Weekly Weather March 19, 2012
A very roller coaster week ahead of us with ups, downs, overs, outs, ins, curves, blind spots, whirls and swirls. So don’t try to make sense of it. Simply enjoy the ride. Hands inside the cart. Seat belts on. Scream at the top of your lungs as the roller coaster dives towards earth. Observe. Keep your mouth closed so bugs don’t fly in it. Notice what is going on. That big wheel of planets is turning and we are rolling, rolling, rolling down the river of our life. No use worrying about the way things might have been…. Don’t lose one minute of sleeping worrying…
With apologies to Willie Nelson for modifying his lyrics, I want you to summon up your best Tina Turner impression, summon up your Proud Mary strut to get ready to face the week ahead. Or maybe hum Gloria Gaynor’s lyrics to “I will survive!”? Tough to find a theme song more appropriate: “Did you think I would crumble? Did you think I would lay down and die? Oh no, not I. I will survive. Oh as long as I know how to love I know I’ll stay alive. I should have changed that stupid lock. I should have made you leave your key!” You’ll know which lyrics match your life by the end of the week. So sing as you ride your roller coaster. Besides when you sing you can’t worry.
As you might guess, there’s a lot going on up there above our heads ….
1) Spring arrives with the Ingress of Sun into Aries starting the new growing season in the Northern Hemisphere and Fall in the Southern Hemisphere,
2) New Moon in Aries right near the World axis and the Mercury/Uranus midpoint starting a new two and a half year creative, innovative cycle,
3) five planets/asteroids (Mars, Ceres, Juno, Chiron, and Eris) aspecting the nodes of fate and destiny asking us to make fateful choices about our life in the areas they each rule as well as in the Scorpio and Aries houses of our charts,
4) The Nodes of Fate are on the world axis making the choices especially fateful as well as publicly known.
5) three planets/asteroids stationing and changing directions (Kronos going direct, Cupido going retrograde, Juno going retrograde) always good for an “ah ha” moment as stationary bodies stimulate the areas they rule ~respectively wisdom/time, family/tribe, relationships /partnerships. Shifts of direction in each of those areas.
6) Mercury backing retrograde out of Aries into Pisces ~ shifting the Gemini South Node and Mars in Virgo in the sky and the Gemini and Virgo planets and houses in your chart. Out of the fire and back into the ocean we go. Pull the covers over your head and go back to bed.
7) Mercury combust the Sun in Aries will make us think WE are right and THEY are wrong ~ Or THEY will think WE are wrong and THEY are RIGHT. Combust planets in self focused Aries is about me, me, me and what I believe, believe, believe and want, want, want. Mine. Mine! MINE!
8) Ceres meeting up with Eris the Goddess of Discord making the mothers and all kind or nurturing energy mighty, mighty cranky as Eris makes for extreme irritation. Momma Earth is in the mood to stomp on our head. Even the macaroni and cheese is NOT going to satisfy.
9) Sun meeting up with Uranus in Aries causing a rather cosmic explosion of consciousness in the light the fire and set the world ablaze manner.
10) Mercury/Venus and Saturn parallel by declination in the heavens which feels like a giant union of not being heard (Mercury)nor getting what you want and desire (Venus) because Saturn says NOPE, THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
And then there are a large number of stressful aspects ~ lots of red symbols in my aspectarian ~ with oppositions, squares, semi-squares and sesquiquadrates oh my! Not many easy aspects at all.
So it is going to be a heck of a week. So what to do?
Build extra space and time into your schedule ~ things are going to be very hectic so create the space ahead of time. Someone or some manys are going to want / need/ demand your time/ energy /attention. Have space and time available for yourself and them.
Be silent and listen ~ Mercury and Mars and Saturn are all retrograde. You want to let them talk to YOU, not vice versa. Both the planets and the people are having trouble communicating. Verify what you hear ~ “If I heard you correctly, you said…”
Don’t give advice ~ it is too soon ~ gather data, hear them out, save your reaction ~ there will be time later for that good advice you have. Do the research. Hear them out ~ what are they thinking?
Don’t say “I told you so” OR remind them “I warned you” ~ they know how they got themselves into this situation. Rubbing it in or being mean on top of whatever is going on doesn’t help nor is it kind.
Take good care of yourself ~ the airlines tell you to put on your oxygen mask first before helping others. You need to do that this week. Set boundaries. Turn off the phone. Go to bed early. Avoid substances that reduce inhibitions or make you crazy. You want to be inhibited this week and observe what is going on.
Ask your guides or God or your higher being for guidance when you are feeling overwhelmed. They can’t help unless you ask them for help. If you don’t believe in that ‘stuff’~ go lay on your back at night and gaze at the stars to connect into the cosmic pulse that we all respond to.
Recognize that everyone else is feeling this wild and wooly energy so children, adults, and those folks who you normally think of as calm, cool and collected are rocking and rolling in their world too. Be patient. Be silent. Be kind. And ask others to be patient, silent and kind too.
Remember….. it is a wild ride this week….
Void Moons This Week
4:31 pm EDT March 19 Monday to 8:05 pm EDT
4:39 am EDT March 21, Wednesday to 5:57 am EDT March 22 Thursday
All day long void moon on Wednesday
1:17 pm EDT March 24 Saturday to 5:43 pm EDT
The New Moon in Aries starts a new two and a half year cycle. The Sabian Image for the New Moon is A CAMEO SHOWS THE PROFILE OF A MAN THAT SUGGESTS THE OUTLINE OF HIS COUNTRY. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Image for the New Moon is
Commentary: ‘A Cameo Profile’ is a simple, yet strong definition of an individual’s character, shape, loyalty and role in life. The ‘Cameo’ suggests the appearance of a growing objective awareness of how someone fits into the larger picture. You may find that you, or someone else have a more important role than was previously thought; or that you are imprinting your mark; or possibly becoming a model of one’s tradition, culture, thoughts and ideas.
Oracle: There’s often a need to feel included or involved in the larger picture in order to feel “whole” or accepted. Taking the time to examine your place in society can bring about insights into just what the big picture is for you. Understanding and expanding your true place in the scheme of things can lead to actually having a much larger ‘Profile’. This could be on any level, emotional, physical, mental or spiritual. The ‘Country’ that this Symbol implies may not have national boundaries. There is the spiritual “country”; the ideological “country”, even past life “countries”. There are some people who find their roots in a mixture of these places, or realities, and don’t actually feel a belonging to their actual ‘homeland’. The sense of having a place is often deep-seated and truly found in the individual’s belonging to the essential self. How do you, and others, fit into this situation? Does your ‘Profile’ define you in a different way from what you’d like, or are you happy with the outline of your image? Picture who you want to be or what you want out of life. Using a pen and paper, draw your ‘Cameo’ or just picture what the outline of your ‘Country’ should be, as it could be an interesting exercise. We are what we believe we are. What face are you showing to the world?
Keywords: Observing one’s limitations. Living a life that is large. Atlases and maps. Standing by one’s self. Allegiances with creed, religion, race or country. Nationhood. Brotherhood. The land. People in uniforms of any kind.The face of fighters who fought ‘the good fight’. Borders and limitations to activity. Identification.
The Caution: Stereotyping one’s self or others. Blindly following the dogma of parents, government or officials. Not seeing the true essence of one’s self. Expecting to fit into some “shape” or model. Becoming identified with externals. Seeking recognition from others.
