Weekly Weather May 8, 2006 to May 14 2006

Time for changes! Our week ahead features a luminous full moon early Saturday morning that helps us make sense of the events in our lives. All week long, the universe will give us clues, messages, whispers and shouts about our life direction. Pay particular attention to the issues and situations you struggled, wrestled with, obsessed over, were delayed by and danced with all last fall ~ that is the Saturn area you are being asked to step up to, address and change. That is where you are being asked to focus your attention. That is where I suggested you choose and do your Saturn, rather than your Jupiter over the next few weeks.


Astrology is all about cycles. An astrologer looks at the cyclical relationship of planets to see where we are in the cycle, where we came from and where we get to go next. Certain points in time are more “juicy” than others ~ times like right now. We are at a crossroads, a point of choice. We are at the decision point of taking action and acquiring consciousness in the 20 year cycle between Jupiter, our gifts, luck, relationships and optimism and Saturn, our karma, restrictions, fears and life’s work. We only get through three or four Jupiter Saturn cycles in our life span of  60 to 80 years. The first cycle, you lived through and watched your parents act it out for you. Cycles two, three and perhaps most of four, you get to take charge of in some way or form. This YEAR is one of those critical times ~ but you knew that already didn’t you? Kind of been feeling it burbling down there just below the level of your skin? That jumpy something big is coming energy.


Our current Jupiter Saturn cycle started back in May of 2000. The pitching energy of the universe is turning to you THIS YEAR and asking you how you want your life to turn out, turn into, become or create over the next 15 years.  Yep, 15 years. Think of it as a cosmic baseball game. You are up at bat from August 2005 until October 2006. You have one strike under your belt from December 17, 2005 and a bunch of balls that you swung at, knocked and thus got to keep swinging all fall. The second important ball will fly at you soon ~ around or before June 22, 2006. It can be a home run! Or a strike. Or another foul, perhaps a ball. Not to worry, as the third and final cosmic missile will head your way on October 25, 2006. Between now and October, you can connect with ANY of the balls that fly your way. You won’t be called out until the last ball after October 25, 2006. Don’t be afraid to swing ~ not wildly but using your wisdom, knowledge and experience.


And yes, even if you were always the last one picked for any team, don’t worry. It is your game! It is your life. You are going to be the MVP when it is all said and done. Saturn is your pitcher and he’s going to lob you reasonably easy balls if he thinks you are working and showing up to do your path. Jupiter is the umpire and he’s going to call for you. You’ve been practicing, spent time in the batting cage all fall and are ready to play to win one for your life. Watch Saturn ~ he’s the pitcher. You HAVE to pay attention when Saturn throws the ball your way or Jupiter will call it as a strike! Do SATURN!


Back on May 28, 2000, Jupiter and Saturn joined at 22 Taurus, starting a new 20 year cycle of development for all of us.  All last fall, Mars traveled back and forth in Taurus and stationed on 23 Taurus asking you to evaluate your technique, approach, instincts, structures and skills. All fall you’ve worked with a new batting coach, changed your work out routine, strengthened your hand eye coordination, adjusted your grip, heard motivational tapes and watched baseball videos. Back in fall 1982/spring 1983, you became afraid of Saturn as a pitcher ~ essentially you got hit in the head with a fast ball you didn’t see coming. Or, perhaps, you did see it coming but it hurt like hell to get clobbered byt the damn ball. Now your instincts are honed to duck or pull back if a ball flies through the sky heading for you. No desire to get hurt again, thank you kindly.


Now, I am NOT saying the universe didn’t mean to hit you with a fast ball you didn’t see coming in 1982/83. It did. That was part of your karma. And, I am very sorry you were hurt. I am not sure 100% sure why it happened but 82/83 was essential to make you the person you are today, this very minute. However, please know, the universe didn’t expect you to be quite so bruised, wounded and jittery some 24 years later. The Universe didn’t think you’d take being clobbered quite so hard. Thus, the universe sent last fall’s planetary traffic jam, Medusa, the Bull fight, and the cosmic repeat of your karmic story in a fresh and different way with all new people in slightly different roles. Fall’s purpose was to help you so you can see how you instinctively react in and to your life. How you duck. How you pull back. How you clutch too high on the bat or swing at dropping fast balls you are never going to connect with. Last fall was your cosmic invitation to get back into the ball game. The whole purpose of fall 2005 was for the Universe to make amends for when you got hit with that fast ball in 1982/83. The whole point of fall was to get you ready and trained to play ball this year and, hopefully, for the rest of your life. 


This week, the full moon takes place at 22 Taurus /Scorpio. Sit down, draw the linking parallels between 82/83 and last fall and understand your Saturn and Jupiter lessons. Figure out what the universe is trying to teach you as well as what YOU WANT to do! Under the light of our full moon, your lessons will be lit with a warm cosmic glow that helps you understand how to play the game of your life. In October 2006, Saturn and Jupiter square each other at, yep; you guessed it 23 Leo/Scorpio, for the third and final time. That will be your third strike ~ you can definitely get on base then and maybe even win the game!


Between now and October, the universe is sending you all sorts of energy, pitching you all kinds of balls, asking you to pick who you want on your team, where you want to go, what you want the rest of your life to look like. You can get a home run, or a base hit or whatever, in a few weeks during the next square of Jupiter and Saturn on June 22, 2006. Or you can stand there, holding your bat and have Jupiter call it as Strike Two. You don’t get Strike Three called until October 2006. You might as well play the game, swing at interesting balls and have fun playing with Jupiter and Saturn. They actually aren’t such bad fellows once you get the hang of how to play ball with them. 


