Talk to them!
Neptune turns direct at 2:35 Pisces on Wednesday. Neptune forms a trine with stationing Mercury. It’s the stuff that dreams are made of. Time to send loving intentions towards your dreams!
Vesta enters Libra on Friday November 15 until July 30, 2014. Time to make your various homes beautiful ~ home, office and even how you adorn and decorate your body. Vesta is where we take extra good care of ourselves. Build up your immune system. We are going to have a very intense flu season this year.
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon goes Void Trine to Jupiter on Tuesday Nov 12, 2013 at 09:34:47 am EST and enters Aries on Wednesday Nov 13, 2013 at 02:40:16 am EST. Moon is void all day Tuesday. Positive and productive closing aspects that get much accomplished.
Moon goes void square to Jupiter on Thursday Nov 14, 2013 at 03:58:29 pm EST and enters Taurus on Friday Nov 15, 2013 at 09:50:13 am EST. Moon is void Thursday afternoon and evening. Overdoing aspects that push too hard for the other’s comfort.
Moon opposes Sun on Sunday Nov 17, 2013 at 10:16:50 am EST and enters Gemini at 07:07:48 pm EST. Moon is void most of Sunday. Separating aspects between the lights mean separations between ego and emotions, will and nurturing.
Two distinct and quite different energies face us during the week ahead. The Full Moon is quite challenging ~ the lights are in life and death ~ with the Life giving Moon falling on Algol, darkening her energies.
We, or our charts, invite into our lives people, via the transits, who teach us what we need to know to experience our life fully. If you have learned the lessons from the people in your life, you are free to go now. Free to go to in a new direction. Time to take a different path. Saturn says you are at a turning point in your life.
As C.G. Jung said “We are living in what the Greeks called the kairos-the right moment-for a ‘metamorphosis of the gods,’ of the fundamental principles and symbols.”
From the Jung Society of Atlanta’s newsletter: “Our time is pervaded by a great paradox. On the one hand, we see signs of an unprecedented level of engaged global awareness, moral sensitivity to the human and non-human community, psychological self-awareness, and spiritually informed philosophical pluralism. On the other hand, we confront the most critical, and in some respects catastrophic, state of the Earth in human history. Both these conditions have emerged directly from the modern age, whose light and shadow consequences now affect every part of the planet.
“We seem to be living at the end of an era. The past and the future are converging in our time with extraordinary force. Old structures are cracking, the moment of creative chaos is upon us, and the drama of our age has become a great question: What new principles, what new structures-social, political, economic, ecological, psychological, spiritual-will emerge to shape our future? So much is at stake.
“We are facing a threshold of fundamental collective transformation that bears a striking resemblance to what takes place on the individual level in initiatory rites of passage, in near-death experiences, in spiritual crises, and in critical stages of what Jung called the individuation process. Can we find a place of equilibrium, an eye in the storm, from which we can engage this time of intense polarization and radical change? And in such an era of transition, what is the role of “hero” in each of us?”
You are setting forth on the next stage of your hero’s journey ~ the journey of your life as you move through the seasons of your chart. Now as we delve into the deep, dark swampy edge to the ocean waters of Scorpio in the Pisces decant, we are free to cast our fate to the winds.
In the Full Moon chart cast for Washington, DC Saturn and Pluto are both angular, with Mars the ruler of the Scorpio and Aries planets in the eighth house of endings, taxes, transformation and death. It is an intense chart. The good news is Mercury and Mars are in mutual reception so they can swap places. You are going to be asked to look at your shadow, the other guy’s shadow, and figure out the deeper place of each other’s beings. OR you can just move forward, acknowledging the shadow energy as part and parcel of who you are, working with it as you go. The dark places are how we know where the light places are.
The Full Moon, first quadrant focus (me, myself and I) combined with the angular nature of the chart make it perfect for us to move forward confidently toward our future. A new challenge awaits us, focused on our path with Saturn guarding the Midheaven. Don’t listen to the nay sayers. Listen to what your heart invites you to do…You know the right thing to do if you listen to your inner voice.
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian image is:
Commentary: ‘American Indians Making Camp in New Territory’ shows people seeking out and finding somewhere ‘New’ to set up their lives. They’ve found somewhere suitable to make ‘Camp’ and are probably busy going about their business to ensure they’ll be comfortable and their needs will be met as best they can. Perhaps its intended that they’ll stay long-term in this ‘New Territory’ but it could also be that they’re just there for the short term and will be moving on before long.
