Our week’s focus is on duality. Mercury, our dual natured communication planet is quite frisky all week, making many aspects, stimulating the first breath of new visions of the possible and creative ideas. Mercury moves from earthy, solid, staid, predictable, instinctual Taurus into his one of his favorite signs, Gemini, on Friday. The Sun moves out of blooming cherry blossom, fertile, abundant Taurus into the variable, changeable, sprouty, air nature of Gemini on Sunday. Before Mercury and the Sun change signs, they join at 27 Taurus to start a new cycle of creation. Venus, ruler of both Sun and Mercury while they are in Taurus, is in passionate, fiery Aries. Venus, fast moving in charge ahead Aries promises creations from the Sun/Mercury conjunction will spark rapidly and blaze out into the world. Mercury and Sun moving out of earth into air announce we have finished with the promising blooms of spring and are settling in to grow fruit or vegetables, put down solid roots and start to expand as we approach the summer’s solstice on June 22nd.
The element of Air is the beginning of a new creative cycle ~ the idea comes first ~ whispering, singing or speaking softly into our ears. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are our zodiac’s Air signs ~ mutable, cardinal and fixed respectively. All air signs are dual in nature ~ changing like the wind does as it blows through our lives. Next, the passion of fire and emotion of water combine their energies with air’s ideas to create every new physical entity we acknowledge as earth energy. Dual signs says things are composed of two parts or sides: light and dark, good and evil, body and spirit, mental and physical, mind and matter. Often we feel we have to “pick” one side of the two apparent opposite positions. Once we have chosen our side, we must defend it, argue for it, guard it, or protect it. Duel, a closely related word, is a prearranged conflict between two persons, fought according to formal procedures with deadly weapons, typically to settle a point of honor or any struggle for ascendancy between two contending persons, groups or ideas.
If we reflect back on our personal stories ~ we often are told, subtlety or not so, which “side” to “pick” to “live happily ever after“. Nevertheless, we forget, or perhaps they do not mention, or it is glossed over, that the victor of any duel gets to write the history the duel. The other person is dead, wounded, or simply gone. Thus, the person telling us the story has an agenda, a belief system, and a vision of how they would like us to behave, believe or be about THEIR version of the dual / duel. We forget we must AGREE with them for their version of reality to become THE truth, our truth, an accepted truth, or a truth that is passed on down through history. Well, that is a bit strong of me. Perhaps better to say we are trained to accept the concept of good and evil, right and wrong, or black and white and the dual nature. Rather than noting the dual nature of every being, entity or conflict AND seeking to understand both sides, we are taught to pick one side over the other. It is SO much easier to pick, to take a side. Straddling and accepting the moving, variable energy of duality is difficult! Besides, when you were a little person AND your authority figures were telling you to pick a particular side, you are going to pick the side they say! Way too scary otherwise!
Chiron stations, in the dual air sign at 9:46 Aquarius, on Monday. Chiron‘s station in the fixed cross wakes up last December’s Taurus Mars station on 8:14 and the Jupiter in Scorpio /Saturn in Leo square at 10:44. It wakes up the upcoming Jupiter /Saturn square at 9:16 on June 22, 2006. Chiron was the apex of 1982/83’s Yod ~ it received all the difficult energy from Saturn, Pluto and Neptune. Chiron was where your soul was struck and wounded in 1982/83 by the fastball thrown by the universe. Chiron was in Taurus in 1982, so his hooves carved a trench in your soul when you were wounded ~ as a shovel digs a ditch in the ground. Earth does not move unless there is an earthquake, volcano or something BIG! Last fall, Mars was in Taurus. Mars can move earth ~ he is Mr. Action in our charts! But Mars has to be instructed ~ BY US ~ to move earth, to pick up a shovel and fill in the trench in your soul left by Chiron‘s hooves.
So let us talk about Chiron. Chiron has moved from a fixed earth sign in 1982 to a fixed air sign in 2006. Chiron in Fixed Air announces the beginning of a new creation cycle that wants to put down solid reliable fixed structures ~ Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius ~ and mark the seasons to bloom, ripen, transform and understand our unique place in the cosmos. During Chiron’s 50 year orbit around the Sun; his odd shaped path meanders back and forth between his father, Saturn and his grandfather, Uranus. Chiron literally bridges the space between the fear, structure and boundaries of Saturn and the unbridled chaos, change, and creation of transpersonal Uranus. Chiron links the former end of the Universe, Saturn, our restrictions, karma and life work with the first of the evolutionary planets, Uranus, the drive for freedom, evolution and change of the collective mind and being. Chiron is a guide on how to work with our family history (his dad is Saturn as ruler of our legacy and family) or karma as he points out how to heal our lineage by going beyond it to help the collective. Chiron is a guide on how heal the collective by understanding and healing our own wounds. After all, Chiron IS the descendant of Saturn and Uranus. You know the sins of the father…. Sins are passed down, from generation to generation, until someone stands up and says “Nope, not passing THAT down to MY kids. It stops here!”
