Weekly Weather May 26, 2014
I don’t know how the heck it got to be Memorial Day already, but it is! The beginning of summer! Woo hoo! It is the beginning of a lot of other things too. This is a big week!
Mars is now officially moving forward. He turned direct last Monday, May 19. People made big changes in their lives in the last two weeks as Mars stopped and pivoted in the sky.
Mars is going forward and will start moving at a pretty good clip. Mars picks up energy as he retraces his steps for the third time. And, as Mars retraces his steps, we are going to retrace our steps!
First, we are back to review the story from December 25 to March 1. Think about what was going on in your life right around Christmas and until March 1. Mars travelled direct through the degrees in December, January, and February. On March 1, he stopped and went backwards over the degrees in March, April, and May. Now, Mars is going over the degrees for a third time.
It’s like highlighting in a book. Remember when you studied and you highlighted a sentence that was meaningful or important? That’s what’s happening in the sky and in your chart. Mars is saying to you, this whole chunk and section of heaven, this part of the Libra-land is really meaningful to and for you. I want you to go over the story three times – not once, not twice, but three times, so you get the message.
We hear three a lot: three wishes, three bowls of porridge, three little pigs, three times the cock crows. We know, instinctively, on the third pass, we are supposed to get it. So, if we don’t figure it out between now and the end of July, we’re going to be stuck with whatever we didn’t figure out for the next 29 years (or subset thereof). So your job this week and next week is to pay attention!
At the same time that Mars retraces HIS steps, Mercury is going to go retrograde. Mercury is asking you to review the decisions you have made while Mars has been in Libra, giving you yet one more opportunity to adjust and change things so you get it right. NO PRESSURE! The next 29 years of your life are riding on the decisions you make in the next three months! No pressure at all!
Last Friday, Mercury entered his shadow and told us, “Ah, now we’re going to be reviewing the decisions made. We’re going to look at the decisions from an intellectual point of view.” Then, this week on Thursday, when Mercury goes into Cancer, Mercury is going to ask you to look at your decisions from an emotional point of view.
Last year, all the Mercury retrogrades were in Water, so they were all emotional. This year, the retrogrades are in a combination of Air and Water. We start out with an intellectual decision, and then we get to the emotions behind the decision. And then we go, “Now that I feel the emotions, maybe I want to change my mind.” And then we go, “Okay, I’m going to change my mind.” And then we go, “Is this really what I want?” So we’re going to go back and forth a lot, making intellectual and emotional decisions during the month of June.
As Mars continues to go forward between 4 and 26 Libra during May, June, and July – Mercury is going to say to Mars, “I know you made this decision but is this really what you want?” When Mercury goes direct at the end of June, Mars is going to say, “Oh, for God’s sakes, I’m so sick and tired of talking about this – this is exactly what I want!” Prepare yourself for a month of back and forth indecisions, even though Mars is going forward.
We are still tweaking our decisions as Mercury travels between Air and Water. We’re still coming up with new ideas, new ways of thinking about things, and new ways of looking.
I got a beautiful email from one of my favorite clients, Cathy, about memoirs.
My cousin is an expert on Virginia Woolf and is presenting at a conference of other experts. In her sharing about her writing and Woolf’s view of memoir, she explained in memoir your memories are your own. No one else’s May dispute your memory with Their remembered facts.
The second is Woolf’s notion that the passage of time Changes your experience of the actual Event. Your memory does not reflect your experience as it happened.
Now the memory / memoir thing is freeing because my memories do not have to JIVE with theirs. And I no longer must accept the Definitions I have been given if they DO NOT reflect the realities of how I see myself or my memories. I can have my own Point of view, identity, preferences and memories. I can write (and live) from those. No one needs to agree or approve, of the content!
They also have made me realize my NEED and Right as a human being to choose to step away from their memories and into the reflection of my OWN life. I know it is late in life to do so but better late than never!
Our memories are OURS, not our family members’ memories. It’s your memory, it’s not their memory. We’re going to have big revelations about the memories in our lives and the decisions we made BASED ON OUR MEMORIES. People are going to be revealing big secrets to you, secrets that make you change how you think about things. People will be revealing things that make you look at your memories in a different way. Once the new reveal happens, ask yourself what would have happened if you had known this when you were younger? How would your life have been different?