Oracle: Someone-perhaps many people-have found ‘New territory’ and there is a need to acclimatize, assess the environment and get their lives in order. There is also the need to adjust quickly on a psychological level to the environment they are settling into. Whether it’s the actual moving of home, or settling into a new job, you need to feel at home in both an inner and outer sense. This ‘New Territory’ doesn’t necessarily have to be about actual encampments; its “newness” can be represented in an emotional or spiritual framework. However, if someone doesn’t feel at home, there may be a creeping sense of unease as you or others find it hard to relax and feel safe and accepted in this new environment. If there is no real conflict over this ‘Territory’ and no stepping on other people’s toes, this can be a very enriching experience that can lead to all sorts of new experiences, relationships and possibilities. However, people sometimes merely inhabit a space and then depart leaving a mess all around them. How can you and others help in making an effort to ensure that one’s territory, living and personal space, and even the emotional space is not overcrowded, compromised or damaged in some way?
Keywords: Barging in. Settling in. Walk-ins. Having to learn the rules of being in a new environment. The need for freedom to live one’s life as one wants. Concerns with territory. Immigration. Migration across countries. Gathering things together for family and community needs. Tents. Shelter. Co-habitation. Revering and protecting the environment. Setting up camp.
The Caution: Moving into or invading another person’s, or people’s, territory. Putting up with things when one should move on. A feeling of being invaded. Kicking people out because they don’t fit in or don’t belong. Segregation on grounds of color, race or religion. Compromising others living space. Arriving unannounced. Barging in. Attack and invasion.
We are the land. To the best of my understanding, that is the fundamental idea that permeates American Indian life. Paula Gunn Allen
Illegal aliens have always been a problem in the United States. Ask an Indian. Robert Orben
A hundred men may make an encampment, but it takes a woman to make a home. Chinese Proverb
I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves. John Wayne
The Sabian Image for the Taurus Moon is A SPANIARD SERENADING HIS SENORITA
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Image is:
Commentary: ‘A Spaniard Serenading His Senorita’ is a lovely image of singing, music, romance and love. The ‘Spaniard’ pours his heart out to his beloved in the hopes that she will listen and respond to his advances. Beautiful words and music can lift the spirits and we all need a little romance now and then! The ‘Spaniard’ is ‘Serenading’ his love, his ‘Senorita’, who may or may not know the depth of his feelings. Whether she accepts his advances or rejects them, this will not stop him from celebrating his feelings in a show of emotion.
Oracle: In this situation there is no guarantee of getting your message across, but you must act if you want any chance of success. It is by being brave and confident enough to put our feelings on public display that we can convince others of our sincerity. It is possible that the worst that could be damaged is your ego, so think positively and play your role with enthusiasm and passion. However, be wary of any insincerity or coming on too strongly. This Symbol can also point to people covering up their real feelings because they are looking for a calculated response from another. This ‘Serenade’ should not be like some kind of desperate act, but, instead, an act of devotion and love. True expressions of feeling can lead to grand actions and reactions. The situation around the question is full of emotion and passion. To say “I love you” or “I care for you” or “I believe in you” or “I trust you” to those who want to hear it makes it even more special and encouraging. The confirmation of deep feelings is rewarding to all involved.
Keywords: Looking through pretense. Shared feelings, love or passion. Spontaneity. Welling expressions of romance. Being in tune with another. Soul mates. Chivalry. Reverting back to the old methods of relating. Spinning tales to get a response. Knowing what to say and when. Music, singing, crooning, talking. Instruments. The use of the voice.
The Caution: A ruse performed to achieve a goal by deception. Lies, deceit and propaganda. Not believing messages being given by loved ones. Feeling like something is missing from a relationship. Superficial judgments how things should look or be. Emotional manipulation. Selfish agendas.