As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world. Virginia Woolf
He worked like hell in the country so he could live in the city, where he worked like hell so he could live in the country. Don Marquis
A man’s country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle; and patriotism is loyalty to that principle. George William Curtis
Socrates said he was not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world. Plutarch
He who has an art has everywhere a part. Romanian Proverb
I have never belonged wholeheartedly to a country, a state, or to a circle of friends, nor even to my own family. Albert Einstein
Moon day Monday March 19 find the Moon in Aquarius with a lovely closing trine aspect to Saturn, offering a vision of what we want to accomplish in all our relationships changes. Upon awakening take time to reflect on your dreams and note them. Ceres trine to Cupido offers a nurturing connection to your tribe as you start your day. Make sure to tell the people in your life that you love them. Mars squares the Nodes of Fate at 2:30 pm EDT offering you a choice between two unpleasant and probably rather difficult options. Choose wisely and towards the most hopeful of the options. The nodes and retrograde Mars are on the world axis suggesting the actions taken by you at this time are life altering. Not your run of the mill choice! Jupiter is blindsided by a home or office situation ~ aren’t you glad you didn’t overbook yourself today? Sun squares Hades at the last degree of Pisces ~ also on the world axis. Last degrees of the zodiac are fateful points ~ a complete cycle is ending as a new one begins. The cycle of our ego’s development begins a new chapter. We look at the fine mess Hades is stirring up in the last degrees of Gemini ~ we can feel we are immersed in a very difficult energy. Kronos stations to go direct offering us an opportunity to move forward with wisdom if we listen to our heart. Chiron semi-squares Ceres on the World axis ~ we see how wounded the nurturing principle is as Ceres moves away to create her next chapter. We always spend time on the things and people that we love. Draw your attention to what you spend your time on. Is it in alignment with what you SAY you want to have in your life? If you are not in alignment, can you move, ever so slightly, to where you can start to create what you SAY you want. There is a study that says when we tell other people what we intend to do, we don’t actually DO it. We take the praise or suggestions and feel like we’ve already accomplished it. Apparently it is better to keep it to yourself and just go do it. Work on it, silently, and you’ll get more accomplished. Silence. Do it. You can find yourself very irritated as Ceres approaches and joins with Eris the Goddess of Discord. The nurturing principle is not happy right now. You can find yourself battling that lingering health issue again so make sure to get extra sleep tonight if you can.
Mar’s day Tuesday March 20 Moon in Pisces closes with a lovely sextile to Venus in Taurus so we have another productive day. Sun enters Aries and crosses the equator into the Northern Hemisphere. The day and night are perfectly equal today. Eggs balanced on their heads don’t roll over. (You have to be up at 1:14 am EDT but it WORKS!). The Ingress for The new season is mighty powerful and focused…. It encompasses all the energy flying around in the sky right now… what an amazing spring or fall it will be. Chiron, the wounded part of your energy and being, the part where you DON’T feel at all in command or in charge of anything, has a semi-square to Eris. Chiron is following in the footsteps of Ceres yesterday. Nurturing is feeling wounded and NOT appreciated. Chiron is feeling a great deal of discord about his ability to actually take care of the situation. And you know what? You can’t fix it. You can’t change it. It is what it is. You can love it the way it is. Again, because Chiron’s aspect to Eris takes place on the world axis, it will seem like EVERYONE knows! And everyone has a comment. Now you REALLY want to go to bed. Sun needs to adjust his intensity and perhaps his ego, as he’s now in passionate, selfish Aries. Partnerships attempt to reach out to include ~ probably too late ~ the story that everyone knows about. A situation in your home needs to come to an end. It is old, tired and just plain worn out. Celebrate the shift in seasons with fire and abundance.
Mercury’s day, Wednesday March 21 Moon in Pisces VOID ALL DAY LONG…. With lovely closing aspects so you’ll be able to get a great deal done on existing projects and finish things up. Wait to mail them out the door until the Taurus moon on Sunday and Monday. If you are trying to end things or finish things or release things to not have them bother you again, send them out on Thursday, Friday or Saturday morning. Dreams are particularly potent and turbulent as Uranus makes for tossing and turning energy stimulating Mercury, Poseidon and the Sun. Mercury and Venus, who NORMALLY get along are having a bit of a spat right now. Just don’t even ASK. She’s cranky and he’s sharp tongued. Mars is in the mood to fight with all things nurturing, kind or gentle. Remember Mercury in Aries is fighting with Venus and he’s in charge of Mars in Virgo so there is a cut off your nose to spite your face kind of energy right now. Be careful as you might want your nose down the line a bit. It is helpful to have a sense of smell. So ONLY cut off your nose if you absolutely have to. Maybe it would be better to take a break, a nap, have a cup of tea, and meditate? Ceres sesquiquadrates the North Node of Fate and semi-squares the South Node of Fate ~ here you completely want to back off from all forms of nurturing or advice giving or telling people what to do. They simply do not want to hear it. You can feel very uncomfortable in your own skin or in how you are getting nurtured. And truth be told, this is NOT a situation where you are going to feel nurtured as there isn’t much any one can do to fix it. Baby birds fall out of the nest and die. Momma earth creates an abundance of turtles so they can be eaten up by the bigger fishes…. Of course a FEW turtles DO survive but the duplication and sheer volume of baby turtles is very impressive. Thousands, millions of sperm move out seeking to fertilize one egg… Only one succeeds, and all the rest of the sperm don’t make it. You’ll be aware of the “not make its” today. The not make its still served a purpose but sometimes it is hard to be a not make it. Sun joins with Mercury so people tend to believe THEY are RIGHT and the other guy is WRONG. Don’t disabuse them of that notion. No arguing or pointing out the other position. We need to gather up our own excess , throw it over our shoulder and make a grand exit. Time to go home, holding our head high and ponder our next step. We gave it our best. We didn’t get what we wanted. Cupido stations to go retrograde ~ we are separating from our tribe and moving into the next step of our individuation. This is a process we have to do ourselves. And sometimes, frankly, it kind of sucks. Mars squares the partnership aspect so we are offered or declined partnerships ~ as it takes place on the world axis, it does seem like the whole world is watching and knows.
Jupiter’s day, Thursday March 22 the Moon in Aries forms a New Moon at 2:22 Aries, starting a new two and a half year cycle. The Sabian Image for the New Moon is A CAMEO SHOWS THE PROFILE OF A MAN THAT SUGGESTS THE OUTLINE OF HIS COUNTRY. The New Moon takes place between Mercury and Uranus suggesting an explosion of consciousness or brilliance. It is a startling New Moon focusing our attention on the hopes and dreams that are lurking in our heart now that Neptune has changed signs. Dreams are troubling but full of meaningful patterns. Take time to remember and write them down upon awakening. Venus joins with Saturn by declination waking up a sense of not getting what you want or desire. Or maybe better said, what you have might not be what you want. But it IS what you have. Now you have to decide if you want to keep it or trade it in. Mercury is not content as he rides over the world axis. People are in the mood to complain today. Listen. Do not offer advice. They need to vent even if it seems like they keep saying the same thing over and over and over and over. When they STOP talking about it, they are actually ready to take some action to change it (or when Mars goes direct in mid-April.) Right now they want to feel very sorry for themselves. Often we need to get to a place of “pain” or a whole lot of hurt before we make the needed changes in our lives. Saturn is sitting on our heads, pushing, pushing, pushing at us to see the patterns in our lives so we can consciously change them. Mars is opposite Chiron ~ you can almost hear the roar of pain from the wound that you keep picking open by staying in a continuous state of pain. Kind of like when you were losing a tooth when you were little ~ you keep coming back to it and playing with it with your tongue. And then you push that tooth just a bit too far and it hurts. Moon joins with Sun for a New Moon and Uranus to ask us to make changes to our habits…. Why do we do these things to ourselves? Just push it a teeny bit harder and make it hurt again. Are you ready to let it go and NOT stay in a place of pain? Juno joins with North Node of destiny ~ we partner with our path to the level that we encourage ourselves to shut off the old tapes and discard the behavior that no longer serves us. Today as Juno merges with the North Node of Fate, we find a new direction to head with our partnership. It is time to change it up again. It is also time to release our fearful past and go towards our future.
Venus’ day Friday March 23 Moon in Aries is certain and strong even if she wants to blow up things. Again the dreams are rocking and illuminative. Neptune in Pisces is certainly doing his job of making the unconscious conscious. That darned lingering cold is sniffling around the edges of your nose…. Did you go to bed early last night? You need to take better care of yourself. Mercury is on the world axis so it seems everyone is a bit sad or mad today. Mercury reenters Pisces going retrograde ~ out of the fire and back into the Ocean of feelings, tiredness and emotional processing. We have 13 more days of swimming back in the ocean, being carried off by a riptide of emotion before Mercury shifts to go direct. Mercury resquares Hades again to remind you that you are still where you were. Change is incremental. Start making changes today, step by step, minute by minute, and you will get there. Venus is in the mood to argue, seemingly out of nowhere. She’s in the fixed sign of Taurus ~ so she takes it and takes it and takes it and then WHOOSH ~ she’s not taking it a moment longer. It is a semi-square so her frustration can boil over in a bit of a rant. Again, silence and let her vent. She’s working it out too. This world can be tough at time. Chiron squares the Nodes of Fate ~ your moment of truth is here…. Please, please, please, pick in the direction that scares you a bit, that feels uncharted but is calling you, that speaks to your soul. Chiron was a brave little centaur. He kept the quest up to find a solution to his pain. You must do no less. Give yourself permission to choose wisely for your greater evolution and good. Yes, it takes you out of your comfort zone but THAT IS A GOOD THING! YOU HAVE TO SET YOURSELF FREE TO GO FOR YOUR DREAM. It is YOUR dream. Not the other person’s dream. Forward to your dream.