In myth, Chiron was abandoned by his parents. Raised as a foster child by Apollo, Chiron developed his inherited skills, intellect and instinct from Dad Saturn and Mom Sea Nymph. Chiron is where we seek a balance between intellect/ instinct, human/ beast, consciousness /unconsciousness like his half human / half-animal body. Our wound described by our Chiron placement describes our task, what it looks like, how to integrate, understand and master it to bridge our fears. It says where we are supposed to step up to the plate and say “Nope, not going to. Nope, not going to do that NO MORE! Got to go and do it my way.” Our Chiron placement is where we are GIFTED at playing ball, where we CAN heal ourselves or help others heal.
However, I digress. We were hit by that stupid fastball back in 1982/83. The universe did WHACK our soul wound damn hard as Chiron in Taurus absorbed oodles of energy from Neptune, Saturn and Pluto. Now, Chiron IS half beast ~ once burned, beaten or hurt, twice shy. Animals are VERY wary about going near what hurt them. But, WE, lucky humans that we are, have our gift of intellect too! If we can apply our intellect, our understanding of the duality of nature to our wound from 1982, we can see how it contributed to where we are now.
Last week, we practiced working with duality to turn our DO NOT want list into our DO want list. This week, I want you to dig around in your family history lessons, your Chiron, Saturn and Uranus lessons ~ the inherited “wisdom” that was passed or told to you. Remember, you were told only ONE side of a dual (or more) sided story ~ history belongs to the victor or storyteller! I will start you off ~ “People don’t like a smarty pants.” “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven.” “You don’t have good people skills so we aren‘t going to promote you.” Now, write down your particular versions of the “truths“ you were told and came to believe. You know the phrases that pop right out of your head as if you memorized them! Hint ~ you did memorize them!
Next, write down, arguments to count
er those phrases ~ the other
side of the story. “People don’t like a smarty pants if they think they are stupid, less than, not enough or start comparing themselves unfavorably to you. It IS their issue. Of course, if YOU are obnoxious about how smart you are, it will exacerbate their problems with you. But if you are smart, you are smart. It is what you signed up for. Deal with it.” “Perhaps it IS difficult for a rich man to get into heaven, but it says NOTHING about a rich woman does it?” “Will you listen? They just told you they were not going to promote you. You can dance on your head and spit wooden nickels. It isn’t happening. In addition, NO, it does NOT mean you do not have good people skills! They do NOT want to promote you, for whatever reason. They want to engage you in a duel, argue, and prove you are good or not good enough. They want to fight with you. Do you want to engage in a duel with them? YES or NO. Who the hell CARES who wins? It is a big world. Figure out what you want to do and move towards it. Next!” You get the idea. Now do the dual/duel version for your 1982 wound!
Personally, I like duet better than dual/duel ~ a musical composition written for two voices or two instruments with two performers presenting it. Starting this week, sing a different song to yourself ~ for fun. Practice with everyone. If someone sings you his or her old song, just sing back a different version of it. Or sing along with them, complementing their version, expanding it, harmonizing with them to show how they love their song SO MUCH, that they keep singing it, over and over and over! Almost like a mantra. And, AS they sing it over and over and over, they are picking their side of their story, choosing their preferred version. They are creating a vision of reality. We all do it. Encourage them and yourself to straddle the duality of Chiron’s nature rather than staying stuck in the rut of the Chiron wound. Look at the black instead of the white, the light instead of the dark, both the good parts and the evil parts. Understand how the body and spirit interact ~ they aren‘t separate ~ they are dual sides of the same thing. Explore the relationship between the physical and the mental. Learn how matter is created by the mind as well as how matter creates a mind-set of beliefs.
Now, small, teeny, tiny, warnings before you go off singing your duet to the world. When you sing a new song, one that contradicts accepted beliefs, it makes people very, very anxious and, often, quite angry with you. They may shout. Or yell. Or cry. Or burn you at the stake. Or expel you from their club, church, or group. You know how it goes. Study history. Galileo, Darwin, Jesus, Joan of Arc. So, before you start to sing, decide if you want to be part of the club, church or group. Decide what it is YOU want, your do want list. Move toward your do wants, carefully, slowly, singing your part of the duet song. Watch out for the wounded side of the other guy. Remember, if THEY are in a dance with you, you are looking at THEIR wounded animal, their very own, very deep, Chiron, Saturn, Uranus wound. Once burned, twice shy. Try to get them to sing with you instead of shooting at you with their deadly weapons! Hum the tune first. You have until June 22, 2006.
Monday, Chiron stations as Mercury squares Neptune. Start softly with a few bars of your new tune. It IS catchy isn’t it? Nice beat. Hummable.