When love is not madness, it is not love. Spanish proverb
Flattery is like cologne water, to be smelt of, not swallowed. Josh Billings
Music is the key to the female heart. Johann G. Seume
Latins are tenderly enthusiastic. In Brazil they throw flowers at you. In Argentina they throw themselves. Marlene Dietrich
If music be the food of love, play on. Shakespeare
You’re the Nile, You’re the Tower of Pisa, You’re the smile, On the Mona Lisa. Cole Porter
Tell me about yourself-your struggles, your dreams, your telephone number. Peter Arno
The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot. Salvador Dali
Give her two red roses, each with a note. The first note says, “For the woman I love” and the second, “For my best friend.” Anon
Faint heart never won fair lady. Proverb
Monday Moon’s Day November 11, 2013 Moon in Pisces has lovely closing aspects of a trine to Jupiter making today and tomorrow exceptionally productive, flowing and fun. Pursue your dream. Make those applications. Push for the vision of what you want. Venus works with Hygeia so health matters start to slowly improve. Ceres squares Hades so impatience is part of the energy. You have to work with a bit of difficulty but it is helpful difficulty. Mercury’s trine to Neptune encourages you to sing or dream or dance into your future. Think theme songs. What is the theme song of your life!? The energy in the heavens is incredibly productive to get things finished or make things manifest. What is the song for each moment? Understand the universe will be talking to us through dreams and images ~ especially in the early part of the week. Mars’ parallel Sedna the Inuit Ocean Goddess reminds us of the destructive power of the Ocean as images of Typhoon Haiyan cross our globe. Watch for deep emotions to surface from your unconscious too!
Mars Day Tuesday November 12, 2013 Moon goes Void Trine to Jupiter at 09:34:47 am EST. Moon is void all day Tuesday. Positive and productive closing aspects that get much accomplished so as the moon is void focus on working on ongoing projects instead of starting new ones. Health issues need to be addressed as Sun argues with your healthy energy. Moon trines Jupiter making today quite emotionally fluid and flowing. Sun trines Jupiter encouraging connections that are supportive with other people, particularly those who share you interest or who are encouraging and helpful. Watch any tendency to capitulate into patterns you want to let go of. NO going back. Move forward. Cast your fate to the wind.
Mercury’s Day Wednesday November 13, 2013 Moon enters Aries at 02:40:16 am EST. Moon goes void with an overdoing square to Jupiter on Thursday so we are moving fast but can completely over do things with our emotional reactions to situations. We are rocking the next few days but not in an easy or necessary pleasant manner. However, we will be fine on the other side provided we act with integrity as we move through the potential volatility. Be gentle with those around you . They are having tough transits too. Saturn wakes you up with a start and perhaps a bad dream this morning. Notice what the images your subconscious were trying to send to you while you were sleeping. Venus aspects the Nodes of Fate…. Time to make some choices about the desired path and relationships~ be clear about the path you want to commit to and desire. If what you desire is not standing right in front of you, go back to where you last found it or had it. Similar to walking into a room and forgetting why you came in it, retrace your steps to where you last were clear on your desire. You had it or remembered it. Start from that point again and go forward to find out where you lost it or went astray. You may find it was a shift on YOUR part, not theirs, that made you change direction. I had a client recently who mentioned there were lots of changes in his workplace. And then he added “But it is a good thing ~ the old people were tired of being there. The new ones who have arrived WANT to be there. They are excited about it.” Or as my super says, “A new broom sweeps clean!” Do you need a new broom? Or can you change the bag in the vacuum cleaner and once again it will work perfectly fine? Clear out old cupboards and replace those full vacuum cleaner bags! Neptune stations direct today. The world is in the mood to rapidly manifest what you want. What DO you want? Mercury’s trine to Hades as well as Neptune forms a Grand Trine in emotional, yet productive water. Let go of those old and outworn shoes. Or polish them up, with a bit of spit shine and a trip to the cobbler, for another dance around the room. Have you taken care of that nagging health matter yet? Get on it! Moon in Aries rolls through and forms a fast moving emotional square with Venus and Pluto in Capricorn and joins up with Uranus late afternoon and early evening. No, you can’t run away and join the circus but you CAN change how you respond to the situation. Unhook yourself from it. You don’t have to play that game anymore.
Jupiter’s Day Thursday November 14, 2013 Moon in Aries goes Void Square to Jupiter on Thursday at 03:58:29 pm EST. Moon is void Thursday afternoon and evening. Overdoing aspects that push too hard for the other’s comfort~ back off! Or tell them to back off! Sun has an adjusting aspect to Eris encouraging you to be inspired by discord to move in your own direction, look at your shadow, own your stuff or at least not blame it on the other guy. If someone tries to blame you for THEIR stuff ~ don’t accept it. Not yours. It is theirs. If it IS your stuff, accept it and try to integrate it into your being. Lots of Shadow work this week. Dive deep. It is not about being subservient. It is about acknowledging and validating reality. Venus squares Uranus so break ups, breakthroughs, break downs, break outs etc. take place. Venus is sextile to Chiron so deep feelings, particularly around desire, money and beauty have an opportunity to be healed tonight ~ if you take the high road!