Monday, quiet, quiet, quiet. Next to nothing going on except for Moon square Pluto implying a bit of a power struggle with the feminine. And, there is a long void moon most of the day. Peace and quiet? 


Tuesday, Venus is activated big-time. She argues with Ceres, hears wise words from Jupiter and parallels the North node of moving toward your destiny. Our favorite love goddess is moving very fast in Aries. Be prepared to jump on what you want. Pipe right up and ask for it. Might not get it but ask any way. Venus in Aries is often characterized as “Jump ‘em, Hump ‘em and Dump ‘em.” Get ready to jump on it. Or hump it. You can also dump it if you decide you want to. No need to keep it if you don’t want it any more.


Wednesday might bring you a “NO” with Mercury squaring Chiron and arguing with Pluto or a shot t
o some wounded place in your
being. You have 20 seconds to get over it and move along. Way too much stuff going on to focus on that particular “No“. Besides, if you ask the wrong person, they WILL say no. The right person or situation will say YES. Remember the myth of Parsifal ~ how he didn’t get it right the first time he asked either? Parsifal tried again. You know, the little engine than can? Try, try again? If you were this sensitive when you were learning how to walk, you’d still be crawling around on your knees. Up, up, up. Stand back up on your two feet.


Thursday Mercury is going to get information that makes the No from the other day a bit more understandable with all his aspects to Jupiter, Vesta and Juno. Take another swing if Saturn pitches something at you. Venus is sextiling Chiron suggesting you focus on what YOU want, not what the other guy is doing. You can’t control Saturn or Jupiter or that stupid fan in the bleacher yelling at you to “Strike Out Sucker“. This isn’t golf where the crowds are quiet and hushed. This is baseball where the fans scream, throw beer and pick their noses as the heat bakes, the dust flies, the gnats swarm and your sweat drips down your nose. Focus on Saturn. Focus on your bat. Focus on the ball about to come flying at you. Watch Saturn. Ignore that idiot fan ~ his mother wears army boots. At least you are playing in the game!


Friday, be careful out there. Mercury is making an aspect to Neptune suggesting the ball coming at you is a curve ball or has a bit of spit on it to make it spin funny. Mercury making aspects to Uranus suggesting a change is coming or in the works which you‘ll hear about today. Mercury is in a face off with Pluto suggesting you watch your words VERY carefully and negotiate difficult power situations or triangles (you, other, and other) with diplomacy, tact and cautious words. Don’t get hooked on the triangle or power over energy. Mars is negotiating with the mother earth energy to get stuff moving. What? Yes, I know, spit balls ARE against the rules. Spit on the ball makes the ball spin unpredictably. But the Pitcher put spit on it or scratched it with his finger nail when the ump wasn’t looking. It is or will be a crazy, wild ball coming at you. Might even hit you. So be ready to step back. Or duck. Or swing to nick and foul it. Who knows, you might even get a base hit out of it now that you know it is a spit ball. Just watch. Play carefully. Pay attention to Saturn. Work with Saturn consciously. Keep your eyes focused on what YOU want ~ not the other guy‘s agenda. And, if Jupiter calls it Strike Two today, ~ no arguing, pouting or throwing your bat on the ground and stomping your feet at Jupiter. Jupiter’s bad call is reminding you of old childhood issues. It might not be a good call on his part. Please know better than to fight with your mother, the umpire or Jupiter when they call a strike or says no. Turn, adjust your stance, swing your arms to loosen up, shrug your shoulders and reposition your bat to get set for the next pitch. Now, focus all your attention on your Saturn and what you want. Do your Saturn.


Saturday brings the full moon energy to our earth, culminating the journey of the fall. There is a can’t go home or back again quality to the energy with Neptune arguing with Juno and Sun squaring Ceres. Some how, when you weren’t looking you outgrew your old life. Kind of like an old shoes ~ worn, beloved, but they don’t quite fit you the same way they used to. Thank your shoes and start to think about what type of shoes you want for the next part of your journey. Another pair like this? Slightly different? Sneakers perhaps? Maybe flip-flops? A spiky set of Manolos? There is a pilgrimage route through Northern Spain that ends at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. The pilgrims, after walking miles and miles, throw their hiking boots off the cliff and into the sea to celebrate, say they have finished their pilgrimage and arrived successfully at their destination. You probably aren’t going to throw those boots of yours into the ocean until the end of October. But DO start thinking about what kind of shoes or boots you want after you get to the edge of the world and complete your pilgrimage. All things start with the energy of air.


Sunday, Mercury, Mars and the nodes interact with each other as Venus and Jupiter argue and Sun and Saturn light each other up. No, you aren’t going to wear your new hiking boots just yet. Besides, if you wore new hiking boots to walk the rest of the way, you’d get some wicked big old blisters on your feet. You have to break in new shoes! Start breaking in that new life of yours in today ~ like you do new shoes. Just 10 minutes. Walk around the living room. Do what you love. Be your Saturn. Get ready for the ball coming your way. No ducking now.


Mundane: I am anticipating indictments in Plamegate or some similar seismic event with the Bush Administration on the full moon. Lots of changes coming. Interesting that Porter Goss is out as head of the CIA ~ he WAS the guy Dick Cheney said he could work with. I do wish I was a fly on a White House wall sometimes. The various charts are VERY active so this astrologer is quite tuned into how Saturn is going to show up and pitch the curving spit ball at the Bush Administration. Please Jupiter call it as Strike Two!


Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee