Weekly Weather March 25, 2012
Another week of major changes awaits us. We can expect oodles of shifts, ah-has and oh wows! In the week ahead. Fiery passions appear as Sun and Venus move in Aries to meet up with Uranus and Mars in Fire. Communication continues to improve as Mercury moves direct albeit a bit still a bit cloudy and cluttered. Mercury is still in Pisces but we know what we WANT.
We continue to have an explosion of fire over the NEXT week. Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus are in the first decant of Aries. Fire and explosions continue all week. Be very careful and aware around fire energies. Expect passionate and action based changes in the Aries part of our charts. Watch volatile substances. Be careful with open flames.
We have a second Finger of God/Goddess forming and activating this week. It is a FAST moving and FIRE based Finger of God/Goddess. It interlocks with the other, slower moving Finger of God in that the Jupiter and Saturn planets are shared. Mars, Sun and Venus all set it off in Aries. Saturn is the Apex of the Fiery Finger, with Mars, Sun and Venus forming one leg while Jupiter in Gemini forms the other leg. The Red in the diagram is the FAST FIRE Finger. The Green in the diagram is the SLOW EVOLUTIONARY Finger we’ve been working with since December 4, 2012.
Eruptions, explosions and fires will continue to take place in your Aries house. ~ the early degrees. Explosions of Fire as Sun and Venus unite with Uranus and Mars in Fire Aries. Think simultaneous explosions like fire works on the fourth of july…boom, boom, boom, cascading all over each other and encouraging the other to explode too… Sun and Venus will hop into the Finger to stimulate old Saturn to do something different than he usually does. Saturn will have a little firecracker up his butt. Mars and Uranus will stand back and watch, probably laughing. Because of the concentration and location of all the fire energy, whatever is happening will be dramatic and passionate.
The FIRE Finger and the EVOLUTIONARY Finger are both triggered and then will start to slowly separate after this week. The Fire Finger separates rather quickly. The Evolutionary Finger takes its time and unspools over the next few weeks ~ through April 12 or so.
I always love how astrology reflects the energy we experience down here on earth. So much is going on it will be hard to keep up with it all. Next week stay as present as possible and trust the process that what is going on is for your greater good. It really IS for your greater good even if you don’t have a frigging clue how it is going to turn out. And it might just be crystal clear and you completely get it. There is no right or wrong way on how to evolve. Only that we will be called to move to the next stage of our human development and individuation. Right now, we ALL have TWO Fingers of God/Goddess in our charts asking us to evolve to the next level. You want to evolve. Evolve, baby, evolve.
Transits take place on four levels ~ always, always ~ spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical. The two Fingers take place on all four levels in your chart. You have to do the work on ALL FOUR LEVELS to evolve successfully. The Fire and Evolutionary Fingers will keep will keep pushing you to evolve.
The Full Moon on Wednesday is amazingly volatile and active as it forms a huge configuration of conflagration with a highly active energy system between fire and air and earth and water ~oodles of changes! In the chart cast for Washington, D.C. there is a huge pile of energy in the first house ~ it is a very I AM!!! Chart…. We’ll all be standing in our primal, I AM energy and be asked to express it. Lots of Fire and Lots of Ideas and Lots of ACTION… Moon and Saturn in the Western part of the chart, indicate we will ask, in a perfunctory manner, what the other guy or gal wants. And then, we will tell them what WE WANT. It is a young chart, with all the planets in the most selfish section of the Aries sign, the first decant. That is a bundle of energy of stomp, stomp, I want it! And I want it now… Don’t fight with this chart. Harness the energy to go for what you want to create or bring into your life.
The Sabian Image for the Sun in Aries is A MAN SUCCESSFULLY EXPRESSING HIMSELF IN TWO WORLDS AT ONCE Lynda Hill’s interpretation of it is
Commentary: ‘A Man Successfully Expressing Himself in Two Worlds at Once’ shows someone having the ability to be versatile and adaptable. When operating in ‘Two Worlds’, one’s life may seem divided with divergent responsibilities, needs and urges. As this image implies that this person is ‘Successfully Expressing Himself’, it shows that this is a time when it is possible, or necessary, to cope with separate or diverse areas of life.
