Weekly Weather May 21, 2012
















Weekly Weather May 21, 2012

The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here! We sit in the middle between two very powerful, life changing eclipses. There is change in the air. It is time for each of us to EVOLVE! Evolution is soooooo much fun!

Last week, Barack Obama said his opinion on gay marriage had “evolved” when he came out for full civil rights, including the right to love and marry who you choose, for all of our citizens. Here we have a sitting President coming out for full civil rights for everyone. How can that be a bad thing? Churches can continue to ban gay marriage ~ separation of church and state right? Technically, marriage is a civil union ~ it offers inheritance rights, health benefits, pension, property ownership, tax laws, insurance, custodial, children, medical proxy, health decision making and not being forced to testify against your spouse in a court of law. These rights come to you and your beloved when you marry them. Two signatures on a marriage license in front of a civil official and “*POOF*” you get a whole bunch of goodies and rights. Again, how can that be a bad thing? Taking a leadership role is what our leaders are supposed to do. Eight long years passed with the AIDS epidemic taking thousands of people’s lives as Ronald Reagan said NOTHING. I am still angry about that LACK of leadership. Marital rights are a VERY big deal ~ witness Robert Kennedy claiming his right to bury his exiled, estranged, soon to be divorced wife’s body for burial at Hyannis Port, MA after she killed herself on the two year anniversary of his filing their divorce petition. Her siblings, who wanted to bury her any place BUT Hyannis Port, were powerless to stop him.


As my friend and student Eileen pointed out, the key word for the moments we are experiencing is “EVOLVE”. We all get to EVOLVE over the next few weeks. Last week, we were pollinated. Now we EVOLVE.


How are you going to evolve?



















Ah a tricky question, that evolution. Remember how short and twisted people’s knickers got into over the concept of evolution when Darwin first published “On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection”? You want to pay CLOSE ATTENTION to how the universe asks you to evolve this week. And recognize your knickers might very well get twisted and caught up in bunches. Take the high road. And don’t be embarrassed to pull your knickers out of your butt crack. It feels MUCH better to walk with the fabric loose and not bundled up into places it doesn’t really fit very well.





From the Internet: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is a slow gradual process. He wrote, “…Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and sure, though slow steps Natural selection is the preservation of a functional advantage that enables a species to compete better in the wild.” Natural selection is the naturalistic equivalent to domestic breeding. Over the centuries, human breeders have produced dramatic changes in domestic animal populations by selecting individuals to breed. Breeders eliminate undesirable traits gradually over time. Similarly, natural selection eliminates inferior species gradually over time. The beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival — a process known as “natural selection.” These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism (not just a variation of the original, but an entirely different creature).



The eclipse and Sun /Moon on the South Node are seeking to extinguish or de-select an inferior set of choices you’ve made. South Nodes release or take away things. Or perhaps better said, the eclipse on the South Node in Gemini will point out where you HAVE A CHOICE of HOW to proceed. The Sun and Moon on the South Node COULD evolve IF you want them to evolve. Essentially, you, as a conscious being, are BOTHG Natural selection AND the Breeder. You can eliminate undesirable traits under this eclipse. You can preserve and encourage beneficial mutations. Once you change, everything changes. So give yourself permission to shift and change under this energy.
















Eclipses act like giant cosmetologists ~ they pick and pop those juicy pimples and boils that are building in pressure in your life This eclipse’s boils or pimples will be taking place in your Gemini house and involves siblings, (miss)- communications, eyes, ears, cars, phones, computers, papers, jumping to conclusions, travel and other areas ruled by either Mercury or Gemini. This eclipse closes up the eclipse energy excited last Christmas. Situations that absolutely have to come to an end will end. Situations that can evolve or change will evolve or change. Give yourself permission to shift your evolutionary path.



One or two little shifts and VOILA, you might have a whole new reality. The weight of ALL the work you’ve done up until now comes to fruition.



Eclipses are also big exit periods for folks hanging onto life tentatively. Disco Queen Donna Summer and the twin, Robin Gibb of the Bee-Gees both passed in the past day or so. We can expect other communicators and Gemini folks to depart. Eclipses can be painful and emotional as they ask us to evolve and change. They bring consciousness by illuminating situations in ways you never quite saw before.