Mercury in Cancer includes the feelings behind the words. For example – “I’m tired.” You say it, your partner says it, your friends and kids say it. Now, elaborate on the word “tired.” “I’m tired like if I sat down for five minutes and had a cup of tea, I’d feel better and be ready to go.” “I’m tired like I got run over by a truck and I need to go to sleep.” “I’m tired like I want to go to bed for the rest of the month.” Very different expressions of the same word: Tired. The emotions inform the understanding, experience and memory of it.
What we did was add an emotional descriptive to the commonly used word. This week, add emotions to your words. Have ready examples and metaphors to help people understand what you’re trying to say.
This is true confession time. How it went down. Why went down the way it did. Why it happened the way it happened.
People are actually almost unconscious of Mars in Libra. They have gone through pass one, pass two, and now pass three of Mars in Libra. People are fessing stuff up.
Mars in Libra wants to be in a relationship, however, it’s not paying attention to what it’s saying. Mars says stuff, then it comes in and reverbs on your insides. You will go “wow!” The whole inside of you will be vibrating. That’s the next two to three weeks ahead.
Mars is going direct for the third time. He says, “I want you so sick and tired of me being in Libra that you just fess up what it is that you need in relationship. Blurt it out!” Watch for the blurts, your own and other peoples.
The Week’s Planetary Highlights
Sun is traveling between 5 and 10 ½ Gemini. Big Sun aspects this week are square to Neptune on May 28 and trine to Mars on May 31. The square to Neptune allows you to see something you never saw before as a dream falls apart, changes radically, or comes true. The trine to Mars encourages us to take positive action around decisions we have been making with Mars retrograde.
Mercury aspects the Nodes of Fate, making important choices, on May 26. He has an important meeting with Venus on May 28, where the two of them plot strategy for his upcoming retrograde. And on May 29, he enters Cancer, encouraging us to supplement our words with emotional content and descriptive metaphors. Mercury is in his shadow now, so the stories you are working with are what you are going to be working with all of June while he is retrograde.
Venus dives into the South Node of endings and releasing on May 27 and May 31. Think Part 1, Part 2, release. Both should be significant changes in your understanding of your value, your finances, money, and love. Relationships often end on these aspects. Venus enters Taurus on May 28 for 26 days of expansive expression in a sign that she loves. This also makes Mars more stubborn, so people will dig in to their bunkers after the May 28. You are going to be separating from a group or tribe this week also.
Mars moves on Monday, May 26, trying to find a new home.
Jupiter forms a new partnership on May 31.
Saturn ends a partnership on May 28.
Uranus is explosive on May 26.
With Neptune squaring Hygeia on May 28, a summer cold can arrive that makes you take to your bed or nurture yourself in a nicer way.
Vesta stations direct on May 27 at 16 Libra and Ceres stations direct on June 1 at 18 Libra making a creative partnership around the home and hearth possible. Are you moving in?
Juno ends a partnership on May 27. She’s tired of always taking care of other people.
Pluto is quiet this week.
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
On Tuesday, May 27, at 5:10 am EDT, Moon goes void with a sextile to Jupiter. Moon is void all day Tuesday.
Moon enters Gemini on Wednesday, May 28 at 12:48 am EDT.
Moon goes void with a sextile to Uranus on Thursday, May 29 at 5:59 am EDT. Moon is void all day Thursday.
Moon enters Cancer on Friday, May 30, at 10:14 am EDT.
Moon goes void on Sunday, June 1 with a conjunction to Jupiter. Moon enters Leo on Sunday, June 1 at 9:44 pm EDT. Moon is void all day Sunday.
There is a New Moon this week. We LOVE New Moons. They give us a new beginning. This New Moon is on Wednesday the May 28 at 7:21 Gemini. The Sabian Image is: “Around a closed-down factory, strikers mill defiantly.” So we can expect a stand-off, energetically. Gemini Moon and Sun are about the possibilities. This New Moon, happening somewhere in your chart, in the air sign of Gemini is about beginning denied but wanting to strike. At any rate, understand that part of our job with Mercury-New Moon and the Neptune square is to understand, if the plant shuts down, and you’re milling about defiantly, there’s an energy of stand-off which can be used some place else! Or you can be defiant and strike!