Oracle: You have the ability, or the challenge, to shift your focus from one thing to another when it is necessary. There is also the drive, determination and focus not to run out of energy. However, there is a need to be careful not to scatter your energies, as this may lead to wasting time and losing valuable opportunities for growth. Remember to be versatile and adaptable. There is often a need for a form of balance between the emotional, spiritual and material arenas. It’s through being clear and true to the difference between these two areas, these ‘Two Worlds’, that great things can be achieved. For instance, one can have a “straight” job during the day, and be doing something really unusual, during the rest of the time, or live between two homes, two cities, two relationships, etc. On another level, there could be a realization of operating on the physical, more everyday, level of your life whilst having messages coming through from more spiritual realms. You can be successful in anything you undertake now, as long as you are happy with the compromises that may be asked of both you and others and the splitting up of areas of your life. Are you enjoying the best of both ‘Worlds?’
Keywords: Integrating the spiritual with the material. Balancing things. Doing juggling acts. Moving through people’s lives and social stratas. Translations of words and thoughts from one area of life to another. Having separate family situations. Living a dual life. Being adaptable. Moonlighting. Alternate realities. Shifting focus when necessary.
The Caution: Fooling yourself that you can be all things to different people, but eventually failing in one or both. Exhaustion through trying to achieve too much. Deception, if allegiances are not clear. Infidelity and fickleness. Scattering of interests with little being achieved. Bigamy. Two-faced. Lies and masquerades.
Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought. Henri L. Bergson
I’ve been trying for some time to develop a lifestyle that doesn’t require my presence. Gary Trudeau
Any woman who has a career and a family automatically develops something in the way of two personalities, like two sides of a dollar bill, each different in design… her problem is to keep one from draining the life from the other. Ivy Baker Priest
There are no elements so diverse that they cannot be joined in the heart of a man. Jean Giraudoux.
The Sabian Image for the Moon in Libra is A WOMAN FEEDING CHICKENS AND PROTECTING THEM FROM THE HAWKS Lynda Hill’s interpretation of it is
Commentary: ‘A Woman Feeding Chickens and Protecting Them From the Hawks’ is an image of maternal care, and having a sharp eye to watch that everyone who needs ‘Protection’ is protected. The ‘Hawks’ are predators, and ‘Chickens’ can be like sitting-ducks, to be picked off. The ‘Woman’ is responsible for the well being of the ‘Chickens’ and has to ensure their safety. This may symbolize a situation where it is very difficult to relax. There is the perception that one’s guard can’t be let down without someone, or some thing, taking advantage.
Oracle: There is a need to look after those in your care, whether they are people, things or ideas. If you put yourself in the position of being the caretaker, you must take responsibility for the care, nurturing and well being, together with the other necessary tasks. The ‘Woman’, who has become the ‘Chickens’ carer, has not only to ‘Feed’ them, but ‘Protect’ them from any dangers as well. Making sure that safeguards are in place and working well will ensure that things don’t go wrong. However, those in a position of care need to recognize the fine line between protection and overprotection. There is always more to responsibility than meets the eye. A statement often associated with this is “I only did it to protect you”. Over-sheltering can lead to alienation from the carer. This can apply in another sense; it can indicate keeping people in the dark and not letting them know what’s really going on-”for their own good”. This Symbol can show taking responsibility for things that may not normally be yours. There are possibly dangers that no one else seems to be taking seriously. Any efforts directed towards protecting and nourishing will be rewarded in the future.
Keywords: Nurturance, protection and guardianship. Being on the lookout for changes in the atmosphere. Spotting problems that nobody else notices. Shielding innocents from “bad-guys”. Motherhood and the stress of it. Predators. Being firm with outsiders.
The Caution: Overprotection. Unable to cope with everyday problems. Somebody taking over with the pretence of a need for protection. Not allowing others to grow up. Always having to be on the lookout for problems. Neurotic worrying about what may happen. Thinking about the world as a big, scary place. Being picked on. Taking advantage of the innocent. Protection money. Attacking others.
I gave my beauty and my youth to men. I am going to give my wisdom and experience to animals. Brigitte Bardot
You are quite correct in saying that I banned the export of monkeys on a humanitarian basis and not because the number was lessening. I believe in preventing cruelty to all living beings in any form. Morarji Desai
The best protection any woman can have . . . is courage. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The raven sees its chicks as falcons. Turkish Proverb
I think people are frustrated in this society, where predators prey upon normal, law-abiding citizens, and you never see justice in the courtroom. In my films, the predators don’t get away with it. Steven Seagal
Woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself. Susan B. Anthony
In stressful times, I find great comfort in an angelic energetic clearing piece written by Doreen Virtue. We all HAVE access to the angelic realm. The issue is we have to remember to ASK for their help. With the concept of free will, they can’t help us unless we ask for their help. Last week, when I was getting acupuncture to clear out my water filled lungs, my wonderful acupuncturist Shane Hoffman (Turning Point Acupuncture in NYC) asked me about my angels. I often invoke them during readings, particularly when a client is having a difficult time or when I don’t know quite what to do. I suggest invoking them to clients when they face difficult situations in their lives like divorce trials or health matters or dangers from difficult people in our world. However, in the time honored tradition of shoemaker’s children, I don’t much think about asking the angels to help ME. Shane, in his gentle voice, suggested I might be a bit more “porous” than usual, that sleep opens us up to a very vulnerable space and asking my angels to cradle and protect me as I slept might be a good idea. It isn’t actually “bothering” them (although I kind of feel like it is) as they love to help us. Plus they can multitask like nobody you’ve ever seen! I did invoke them all week. And I slept like a baby. I then dug out the clearing piece by Doreen Virtue, which I share with you now. I particularly like to work with Archangel Raphael as he’s the healing angel who works with counselors. Archangel Michael is the protector angel ~ he kicks butt. So ask them for help this week as you are evolving and particularly as there are many toss and turn nights ahead.
Angel Prescriptions for Clearing Self by Doreen Virtue.
I now give you permission to enter into my heart. I ask you please to enter my heart right now and clear me emotionally. I ask you to clear my heart of any anger that I may be hanging on to.
I ask you to clear my heart of any pain that I may be harboring from this life or the past.
I ask you to clear my heart of any resentment that I’m holding toward myself, my life, other people, other things, other places or the world.
I ask that you clear my heart of any feeling that I’ve been betrayed by myself or others.
I ask that you clear my heart of any fears I may have about losing control or about having control.
I ask that you clear my heart of any unforgiveness I may be holding toward myself.
I ask that you clear my heart of any unforgiveness I may be holding toward family members, friends, lovers, employers, co-workers, strangers, others and the world.
I ask that you clear my heart of any anxiety about my path, my life, other people, other things, other places or the world.
I ask that you fill my heart with love, health, laughter, life, joy, happiness, abundance and peace.
Part of evolving is to know how to play the cards you are dealt in life. This week, a particularly ACTIVE week of card playing, offers you lessons in when to hold them and when to walk away.
The messages of evolution will be coming from your heart! And I promise, because it is in your heart, it is in your chart!
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself.
Moon goes Void Trine Pluto on Monday Mar 25 2013 at 08:46:44 am EDT and enters Libra on Tuesday Mar 26 2013 at 05:32:41 pm EDT
Moon is void all day Monday and Tuesday.
Moon goes Void Opposite Mars on Wednesday Mar 27 2013 at 02:15:34 pm EDT and enters Scorpio on Thursday Mar 28 2013 at 08:54:36 pm EDT
Moon is void Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday.
Moon goes void Trine Mercury on Friday Mar 29 2013 at 04:25:55 pm EDT and enters Sagittarius on Saturday Mar 30 2013 at 11:14:16 pm EDT
Moon is void Friday night and all day Saturday.
Moon day Monday March 25, 2013 finds Moon void all day in Virgo but with a nice closing aspect of a trine to Pluto bringing the process energy of the Moon in alignment with the Power principle in the world. Another day of an all day Void moon which gives you plenty of time to process what exactly went on yesterday. Void moons mean the Moon is off and you should take time off too. She’s not working so you should do restorative activities in your life and to integrate the swirling energies. After a restless night of sleep, you awake to a day where things seem just the slightest bit afloat as Moon answers to a void ruled by Mercury in Pisces. Health matters improve. Today there are two Fingers of God/Goddess where Mars is arguing with Saturn, amplifying and forming a second Finger of God which asks you to take action or DO something. Saturn in Scorpio is the apex, with Jupiter in Gemini stimulated by Mars as the legs. This will cause some kind of deep realization of a psychological nature. Authorities can be frustrating in their inaction or obtuseness. Partnerships and relationships are a bit stressed over unrealized expectations. Did they actually HEAR you? Or was something else taking up their attention. Double check communications and look for snafus or dropped balls or missing emails before you get angry or feel frustrated.
Mars day Tuesday March 26, 2013 finds Moon still void in Virgo most of the day and entering Libra in the early evening. Another day of an all day Void moon which gives you plenty of time to process what exactly went on last week. Void moons mean the Moon is off and you should take time off too. She’s not working so you should do restorative activities in your life and to integrate the swirling energies. Libra Moon has a separating and rather difficult closing aspect to Mars as the leg of the second fast moving Angry Finger of God/Goddess implying matters tonight, tomorrow and Thursday involve anger, stress or the desire to take action and do something, anything especially in relationships. Not a great idea. Avoid, if you can, those “where are we going with this relationship/situation?” conversations. You will WANT to have the conversation. It is better to wait and watch. You KNOW when the heavens get like that it often is best to sit quietly and watch the world dance around you. The information will actually COME to you if you are patient and watch carefully. Mars in Fire sets off Jupiter and stimulates the Angry Finger of God/ Goddess in the morning. Most folks will have trouble NOT reacting to that energy. Deep feelings are swirling. Back to age 10 and 11. Back to 9-11-2001. Back to September 2011. Clear the energy. Notice what is going on inside of you. Sun’s square to Kronos offers a psychological understanding of old ego patterns or how you react to power and authorities combined with the opportunity to release them. Mars squares Pluto setting off a power struggle and the desire to take action, often in an angry manner, against someone abusing power or irritating you. Be careful with this energy as it can be dangerous particularly as Mars is so charged up by his recent union with Uranus and his fight with the Lord of the Underworld. He WANTS to be irritated and pick a fight. Just notice the fight or flight energy rising up in you and others. Abuse of power or reacting to people misusing power will be newsworthy today.
Mercury’s Day Wednesday March 27, 2013 finds Moon going Void midday after having a number of stressful aspects. Similar to the Sun seeing old patters yesterday, Venus sees old patterns around desire and love and has a psychological breakthrough. You have an opportunity to change now. Jupiter’s square to Chiron offers a toss and turn night full of dreams about facing your wounds and moving past them. Or having your wounds LOOK at you. Or having you look at your wounds. A client once had an eagle that came every night in her dreams to sit at the foot of her bed. She looked at it. It looked at her. It kind of freaked her out. She wrote to me. I suggested she talk to it. The eagle turned out to be quite a chatterbox and shared important insights with her. When the transit was over, the eagle flew off. She kind of missed her nightly chats with it. Your dreams are quite active trying to communicate with you the best they can. Ask them questions if you don’t understand what is going on. You might have an interesting series of conversations. Moon is full this Morning at 5:27 am EDT. The Full Moon is particularly powerful and culminates the story from September 2011 when the New Moon took place at this degree. You can even go back one more year to September 2010 when Saturn was at 6 Libra. The Moon forms an exceptionally active and vibrant t-square. T-squares demand action and are highly volatile ~ good or bad. They just want to take action and DO something. The Full Moon , while most of us are still sleeping, dances through your dreams. Then Moon moves, emotionally through an opposition to Uranus (break through, break up, break down, change it up!). Moon trines Jupiter ~ stimulating the Angry Finger of God/Goddess and kicking one of the legs into action. Moon then squares Pluto ~ the principle of relating is in a psychological crisis of how to proceed and use their own power. Finally Moon in Libra argues by opposition to Mars in Aries… kick the other leg of the Angry Finger of God/Goddess and leaving the story. Or wanting to separate and take some quiet time. Tears can take place today.