Mercury changes signs this week, entering Gemini on Thursday offering an upbeat shift in the energy. Venus looks to Mercury for instruction on how to proceed. His shift makes all the fixed, solid and immoveable energy suddenly move very fast, quick and be full of all sorts of possibilities. Mercury in Gemini is a shape shifter… he moves from one option to the other ~ back, forth, back and forth again. That will make it difficult to make firm and final choices. No worries. Choose both! At the end of NEXT month, you’ll know which the true choice for your heart is when Mercury enters Leo. Right now, for the next 15 days while Mercury is in Gemini ruling Venus entertain ALL possibilities. Explore EVERY option. Say YES of COURSE! Yes! Ask for what you want. Mercury in Gemini can TALK! Not so good at listening so make sure to add a bit of listening in too. Suddenly there seem to be multiple choices or options before you. Listen to all of them. Then choose. Evolve!


Sun in Gemini meets up with Mercury making you think you definitely think you are right. Be careful as Mercury is a trickster, especially when he is in Gemini. Lots of opportunities for projection. And there is an option to lose something of major importance in your life as Sun dives into the South Node of releasing on Friday May 25. Take immediate action if it involves something of value to you. This is a once a year release of something(s) that block your ego or personal development. Sun diving into the South Node, sheds them easily. When the Sun is in Gemini ~ you can shed TWO things! When I said evolve earlier, I didn’t mention you could evolve by letting something GO and leave you too! But that is a way to evolve. And letting go is an option to explore along with all the others.




Don’t Cry Alone


Robin Gibb sings “Don’t Cry Alone”, his song written for his Titanic Requiem for the 100th year anniversary of her journey.


If your heart is breaking I’m yours whatever.
I will not forsake you ever, don’t cry alone.

Through the autumn rainfalls I’ll be your shoulder;
If the winds of love grow colder, don’t cry alone.

Surely as the sun sets new suns are rising.
As winter herald’s spring’s horizon, don’t cry alone.

Don’t you ever doubt me you lead I will follow. Sweep away all pain and sorrow, don’t cry alone. No, don’t cry alone.

No, don’t you ever doubt me; I’ll be there for you forever.
Don’t you ever cry I’ll sweep away your tears and sorrow
and I’ll be with you close tomorrow.
I’ll be with you don’t cry…alone.
I’m yours. Don’t cry alone.

Void Moons This Week

6:51 pm EDT May 22, Tuesday to 7:31 am EDT May 23, Wednesday

10:34 am EDT May 25, Friday to 6:11 pm EDT
All Day Void Moon

7:54 pm EDT May 27, Sunday to 2:06 am EDT

Moon’s day, Monday May 21 Moon in Gemini has a lovely closing trine to Saturn making the next two days very productive. Pluto’s trine to Vesta offers an opportunity to change your home and hearth to make it more conducive to nurturing you. Mercury’s parallel to Neptune suggests deep and profound emotions that swirl underneath your apparent calm appearance. You are picking up something really important so listen, pause, and pay attention. Neptune can’t speak but like water on a table as a truck rolls by; it is VERY sensitive and jiggles to tell you to pay attention. Mercury is inconjunct Saturn too suggesting your stubborn or immobile approach is not going to work in this instance. Roll. Play. Try on options. You have to adjust. I had a lesson with a student last week and realized that Chiron is on the Antiscia point of Saturn (and vice versa). This thing you are so dug in and being stubborn about is actually YOUR wound, not theirs. Antiscia asks us to see the shadow point of a planet’s energy. So Mercury is inconjunct Chiron by antiscia ~ understand the OLD and deep, hidden, emotional energy of the wound being triggered. Sun’s sextile to Pallas offers a host of ability to see the patterns so you CAN evolve. Pallas on the World axis talks with Gemini Sun and the two of them come up with a few plans ~ Plan A, Plan B, Plan C. Maybe even Plan x. Give yourself room to maneuver and figure out what you want. Mercury is sesquiquadrate to Pluto offering the opportunity to face your demons and find out that they really are not that big. They were big because they were old. As my friend Alisa says, “If it is hysterical, it is historical.” Look at where you are being hysterical. Is it historical? Who, from your history, is it standing behind the person before you? They are NOT the person from your history. They are THEM. They have THEIR own issues that perfectly dovetail with YOUR issues. And that is the beauty of relationships ~ through them we learn Soooooo much about who we are. Release the things from your environment that are harming you.


Mars day, Tuesday May 22 Moon in Gemini continues a busy and productive period as she zooms to a closing trine to Saturn in Libra.  Mercury joins to Jupiter starting a new idea cycle of creativity.  Give yourself permission to say yes to things today.  Sun’s square to Hygeia says you might have been pushing it health wise lately.  You need to take a break today and perhaps head to bed early.  Head for home early to recover your energy.  Eclipses often bring illnesses to the surface ~ call it the eclipse cold. The energy is just exhausting.  Mercury’s union with Admetos says you’ll hear of a permanent ending today.  It is done.


Wednesday Mercury’s day May 23 finds Moon entering Cancer bright and early with hard closing aspects to Saturn and easy closes to Jupiter ~ relationships, relationships, relationships! Sun’s square to Neptune offers us a sense of disappointment or disillusionment OR an upswelling of the new dream that we can take action on and finally see. Or perhaps a bit of both sides of Neptune. The beauty of astrology is there is a range of energies to choose from. Our job is to choose the way we want it to express. Lower form Neptune still seeks to merge with the Divine by dropping the boundaries via drugs or alcohol.  Higher form Neptune has a dream and a vision that call it and inform it HOW to merge with the Divine (by doing the calling) in a productive manner. Neptune is starting a new 14 year dream cycle ~ we all need to focus on our dream of what we want our life to become.  We are finished with the creating the Aquarian tribe dream that ran from 1998 to now, and the creating a Capricorn structure to hold and support yourself from 1984 to 1998 and the Sagittarian vision and wisdom gathering dream of 1970 to 1984.  Now we have the TRUE dream as Neptune is in his own sign. Focus on your dream today.  Give voice to the heartfelt desire you have to partner in a new, different or changed way with the people in your life. Change the game, keep the players. Change the game, change the players. Keep the game, keep the players. Your life. Your call as it is your life. How do you want your dream to come out?


Thursday Jupiter’s day May 24 Moon in Cancer continues to create connections even as she wants to end the relationships that are not productive and encourage the relationships that she loves. Venus works productively with the Goddess of Discord so take proactive action to get things moving the way you want them to move.   Mercury enters Gemini and suddenly the world is full of yes, yes, yes or changes and choice. Again, work with the energy productively and consciously.  It is about evolving. Sun’s declination aspect to Mercury encourages us to believe WE are right and THEY are wrong. Be careful with that energy. Mercury’s subsequent aspect to the Nodes of Fate suggest we can talk ourselves right into or out of what we deeply want.  Acknowledging that you want it is half the battle.  Own your desires. Nothing wrong with feeling how your heart calls you. Mercury again presses against Admetos ~ time for a new structure. It doesn’t matter HOW your rearrange it ~ it simply doesn’t fit in your life any more.  Teaching a pig to sing only annoys the pig and frustrates you.


Venus’ Day Friday May 25 is a long void moon in Cancer, with her entry into Leo in the early evening setting her back on a playful track.  Venus is joined to Saturn by declination  ~ financial, structural and money problems abound.  Mercury, in a very NON-judgmental way, points out where you may be off or not quite connected.  Today, Mercury squares Neptune and again activates the dream energy as he chats up his Uncle in charge of the sea. Chat up people that know lots of cool stuff today.  Chat up anyone you find interesting. It is a great day to learn things and connect with people. Sun connects with the South Node perhaps bringing news of a loss as he dives into the karma spot in the sky’s chart.  Once a year, Sun does this, often releasing things that are finished and no longer productive. Moon’s positive and creative relationship to Jupiter in Taurus offers an opportunity for a deep connection.  Smile at the cute person who is looking at you!  Offer kindness to whoever you meet.



Saturn’s Day Saturday May 26 Moon in Leo is productive and creative.  Expansion is the key word for today. Expand and create. Mercury’s opposition to the North Node of  Fate means words can cause relationships to end.  Be cautious.  People will blow up at the slightest energy.  Moon is feeling frisky so focus on the creative side of the energy, the productive, excited, happy part that moves you forward.



Sunday May 27 Sun’s Day finds Leo Moon with an overdoing square to Jupiter ~ happiness and connection abounds. Pallas is arguing with the nurturing principle ~ they think they know what they are doing so LET THEM DO IT.  You can’t stop them.  You can’t change them. Sun’s union with Mercury makes him combust and mighty powerful as well as completely convinced he is right and you are wrong. Or YOU think you are right and THEY are wrong. Watch out for that trap… there are many versions of truth. Mercury can actually use YOUR words against you so be careful what you say to whom.  Astraea squares Cupido ~ your family tribe is gathering.  Mercury is semi-square to Eris suggesting arguments are a bit futile but at least you have a good time. Return and argue the point again.  Mercury’s union by declination with Neptune offers an ability to enter into a dream like or drugged state. Mercury has a working aspect with Uranus and is quite chatty and connected tonight as he enhances his ideas by sharing them with others.  It is a day and night of brilliant communication and connections. Enjoy.  Explore what your dream is.  What have you learned?




Mundane: Eclipses often trigger major seismic or change events over the area where they travel. This particular eclipse is long and powerful, in totality over Japan and north of San Francisco. It follows the northern part of the “Ring Of Fire” ~ the circle of tectonic plates that encircle the Pacific Ocean on which many, many major earth quakes take place. This eclipse will trigger a powerful earthquake in San Francisco or Tokyo. San Francisco It could happen this week or, more probably, the earth quake will take place during the last week of June 2012. If we look at the eclipse chart cast for San Francisco, it mirrors the earthquake and tsunami chart experienced by Japan last year. The eclipse takes place in the 8th with an Ascendant of 19 Libra on the USA’s Saturn.


From the NASA website: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OH2012.html#SE2012May20A

Annular Solar Eclipse of May 20

The first solar eclipse of 2012 occurs at the Moon’s descending node in central Taurus. An annular eclipse will be visible from a 240 to 300 kilometer-wide track that traverses eastern Asia, the northern Pacific Ocean and the western United States. A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon’s penumbral shadow, that includes much of Asia, the Pacific and the western 2/3 of North America. The annular path begins in southern China at 22:06 UT. Because the Moon passed through apogee one day earlier (May 19 at 16:14 UT), its large distance from Earth produces a wide path of annularity. Traveling eastward, the shadow quickly sweeps along the southern coast of Japan as the central line duration of annularity grows from 4.4 to 5.0 minutes.


Tokyo lies 10 kilometers north of the central line. For the over 10 million residents within the metropolitan area, the annular phase will last 5 minutes beginning at 22:32 UT (on May 21 local times). The annular ring is quite thick because the Moon’s apparent diameter is only 94% that of the Sun. Traveling with a velocity of 1.1 kilometers/second, the antumbral shadow leaves Japan and heads northeast across the Northern Pacific. The instant of greatest eclipse occurs at 23:52:47 UT when the eclipse magnitude reaches 0.9439. At that instant, the duration of annularity is 5 minutes 46 seconds, the path width is 237 kilometers and the Sun is 61° above the flat horizon formed by the open ocean.


The shadow passes just south of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands as the central track slowly curves to the southeast. After a 7000 kilometer-long ocean voyage lasting nearly 2 hours, the antumbra finally reaches land again along the rugged coastlines of southern Oregon and northern California at 01:23 UT (May 20 local time).


Redding, CA lies 30 kilometers south of the central line. Nevertheless, it still experiences an annular phase lasting 4 1/2 minutes beginning at 01:26 UT. It is already late afternoon along this section of the eclipse path. The Sun’s altitude is 20° during the annular phase and decreasing as the track heads southeast. Central Nevada, southern Utah, and northern Arizona are all within the annular path.


By the time the antumbra reaches Albuquerque, NM (01:34 UT), the central duration is still 4 1/2 minutes, but the Sun’s altitude has dropped to 5°. As its leading edge reaches the Texas Panhandle, the shadow is now an elongated ellipse extending all the way to Nevada. Seconds later, the antumbra begins its rise back into space above western Texas as the track and the annular eclipse end.


During the course of its 3.5-hour trajectory, the antumbra’s track is approximately 13,600 kilometers long and covers 0.74% of Earth’s surface area. Partial phases of the eclipse are visible primarily from the USA, Canada, the Pacific and East Asia.
Copyright © 2012 A. C. Ortelee