Tuesday, Mercury joins with stuck old Admetos by conjunction and parallel at 23:28 Taurus. Recognize that degree!? It’s BAaaaaaCK! Time for the lyrics from the South Pacific song. You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear. You’ve got to be taught from year to year. It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear. You’ve got to be carefully taught. Did I mention that Ceres is at 23 Aquarius so both Mercury and Admetos are squaring Ceres? This is an old, old, family song. Do you want to keep singing it or find a song you like better? Did I mention that Mercury is making a fifth harmonic aspect of change to Saturn in Leo? Perhaps your new song might be the Mama‘s and Papa‘s: Nobody can tell ya, there’s only one song worth singing. They may try and sell ya, as it hangs them up to see someone like you. But you’ve gotta make your own kind of music. Sing your own special song. Make your own kind of music even if nobody else sings along.
Wednesday, our song is “Breaking up is hard to do” as the Sun and Mercury inconjunct Pluto. You are breaking up with your past as Neil Sedaka says: Remember when you held me tight, and you kissed me all through the night? Think of all that we’ve been through! Breaking up is hard to do! They say that breaking up is hard to do ~ Now I know, I know that it’s true. Don’t say that this is the end. Instead of breaking up I wish that we were making up again. I beg of you, don’t say goodbye. Can’t we give our love another try? Come on baby, let’s start anew. ‘Cause breaking up is hard to do.
Actually, breaking up might be a bit strong. It IS where you come from, it is NOT going ANYWHERE BUT you CAN change your relationship to it! You can react differently. Starting NOW. You can understand the dual nature of it, why it existed, and what it served. It had a purpose. It did hug and kiss you all through the night. It doesn’t fit too good any more. Yep, it hurt you back in 1982. It is dual in nature. See both sides? As Mars inconjuncts Neptune, understand how it had to be the way it was to get you to where you are now. All part of a cosmic plan, baby. Groovy.
Thursday, Sun and Mercury parallels Saturn as the Sun and Mercury join together join in the sky at yep, you guessed in 27:44 Taurus. It’s BAaaaaCK! Mercury’s aspect to Uranus suggests you get an understanding of how the sins of your grandfather affected your father and thus affected YOU. Or go snooping wherever that Chiron, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto story comes from. Look at the history of who is telling what story to understand their biases! All part of a cosmic plan, baby. Do you see the duality?
Friday, Mercury gets there, into Gemini he goes. Do you see it? The first light of air? A gentle breeze?
Saturday, I know, I know, the Sun at the last degrees of Taurus ~ kicking, struggling, crabby as all get out and not in the mood to change! Here is where and when you need to watch out for a big charge or sudden reaction from your wounded beast, your Chiron, your bull from last fall, or that hussy Medusa dancing and darting to turn you into stone! Quick! Send in Venus in Aries with a song to soothe your/their wounded beast ~ she sextiles Neptune! Focus your Venus, on what you want to create! No being distracted! Get OUT of the bullring silly! You never liked those stupid bullfights! Sing your own kind of song! Mercury is standing by with a noose to throw around Sun in Taurus’s neck as Sun changes signs into airy Gemini tomorrow. Then Mercury will whisper what he figured out into Sun’s ear. In a bit, they can have a few laughs about it once Sun gets over being so pissed off.
Sunday, fingers and toes crossed, you figured it out! Sun enters Gemini so we see the duality of our path. Now you have to practice your duet song until June 22. If you haven’t figured out your song yet, keep gnawing at it like a hungry dog with a bone ~ there is a crack in the bone even if you don‘t see it. Or get out an astrology book to read the white parts of Saturn, not the dark parts. Saturn has white parts you know! Or, on the other hand, you can ask one of your friends! Trust me; they know what your song is. Did you notice your Greek chorus over to the side of the stage? They have been watching you figure your song out since last fall. It is your very own Saturn song. Ready? The whole chorus will sing with you:
Sing, sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong
Sing of good things not bad
Sing of happy not sad.
Sing, sing a song
Make it simple to last
Your whole li
fe long
Don’t worry that it’s not
Good enough for anyone
Else to hear
Just sing, sing a song.
Sing, sing a song
Let the world sing along
Sing of love there could be
Sing for you and for me.
Sing, sing a song
Make it simple to last
Your whole life long
Don’t worry that it’s not
Good enough for anyone
Else to hear
Just sing, sing a song
Mundane: I was loving that Karl Rove told the President he’s getting indicted for Plamegate perjury by Prosecutor Fitzgerald. He will resign when it happens! YEAH! I was NOT loving that these NSA folks have been monitoring our phone records ~ way too Big Brother Fascist stuff for my taste. Ah the dual nature of the Bushies and their buddies. They can do it to us, but we can’t do it to them! That song is going to have to change ….
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee