Weekly Weather March 4, 2012
Kermit the Frog & Paul Williams
Why are there so many
Songs about rainbows
And what’s on the other side
Rainbow’s are visions
They’re only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide
So we’ve been told and some chose to
Believe it
But I know they’re wrong wait and see
Someday we’ll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me
Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it
And look what it’s done so far
What’s so amazing
That keeps us star gazing
What so we think we might see
Someday we’ll find it
That Rainbow Connection
The lovers the dreamers and me
Have you been half asleep
And have you heard voices
I’ve heard them calling my name
Are these the sweet sounds that called
The young sailors
I think they’re one and the same
I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it
There’s something that I’m supposed to be
Someday we’ll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me
Only Nine more days of non linear time! Only nine more days! You can do it. Hang in there. Cry! Wail! Float! Sleep! Dream! Dance! Swim! Create! Flow! Leak! Avoid lower forms of Neptune ~ drugs and alcohol are very potent right now. All the personal planets ~ Mars, Mercury, Venus and the Sun as well as Neptune and Chiron are in Pisces continuing to float, dive, swim, splash and saturate us with emotions, feelings, endings, ideas, releases and awakenings. Completely NON-LINEAR time. It isn’t clear. Unclear, chaos, creative, experiential and it is SOOO DEEPLY feeling. Feelings, dreams, endings, releases, departures and impressions are where we are at…looking deep into our unconscious to see the Ultimate truth or at least a very important partial truth of our life!
It is rare that I give up and take to my bed. I was raised in a house where the school nurse had to send you home sick before you could take a sick day. I was one of those Virgos who used to infect the office ~ couldn’t miss a day of work…unless my boss told me to go home and go to bed. Last week, I took several sick days with no external nurse or boss but me saying “You need to go home and go to bed.” I had a cold the likes of which hasn’t rolled through my body in YEARS. I cancelled appointments ~ something I never do. I will cough your ear off before I bail on your reading. I slept for days ~ and while I LOVE to sleep it was even a lot of sleep for me. I sweated ~ (maybe it was the flu?) and changed my linens and pajamas a few times. I ordered in Chicken soup ~ and Potato and Split Pea and Lentil and Pasta & Fagioli and Stracciatella soups. I did my drugs ~ Nyquil, Buckleys, and Coldease. I did my teas ~ slippery elm, Chinese good for cough, and throat calming. I did essential oils especially my Thieves (THANK YOU ERIN!). I neti potted. I cinnamon honeyed (THANK YOU CHRIS!). I drank hot toddies and hot lemon and honey water. Kimberly Grasso, a registered aroma therapist, sent me her “Immune Sparkler” blend, created under the Full Moon of February 25… which smells simply AMAZING! Thanks Kimberly! I functioned at half to a quarter normal speed…. Just wiped right out and releasing with all that water flowing in my first house… amazing amounts of water in and out of me. I know. TMI…..
When I did manage to rise from my sick bed to do a reading or talk to people, so VERY MANY people were coming to conclusions and making dramatic life changes and moving on to the next chapter of their lives…. M ended a relationship and figured out where she wants to live. L1 figured out a difficult work situation. J1 lost a job and found a new job in a day. A got dinged on the California job but the East coast job is still active. D took action on a tough family situation. L2 decided to break up with her abusive boyfriend. C1 decided to move out and move away from home. C2 decided to go for her dream of being a stand up comic. E moved into a new career direction. C3 moved on from her non-changing relationship after lots of “I am going to change” promises from the beloved. Several clients got pregnant. J2 started a new creative partnership. B took the reins over and redesigned her website. E2 had an exciting job interview. S refused to fight with her boss over a stupid review and started planning her escape from the place. R clarified her career goals and vision to take action towards it. C4 figured out he needed to get a new job. M1 went for medical tests he’d been postponing. J3 got a new job after being fired for being too good by his paranoid boss. R sold his house. M3 started a lawsuit. M4 negotiated with her soon to be ex-husband the child support and alimony payments. M5 decided where to move. A put her house on the market to sell. J4 fired her business manager. And those were just the people who either wrote or checked in or had an appointment with their astrologer…. I would not expect to be high on the list of people they would take time or make time to tell….
What have all the rest of you been doing? And if you didn’t evolve and change your life LAST week, get ready for THIS week’s energy! Saturn and Pluto perfect and Venus comes to square Jupiter, sextile Pluto and trine Saturn, stimulating that Finger of God or Goddess so your DESIRE evolves and becomes clearer! You know what you want to do…
It’s the Finger Of God or Goddess! It points us towards our Destiny. It offers us an evolutionary choice. It flicks our butt and makes us wake up. It carries us to our fate. It directs our attention toward an area of life where we have to evolve and change. The Finger of God or Goddess has been sitting been in the heavens since December 4, 2012 and lasts until March 30, 2013. It is between Saturn and Pluto with Jupiter as the Apex ~in Gemini~ offering you a choice! It’s been slowly plowing through the degrees of 4 to 12 ~ waking up every planet in our charts between those degrees. And casting us backwards into the memories of those early years in our life.
So those of you STILL wrestling with decisions, options, directions, choices or ‘what to do-what to do’, backing and forthing… NO WORRIES! This week we have yet another week of non-linear releasing time. We have another opportunity to make needed changes in our lives. We have another week when the Finger of God or Goddess plays with our destiny and offers us fated, profound and important choices.
So first Venus, the last of the personal planets, stimulates the Finger of God or Goddess on Wednesday. She builds up to it earlier in the week. Venus is about what we desire and want. In her role as the clean up gal, she’s batting fourth position, following Mercury, Mars, and the Sun as they moved through the Finger over the past weeks. Now Venus, the entire POINT of the game. Her job is to hit a home run and allow the other planets to get off their bases and come flying home, scoring as they cross home plate. Watch for important and profound emotional clarity, clearings and understandings this week about your value, desire and loves.
Next, this week we have the SECOND perfection of the evolutionary aspect of Saturn Sextile to Pluto on early in the morning on Friday March 8 at 11 Scorpio 15. The two of them connecting directly means we will be building to their culmination all week long, especially after Venus triggers the Finger on Wed. On Friday, Saturn and Pluto shake the Finger’s legs…kind of like when you jump out of bed with a leg cramp in your calf! Woo-hoo. Pinch under your nose and jump around hopping…The first perfection of Saturn and Pluto was December 26, 2012 at 9 Scorpio 08 with a wicked snow storm and huge travel delays on the east coast. The third and final sextile perfecting will be on September 21, 2013 at 8 Scorpio 59. When we have BIG evolutionary work to do, the universe gives us plenty of time and more than a few chances to get it right. Expect the week to be rocking! And full of evolving and growing and changing.
Third, the next important thing to note about THIS week is Mars is in the Scorpio Decant of Pisces so he’s going to be really digging into your psyche (and the psyche of everyone you know) and asking them to clear, clean, release and let go. But Mars will do that AFTER he perhaps drags you through the muck and mire of Scorpio’s swamp. Mars in Scorpio’s decant of Pisces is NOT known for his graciousness and kindness. He’s kind of a very nasty, murderous drug dealer ~ pulling you into the darkness of despair and destitution. Famous people with Mars in Pisces in Scorpio’s decant are Vincent Price, John D. Rockefeller, Billie Holliday, Marilyn Monroe, Ricky Martin, Simone De Beauvoir, Gertrude Stein, Jack London, Allen Ginsburg, Betty Friedan, Camille Paglia and Vincent Van Gogh. Each of these people were known for their unusual Mars ~ actions, abilities, sexual situations or their abilities to create and navigate the world provocatively and with a great deal of power. And quite a few of them had drug, alcohol or depression problems. So be VERY CAREFUL around dangerous people or situations with Mars in this decant until March 12th. NO provoking strangers as THEY are having this energy too.
When Mars goes into Scorpio’s decant, Saturn, Pluto, the North Node of Fate and Uranus in Aries now take on a darker and more menacing cast. Or perhaps it will feel like more of an urgency to get it right as it will feel like it is a matter of life and death.