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian image “Around a closed-down factory, strikers mill defiantly.” Or AROUSED STRIKERS SURROUND A FACTORY
Commentary: ‘Aroused Strikers Surround a Factory’, they are obviously unhappy with their work, their pay or their conditions, and they are now on ‘Strike’. In some measure, they are not putting up with what they’re receiving for their efforts. For the moment, the disagreement has stopped anyone from benefiting from anything at all as events have come to a standstill. This Symbol pictures a dramatic type of power struggle where there is a disagreement over how something of value is to be shared. It may be about work conditions, or the distribution of wealth that results from the work that they are expected to do. What is their incentive for putting in the effort? The ‘Strikers’ may be calm, but all hell could break loose, turning into a full-blown demonstration with placards, yelling and violence.
Oracle: What is really needed is a discussion over the need for one’s rights to be heard and hopefully worked out. There is an obvious imbalance of power and now it is time to consider what negotiations can be made. It may be difficult to find creative solutions, but that is probably what is needed now. If you are in a situation where you need to stand up for your rights, or entitlements, or for those of a group, you will probably need the support of others. This could be your co-workers, friends or family. Try to enlist the help of those who feel the same as you do, but at the same time take great care to be sure that the cause is justified. There is an element of both imbalance and emotion here. Is what’s being said really being heard by those who need to hear? Are the ‘Strikers’ asking too much? Justice can only come through negotiation, mutual consideration and a just sharing of rewards. Once this accomplished, everyone can come back together, working towards common goals in a more satisfying atmosphere.
Keywords: Bargaining to find more equitable solutions. Demanding better rights and conditions. Comradeship. Disruption of the normal flow. Not wanting to contribute or work. The need to take time out to consider one’s position. Taking action or refusing to act. Strikes and strikers. Demonstrations. Peace rallies. Standing up for others. Scab labor. Sweat shops. Slave labor. Strikes. Bosses. Workers. Placard waving.
The Caution: Being obsessed with what is desired. Refusing any compromises. Going without one’s due in order to protest. Being locked out of situations because of one’s actions or attitude. Being left out in the street. Greedy behavior. Asking for more than one’s share. Being overworked and underpaid
If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play. John Cleese
I have long been of the opinion that if work were such a splendid thing the rich would have kept more of it for themselves. Bruce Grocott
Man’s biggest mistake is to believe that he’s working for someone else. Nashua Cavalier
Human beings are so made that the ones who do the crushing feel nothing; it is the person crushed who feels what is happening. Unless one has placed oneself on the side of the oppressed, to feel with them, one cannot understand. Simone Weil
Strike while the iron is hot. Traditional Proverb
Personal Note: I continue to heal, albeit at my foot’s pace. I’ve decided my foot knows what she is doing. She throbs when she’s annoyed with me. She curls up happy and content when I keep her elevated. I stopped saying healing slowly. I am healing at my foot’s pace.
I am weaning off the Percocet in the days so am able to see clients while drug free. I am not back to my exalted Mars in Capricorn energy yet! I am learning to appreciate all the things I’ve taken for granted. Stitches are out. Cast is off ~ boot is on and, blessedly, off at night. Still 80% elevated foot. Delicious and healthy food. Happy bowels that are drug free. Cats purring. Fans moving the air. Clean hair. Those things are WONDERFUL!
Thank you again for all for the prayers, white light, good wishes and Reiki. Thanks to all for the love, comfort, food deliveries, presents, lilacs, in person visits, emails and phone calls. Heal little foot bones, heal! Mend little Lis Fran tendons mend!
Keep the prayers, white light, good wishes and reiki coming! It is most appreciated! Thank you all for your love, kindness, get well wishes and cards too! I feel most loved and very, very blessed…
Memorial Day Moon day Monday May 26, 2014 Moon sextile Neptune in the morning, making emotions deep, strong, and true. Trine to Pluto at the end of the day, reminding us of the people we have loved and lost and of the importance of love and family in our life. Exalted Moon in Taurus reminds us that from the abundance of spring comes the bounty of the summer, though at this moment many plants and flowers are losing their bloom as the petals fall off the trees and cover the ground, as the flowers disappear to be replaced by leaves and the growing work of the summer approaches. You too are getting ready for the growing work of the summer. On Memorial Day, take extra time to appreciate the abundance in your life as well as the ever-present endings.
Mars day Tuesday May 27, 2014 The Moon is in Taurus, void all day with a closing aspect of a sextile to Jupiter, making this an abundant day for information and decisions around financial and emotional, needs. Venus and Juno both aspect the Nodes of Destiny today, asking you to release, for good and for sure, for final and for true, some relationship that is no longer working for you. We’ve been working for a while on getting clear about our relationship stories and how they work and what’s important in them. Now we’re entering a new chapter, where we will be understanding of a different level what is important to us going forward – as opposed to what was important, where we’ve been. Today, Venus and Juno both aspecting the Nodes in a releasing manner, we’re letting go of partnerships and relationships that don’t work for us the way they used to. In the releasing, we create space for the new relationship to arrive. Vesta stations to go direct tonight at 16:24 Libra, encouraging us to focus on what we want our home and hearth and the things that nurture us to look like.
