Weekly Weather May 14, 2012


Pollination Video


Weekly Weather May 14, 2012


The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming!


The theme of our week is pollination. The universe is going to pollinate each of us! We have a mighty powerful new moon Solar eclipse arriving in our charts this week. It will plant powerful set of seeds of life in the very beginning degree of Gemini in each of our charts. The eclipse will let us know that we HAVE A CHOICE! Similar to the plants waiting for the bees and butterflies to arrive, you’ve been waiting for your new life to arrive. The eclipse is full of possibilities and potentials. Below is a video to remind you about the power of pollination….




After you watch the pollination video, reflect on the relationships that have pollinated your life and created growth, fruit, changes, vegetables and abundance within your world. We are pollinated ~ both in good and bad ways ~ by our relationships. The pollen of the relationships creates what we’ve grown in our lives.


Venus draws to a stop on Tuesday at 23:59 Gemini, forming an invisible grand mutable cross with the full Moon eclipse from June 2011, Mercury’s station on April 4 at 23:51 Pisces, Mars station on January 24 at 23:05 Virgo and Saturn’s upcoming three month long pause 22:46 Libra. There is another mutable grand cross in the heavens between Neptune, Ceres, Mars and the Nodes of Fate which will take to vibrating as Venus stirs things up with the invisible grand cross. Venus is also stimulating the lunar eclipse from last summer which took place at 24 Gemini/Sagittarius. Tie the events from those dates together to see the story the universe is attempting to pollinate in your life.



When planets station, they sensitize the station degree until the next time they pass over it. All spring, the personal planets have stationed at the same mutable degree, 22, in the heavens offering us a highly active set of energy forces up there, pushing us to be mutable and change our long existing patterns especially as they relate to what we want to create next in our lives. 22 is a master number which reduces to a 4 of action so we are hearing the mandate for change on all fronts.


Venus will go retrograde until the end of June, asking each of us to look at the various relationships in our lives to see what or where they need to be revised, revisited, changed or evolved. Venus is answering to Mercury in Taurus ~ solid, fixed earth pollination activity. When you watched that little bee pulsing around, milking the pollen or the mama bat, carrying her baby, drinking from the cactus, or the hummingbird defending his flower you understood how everything, literally everything, comes from relationships. All the situations in our lives are based on our relationships to others and the world around us.


The New Moon Annular Solar eclipse on May 20 will plant a powerful new energy into each of our charts at 0:21 Gemini. It is OUR job to help that new energy pollinate so it can then ripen into the fruit and future harvest of your life. The eclipse happens as the Node of Fate get ready to leave Gemini/Sagittarius, the sign of their journey through our chart these past 18 months. The eclipse has a narrow ring of Sun visible behind the masking effects of the New Moon. It will be visible over Tokyo, with a partial eclipse visible over most of Asia, China, Russia and the northwest part of North America in the United States and Canada. It has a wide path and long duration, lasting 5 hours and 53 minutes. Astrological Tradition holds the eclipse energy runs for the length of time in years that it lasts in hours so the events of this eclipse will be quite important in our lives for the next six years.

According to Bernadette Brady’s book, “The Eagle and the Lark, A Textbook of Predictive Astrology”, this eclipse was seeded on August 29, 984. The eclipse family will tend to bring success. There may have been long periods of hard work from which the success has grown. With the Mercury Pluto content, there is also the potential for an obsessive idea to finally be accepted, which then leads to the promised success of Jupiter. During this eclipse, individuals should push for the acceptance of their ideas or methodologies as this eclipse can bring the long awaited breakthrough.


The Sabian Image for the New Moon is A GLASS-BOTTOMED BOAT REVEALS UNDERSEA WONDERS. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of it is:


Commentary: ‘A Glass-Bottomed Boat’ pictures a vessel that enables people to see underwater. It ‘Reveals Undersea Wonders’ – people can observe the marvels of this “other world” through the lens of the glass, whilst remaining safe, dry and at a distance. Without this particular type of “lens”, the ‘Glass’, it would be impossible to see so much or so clearly. The ‘Wonders’ of a normally unobserved world are brought into clearer focus. What is being observed is really quite separate from the observer, and yet it feels so close, almost like one could reach out and touch it.



Oracle: This Symbol implies that you can look at the issues to do with your situation from an uninvolved and yet observing, knowing, perspective. This may be because the situation is separated, or away, from your natural environment anyway. Take some time out to calmly observe what’s going on around you. Things previously unseen or not understood will become evident. A distant, possibly uninvolved position is probably much safer for you as you can observe from a calm and detached perspective. As you have a special lens at your disposal, like the ‘Glass-Bottomed Boat’, you will see much more than you might at first think, especially if you adopt an attitude of actually being able to see through appearances to get to what is actually there and what is really happening. You can get beneath the surface with a little concentration, and there can be incredible rewards if you focus on the task at hand. There are likely to be insights revealed that you could only have imagined before. These things may be revealed in a clairvoyant or intuitive way, with images and thoughts streaming across your mind. Imagine yourself with a new set of glasses or goggles that enable you to see through the apparent surface of things, down into the depths. Marvelous things can be ‘Revealed’ with just a little effort, concentration and focus.



Keywords: Being able to see “within” to forms that are not usually observed by others. Clairvoyance. Observance of psychic phenomena. Connecting with the collective unconscious. Spiritual gifts that enlarge ones perspective. Amusement and wonder at natural beauty. Glass, lenses, refractions of light. Panoramic views. Water. Boats. Vehicles of discovery.



The Caution: Putting up barriers of social safety to avoid involvement in deep emotions. Overemphasis on safety concerns. Watching things from a distance, leading to separation and estrangement. Looking in the wrong direction. Cool, detached attitudes.



A reformer is a guy who rides through the sewer in a glass bottom boat. Mayor Jimmy Walker



There’s none so blind as they that won’t see. Jonathan Swift



“Truth is naturally universal,” said Akananda, “and shines into many different windows, though some of them are clouded.” Anya Seton



The eyes are the window to the soul. Traditional Proverb



Seeing is believing. Traditional Proverb



Meditation is the soul’s perspective glass. Owen Felltham



Nature is the glass reflecting God, as by the sea reflected is the sun, too glorious to be gazed on in its sphere. Brigham Young



Our house is made of glass . . . and our lives are made of glass; and there is nothing we can do to protect ourselves. Joyce Carol Oates



Sun enters Gemini this week, starting the end of Spring in the north and Fall in the south. We are being encouraged by the great light in our lives to entertain choices, options and new ideas.



Two asteroids change signs this week ~ Pallas Athena enters Aries, harnessing her power as a warrior goddess and getting out of the feeling sorry for herself mode of last week. A new strategic cycle of patterns and action begins. Juno goes retrograde back into Scorpio from Sagittarius ~ making partnerships and committed relationships very, very INTENSE instead of free flowing and easy peasy. Oh that Venus in Gemini retrograde is going to be quite fun….


Mercury is exceptionally active AND moving very fast, zipping from 9 Taurus to 22 Taurus just in time for the eclipse ~ yet ANOTHER planet at 22/23 inspiring us to see, and change to partner and create. Mercury in fixed earth is very busy so pay attention to all you hear this week. Mercury’s messages will mean more to you come the fall but Mercury is trying to give you a preview of what you will be evolving toward as he talks with virtually all the generational planets except Saturn who he will argue with NEXT week.


Our outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto have interesting conversations this week. All three of them are answering to stationing Venus in Gemini ruled by Mercury in Taurus. People are going to want firm, firm, fixed commitments this week. It is time. Time to choose. Time to decide. Time to commit and go for your future. Enough with the dilly dallying and indecisiveness. Jupiter in Taurus has an inconjunct or quincunx to Saturn in Libra on May 16th. Then Jupiter has a sesquiquadrate to Pluto on May 17. Jupiter is also at 23 ~ of Taurus ~ as he does this. That 23 stimulates that big imaginary sensitize cross in the heavens at 23.


Jupiter inconjunct Saturn sees the psychological limitations of the relationships in very clear and solid terms. It is a Scorpio shaped inconjunct. Our relationships are influenced by our childhood experiences. That said, we have to grow up. Nothing is perfect. We all have limitations and a desire to stay in our comfort zone. Sometimes we have to change to get what we want. We have to get over our NEGATIVE mother or father or sibling or childhood issues (Saturn) to have the kind of relationships (Jupiter) we SAY we want. Consciousness is part of it. The other part is deliberately giving ourselves permission to go for what we deeply want even if it scares the bejesus out of us.


Jupiter then is sesquiquadrate to Pluto in Capricorn. Sesquiquadrates are composed of squares plus semi-squares. They are stress based aspects that require we take action to resolve. Jupiter working with his brother Pluto suggesting that evolution is possible as long as we are willing to deal with the stress of NOT knowing if it is going to work out or not. You have to believe them when they tell you who they are. That said, you can push a bit, just a bit, to see if they are willing or able to evolve. And give them a bit of time to think about what they actually want. Faced with actually losing the beloved, people can actually step up their game and go for it.