Fourth, Mercury moving retrograde will stimulate the Finger on Thursday ~ for the second time. When he stimulated the Finger a few weeks ago, the Pope quit and a lightning bolt hit the Vatican. Now, Mercury wakes up the Finger between when Venus sets off the Finger and when Saturn and Pluto perfect their sextile and shake the legs of the Finger. As Mercury moves backwards, he is VERY active this week ~ joining with the Sun to make every one think THEY are right and the OTHER guy is WRONG, Wrong, wrong. Mercury wakes up Venus. He aspects all the nasty planets in the sky as he moves backwards from 14 Pisces to 8 Pisces. He’s in emotional water, bringing all sorts of emotions to the surfaces that have lain dormant for a long time. One of my clients said “I just keep walking down the street crying. I don’t know what is wrong with me.” I replied, “Absolutely NOTHING is wrong with you. It is a leaky time. Think of the tears rolling down your faces as little leaks. There is SOOOO much water around us and inside of us.” Mercury is going to make you leak a lot this week.
Fifth, Moon travels through the “detached” section of the zodiac ~ the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The Moon is waning and releasing as it moves, smaller each night, towards a new Moon a week from now. Release, release, release. There are several long void Moons this week which encourage us to stop what we are doing and relax. The Moon isn’t working so we shouldn’t be either.
Just 12 more days of Non-Linear time. Mars leaves Pisces ~ which will shift the entire feeling of the heavens on March 12. We all get our mojo back from the drifting ocean when Mars moves into Aries. But now, THIS week, we are in a magical space that wants us to go EVEN deeper than we think we can. Dive, dive deep into your psyche. Allow yourself to explore your inner world. Stand in the dreaming space and dream about your future. Release the past. Just let it go.
Again, I find my readers often describe the energy in a clarifying way: Carrie wrote in response to last week’s comment from a reader: “It’s funny how you describe the Pisces energy as “chaotic”, when lately, all I’ve felt is calm and collected. I’ve always felt that Pisces is not a sign of order, but if you look past the seeming chaos, it really is beautiful. Like you said, the sign that rules illusions and perceptions can trick you into believing that what you see is what is going on… So, I don’t believe this is chaos. This is just beauty in the form of change, and the disorder in our lives is the symbol!”
Carrie comments: Perhaps for some people that is so, but I think for those of us with very little water in our charts, it truly is scary internal chaos. My chart is comprised almost completely of earth and fire (one planet in water, one in air), most of which is Virgo and Sagittarius, so when there is this much water in the air, particularly Pisces, I become a freaking basket case. For me, I believe the Piscean lesson is actually about faith in the unknowable. Because yes, things are changing, and yes there can be beauty in that, however, I don’t think it’s that simple. Change is easy to handle when you see it coming and when you can define your demons. Change is incredibly difficult when you aren’t even sure how to define it, and maybe you aren’t even fully sure what it is or where it’s coming from… But if it’s something that you have to deal with, you just do. You don’t have the option of doing anything but wandering in the dark until the road appears again. That’s what all the Piscean energy feels like to me. It’s a crisis of faith and then an acceptance of the unknown. The Virgo in me absolutely hates it… But at the same time realizes that it’s something I need.
Release. Release. Don’t be afraid of the ghosts of your past or the darkness…. Just shine a bit of sunshine and light onto it! Wander in the dark until the road appears again. Accept the unknown and the unknowable.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: Non-linear time! Venus and Retrograde Mercury play with the Finger of God. The heavens are awash in WATER ~ all sorts of Pisces energy of creativity, chaos and non-linear time. Go with the flow! LOTS OF PISCES!!
Scorpios Talking: Michael’s in Minnesota! We talk about letting the flow happen without holding on to outcome.
The Mary Anne Show: Mary and I are on vacation again! Anne is going to the Flower Show in Philly! Back again next week!
Access Astrology: Heather, Mark and I talked about the week ahead and took calls from a listener.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt continues to enthrall… Venus arises!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this teaching myth is encoded with the process toward mature Femininity. As the tale unfold Psyche has betrayed Eros (Cupid), been banished from Paradise, destitute and terrified, Suicidal, and clueless. Next (as if this wasn’t enough) Psyche must face the Tyranny of Venus, Complete the four tasks of The Trial of The Seeds, Gathering the Hair of the Golden Fleece, Obtaining Sacred Waters of Styx And
Void Moons this Week
Moon goes void Square to Mar on Tuesday Mar 5 2013 at 10:29:18 am EST and enters Capricorn on Tuesday Mar 5 2013 at 07:14:41 pm EST
Moon is void most of the day March 5
Moon goes void Sextile Mars on Thursday Mar 7 2013 at 04:15:21 pm EST and enters Aquarius on Thursday Mar 7 2013 at 10:02:36 pm EST
Moon is void 6 hours in the early evening on Thursday March7
Moon goes void square to Saturn on Friday Mar 8 2013 at 05:09:02 pm EST and enters Pisces on Sunday Mar 10 2013 at 01:19:42 am EST.
Moon is Void the evening of Friday March 8 and VOID all day Saturday March 9.
Monday Moon’s day March 4, 2013 finds Moon in Sagittarius looking for a bit of companion fire in the sky… not much fire to be had. Moon’s last aspect of a square to Mars in Pisces has a psychological and philosophical component. Lots of activity today so expect a busy, running around kind of enthusiasm as there are lots of pleasant and active aspects above our heads. Mercury sextiles Astraea offering an opportunity for healing of communication matters and lungs. Mercury’s square to Vesta offers disturbing sleep energy but shifts things around internally that need to change. Sun links up with Mercury making us all think WE are right and THEY are wrong. Not a whole lot of listening going on today. So be double careful to double check what you hear or don’t hear correctly. Mercury is STILL retrograde in sign he doesn’t much like. Venus squares Jupiter setting off the Finger of God or Goddess and starting her journey to help us clarify what we actually deeply desire. Jupiter in Gemini offers us a choice of course but neither may be what we want. Venus is young right now. Treat her like a lady or a young lass… she might not be clear ~ she is in Pisces and can have a rudimentary or rose colored view of the world. She’s exalted in Pisces so she’s seeing the soul of the person, not necessarily the reality. But that IS what love does to us… we see the soul, the potential and through a gentle, soft focus, pink colored glow…. Sun squares Vesta so changes around the home and hearth follow sharp on Mercury’s announcement earlier in the day of changes needing to be made ~ perhaps from a dream or from a vision of what you want. Venus links with Pallas by declination so new ideas and opportunities can present themselves that seem just delicious. Mercury and Mars link by declination so you can find you have a burst of energy or great ideas late in the afternoon. Sun works a bit of healing magic and asks you to let go and trust the process. Fall in love with the dream or the dreamer. Emotional difficulties about the vision and the reality seem to appear in the later part of the day.
Tuesday Mars day March 5, 2013 finds Moon void most of the day in Sagittarius with harsh closing aspects asking you to release, release into the energy of goodbye. It’s a quiet day as the tensions build for the rest of the week… Mercury wakes you from a sound sleep with a start around 4 am. Pallas has adjusting aspects to the Nodes of Fate ~ the patterns in your life have brought you to this point. Time to change the patterns to move to where you want to go. Can you see how you go to where you are now? Can you see the direction to change towards? Do you see the road appearing out of the fog of the dark? Emotional situations can be very challenging today as Venus joins with Chiron. Love can hurt. Mercury’s union with Eris brings difficult or challenging news to the surface. People can think they are above or beyond the law. Don’t go there so fast as Saturn and Pluto are both watching. The dreamer or the dream can end today.
Wednesday Mercury’s day March 6, 2013 delivers Moon in Capricorn adding a serious, somber and hard working dimension to the energy of the day. The day starts off with a bang or shocking news as Moon squares Uranus. Women or feminine energies connect and conspire today to move relationships forward to the next space. Moon triggers the Capricorn side of the Finger of God, by grabbing Pluto in a bear hug and sextiling Saturn mid-afternoon. Pluto doesn’t much like to be bear hugged by the Moon so he is startled into action. Expect emotional response from the Powers in your life. Venus in Pisces stimulates the Capricorn Pluto and Scorpio Saturn legs of the Finger in the evening of the day. The feminine energies are swirling around the Finger asking for emotional clarity and deeper connections. It might not be possible for the person you want to connect with you the way you want. If they or you can stay out of the fear place, it might happen. Unfortunately, fear and anxiety are part of the picture so it might not be possible. Of course, once those deep emotional responses subside, we find clarity on the other side. The emotional response might not subside for a few more days. Mercury and Venus chat later in the day. This provides Mercury with the opportunity to point out to you or them TOMORROW another way to look at the situation. Explore your options tonight. Might be a sleepless night. One where you toss and turn as you solve the problems of the world ~ or at least your place in it. The point of the dreams is to offer guidance. Ask your guides for help. They can’t help unless you ask them to step in.