Wednesday Mercury’s day May 28, 2014 Moon is in Gemini with a closing aspect of a sextile to Uranus, offering choice, variety, and abundance. New Moon in Gemini at 2:40 pm EDT. Sabian Image is: “Around a closed-down factory, strikers mill defiantly.” The New Moon is quite powerful, as the Sun and Moon both aspect Neptune, inviting us to work on our dream. Often our dreams aren’t practical, or don’t turn out exactly the way we dreamed them, but having the dream inspires us to go forward. Dream big dreams today. Venus also aspects Neptune, in the dream energy – only she is walking AWAY from the old dream. She may not know what the new dream looks like, or she may know and be enthusiastically heading towards it. Either way, there is an expansion in your idea of what’s possible for yourself as Mercury and Venus work together. A great day to say yes to things that are offered to you, even if you’re not sure how they’re going to turn out – you won’t be sure how they’re going to turn out because of the Neptune aspect – but follow your heart and push forward. Tonight, Venus enters Taurus for 26 days. Taurus is her favorite sign. The world becomes a bit kinder, although the mutual reception with Mars is finished, with the result that she makes Mars a bit more stubborn and prone to digging his heels in. Changes in partnership – either ending or committing with Saturn’s opposition to Juno.
Jupiter’s Day Thursday May 29, 2014 The Moon is in Gemini and goes void with a sextile to Uranus. Mercury enters Cancer for 18 days, including his retrograde in Cancer starting next week. He is asking us to put emotions to our words. It no longer works, just using the word. Add feeling and emotion to express how it’s operating inside of you. Adding emotions helps everybody travel to a deeper understanding. Eris is quite active today, so envy will be pretty prevalent in the world. Fortunately the Moon is void most of the day so nothing will come of it except irritation.
Friday Venus’s Day May 30, 2014 Moon enters Cancer with a closing aspect of a conjunction to Jupiter, making the next few days very abundant and productive, particularly Saturday. Moon and emotions link up with Mercury and Venus to help them create the next level in terms of offers and opportunities. Another excellent day to say yes to the things that are offered to you by the universe. These are very productive aspects. Saturn’s semisextile to Ceres suggests a structural realignment around caretaking and who is in charge of what – but everybody will be happy with their new assignments.
Saturn’s Day Saturday May 31, 2014 Moon is in Cancer with a lovely closing aspect, making today one of the more productive days of the year. Sun and Moon both work with Mars and get an enormous amount accomplished through ego cooperation and emotional distress. Dreams are particularly potent, pay attention upon awakening. They will be instructive on how to move forward. Moon rolls through the separating Cardinal Cross, setting off Pluto and bringing in power struggles midday, but there’s a successful working through of the story this afternoon with a triumph at night. Venus completes her separation from the Nodes by declination midday, wrapping up the story from Monday and Tuesday, when she aspected the Nodes by Zodiac degree. Yes, it really is over, it really is time for you to move on, and you’re ready. Early in the morning, the Nodes aspect Vulcanus, offering a choice of how to proceed. Great opportunities for partnership in late afternoon and early evening and a good time will be had by all.
Sun’s day Sunday June 1, 2014 Moon is void most of the day, still with good closing aspects, but still a productive day for working on and completing projects around the home and hearth. Moon enters Leo and 9:43 pm EDT. Midday, when Venus trines Pallas Athena, you actually understand the inner workings of the patters in your life, you see the underlying warp and woof of the fabric you’ve created. Mid-afternoon, Ceres stations to go direct at 18 Libra, reminding us that what we nurture and feed grows within us. Be very careful and conscious about what you’re nurturing and feeding.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via iTunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: Discussion of the upcoming Mercury retrograde and New Moon in Gemini.
Scorpios Talking: Anne and Michael talked about the world and healing.
The Mary Anne Show: Off because of Memorial day and Anne’s surgery.
Access Astrology: No show – everyone was called away on various missions.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.
CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in! Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung. Working on individuating? Listen in!
Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at sabiansymbols.com
Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee