Our week begins on May 22, 2006 featuring a 5 of experience, change, vitality, courage, adventure and activity and 22 master number of material mastery, intuition, power, independence and the future combined with an 8 of power, succes, and manifestation. Neptune stops and turns back in the heavens at 19:49 Aquarius on Monday. Please, imagine the universe is holding out its warm, safe hand and asking you to take the outstretched paint brush to revise, revisit, redecorate and recreate your shattered or tattered dreams. You know, the secret dreams that seemed to vaporize, the dreams you lost hope in during January’s Venus retrograde. Or maybe you want to take the Universe’s outstretched bubble wand ~ did a dream appear but it seemed too good to be true? It was as fragile as a bubble in the breeze and seems to disappear before you could catch it. No worries. You can create it again. A solid, beautiful bubble that lasts.
Neptune is going to return, backwards, slowly, through the zodiac until October 29, 2006. Neptune invites you to return to your dreams, your sad, torn or battered wisps from January 29, 2006 at the New Moon of 9 Aquarius. Back in January, Neptune rolled over 17:02 Aquarius the degree of his upcoming station in October. Did your dreams fall apart, or coalesce or wobble then? Did your dreams feel impossible to create? Should you, poor pitiful soul that you were, are and will always be pack your dreams away, never to believe in or have them come true?
Well, this astrologer says NO! I want you to take the advice of my favorite drag queen, Blaise Patrice. Slap some make up on your dreams, get your wig out, put those dreams in a tight corset, add a fanny pad or two, enhance the enhance-able, minimize the not so good, less than simply fabulous. Go shopping for bugle beads, glitter and sparkly jewels to decorate your visions, your hopes, your dreams. However, as long as you are sitting on your couch watching TV, and moaning about your fate, nothing much is going to happen. Your dreams aren’t going to knock on your door and walk into your living room. You have to get out in the world so you and your dreams have a chance to find each other!
Next Saturday, on May 27, we have a terrifically awesome (if a bit over the top) new moon at 5:38 Gemini. Our new moon has two, count ‘em, two, out of bounds planets ~ Moon and Mercury. That means the ruler of entire lunation, Mercury, and thus the entire lunation is out of bounds. Out of bounds planets behave like feral critters as in existing in a wild or untamed state, especially having reverted to such a state from domestication. Of or characteristic of a wild animal, savage. The Moon and Mercury are both wild and savage, reverting to a feral state from domestication. In other words, they want what they want when they want it and will bite you very hard if you are not careful. That said, you, a student of the heavens, know all about wild, feral planets. Think of yourself as a planet whisperer ~ able to harness the planet’s energy and direct it to get what you want.
Energetically, our emotions and all Moon things PLUS our thoughts and all Mercury ruled things will be wild, savage, untamed and primal. Anticipate over the top statements, behaviors, emotional outbursts, and pretty bizarre stuff as people lose “control” or revert from a domestic state to feral in your and our world. There is truth hidden in the emotional outbursts ~ what you are seeing or hearing IS part of their nature. Nothing wrong with that, mind you, it IS who they are. Recognize it for what and who it is. Look for the truth, the duality. Look at the BEHAVIOR; not the WORDS. The behavior is where it is at! Always.
Our karmic node of destiny stations to go toward his marriage with the world axis on June 22. I want you pushing toward your dreams, no matter how outlandish or over the top they seem to be right now. Push as hard as you can until the Summer Solstice. Do your Saturn! No whining. No distractions. No woe is me. Work toward your dreams. And, IF any of your friends give you a hard time about the feasibility of your dreams, don’t tell them!! You absolutely do NOT need any negative input. You are way too sensitive. Way over the top yourself! Seek to support yourself by seeking out supportive folks and activities. Remember drugs, food and alcohol do not count as supportive activities ~ there is a tendency at times like this to regress into bad old behaviors! Work toward your dream stone cold sober ~ Step by Step. Inch by Inch. Bit by bit.
Frogs dropped into boiling water will immediately hop right out. Frogs placed in water that is slowly heated to a boil, will stay in the pot, happily swimming around until they are boiled to death. I want you taking the temperature of your pot of water for the next few weeks until June 22. You can hop out of your pot! You do not need to be boiled to death! You’ve been swimming in your pot for a while now. Your water is getting hotter. Choice time. Fear or love, baby. Actions speak louder than words. Work toward your dreams. Work toward your DO want list. Jump, frog, jump.
Monday, Neptune and the nodes station, pivoting in the sky. It is a waning moon all week toward a powerful new moon on Saturday so focus on releasing stuff that holds you back from following your dreams. Or at least make a list of the stuff you need to let go of. Use Mercury sextile Saturn to break your enormous pile into teeny, tiny, cute, little manageable bits. Rome wasn’t built in day.