Void Moons This Week
7:59 am EDT Tuesday May 15 to 5:45 pm EDT
5:44 pm EDT Thursday May 17 to 6:03 am EDT Friday May 18
8:35 am EDT Sunday May 20 to 7:05 pm EDT Sunday May 20


Moon Day Monday May 14 finds Moon in Pisces with a lovely closing sextile to the Sun in Taurus making it a mighty fertile day… Venus is stopped in the heavens pushing us to make decisions about and around our relationships. We are ready to go to the next level or kick them to the curb. Not a bone in our body is unclear about the need for change. Mercury has a trine to Pluto, offering powerful words, images or ideas as he reveals in creating a grand earth trine to his buddy the Lord of the Underworld and profound transformation. This is a great pregnancy setup too. Or launching creative projects out into the world over the next few weeks. The old life wants to shift into a new form. Mercury’s sextile to Chiron asks you to understand how the wounded situation before you was created. No judgment on it ~ just make an effort to change it. You might not want to change the players but you DO want to change the game. Or perhaps, you need to pitch out the old players and get new ones. Either way, decisions made under this energy are quite important. Sun’s inconjunct to Saturn suggests the shift is important to process and create under. Give yourself permission to ask for changes in the relationships you have. Or simply start to change yourself. When you change, the relationship changes. It always happens. Often, people sit in my office and go “I want him/her to change.” And I say, “Probably NOT going to happen. However, YOU can change.” So be the change you want to see in the world to quote Gandhi. The ego still wants THEM to change. Changing, well THAT is THEIR decision. But YOU can control YOUR behavior. YOU can change. And it doesn’t require a lot of conversation either. Just start acting differently. In fact, conversations about change are mostly wastes of time. When we talk about it, we feel like we’ve “solved” the problem or “taken action” when in fact, we’ve tricked our brain into THINKING we’ve done something. The rubber meets the road when you take action. Feel the fear and do it any way. Actions speak louder than words. You know the drill. It is all about WHAT you do…. That is where the truth is.


Mars Day Tuesday May 15 Venus stations today and turns retrograde for 43 days.  She goes backwards in the heavens to 7:30 Gemini when she turns direct on June 27.  For the next 43 days, we revise, revisit, re-dream, reassess, re-strategize, recalculate, reorder, redo, and restate our desires around all things ruled by the Goddess of Love, Money and Desire.  Venus rules our adult desire nature so she’s VERY important.  She also happens to be the boss of several of the planets in the sky right now ~ those traveling through Taurus or Libra ~ her signs. So the Sun, Jupiter, Vesta, Mercury, Ceres in Taurus and Saturn in Libra are taking Venus’ advice on matters regarding relationships.  All of THOSE planets are looking with an arched, perfectly threaded eyebrow at issues around love, desire and money.  And we know when Venus isn’t happy, we aren’t happy.  Now, she might not be UNHAPPY but she’s not satisfied.  She wants to fix things up and revise them.  So let her.  Until the end of June, let Venus whisper gracefully in your ear about what she wants to change.  Listen to her. Take action. Change things. Evolve.  If Barack Obama can “evolve” his position on gay marriage, you can evolve too!  Juno argues with Hades suggesting partnerships can feel rather hellish right now OR need some kind of adjustment. Allow them to change, grow and evolve.  Mars semi-square to Saturn suggests there is a fundamental frustration at work right now ~ pulsing below things.  Mars has been in Virgo since November and while he is getting a bit long in the tooth with all that reorganizing and criticizing he is starting to get it straight ~ or be clear about what he actually wants.



Mercury’s day Wednesday May 16 finds Moon in Aires with a harsh separating aspect to Saturn in Libra ~ things end the next two days because it is TIME for them to end. Allow the shifting in forms to take place.  Mercury seeks broader understanding of the relationship principle even as he doesn’t want to change. They are NOT going to change. IF any changing is going to happen, it is going to be YOU who does it. So do it. Once you change, they change. Honest, it is that easy.  Change the game. Change the players. Keep the players and change the game.  You get the idea. Mars trine to Pluto grounds all this emotional energy into the practical, solid and reliable. Go for what you WANT TO GET DONE. Mars and Pluto are in alignment to help things move along.  When you get right down to it, action is all you have. Take action. Chiron links up with Pallas by declination offering a deeper connection to seeing and seeking understanding of your patterns. Venus parallel to Pluto invites you to understand the triangles in your life in a different manner. Open those triangles up to include the other people or situation involved. They are much more productive and fruitful if everyone is on the same playing field, using the same rule book and in sync with the goals of the game being played.  The aspect between the retrograde Goddess of desire and the Lord of the underworld means the contract you have the option to enforce should be enforced. Call their bluff.  Jupiter is inconjunct to Saturn. It is time to be clear that relationships do not last if the rules are not followed.  And there are consequences for not following the rules. Mercury has a sesquiquadrate to Pallas ~ what do you REALLY want here?  Go for that.  Go for what you really want.  If you want to sell your house and the buyer is jumping up and down over a leaky basement, what has to be done to get it to close?  If you are ambivalent about selling the house, perhaps you want to kill the deal. Only you know. But go for what YOU want to have happen. See the pattern. Avoid choices that lock you into a fixed form of action. Venus in Gemini wants you to be flexible.



Jupiter’s Day Thursday May 17 finds Moon in Aries ~ again a fighting Moon with harsh closing aspects.  Agreement can be reached later in the day when Moon and Venus sextile each other.  Juno enters Scorpio as she leaves Sagittarius, moving retrograde. The partnership principle is NOT happy today.  Push for what you want to have done. Mars is opposite Chiron suggesting you can be wounded by the words or actions of others. ONLY PROCEED IF YOU REALLY WANT TO PROCEED.  If you proceed and you don’t want to, it can be might irritating and unpleasant. This is mighty powerful energy pushing on going another way.  Mercury links up with the nurturing principle of Ceres ~ what is the dream of the house, hearth, nurturing, connections and communication that feels like it is being sacrificed right now. Move yourself forward by opening up the conversation.  Again, ground the energy in practical and solid reliable ways by taking action. Sun joins up with Admetos offering an ending to something that you don’t want to end. It is time for it to go. Pallas whispers in your ear, encouraging you to partner with people in different ways.  Jupiter has a sesquiquadrate aspect to his brother, Pluto ~ the actions taken now are full of potency for the future and will require you to deal with the stress and take action regardless of what or how you are feeling.



Venus’ Day Friday May 18 finds Moon in Taurus with a lovely closing aspect of a union to Jupiter. Abundance, abundance, abundance. Let’s go pollinate something!  Take action to create what you want in the world. Pallas enters Aries ~ she’s finished a cycle of energy. Now she is in warrior mode and highly strategic in helping you figure out what you want and need. Listen to her wise counsel whether she comes in the form of a friend, article or thought idling in your brain. She is brilliant in Aries and focused on HOW to achieve what she wants. Listen to her.  While the information might be hard to process internally, notice it and the reaction it evokes in your being. LISTEN.  The releasing is profound…. you are letting go of 19 years, 38 years, 28 years, 12 years, 84 years…. let it go, let it go….



Saturn’s Day Saturday May 19 finds Moon working solidly and reliably in Taurus, joining with Jupiter to create abundance and joy.  Enjoy the day!  Sun has an eruptive energy as he realizes his potency in his conversation with partnership oriented people.  We live in a world full of relationships ~ focus on the relationships you want to spend more time on.  Vesta encourages you to nurture the relationship and let it grow. Sun has a link up with the nodes of fate by declination ~ important choices before you.  Choose wisely and towards your greater growth. If it scares you a bit, it probably is where you want to be heading. Encourage yourself to nurture your inner self, heart and being. You are all you have, when you get right down to it… the rest of the world is all passing and temporary.  Take good care of yourself! There is a mutable square forming in the heavens stimulating all the early points in your chart.  Sun’s argument with “that’s always the way it has been” falls apart as we continue to evolve our concepts of what relationships are for or about. Initially women were chattel, owned like property, unable to own property themselves, no credit, unable to vote… see how things have changed in less than 50 years. If the world can evolve, you can too.  Be on the right side of your own personal history. Encourage yourself to evolve. Mercury’s union with Jupiter asks you to put down some SOLID and RELIABLE ideas about how you want to change and evolve. Pallas square to Hades on the world axis suggests if you DON’T evolve, you are going to be having a mighty tough time!



Sun’s Day Sunday May 20 Moon moving into Gemini and towards the New Moon eclipse that takes place later today.  Moon is trine to Saturn as her closing aspect so she’s working hard and is VERY clear what she wants to achieve or accomplish.Moon in Gemini after a day long void, offers us a breath of fresh air around what we need to do to create abundance in our life. Notice the choices you are facing. Sun enters Gemini beginning 30 days of change and shifting energy.  The Solar New Moon Annular eclipse is particularly LONG and POWERFUL ~ its effect will last almost 6 years.  It seeds a brand new adventure in your life. As it takes place on the South Node, you can release things permanently on it too.  This a great eclipse to release bad old habits as it offers success after a lot of work. Release and renew… let the energy of change, change, change wash over your being.  People will find their groups of choice may not be working for them right now. Consider solitude today.  Mercury’s union with Uranus by declination suggest powerful energy that is NOT in the mood to be controlled or understood.  This aspect can cause eruptive energy to burst out of no where, unbidden and unasked for. It is possible for people to erupt in conversations over seemingly simple things ~ not so simple after all.  Let the eruptions m wash over you ~ don’t take it personally.  Release, release, release. Mercury receives a blind spot hit from Uranus ~ no you didn’t see it coming but eclipses are like that.  As much as you might want to predict the eclipse they have a reputation for popping up in weird places and doing the strangest things. All in the service of helping your soul evolve to the next level.


Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check out her work at sabiansymbols.com


Copyright © 2012 A. C. Ortelee