Saturn’s day Saturday March 24 Moon in Aries shifting into Taurus combined with Mercury in Pisces make this want to be a quiet at home kind of weekend. At the same time, Sun joins with Uranus so there is an explosive energy of wanting to do something, be something, and have a lightening inspiration. Be careful as this is a great aspect to blow out your Achilles tendon playing touch football…. Or some kind of sport or car accident. It is prone to accidents that seem to come out of no place. Uranus unites with the Sun in Aries so there can be head on crashes. And Mercury in Pisces in his fall is ruling Mars in Virgo so we can expect accidents around alcohol, feet, water, weapons or perhaps unseen head or neck butts. Mercury and Venus join by declination combining communication and desire but they also link up with Saturn who says nope. Or caution. Or knees. Or not going to, not going to. The nodes have stressful aspects with the Goddess of Discord so expect the choices made to be the cause of discontent and dissatisfaction. Juno stops to go backward, again on the world axis, so partnerships can blow up under this aspect and go very, very publicly south. Venus and Ceres get that time will heal but neither of them are in the mood to wait for that healing to take place. Careful not to reinjure yourself. And if in doubt, DO go to the emergency room. It IS broken. Or very badly sprained….
Sun’s day Sunday March 25 Moon in Taurus has lovely closing aspects of a sextile to Mercury in Pisces so we start to settle down from our turbulent week. Chiron squares Juno so partnerships, again on the world axis are tested and troubled. We pull in people who see our souls. That means they also know how to deeply wound us because they DO see our souls. This is a day when you need to be extra kind to that soft sensitive place. Chiron placements are where people cry during readings. It is a deep, sad place, where there is no way to comfort or fix it. We practice and work on it. It becomes our gift to others as we also heal from it ~ all the work we’ve done to try and fix it makes us experts in it. So we know of what we speak. And, we can only heal another if we have gone through it ourselves. From having experienced it, we are wise in the way of the world. Today is a wisdom day. Moon forms a grand trine in earth with Mars, Pluto and Jupiter offering us an opportunity to be incredibly productive today. There is energy of realizing you no longer fit where it used to be so comfortable. You’ve out grown it. Or it has outgrown you. Time to move forward to the new space or tribe or group or dream. Venus in Taurus seeks a deep connection and wants to nurture and help others connect in love. Time to go find that space. It isn’t hat this space is “wrong” so much as it no longer matches what your soul needs. Separate in kindness.
Introduction to Astrology Weekend taught by
Presented by Bodhi Consult
April 27-29, 2012
The Wilburton Inn
Manchester Village, VT
The Introduction to Astrology Weekend includes:
16 hours of Astrology Instruction,
Two nights at the Wilburton Inn,
Friday Night Welcome Reception with Light Dinner
Breakfast, Lunch and coffee breaks on Saturday and Sunday
An Astrology Introduction Book for use and reference after the Weekend.
The Opportunity to Understand Your Chart in greater depth by studying with Anne
Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction with Anne
A bit of history about astrology, how everything under the Sun and in our world is included in astrology, what is a horoscope? A picture of the hour you were born.
Basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in Saturday’s workshop what each planet does both personally and collectively, how signs behave both in both the public arena and personal life, how to analyze horoscope charts and put it together by looking at a “mystery chart” as well as your own. There will be time to practice these skills with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Today we put it all together and explore a chart in depth. What is the myth and ruling planet in charge of your life? Where to look to determine your life’s path, how the planets talk to each other (nicely or not so nicely) and the Aspects between them, how to see the basic health information provided by the horoscope chart, and find out where to get free charts on the internet. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break are included for all.
Contact for more Information about the Introduction to Astrology Weekend:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775
[email protected]
[email protected]
Lynda Hill’s interpretations appear with her permission. Check out her work at her work out at http://www.sabiansymbols.typepad.com or http://www.sabiansymbols.com
copyright © 2012 A. C. Ortelee