Jupiter’s day Thursday March 28, 2013 finds Moon in Libra and Void until late in the day when it enters Scorpio. Another day of an all day Void moon which gives you plenty of time to process what exactly went on yesterday. Void moons mean the Moon is off and you should take time off too. She’s not working so you should do restorative activities in your life and to integrate the swirling energies. Moon in Scorpio Friday and Saturday has a confident and pleasant closing aspect of a flowing communication aspect with Mercury. While you might not have WORDS for the events of the week, you will have FEELINGS. Allow them to stretch and carry you to new places and understanding. Mercury’s trine to Saturn in the Morning offers solutions to the dreams. The eagle might just start speaking to you. The back half of the day is particularly full of rocking and rolling: Sun joins with Venus around 1 pm today to start a new year long and eight yearlong cycle around money, desire, love and finances. Venus joins with Uranus to have a profound ah-ha moment around life, money, creativity and love…. Highly stimulated, Venus is on fire… passions take you on a wild ride. Sun joins with Uranus next, highly stimulating the ego, intelligence and purpose to help you move forward. Sun does argue with Eris at the end of the day suggesting the energy flying around in your body will make it difficult to calm down enough to sleep. Take advantage of the excess energy to accomplish things.
Venus’ Day March 29, 2013 finds Moons in Scorpio, intense and passionate even if she is wordless, she’s having her feelings! Mercury is particularly active today. First Words can feel meaningless as the energy is silent but deep when Mercury joins with Chiron. Or restless dreams offer a spot of healing. Next Mercury squares Jupiter so there can be an excess of communication that means nothing. After that Mercury goes through a square to Pluto asking you to speak truth to power even if you mutter under your breath or roll your eyes. Moon joins with Saturn kind of bringing you down. From the down place, Mercury’s sextile to Pluto allows for a profound understanding of your deepest feelings even if they don’t or can’t quite be put to words. You know what you want to do. Moon’s trine to Mercury ~ Scorpio to Pisces, helps you see an unusual truth about who you are and why you are here. Venus argues with the need to BE WOUNDED or to CONTINUE to STAY WOUNDED. By staying wounded, we give into the lower forms of energy in our chart. Sure, the wound happened. But if we process it as part of the story of how we became who we are, we see the wound as integral to who we are. It helped create us. It offers us wisdom through the pain. Moon sextiles Pluto and Mercury asking us to tell ourselves a slightly different story. Late at night, Jupiter sets off the Finger of God by perfecting his inconjunct to Pluto… the big Finger of God in the Heavens starts to break down now… it will slowly separate over the next few weeks. The work of evolution, under this Finger is accomplished. Next we move out into the world to begin to implement the consciousness we’ve attained.
Saturn’s Day Saturday March 30, 2013 finds Moon void in Scorpio. Another day of an all day Void moon which gives you plenty of time to process what exactly went on. Void moons mean the Moon is off and you should take time off too. She’s not working so you should do restorative activities in your life and to integrate the swirling energies. Moon enters Sagittarius at 11:13 pm EDT tonight. Another night of tossing and turning and kind of bizarre dreams. Venus is inconjunct to Saturn, stimulating the Firey Finger of God/Goddess and asking Saturn to make a decision about how to proceed and what to do around relationships, love, money and desire. Pallas enters Taurus, settling down and leaving behind her irritation when she traveled with Eris the past two weeks. She becomes more focused and grounded. Sun has an inconjunct to Saturn, stimulating the Fiery Finger of God/Goddess and asking Saturn to make a decision about how he wants to shine, what work he wants, what he’s figured out since December 2012. Again the Finger of God is all about fated choices. This is the week we get our stuff together for the next 12 years or so… At least the big picture! Focus on the big picture. The details will take care of themselves.
Sun’s Day Sunday, March 31, 2013 finds Moon in Sagittarius with a passel of aspects to the fire energies in the chart and a lovely closing aspect of a trine to Mars in passionate Aries. Another night of restless sleep, and dreams about how to heal or move forward. Venus and Sun traveling in Fire set off the Finger of God all day long. Venus squares Pluto inviting a dialogue between the feminine and the power, and it might be an argument. Venus gets fueled up by Eris and you KNOW how a woman irritated can just bring your WHOLE day down. Venus sextiles Jupiter stimulating the Finger of God as it starts to separate and reminding you what you desire and why. If it is in your heart, it is in your chart. You can find you have a HUGE boost of energy as Mars opposes Zeus and energizes and encourages you to move forward. Sun’s aspect to Chiron offers an opportunity to reassess, especially as it seems to come out of NOWHERE, that stinging sense of “who am I?” Sun’s square to Pluto at the end of the day slows everything down to the essentials and what needs to be taking place here.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: A Huge Full Moon and oodles of Fire aspects end Non-linear time. Lots of new beginning energy too with Uranus, Sun and Venus. The Finger of God/Goddess perfects and starts to break apart over the next few weeks. Mercury in Pisces is moving forward to retrace his retrograde steps one more time. And he rules Jupiter so he is playing with us and the Finger of God making us focus on our dreams. Watch out for all the fire….
Scorpios Talking: Michael and Anne talked about the shadow energy evoked by our close relatives, partners, children, and friends. They are not going any place any time soon! But YOU can change how you work with them!
The Mary Anne Show: Mary and I Laughed. Humor with consciousness. What is going on in the world!?
Access Astrology: Heather, Mark and I talked about the week ahead and took calls from listeners.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt continues to enthrall… Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps individuation.
Learn Palmistry with Anne Ortelee
Weekend Workshop
April 26-28, 2013
Manchester, Vermont
Palmistry is both an art and a science. It is based on scientific principles that can be learned by anyone. The hand is called ‘God’s Road Map’. The hand is one of the most valuable tools we have for guidance. Knowing Palmistry will enrich the lives of all you meet as they understand the knowledge and wisdom in their hands.
Palmistry’s use as a means of psychological insight and divination dates back thousands of years. Because the hand changes as you change, it is an up to the minute report from your own Higher Self. The hand reports on many areas of your life, including health, financial security, talents, strengths and weaknesses. It shows the best choices for creating a fulfilling life. It reflects YOU, the unique individual. Your hand is a mirror of your soul.
The weekend workshop in Palmistry will cover every aspect of the hand, the shapes, the lines, fingers, and the seven planetary archetypes. We will practice reading hands, as well as learn how to synthesize and communicate the information we find.
Anne Ortelee was trained as a Palmist by The School of Oracles. The School of Oracles is dedicated to preserving and perpetuating Palmistry, a sacred art, in a manner that does honor to the wisdom, healing and illumination it brings to humanity.
Weekend will include:
• 5 meals ~ dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch Saturday & Sunday
• Two nights’ accommodations
• Workshop and Course materials
• Individual Time with your Own Hand!
Please contact Bodhi Consult for more information. Register by visiting www.bodhiconsult.com or call Beth at 802 379 5775
Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at SabianSymbols.com
Copyright © 2013 A.C. Ortelee