Tuesday is a grumbley, cranky, irritable kind of day. Mercury is arguing with Venus and Mars. Venus is fighting with Mars about going for what she wants versus his desire to be safe and secure and cosy. Oh, please, if you spent half the energy working toward what you want instead of worrying about what will happen IF, you’d have it by now! Will you get out of your own way? Is it time to put a rubber band back onto your wrist and snap it when you think negative thoughts? No, you’d probably snap your hand off your arm by the end of the day! Snap, snap, snap!
Wednesday, Mercury “gets” it on an important level. He’s about to go out of bounds, freeing him from his constraints to Sun’s rules and regulations. Mercury looks CLEARLY at what he’s been partnering with. THEN Mercury understands how agreeing to the relationship, the domestication, the security, the taming, got him where is he right now ~ to the wounded state he’s been struggling to understand since last fall. As Mercury aspects Jupiter in Scorpio, understanding brings wisdom on how to change things ~ not perfectly perhaps, but an adjustment of sorts.
Thursday, don’t worry if you didn’t figure it out yesterday! Mercury is a busy fellow for the rest of the week. He’s out of bounds so his head is above the crowds, over their heads. Mercury can see clearly. When he and Moon meet up after Saturday’s new moon, I’d be shocked if Mercury doesn’t tell Moon what he saw. Then, boy oh boy, is Moon ever going to react!
Extreme Heightened Emotion Alert for the rest of the week! In the meantime, do work on a physical level to release stuff you don’t want, love or need any more ~ work on a physical level to move forward toward your do want list. Venus’ fire trine to Pluto suggests your vision clears a bit and you see, lit up by a giant bonfire, what you need to do. Do that! Don’t worry about the rest of what is going on around you.
Friday is a “lose it” day. I wrote a new moon column for Cosmic Path so please go read it. Mercury squares Uranus, argues with Vesta, and dances with the North Node of destiny. Don’t fight with yourself! Focus on your dreams.
Saturday, re-read the new moon column on the Cosmic Path. Our new moon is exceptionally powerful, and both the Moon and the ruler of the Moon are out of bounds, feral and wild as all get out. Vesta enters Leo suggesting you ask for what you want on
the home front. Pluto asks f
or an evolution or change in his partners or relationships. Pluto is in the mood for a WHOPPER of a fight with Mars. You are probably going to have a fight too! I suggest you take that Pluto and Mars energy, re-focus it, constructively, on creating your dreams!
Sunday, thank the heavens, it is a three day weekend! We don’t have to go back to work tomorrow. Sun sextiles Saturn and asks him for a bit of guidance. Saturn obliges. Saturn says the opposite side of what we love most is what we fear most. That is how it is set up. Love and fear are faces of the same coin. If you don’t like fear, flip the coin to love. It is a dual world. Mercury, listening in the corner, says to Neptune “Is it THAT simple?” Neptune nods yes, in a wise, wizen, watery kind of way. Neptune speaks “If you worry about things you can change, change them so you don’t worry. If you worry about things you cannot change, don’t worry because you can’t change them.”
Mundane: Mercury gives us the ability to THINK as we observe behavior to see the behavior for what it is. Mercury gives duality. You have to look at BEHAVIOR as well as listen to WORDS!
Words: Bushism: A philosophy or system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership together with an ideology of belligerent nationalism. A philosophy or system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership together with an ideology of belligerent nationalism.
Behavior: The telephone companies are giving our phone records and internet searches to the NSA/federal government ~ merging of state and business leadership. Check.
Behavior: President Bush gave the telephone companies legal immunity for violating FCC regulations ~ no rule of law just one guy who has absolute authority and supreme jurisdiction over the government of the state. Dictatorship ~ Check.
Behavior: We are going to build a wall across the Mexican Border. (Didn’t Reagan tear DOWN the Berlin Wall?) You are with us or against us. Belligerent Nationalism ~ Check.
Behavior: They say they are right! I would argue for them being extremely wrong, not extremely right. Check.
Behavior: If my friend can track her teenage daughter using global positioning, her home computer, and the kid’s cell phone, do you think our government will be able to track us? Doesn’t our government track our 911 calls with global positioning? Oh, right, they don’t care about little old you or me! They only track terrorists, nasty reporters publishing leaks about what they are doing and people who don’t agree with them. Do you agree with them? Support Bush’s policies? Great, you are not being tracked!
Oops, made a mistake! I used the wrong WORD ~ Bushism should be replaced with Fascism. Fascism is the correct word. Look it up in a dictionary. Jump, frogs, jump! The water is getting hotter. It can happen here.
Words, who cares about the words? The Behavior is where the rubber meets the road!
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee