Weekly Weather May 7, 2012

Weekly Weather May 7 2012

The eclipses are coming!  The eclipses are coming!

Here we go with the next big chapter of energy clarifying and clearing out the unnecessary, no longer needed, no longer wanted or no longer supposed to be part of your journey stuff, people, situations, papers, relationships, knowledge and energies.   It is time to clear, clear, clear and release, release, release over the next two weeks as we move towards the New Moon eclipse on May 20 at 0 Gemini.  Shred, Shred, Shred.  Get that old energy out of your life. Just shred it right down into manageable threads of detritus and life debris so you can take it out with the trash.

While you might not actually FINISH releasing or shredding in the next two weeks, you WILL get clear on what all needs to roll on out of your life. It is time to let it go so the next chapter of deep connection and profound merging can take place when the Nodes of Destiny and Fate enter Scorpio and Taurus on August 31st followed by Saturn entering Scorpio on October 5th.


The Nodes of Fate entered Gemini and Sagittarius on March 2, 2011 while the eclipses started their magic of change on December 21, 2010 with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 29 of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. We forget the Nodes move slowly BACKWARDS through the sky, illuminating, enlightening and teaching us by helping to reflect and spotlight, in high definition, what we learned as the Sun and Moon kept us moving forward, spinning, and carrying us ahead.  It is kind of a move forward by looking backwards energy.


This week, Venus reaches the degree of her upcoming station for a 43 day retrograde journey in Gemini. Her station is May 15 at 23:59 Gemini.  As Venus stops this week, she squares the degree of the Mars station at 23:05 Virgo on January 24 AND Mercury’s station at 23:51 Pisces on April 4. Those three planets form a stationary mutable sign t-square in the heavens.



The t-square was formed over the past three months by the three personal planets stopping and “sensitizing” the degree of 23.  The three planets  link through time and space, the desire nature of Venus with the action energy of Mars and the emotional, communicative intuition of Mercury.  The output for the t-square is the open leg ~ Sagittarius in this case.  Last summer’s emotional lunar eclipse on June 15 at 24 Sagittarius will be humming and singing a very solid song this week as he receives yet another shot of energy from the t-square.  At the end of June, Saturn will station at 22:46 Libra.  However THIS WEEK, Saturn will start to receive a LONNNNNG slow and deep closing trine from stationary Venus as Saturn is at 23:59 Libra the day of her station next week.  It is time to harvest and release into the world what you created from your various relationships and connections.  It is time for the next phase to begin.


Saturn in Libra asks each of us to work, hard, on what relationships mean in our lives. Essentially, once we get into the world our entire life is about our relationships.  Our chart has houses, areas of life, that describe our relationships to absolutely everything in our world.  Our chart bounces through the world attracting people into our sphere who are able to be described by the transits we are having.  Our entire life is relationships


The purpose of the Sun in your natal chart is to be served and helped in reaching his goals and dreams by the three personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars as well as by your Moon.  When the three personal planets form such a complex and enticing dance in the heavens above our heads, we are each asked to step up and participate in helping our personal dreams come true.  Mercury, Venus and Mars are practically SHOUTING at us to give ourselves permission to go for our dreams.  Remember if it is in your heart, it is in your chart.  Your job now is to figure out the kind of relationship you want to have to your next set of dreams and work on bringing them into form in your life.


If you don’t KNOW what your next set of dreams are just yet, no worries. Venus retrograde for the next 43 days will help clear up the mystery.  She’s going to back up and think about, talk about and connect with old loves, close out old relationships, shred stuff that is or should be finished.  Don’t be surprised if you get some calls or visits from exes or former passions with important  or interesting news.  Take all calls and meetings, if only to see how far you have come since you were with them or loved them.


Mercury enters Taurus this week, solidifying and grounding Venus in Gemini.  She won’t be so fight oriented after Wednesday and will be more grounded, practical and solid in what she wants.   Wednesday is going to be difficult as Capricorn Moon is occulted by Pluto ~  an emotional, authoritarian  power struggle surfaces with a vengeance. Some very dark energy will release.  I think of that energy as swamp gas or similar to when you drive by a skunk road kill.  For a few minutes, the skunk smell kind of permeates everything.  And then, it is gone.  Memorable, difficult but passing.  The skunk or swamp gas smell, in this case, can go on through Thursday until it releases and clears.  It is kind of an evil or dark energy with a touch of despair as it hits you.  Try to take no permanent actions unless you absolutely have to.   While I like to focus on the positive in this column, there ARE dark forces in the world. So call the people you love, particularly the ones who you know are having a tough time right now, and connect with them.  Warn them about the energy ~ it IS fleeting but it will feel like a plunge back into the bad old days….


On the positive side, we CAN harness the energy of the alive skunk and work with it consciously this week:  From the website of Avia Venefica ( http://www.whats-your-sign.com/signs.html) her blog piece about skunks:

Many years ago, I learned the animal symbolism of the skunk first-hand. I was walking through thick woods with my head down. When I looked up to get my bearings I found myself staring directly into the eyes of a very intense looking skunk.

When I say I was seized stiff in my tracks, you know exactly what I mean. Who among us doesn’t know the capability of the skunk? Not many.

Of course a chunk of animal symbolism of the skunk deals with the pungent odor of its spray let off when it’s threatened.

Just think what a remarkable defense mechanism: Nonviolent, passive, effective. The skunk sends a message to would-be predators: “Nothing personal, just back off and nobody gets hurt.”

This unique method of self-protection and the way a skunk handles its predators is symbolic of:

  • Defense
  • Prudence
  • Protection
  • Confidence
  • Awareness
  • Pacification
  • Effectiveness
  • Good judgment

We would all do well to take this animal symbolism from the skunk: Do no harm. Indeed, as a totem animal, the skunk asks us to defend ourselves effectively, without causing further conflict.

Interestingly, the skunk would prefer to be even less assertive. You see, it takes over a week to reproduce its stinky juices after using them (their glands are only good for about 4 sprays). Ergo, the skunk is 100% sure it must spray before doing so as this defense tool is a commodity in the wild – not to be wasted on false alarms.

In recognizing this, we see the skunk is the ultimate pacifist, and by adopting its peace-loving ways we may obtain the carefree lifestyle this creature enjoys.

Carefree indeed, the skunk has very few predators because most of the animal kingdom recognizes its tell-tale markings and know from wildlife scuttlebutt the skunk is not to be fooled with. As such, the skunk goes about its business with aplomb, and has an innocent quality that few wild creatures have the luxury of exhibiting. Those with the skunk as their animal totem are naturally buoyant. They go through life with a calm assurance, and exude a peaceful energy that is extremely attractive to others.

Call upon the spirit of the skunk when you need quality judgment in a situation – particularly if you’re in a stressful state, or someone is pushing your buttons. The skunk will ease you out of the situation with deft and diplomacy. The skunk can also help calm jangled nerves, and help to center ourselves into a quiet, peaceful state. The skunk is happy to heed your call for help. Just remember to respect the skunk and express your thanks for the guidance and assistance.

Oh, what happened when I met that skunk in the woods long ago? He didn’t spray me, although he was certainly prepared. We just kept our eyes locked on each other (his were a soft yet intensely deep brown, my eyes are brown too – but I’m sure my gaze didn’t appear nearly as righteous as his – I was, after all, intruding on his turf). I slowly and quietly took steps backwards until I was at a safe distance to retreat altogether. The whole time we kept staring into each other’s eyes. It was odd, eerie, and exciting all at once.

That skunk was so majestic and regal in his stance – holding his ground – fearing nothing, least of all me. I certainly backed away (literally) from the meeting with a new found respect for this creature, and derived a deeper sense of the symbolic meaning of the skunk to boot!


We are in a releasing disseminating emotional phase of the moon, ending a 29 years of karma around our connections and relationships.  We are letting new forms of relationships come into our lives…  But first we have to understand the old relationships, clear them out or modify if needed, and then we are ready to embrace the new vision coming in.

No regrets about what or who you loved.  The relationships in your life served their purpose to get you to where you are now.  Now you need to take that wisdom earned from all your various relationships, tie the good parts together and harness them, notice and let go of the fears created by the bad parts and focus your attention on the future.  To inspire you in a kind of harsh week, I offer the song “I was here!” sung by Beyonce… my favorite Virgo with her powerful Scorpio Moon and Mercury/ Venus/ Jupiter/ Saturn/ Pluto in Libra.


I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time

Know there was something that I did, and something that I left behind

When I leave this world, I’ll leave no regrets

Leave something to remember, so they won’t forget


I was here

I lived, I loved

I was here

I did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted

And it was more than I thought it would be

I will leave my mark so everyone will know

I was here


I want to say I lived each day, until I die

And know that I meant something in, somebody’s life

The hearts I have touched, will be the proof that I leave

That I made a difference, and this world will see



I was here

I lived, I loved

I was here

I did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted

And it was more than I thought it would be


I will leave my mark so everyone will know

I just want them to know

That I gave my all, did my best

Brought someone to happiness

Left this world a little better just because

I was here


I was here

I lived, I loved

I was here

I did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted

And it was more than I thought it would be

I will leave my mark so everyone will know I was here



Void Moons This Week

9:34 pm EDT Tuesday May 8 to 10:00 pm EDT

3:11 pm EDT Thursday May 10 to 1:03 am EDT Friday May 11

8:52 pm EDT Saturday May 12 to 7:42 am EDT Sunday May 13.



Moon’s day Monday May 7 finds the Moon in Sagittarius with lovely closing aspects of a trine to fiery Aries Mercury on Tuesday night. You’ll feel inspired by this energy to push things along. Neptune has a sextile to Vesta so it is easy to imagine where you want to go or change with the energy of the moon.  You can kind of leap out of bed, raring to go with the Moon’s square to Mars in Virgo and trine to Uranus ~ cautious driving to work as others are feeling this energy too as impatience to get busy and going. It is a passionate and crazy kind of energy. Mercury’s opposition to Apollon offers important information about the kings or the leaders stepping down or being kicked out of power. France’s elections removed Sarkozy from power and the Greek elections resulted in no political party with enough votes to form a government. Voters punished the parties responsible for highly unpopular austerity measures instituted to prevent Greece from defaulting on its massive debts and exiting the euro currency bloc. Taurus Jupiter’s semi-square to Aries Uranus give us a wild ride today. Your personal king ~ as in boss or authority ~ can be facing some serious problems… (see the skunk reference above).  Be calm like a skunk. Only use your powerful spray if you absolutely have to….


Mars’ Day Tuesday May 8 Moon continues in Sagittarius to inspire us with new visions, ideas and thoughts as Sun approaches his conjunction with Jupiter towards the end of the week.  The magnificent grand trine in earth between Mars the planet of action settling down to serious work as Mercury enters Taurus to Pluto in Capricorn the planet of transformation and evolution, and a quadruple shot in Taurus ~ Vesta changing home and hearth, Ceres amplifying up our creative juices, Sun focusing on the purpose of your existence and the Jupiter the planet of abundance expanding it all.  Think of the energy as a summation of what you’ve gone through for the past two years combined with a quick peak at your future IF THINGS REMAIN UNCHANGED.  (That is why you can be depressed the next two days when Moon hits Capricorn.)  Our charts are a combination of offers given by the universe and accepted by us.  If we pass on things out of fear, we lose.  So take heart, go for your best life and understand HOW you got to where you are based on the previous choices made.  I was raised a Catholic so there is ALWAYS room for redemption and forgiveness ~ that sinner to the side of Jesus hanging on the cross asked for and received forgiveness.  So redemption is always a possibility.  Go forth and sin no more ~ or perhaps better said ~ go forth and FEAR no more.  FEAR is actually a way of sinning against ourselves because it freezes us in our tracks.  So embrace your life and the relationships you want to create in your world with love and gusto.  No more fear! That said, you could have had wicked scary nightmares last night which haunt you upon awakening.  Sun’s aspect to the Nodes of Fate remind us of our axis of choice.  We can choose the monkey mind that mocks us or repeats, over and over and over, the fears we learned in our life time. OR ~ big OR here! ~ we can move towards a new or revised or improved/changed vision of our life by heading towards the North Node in Sagittarius.  And if you are afraid, HUM!  Humming a tune, whistling a song, clears the mind and prevents worry from being able to roost in it.



Mercury’s day Wednesday May 9  Moon in Capricorn is harsh as she enters and rolls through the grand trine in earth with a crabby closing aspect to Saturn.  Harness the Moon to get some serious work done instead of listening to her trash talk you, your life and your previous choices.  There is a pickup basketball game on West 4th Street and Sixth Avenue in the city.  My sister loves to hang on the fence and listen to them all trash talk each other as they play and try to get psychological advantages over each other. Today and Thursday are great days to trash talk yourself ~ you are too old, too young, too ugly, too pretty, too stupid, too smart, too fat, too thin, too hairy, too bald, too tall, too short, too out of shape, too in shape, too stuck, too frozen, too out of the loop, too past your prime.  You get the idea.  The curly haired people want straight hair, the straight haired people want curly hair. We are monkey minds that way ~ we see what we DON’T have rather than celebrating and working with what we do have. Mercury enters Taurus ~ a new way of talking to yourself begins in an attempt to form a new rut in your brain. Make it a healthy, happy talk rut instead of a trash talking rut.  Mercury in Fixed earth is helping Venus and Mars focus and ground on what they want.  Venus in Gemini ~ even as she stations to go retrograde ~ is bossing around Saturn in Libra.  My old boss used to say “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right!” Self-fulfilling prophecies abound.  And, if you don’t like what someone trash talked to you, discard it.  Don’t hold on to it like a worried old fart.  PUT IT DOWN. That is THEIR interpretation of YOUR life and YOUR choices.  What is YOUR vision of what went on? Be nice to yourself.  Your chart exists to give you the experiences you had so you could learn and grow.  You didn’t stop walking when you fell down when you were two.  Why stop yourself now? Walk towards your life already! Adjust your vision or interpretations of what went on.  Mars sesquiquadrate Eris suggest you can REALLY trash talk yourself today.  Don’t do it. And don’t listen to trash talk if you hear it. Or if you can’t avoid hearing it, don’t let the trash talk affect your game.


