We have a quantum shift in energy this week… it is about time! Venus shifts out of Aries and stops being so darned mean, bitchy and angry. She takes Saturn and Jupiter with her. The big guys gain clarity and calm down as they answer to Venus in Taurus, her favorite, kind, gentle, passionate and loving sign. Happy days are here again! Well almost. At least we aren’t going to want to eviscerate everything and everyone that irritates us. Venus in warrior mode IS a harsh energy. Having her responsible for other planets in the sky who like to sit on our head and make us behave or do stuff was tough.
Over the last few weeks, the desire to eat comfort food and snuggle in our beds with the covers over our heads crying or feeling exhausted was amplified by Neptune’s entry into Pisces and Mercury in Pisces, ruling Mars the planet of taking action. Last week Mercury entered Aries with a bang. Now Mars is answering to an energy system that he is much happier and more productive in. You’ll find you have more energy and get up and go over the next few weeks as the energy shifts from Water to Fire.
In all the craziness of the past weeks, I completely missed Mercury entering his shadow for his upcoming retrograde. Of interest is Mercury’s upcoming cha-cha-cha between water -fire – water –fire. Mercury entered his shadow, which means he passed the degree of his upcoming retrograde motion, on February 26, last Sunday. Your upcoming Mercury retrograde journey and the tasks before you was described by the events of last week. You will be doing this project until April 23 when Mercury passes the degree of his station at 6:49 Aries.
However, there is a deeper message in the way the planets are rolling about in the heavens. Mercury is in charge of Mars. Mars is currently going retrograde, backwards to early November 2011′ s actions, decisions and ideas. Now Mercury is going to go retrograde himself and swap HIS AND MARS’ functional energy back and forth between Aries Pisces and Aries. While that swapping is going on Mars is going to stop and turn to go forward. Essentially that means the period between last week and April 23 is going to be full of double reverses and switch ups and tricks and turns. Sometimes it will feel like Mercury is alternating between being a speed demon and floating peacefully on the ocean in a raft. Other times it will be Mars getting instructions from a drunk or combative Mercury. It’s a crazy mix up of energy. Perhaps we are going to be water boarded, beaten down or shouted at by Mercury and Mars as they alternate between the two realities. Or they are going to be playing lots and lots of tricks on us as they alternate between sleeping and action.
When I was a little kid, my parents were poor. The three of us kids slept in the same bedroom ~ two twin beds with my sister’s crib at the foot of my bed and the bedroom door at the foot of my brother’s bed. We would get put to bed. My brother and I would get up and climb into my sister’s crib, via my bed. We’d bounce around in her crib with her in it. She would make noise. We would bounce and bounce.
There was a squeaky board in the living room ~ which meant one of the parents had gotten up and was coming to check on the noise emanating from the shared bedroom. My brother and I would scurry back into our beds and pretend to be asleep. The bedroom door would open. My sister ~ wide awake in her recently bounced in crib ~ would greet my parents. My brother and I would pretend to be asleep in our beds. The checking in parent would leave. We would do it again. Occasionally, (probably when Venus was in Aries), I would forbid my brother to step on my bed as he exited the crib… and he would get caught mid-way back to his bed. Ah, the glories of being a bossy older sister.
Mercury and Mars are going to be doing fun stuff like that in your life over the next few weeks …. So watch for it. Switching between high energy and needing to sleep…. Bouncing in the crib and dashing off to hide before being caught being naughty. What could be more fun? Or in the case of my brother getting caught mid-way across the floor to his bed ~ not so fun… You get the idea.
We have a Full Moon this week which culminates the story from September 2010 when the New Moon happened at 18 degrees of Virgo on Thursday. This is also the 9-11 degree of the Sun so expect some kind of alert or terror action along that line. September 11 and 18 Virgo does seem to be holding its own as a “hot” degree. It also is the degree active during the USA President’s assassination attempts or completions. The Sabian Image for the Full Moon in Virgo is “A SWIMMING RACE”. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian image is
Commentary: A ‘Swimming Race’ is an image of people competing against each other in order to win some award, medal, recognition or goal. Each has to win their own ‘Race’ and go as hard as they possible can for the objective. Rules and regulations have to be followed, otherwise they face the possibility of being “disqualified” from participating.