Thursday Jupiter’s day March 7, 2013 encourages more open or detached communications with the Aquarius Moon again with a square to Saturn suggesting separation and difficulties. Again, it is a waning moon so we are in huge release mode…. Major cycles are coming to an end and freeing us to create our next, deeper and more profound connections. Mercury played with Pluto and Saturn last night as you slept creating news, dreams or images that are amazingly profound. Try to see through the fog and the imagery to the rainbow connection inside these energies. Accept the unknown. Mars has a stress filled aspect with Saturn this morning so authorities and other folks can be a bit over the top. Pay attention to health matters that seem to be not going away. Mars wants a story to come to an end this evening. On some deep level you need to part for the greater good. Trust the process. Act in the most responsible manner. Go for evolution.
Friday Venus’ day March 8, 2013 has Moon continuing in Aquarius with a separating closing aspect of stress. Last night could have been another sleepless wonder as Saturn and Pluto perfected their sextile with each other. Evolution time! Sun links up with Mercury so things start to feel a bit lighter and easier and then Mercury links up with Chiron so words or ideas can be very wounding. Creative ideas and adventures are possible today. All part of shifting into the next space or reality. Health matters can take a turn so hop on them. Relationships are encouraging and transformative today.
Saturday Saturn’s day March 9, 2013 has Moon void in Aquarius all day offering us a day to kick back, relax, approach spiritual matters with an open heart. Sun has a trine to the Nodes of Fate asking us to refocus on what and where we want to go. Letting go, letting go. Keep floating and focusing on all the shifting energy. Let go. Mercury’s square to Jupiter stimulates the Finger of God/Goddess at the end of the day…. Retrograde knowledge of the choices made possible rolls in. The square between the Moon and Saturn allows for permanent endings and releases if you don’t start it up again after Monday’s new Moon.
Sunday Sun’s day March 10, 2013 finds Moon in sensitive emotional Pisces with a New Moon arriving on Monday to start a new cycle. This is the last bits of the highly sensitive energies available to us now. Moon in Pisces has a number of creative aspects as she rolls through the water planets checking on all of them one more time before releasing their energy out into the cosmos. Moon in Balsamic release phase will roll through each of the Personal planets EXCEPT Mars who escapes into Aries early Tuesday Morning. As Moon in the last sign of the zodiac comes to touch each of the planets today and tomorrow, she releases and deeply processes the emotional content of the past month. It will be a day of many deep feelings, including probably a few tears. Venus squares Vesta letting thing change permanently and allowing them to leave your life. Venus can be a bit overwhelmed by all the energy flying around today. High emotional content. Tonight deep feelings can be triggered as Moon sets off the Finger of God/Goddess.
Learn Palmistry with Anne Ortelee
Weekend Workshop April 26-28, 2013
Manchester, Vermont
Palmistry is both an art and a science. It is based on scientific principles that can be learned by anyone. The hand is called ‘God’s Road Map’. The hand is one of the most valuable tools we have for guidance. Knowing Palmistry will enrich the lives of all you meet as they understand the knowledge and wisdom in their hands.
Palmistry’s use as a means of psychological insight and divination dates back thousands of years. Because the hand changes as you change, it is an up to the minute report from your own Higher Self. The hand reports on many areas of your life, including health, financial security, talents, strengths and weaknesses. It shows the best choices for creating a fulfilling life. It reflects YOU, the unique individual. Your hand is a mirror of your soul.
The weekend workshop in Palmistry will cover every aspect of the hand, the shapes, the lines, fingers, and the seven planetary archetypes. We will practice reading hands, as well as learn how to synthesize and communicate the information we find.
Anne Ortelee was trained as a Palmist by The School of Oracles. The School of Oracles is dedicated to preserving and perpetuating Palmistry, a sacred art, in a manner that does honor to the wisdom, healing and illumination it brings to humanity.
Weekend will include:
• 5 meals ~ dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch Saturday & Sunday
• Two nights’ accommodations
• Workshop and Course materials
• Individual Time with your Own Hand!
Please contact Bodhi Consult for more information. Register by visiting www.bodhiconsult.com or call Beth at 802 379 5775
copyright (c) 2013. A.C. Ortelee