Venus’s Day Friday November 15, 2013 Moon enters Taurus at 09:50:13 am EST with a separating closing aspect of Sun opposed Moon ~ Relationships end! And it is a good thing! Relationships shift! And it is a good thing! You see it clearly~ that is ALWAYS a good thing. Ceres has health aspects inviting you to shift your nurturing energy into a different form of healing. Build up your immune system! Vesta enters Ceres until July 31, 2014, retrograding on March 2 at 29 Libra. Partner with your body, home, office and environment to create a beautiful and nurturing energy that surrounds and sustains you. Venus joins Pluto to start a new year long cycle. Watch for triangles, power struggles and drama ~ this is an ending energy as well as a new beginning energy. Coming on the heels of yesterday’s Uranus square and Wednesday’s Moon aspects, you or they might just walk away today. Seeing the impact of the emotional force of energy always helps. I had a client the other day who was talking about a friend of hers engaged to marry a “high maintenance” partner, even to the point of admitting “Yes, I know, that was a red flag.” Inspired, here is a Red Flag video from Saturday Night Live. Watch for YOUR red flag!. They are out there. Lung issues and colds can get worse!
Saturn’s day Saturday November 16, 2013 Moon is in Taurus and ends with an opposition to the Sun, causing separation and letting go. Time to say so long! Sun’s stressed aspect to Uranus the planet of break ups and breakthroughs means you realize you really can’t do this a single minute more. You have to move on or move out or move up. So go for it. Leave gently though! Neptune’s opposition to Pallas encourages you to understand the bigger patterns at work here. All leading you towards the life promised in your chart and through your dreams. Clear out or clean up your house and home ~ focus on how you are going to use Vesta in her new sign of beauty and grace. Allow yourself to be the best you can be! Sun is kind of stressed out by the power dynamics going down around you right now. Observe, see the power plays and power over stuff for what the tactics that they are. Power wants to shift and evolve into something else. Allow it to move. Time for others at the table of power…Venus works with you about what YOUR dream is ~ listen to her! She’s singing to you…. Sure, maybe this situation didn’t work out but that doesn’t mean EVERY situation won’t work out. Allow for more expansion in your life. More possibilities. Mars works with passion with partnership…. So waltz right out of there and into the dream of your life. No long goodbyes! The evening holds a great deal of fun! Enjoy yourself ~even if you eat too much!
Sun’s Day Sunday November 17, 2013 Moon opposes Sun at 10:16:50 am EST and enters Gemini at 07:07:48 pm EST. Moon is void most of Sunday. Separating aspects between the lights mean separations between ego and emotions, will and nurturing, male and female. Watch for discord. It is a mean Full Moon with the Taurus Moon falling on the Fixed Star Algol and very active malefics on the angles. Expect permanent endings and changes. Mercury parallels Neptune so people aren’t in their right minds ~ lots of illusion, delusion and dreams. Pallas Athena is semi-square and stressed out by the idea of being subservient or unnoticed as she aspects Black Moon Lilith. The subservient energy is outta here today! You see you r patterns in a whole new way! Moon is Full Sunday morning bright and early popping the energy and ending the eclipse season. Good conversations flow tonight as Gemini Moon encourages connections with siblings and chatty friends. Focus on health matters that linger too. Start to build your immune system back up! Gonna be a big flu season!
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving! Take Responsibility! Make Changes! Evolve! Creative Chaos inspires! What is the theme song of the moment? Sing it for clarity. End of week is rocky, broken and difficult ~ but it is just a transit! So it will be over soon!
Scorpios Talking: Michael and Anne talked silence, connections, karma and the upcoming epidemic. This week the show will be on Wednesday morning as Anne is learning about her health care options on Thursday morning!
The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne talked about self-care. They are off on vacation Monday November 11, 2013. We do self-care with frequent vacations!
Access Astrology: We were all there… read and answered letters from listeners!
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.
Anne will be teaching at the New York NCGR Education Conference on November 16 & 17, 2013. Her topic is “Pluto in Capricorn ~ The Decant of Taurus.” Register for the conference here: http://www.astrologynyc.org/
Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014. Her topic is “Planetary Returns.” Meetings are open to the public: http://www.lincgr.com/
Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC. Early Bird Rates through November 30, 2013 are $150. At the Door $250. Register for the Workshop: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504
Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 18, 2014. Her topic is “Planets as People!” To register: http://www.isarastrology.com/etapestry
For Information: http://www.isarastrology.com/Astrology-World-2014
Anne will be speaking at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014. Limited in-person consultation appointments with Anne are available in Michigan. To register: http://greatlakesastrology.com/
Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission.
Copyright© 2013 A.C. Ortelee