Oracle: You may find yourself in competition with others or working your way through conflicting emotions and hoping to win, or come out on top. It is through hard work, practice and the control of your self and emotions that success can be achieved. The lessons learnt through your training must be called on now. Have faith in yourself and your abilities that you can win. You may be working hard at achieving the win for rewards in the larger picture (for club, school, country) or winning the race with purely personal gains in mind. If it’s an intellectual or emotional ‘Race’ that you’re competing in, it may at times be easier to let the other “win”. Although winning can be really wonderful, a feeling of constant competition and the desire to come out on top can wear you, and others, down and take the joy and spontaneity out of life. Plus, there are no real winners when people compete emotionally. Is the situation facing you worth the effort you must put in? If it is, take a deep breath and go for it with all your might. If someone is just trying to outdo you, you might decide to pull out and let him or her go for it. People can’t win against you if you’re not competing against them and a refusal to compete may take the wind out of their sails. The best way to win is to run your own race, to compete against yourself, to always do your best. Looking sideways at others to see how they’re doing can slow you down and weaken your performance. Look ahead and go for your own objectives, doing the best you can is the best you can do, after all!
Keywords: Looking sideways to see how others are coping with the strain of competition. Competing with one’s emotions. Capitalism. The striving for first place or greatness. Swimming, sports, competition. Wanting to be first at everything. Learning how fit one is. Concentrating on the goal. Medals and awards. Training and practice. Showing your abilities in front of others.
The Caution: Allowing the competitive spirit to dominate emotional sensitivity. Always going for “the win”. Trying to outdo each other. Being on the go all the time. Bad sportsmanship. Not knowing how to lose.
In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed. Sid Caesar
Picture yourself vividly as winning, and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success. Harry Emerson Fosdick
The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself-the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us-that’s where it’s at. Jesse Owens
When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you. Lao-Tzu
The difference between a hero and an also-ran is the guy who hangs on for one last gasp. Paul Dietzel
Of all human powers operating on the affairs of mankind, none is greater than that of competition. Henry Clay
Live daringly, boldly, fearlessly. Taste the relish to be found in competition – in having put forth the best within you. Henry J. Kaiser
The Image for the Pisces Sun under the Full Moon is A MASTER INSTRUCTING HIS DISCIPLE. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian image is
Commentary: ‘A Master’ is ‘Instructing His Disciple’. He is giving his ‘Disciple Instruction’ on how to handle life in the spiritual, intellectual and emotional realms. The ‘Disciple’ must listen to all the ‘Master’ says and to learn from his example. There’s an old saying, “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”. It could easily also be “when the student is ready, the lesson appears” – there are many ways to learn life’s lessons.
Oracle: This is a time for the transfer of higher knowledge and wisdom. In this situation you may find that you are the teacher, the ‘Master’, or the pupil, the ‘Disciple’. Remember that it is often the teacher that learns and the pupil that teaches. Perhaps it’s time for listening to your own higher wisdom. The teacher can inspire great personal achievements through teaching the wisdom that the ‘Disciple’ is ready and willing to learn. These lessons can be on many levels, from the purest of teaching and education all the way to downright emotional manipulation: the teachings that are being passed on can be used to elevate or manipulate the thoughts and emotions of the ‘Disciple’. People will sometimes believe the message coming from the ‘Master’, without questioning, merely because of his charisma and presence. The ‘Master’ may have an alternate agenda that he wants to fulfill. There is sometimes a need to separate the actual person of the ‘Master’ from that which he is teaching, as they are not necessarily the same. The ‘Master’ is only human, after all. Someone having something worthwhile to say will find someone who will listen to it.
Keywords: To give and to receive. Lessons that need to be well learnt. The transfer of knowledge. Taking time to instruct others. Being willing to both teach and learn. Step-by-step lessons. Passing on information. Instructions and directions. Laying down the law with someone. Manuscripts and lessons. Masters. Gurus. Guiding lights. Reinforcement of knowledge, wisdom and spirituality. Listening and learning. Knowing what questions to ask. Doing homework.