Jupiter’s Day, Thursday May 10 Part two of Trash talking with Capricorn Moon moving through that grand trine in earth. Moon is in detriment in Capricorn as it offers little more than enough food to keep you alive and puts some clothes on your back while it works. Today if you let some trash talking get the best of your yesterday, call some one and ask them to help you shred it…. Get the RANGE of  possibilities instead of the one or two that were presented to you.  It is a big wide world out there ~ see patterns in your choices.  Mercury’s sextile to Neptune suggests you keep your own counsel and work on the project by yourself, silently.  Mercury is in earth now. “Actions speak louder than words”, so it is time for a musical interlude from Jonathan Larson’s “Tick, Tick Boom” to help us focus.



Venus’ Day, Friday May 11 Moon in Aquarius has a lovely closing trine to Saturn offering a higher vision with the air closing trine ~ continuing to positive talk your vision is how to proceed with this energy.  The past two days of sadness shift off….Mercury connects with Vesta offering solid grounding in how to proceed with your home and hearth projects. Aquarius Moon makes it a great day for connecting with friends and groups of people you enjoy. Saturn’s stressful aspect to Chiron invites you to revisit those old scars and war wounds in your soul to revision them as marks of how much you’ve lived and loved and been part of the world. Remember the GOOD parts of the bad situations. There WERE good parts ~ that is why you were there and what you got from those times. If it was completely bad, with no redeeming factors what so ever, just notice what that bad created in YOU that is good. (and pay attention to the not so good~ it WAS wounding ~ to release the fear part).  Your search for something better to survive that situation and ultimately grow to FLOURISH beyond it is the point of the journey of your life.  Mercury’s hard aspect to the Nodes offers a half-empty/half-full glass…. The glass still has something in it!  And, if you focus on it you can add more or dump out the rest and move on.  Choices. Choices. Shred. Shred. Shred. Sing. Laugh. Be joyous.


Saturn’s Day Saturday May 12  Moon in Aquarius with lovely closing aspects offers us a group or tribal connection that is fun, laugh filled and creative. Jupiter joins up with Sedna the Goddess of the Oceans suggesting swelling emotions.  Sun has a semi-square to Uranus ~ go check out Disney’s new movie Chimpanzee to see how the tribe and others can help nurture us when our own mother is no longer able to raise us. Mercury’s sesquiquadrate to Cupido offers us an understanding of all the different tribes and villages that helped raise us to be who we are today. Pluto’s sextile to Chiron is very creative and fertile in helping healing things grow. Now, we in our wisdom, get to help raise them!  Enjoy connections that inspire you today.


Sun’s day Sunday May 13 Moon in Pisces offers lovely opportunities for good feelings and connections. This is a great day to plant things in your physical garden as well as in your emotional garden as Pisces Moon softens up that grand trine energy in earth.  On Mother’s Day when I was a kid, we would go plant shopping as the danger of frost had passed.  My mother always picked out a lovely bright pink, hanging, flowering plant that hung outside the kitchen window where we ate our meals.  In fact, my mother’s mother painted that trellis and the hanging plants on it. Beautify your home.  Mother’s day invites us each to connect back with the woman whose body brought us into the world. Make sure to thank the women who have nurtured you that were not your physical mother. Sun joins with Jupiter offering a shot of happiness, connections and good narcissism and hedonism ~ yes the world exists just for your pleasure.  Examine how lucky you have been in your life. Continue to shred and release what you no longer need. Allergies can flair today with the pollen or mold count a bit high. You will have a burst of energy that inspires you to write, take action or do something deeply productive and satisfying as Mercury in Taurus trines Mars in Virgo. Remember the personal planets above our heads are inspiring our own personal planets to take action towards our dreams.  The old dream cleared out as the Nodes of Fate moved through Sagittarius. Now there is room to plant the new dream.  Adjust. Adjust. Shred. Shred. Release. Release. Plant in the cleared spaces in your life. Mercury next talks to Venus at the degree of her station.  You have 43 days, starting this coming Tuesday to tweak, push, pull and align your  life and desires with your new dream.  Get ready to get busy.


The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming!

Copy right © 2012 A. C. Ortelee