Weekly Weather March 26, 2012

Weekly Weather March 26, 2012




We have a gentle, quiet, soft and retreating week ahead of us as Mercury’s retrograde reentry into Watery Pisces makes both Virgo Mars and the Aries Sun soften up. They answer to Pisces Mercury’s expansive, boundary less, constant flow of in/ out, ebb/flood, high/low, slack/turning tides ~ we’ll be in the mood to cry, sleep, float, surf, dream, swim and dance slowly as we move into the beginning of Spring with Aries Sun listening to Mars in Virgo ruled by the Ocean. We have an interesting blend of Fire and Water in the heavens. We will use the Fire and Water to emotionally process all that has been going on recently and to help us find the next vision of who, what, and where.

My student Joseph sent this lovely video image of Fire and Water ~ dancing Water fountains with Fire bursting out in intervals at a mall that opened last week in Salt Lake City. It sums up what the energy will be like for the next few weeks. You can’t make this stuff up ~ astrology in the world.


There ARE two major aspects this week. The first is a Finger of God with Retrograde Saturn as the Apex and Venus in Taurus and Mercury retrograde in Pisces as the arms. It will ask us to adjust our relationships to a new place. We will emotionally process all that has been going on recently. Mercury retrograde in Pisces has no words ~ he just FEELS DEEPLY. Venus in Taurus rules Saturn in Libra and is separating from her recent Grand Trine in productive earth. She will be asking each of us what we love. And why do we love it? And IF we do love it, why don’t we have more of it in our life? Way back when a wise person pointed out to me that people spend time on the things they love. If they love it, there they are, spending time on it. People FIND the time to spend on things they love. Essentially, words are meaningless ~ actions are how to measure. Look at their actions and believe them. Look at your actions and believe them. Where do you spend your time?


Saturn ruling the Finger of God will direct our attention to the choices we have to make about the direction of our life and the various kinds and forms of relationships that people it. Again, because of all the retrograde motion and activity, we will be choosing “against” or “not that” more often than we will be voting “for” or “yes that”. Fingers of God ask us to live in the moment. The moment is the only space we actually have. Where do you want to spend the precious moments of your life? We don’t actually HAVE to choose right this second but we will feel pressure to make some kind of choice. We might find we are propelled in a direction that we find challenging or invited to move in a new form or format.


Pluto reaches the degree of his upcoming station at 9:32 Capricorn so tension builds a bit in our Capricorn house and the house where Pluto lives in our chart towards the end of the week. We will feel the tension much more next week. In the meantime, the Sun in Aries squares Pluto asking him and us to understand power, control and transformation in a new or different way. It is an opening square so there will be a crisis of choice and a call to action. We’ll see things differently. We might find we are suddenly emotional about our choices too. We’ll have a sense of urgency and fate as the Sun also works with the Nodes of Fate on the World Axis ~ these are momentous choices we are making ~ sometimes because we DON’T want something rather than because we DO want it. Down the road a bit, we’ll see how big the choice was (hindsight always is 20/20). But for now, listen to your heart’s song. Sleep. Dance. Sing. Enjoy the season change. Notice the things that inspire your heart. Do more of them. Do less of the things that drain your energy. Feel.


Void Moons This Week
12:35 am EDT Tuesday March 27 to 6:43 am EDT
2:05 pm EDT Thursday March 29 to 7:07 pm EDT
12:20 am EDT Sunday April 1 to 4:35 am EDT


Monday Moon Day March 26 Moon in Taurus is solid and reliable with a quick closing and positive aspect to Mercury in Pisces. Feelings are emotional and deep. Moon meets Venus and the two of them agree you need to do what you love. You can feel the need to adjust your life and actions with Sun’s inconjunct to Mars ~ or you might have some stomach issues. Dreams are troubling but hard to remember. You awaken with a sense of sadness… Sun’s trine to the Nodes offers you a choice of direction and creativity ~ passion arises and flows freely. Late afternoon can be a bit chaotic.


Tuesday Mar’s day March 27 Moon in Gemini answers to Mercury retrograde in Pisces. You’ll feel like you are retreading the same old emotional patch of carpet. It is getting a bit threadbare. There is something about losing or letting go that is hard today. You want both options. You have to figure out how to make time stand still or reverse to get that situation to shift. You can be a bit blindsided by events, words or actions today. They were always like that. You just can SEE it now. And NO, you do not need to say it. Just know it.


Wednesday Mercury’s day March 28 Moon in Gemini continues to weigh her options and feel deeply. Be careful not to send a mean email or communication today. It can end things forever. Sun connects with the Nodes by declination so pay attention to who you meet or the dreams you have for important communications. The universe is trying to speak to you. The structures you’ve built for one purpose in your life now suddenly seem able to serve another purpose. Let them go or shift. You are ready for you next task. Saturn in Libra wants to readjust, in a permanent matter, your deep feelings and passions. Venus invites triangle energy and power struggles into her area, graciously and gently. It could be a trap or some kind of set up so keep your wits about you if suddenly they seem to “need space” or “air”. Don’t bite. Watch. Gemini Moon can be a con artist.


Jupiter’s Day Thursday March 29 find Moon in Gemini most of the day, followed by Cancer at night. Moon is productive as she trines Saturn during the day. Moon is busy with Mercury and Mercury is busy with Venus. The planets are chatting up a storm and sharing information. Pay attention to what you hear and about who. It is a busy day on earth. Sun squares Pluto today, opening up the crisis that requires you to take action and own your potency. You might not be in the ‘know’ or inner circle but you didn’t miss the memo. So spend time on the parts you love. Try and get the other stuff transferred to someone else.


Friday Venus’ day March 30 find Cancer Moon sensitive and moody but not without reason. Deep feelings, deep tides, deep emotions swirl. Venus joins with Mars by declination so you can feel hot, hot, hot or be in the mood to flirt and take off your shirt. Venus has lots of aspect today and wants to feel better. Sometimes you actually feel worse in those situations. The Moon has lots of aspects today. We want nurturing. Nurturing is NOT happening until the evening when we have a pleasant experience and connect at an emotional level. During the day, we bounce from stressful aspect to stressful aspect, just getting clearer and clearer on what we want and what we don’t want.


Saturn’s Day Saturday March 31 Moon in Cancer continues to be emotional and connected to deeper, older, far away from here, way back in the past, almost forgotten feelings. Let the feelings flow out of you and around you. It is a great day to clear out and clean out things you no longer need. You’ll remember stories that haven’t been told in years. Look through memory books and old photograph albums. Clear out papers that are not needed any more. Mars has a scratchy and tough aspect to Uranus so sudden flare ups and fights are entirely possible as both sides of the situation think they are right. Mars is back working with the energy from last November around Thanksgiving. Yes, it IS a pattern. Yes you ARE seeing it correctly. Try to clear the energy or be conscious of it. And no, you can’t do anything about it but try to NOT hold it. Ceres and the Sun both are talking to Admetos… there is a permanent problem here. It is not fixable. It is a character issue. Venus has an adjusting aspect to Saturn and wants to run for home ~ the Finger of God twitches and points at what you are meant to see. Make sure to look closely. No use going into Hell if you don’t need to. Awareness can help advert or shift away from difficulty. You are seeing it clearly.



Sun’s Day Sunday April 1 Moon in Leo is creative and frisky, offering a contrast between what we THINK we want versus what actually appeals to us. Offer yourself time to day to create and play. You should wake up bright and early ready to jump out of bed and get off to the day. Once awakened, it will be difficult to roll over and go back to bed. Your mind is racing and full of things to be done. You seem to be checking things off the list and flying as you spot pattern after pattern. Partnerships can have arguments out of silliness and passions that escalate and get very fired up quite quickly. Neither side is listening. Make sure to not part in anger as that contraparallel of Mercury to Uranus can make walking away without a word of warning and never looking back very possible.


Introduction to Astrology Weekend taught by
Presented by Bodhi Consult
April 27-29, 2012
The Wilburton Inn
Manchester Village, VT

The Introduction to Astrology Weekend includes:
16 hours of Astrology Instruction,
Two nights at the Wilburton Inn,
Friday Night Welcome Reception with Light Dinner
Breakfast, Lunch and coffee breaks on Saturday and Sunday
An Astrology Introduction Book for use and reference after the Weekend.
The Opportunity to Understand Your Chart in greater depth by studying with Anne

Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction with Anne
A bit of history about astrology, how everything under the Sun and in our world is included in astrology, what is a horoscope? A picture of the hour you were born.
Basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in Saturday’s workshop what each planet does both personally and collectively, how signs behave both in both the public arena and personal life, how to analyze horoscope charts and put it together by looking at a “mystery chart” as well as your own. There will be time to practice these skills with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Today we put it all together and explore a chart in depth. What is the myth and ruling planet in charge of your life? Where to look to determine your life’s path, how the planets talk to each other (nicely or not so nicely) and the Aspects between them, how to see the basic health information provided by the horoscope chart, and find out where to get free charts on the internet. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break are included for all.

Contact for more Information about the Introduction to Astrology Weekend:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775

[email protected]
[email protected]

copyright (c) 2012 A.C. Ortelee