The Caution: Dogmatic instruction by rote. Talking down to others, thinking they know less. Someone having a “know it all” attitude. Manipulating people for one’s personal agenda. Using knowledge as power over people. Feeling above everyone else.
Knowledge increases in proportion to its use-that is, the more we teach the more we learn. H.P. Blavatsky
Teach thy tongue to say I do not know and thou shalt progress. Maimonides
By learning you will teach; by teaching you will learn. Latin Proverb
The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires self-distrust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no disciple. Amos Bronson Alcott
Jesus was all right, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It’s them twisting it that ruins it for me. John Lennon
I can tell you, honest friend, what to believe: believe life; it teaches better than book or orator. Goethe
Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. Buddha
At the end of the week, Mercury slows to station at 6:49 Aries ~ watch for the Sabian Image of “ A MAN SUCCESSFULLY EXPRESSING HIMSELF IN TWO WORLDS AT ONCE” to appear in our world. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian image is
Commentary: ‘A Man Successfully Expressing Himself in Two Worlds at Once’ shows someone having the ability to be versatile and adaptable. When operating in ‘Two Worlds’, one’s life may seem divided with divergent responsibilities, needs and urges. As this image implies that this person is ‘Successfully Expressing Himself’, it shows that this is a time when it is possible, or necessary, to cope with separate or diverse areas of life.
Oracle: You have the ability, or the challenge, to shift your focus from one thing to another when it is necessary. There is also the drive, determination and focus not to run out of energy. However, there is a need to be careful not to scatter your energies, as this may lead to wasting time and losing valuable opportunities for growth. Remember to be versatile and adaptable. There is often a need for a form of balance between the emotional, spiritual and material arenas. It’s through being clear and true to the difference between these two areas, these ‘Two Worlds’, that great things can be achieved. For instance, one can have a “straight” job during the day, and be doing something really unusual, during the rest of the time, or live between two homes, two cities, two relationships, etc. On another level, there could be a realization of operating on the physical, more everyday, level of your life whilst having messages coming through from more spiritual realms. You can be successful in anything you undertake now, as long as you are happy with the compromises that may be asked of both you and others and the splitting up of areas of your life. Are you enjoying the best of both ‘Worlds?’
Keywords: Integrating the spiritual with the material. Balancing things. Doing juggling acts. Moving through people’s lives and social stratas. Translations of words and thoughts from one area of life to another. Having separate family situations. Living a dual life. Being adaptable. Moonlighting. Alternate realities. Shifting focus when necessary.
The Caution: Fooling yourself that you can be all things to different people, but eventually failing in one or both. Exhaustion through trying to achieve too much. Deception, if allegiances are not clear. Infidelity and fickleness. Scattering of interests with little being achieved. Bigamy. Two-faced. Lies and masquerades.
Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought. Henri L. Bergson
I’ve been trying for some time to develop a lifestyle that doesn’t require my presence. Gary Trudeau
Any woman who has a career and a family automatically develops something in the way of two personalities, like two sides of a dollar bill, each different in design… her problem is to keep one from draining the life from the other. Ivy Baker Priest
There are no elements so diverse that they cannot be joined in the heart of a man. Jean Giraudoux
Void Moon’s This Week
8:27 pm EST Tuesday March 6 to 10:27 pm EST
4:39 am EST Thursday March 8 to 11:50 pm EST
All Day Void Moon
10:09 pm EST Saturday March 10 to 12:24 am EST Sunday March 11
Moon Monday March 5 Moon in Leo is creative and fun filled for the next two days with a productive closing aspect Tuesday night. We can get a great deal accomplished under this energy. Venus shifts out of Warrior Goddess mode into Love Goddess and takes Jupiter and Saturn with her. Suddenly the world seems a more caring and connected place. Venus in Taurus softens the energy and encourages all of us to put our best face forward. Expect to want to refresh your look, home or house as the advent of the desire nature now is clear. The past few weeks, while Venus was in Aries, she was also in her own 12th house. The twelfth house is where she (and we) undoes herself. We take actions that perhaps don’t serve our greater vision and certainly don’t connect to our higher nature. Culturally, Rush Limbaugh after attacking Venus in Aries (the young woman speaking on contraceptives) certainly received her backlash. Rush has said many, many nasty things over the years about lots of people. Why is this particular comment getting the huge reaction now? Venus in Aries does not like being called a slut ~ even if venereal diseases ~ diseases of love and cause by Venus behaviors~ are named after her! Woe be you who call her names. Plus she has friends in high places. Venus in Aries is ruling Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Libra ~ Venus pulled in her big boys to go after his corporate sponsors and advertisers. Now, Venus is calmer and more connected so we will all feel less in warrior mode particularly over disses or negative actions by our beloveds. Sun joins with Zeus so we rock and roll with energy today. Mercury joins with Uranus causing unexpected transportation or communication delays and changes. You can also sever relationships with this one ~ speak or write the words that actually “end” things. It also is a profoundly creative aspect ~ offering you a “great idea” to start working on, group to start working with or proposal for creation. Pluto has an adjusting and releasing aspect to the Nodes of fate so be aware of what you need to let go of to move forward. Think giant squid ~ you need to push that water or emotions out of you to propel yourself forward. Changes around how you communicate are important so push a bit to get used to asking for what you want or need.
Mars’ Day Tuesday March 6 Moon continues in Leo offering another fun and productive day. Venus sextile to Neptune starts the day off with you pursuing a dream or fantasy. Give her permission to float a bit. She’s (and we) are all working with a NEW set of dream energy with Neptune’s entry int Pisces. Earth Taurus Venus and Water Pisces Neptune make fertile earth ifor things to grow in. Venus’ union by declination with Jupiter permits things to go exceedingly well as the two collaborate in the heavens. Another great day to launch things out into the world. The cold or flu from last week seems to be dissipating, welcome relief to feel better and more connected to the world. Hygeia trines and sextiles the nodes suggesting we undertake a journey of self healing ~ adjusting our food, exercise or habits to support a different vision of ourselves. Sun finds himself in Ceres blindspot so people that you think are perfectly fine may let you know they had a problem which they have addressed ~ too much drinking, drugs, depression ~ or that they need more support than they have been getting. We are all in the mood to relate on a deeper level so let that connection take place. You don’t have to do much but listen to them. Mercury’s connection with Vesta allows you to feel safe and at home tonight with the people you love and connect with. They are actually your tribe.
Mercury’s Day Wednesday March 7 Moon in Virgo has a separating closing aspect that breaks or ends things over the next two days. During today, Moon forms a series of highly productive grand trines in earth with Venus, Jupiter and Pluto as she moves through Virgo. You can be very productive even if you are finishing things up. Mercury is opposite Chiron so you can feel wounded by words. Sometimes yes is actually a bad thing. Sometimes people don’t say no, they just smile at you. You THINK because it is a smile, that that means yes. That smile actually means no. Don’t be fooled. We’ll have to see. The Full Moon forming in the heaven is culminating what happened in September 2010 when the Moon was New. You are releasing that cycle to culmination and fullness over the next few days.
Thursday Jupiter’s day March 8 Moon in Virgo is Full at 4:39 am EST and the Moon goes Void for the rest of the day. The day long Void Moon is full of time and opportunities to kick back and have a quiet restful day of figuring out your new vision. Back in September 2010, the Sun and Moon met at this degree to start a new journey. Now, they oppose each other in the heavens to start to wrap up that story and spread out the energy of what has been learned or completed out into the world. Sun is contraparallel Mercury so you might not like what you hear from others today. There is an ability to see patterns today ~ your own patterns and other people’s patterns ~ with Jupiter’s aspects to Pallas as well as Pallas’ square to the Nodes of Fate. My friend’s teenage son said to his mother, “It scares me when I sound like grampa.” But he does sounds like his grampa! Of course, he’s been around his grampa his entire life…. What patterns do you have from your family or early life that you want to make different choices around? What patterns do you want to embrace and emphasize? What patterns have you noticed you inherited, mimic or consciously /unconsciously copy? Pallas offers us the strategic vision to understand the elements inherent in our patterns. And over the last couple of weeks, when we were immersed in some of our negative patterns, we got VERY clear on what we wanted to shift in our lives. Now, with less pressure, we get the opportunity to actually do it. Jupiter’s adjusting aspects to the Nodes of Destiny tonight talk to us about what larger relationships to our community or collective are needed to shift our life and our patterns in new ways.
Venus’s Day March 9 Moon in Libra joins with Saturn to release energy at the end of the next few days. Until then, focus on what you want to partner with in a productive manner. Sun’s union with Chiron makes us aware of where we keep falling back into old habits. Sun in Pisces has trouble summoning the energy to change things but can be aware that tomorrow or the next day, change is possible. Uranus joins with Ceres by declination to make decisions about what to create. You want to let that creative juice flow and dance in your blood. Bring it forward into your life. You can get difficult news today as Moon argues with Mercury ~ people want to say what they want to say. Let them speak even if you are not thrilled with what they have to say. There is a triangle energy this afternoon that wants to be acknowledged. Power plays and manipulation are part of the deal. It is a psychological transformation that you have to make.
Saturn’s Day March 10 Moon in Libra continues to lure us back into partnerships and asks us to figure out our relationship needs. Mercury works with Juno seeking a deeper relationship or understanding of all the relationships in your life. What do you want sitting at your kitchen table or by the hearth in your home? Allowing a clear vision of how or who you want to partner with helps create it. Mercury is slowing to a stop, preparing for his retrograde journey. Venus works to create healing within your heart and relationships. It is a kind of quiet day with opportunity for things to shift and change.
Sun’s Day Sunday March 11 Moon in Scorpio intensifies the energy and shifts the focus to a deeper, more inner version of heart energy. Scorpio Moon aspects the earth placed Venus, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars to create a great deal of activity and fertile ground for projects today and tomorrow. Moon’s closing aspect of a trine to Sun is quite productive and flowing in creative and emotional juice. Daylight saving’s time take place today so remember to Spring forward an hour. Pluto sextiles Pallas and encourages the shifting of the patterns in your life. Mercury connects with Vesta to allow you to apply fiery energy to any situation that needs to be changed. There can be a slight relapse of health issues with Mars adjusting to Hygeia, Venus arguing with Astraea and Sun fighting with her ~ particularly around the lungs or the air or with a fever. It will be quick lived. Make sure to spend extra time with those you love today. Mercury’s stopped in the heavens about to go backwards suggesting a reversal of the matter that was decided or begun two week ago. Mercury will be retrograde until April 4 ~ make sure to back up your computer!
Introduction to Astrology Weekend taught by
Presented by Bodhi Consult
April 27-29, 2012
The Wilburton Inn
Manchester Village, VT
The Introduction to Astrology Weekend includes:
16 hours of Astrology Instruction,
Two nights at the Wilburton Inn,
Friday Night Welcome Reception with Light Dinner
Breakfast, Lunch and coffee breaks on Saturday and Sunday
An Astrology Introduction Book for use and reference after the Weekend.
The Opportunity to Understand Your Chart in greater depth by studying with Anne
Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction with Anne
A bit of history about astrology, how everything under the Sun and in our world is included in astrology, what is a horoscope? A picture of the hour you were born.
Basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in Saturday’s workshop what each planet does both personally and collectively, how signs behave both in both the public arena and personal life, how to analyze horoscope charts and put it together by looking at a “mystery chart” as well as your own. There will be time to practice these skills with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch, and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Today we put it all together and explore a chart in depth. What is the myth and ruling planet in charge of your life? Where to look to determine your life’s path, how the planets talk to each other (nicely or not so nicely) and the Aspects between them, how to see the basic health information provided by the horoscope chart, and find out where to get free charts on the internet. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break is included for all.
Contact for more Information about the Introduction to Astrology Weekend:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Symbols appears with her permission. Check her work out at http://www.sabiansymbols.typepad.com or http://www.sabiansymbols.com
Copyright © 2012 A. C. Ortelee