Weekly Weather March 16, 2015
You CAN walk away or CHANGE the paradigm!
The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming!
Monday night at 9:50 pm ET, we have the last of the seven Uranus Pluto squares. Uranus and Pluto are finishing up their multi-year extravaganza which invited us to transform the power dynamic in our live that was “abusive” or not adapting to change. We’ll feel their dynamic energy and tension build and culminate this week. Expect folks that are abusing their power to continue to hit the mat face first or fall from grace. It is time for a change of paradigm!!
The first Uranus/Pluto square was June 24, 2012 at 08°Ar23′ square 08°Cp23′; second September 19, 2012 at 06°Ar57′ square 06°Cp57′; third May 20, 2013 at11°Ar14′ square 11°Cp14′; fourth November 1, 2013 at 09°Ar25′ square 09°Cp25′; fifth April 21, 2014 at 13°Ar34′ square 13°Cp34′; sixth December 15, 2014 at 12°Ar35′ square 12°Cp35′ and seventh March 16, 2015 at 15°Ar18′ square 15°Cp18′.
Uranus and Pluto finish their square and continue to move forward together until Pluto stations to go retrograde on April 17 and Uranus moves 2 degrees away from him on April 26, 2015. So the energy continues to stay crazy but it starts to make choices. Make choices that ENHANCE your changes! Repot yourself in new dirt! Break out of the old. Evolve. Change. Stand in your authentic and earned power. Embrace your creative genius! These two big fellows meet up again in 2046 to 2048~ 31 years from now (I won’t be alive to see THAT opposition) so we can breathe a sigh of relief and relax as they begin to slowly separate. Sure, the square’s dynamic energy will keep toppling bad Plutos who’ve abused their power and divorce you from situations that need to leave your life ~ either you or they go ~ with Uranus in I am outta here Aries.
For example, I had dinner with a dear astrology friend on Friday to celebrate her birthday. As is our routine, we gossiped about the comings and goings in the astrology community. For a bunch of supposedly “enlightened” people, we astrologers certainly have our dramas, intrigues and dustups ~ including some very Plutonian people who control with iron fists and very Uranian explosive types who blow things up just because it is fun! She told me something that “set off” a very old and dusty button of mine from 12 years ago. That button and the emotional events behind it had been put on a dark closet shelf and locked away because I was deeply hurt and felt betrayed. Suddenly, the old dusty story was back and throbbing in my brain. My opportunity for “redemption” or “vengeance” and to be either “Pluto” or “Uranus” depending on how you wanted to look at the situation was here! Right in front of me! However, to claim it, exercise it or get it, I would have to go back into a very swampy cesspool and roll around in the mud, muck and mire. Sure, I COULD do it!! But did I WANT to do it? I DO have an out of bounds, very competitive exalted Mars in Capricorn in my astrology house of groups AND on my North Node of Destiny ~ right where transiting Pluto is sitting and will station one more time in September. I could be Pluto! I could be Uranus! My friend thought it was very likely my plan would work and that I would be successful if I chose to pursue it. I left our dinner mulling various options. I tossed and turned all night with very turbulent dreams.
Upon awakening, the true purpose of the Uranus/Pluto square flew into my brain. Uranus/Pluto and their ongoing dialogue (argument) are about setting us free to pursue, as best we can, our soul’s purpose and our life’s work. Was my soul’s purpose and life’s work REALLY best served by getting back into the mud, muck and mire and rolling around in it again? Probably NOT, as tempting as it seemed in the moment! That was “lower” form Uranus/Pluto. I wanted to work with “higher” form Uranus/Pluto. I wanted to evolve, not de-evolve. I wanted to change and break free, not crack, blow up things, or run away, with Uranus. I wanted to exercise legitimate conscious power that came from authentic and hard earned respect and authority rather than play with petty tyrants in their silly games.
So this week, when faced with YOUR closing square of Uranus/Pluto, know that you’ll have the opportunity to DEFINE WHAT YOU WANT. Choose the path that leads toward authentic freedom and legitimate conscious power. As sentient and conscious beings, what we put out there comes back to us threefold. What do you want to come back to you three fold? Choose wisely. Choose wisely as your soul is watching.
A wise client of mine came through town last week so we met in person for the first time. Over a delicious vegan dinner, we talked about the nature of karma and old/young souls. She said something that I have been mulling, chewing over, and pulling on since our dinner ~ kind of like teething in a 60 year old body! I was grumbling about people who do rotten things, the karma involved, and kind of yearning for a visible retribution of some sort. She brightly said, with a twinkle in her eyes, “Oh Anne, they are YOUNG souls. They don’t know any better. Can’t you see that they are babies?”
They don’t know any better…. Hmmmm. Babies…..hmmmm
So I know my astrology ~ Combine: They don’t know any better. Uranus Pluto square. Evolving!
Be compassionate for the folks that don’t know any better this week. Evolve.
Saturn is going retrograde, right in the middle of a square to Neptune, until August 2. Saturn is going back into the swamp of Scorpio to get whatever it was he forgot or didn’t handle properly between December 8 and 23rd. Time to take care of it! This week, Saturn grinds into the fire Sagittarius energy until Wednesday. After that, the oppressive energy shifts and seems to lighten.
Mercury is in Pisces and very emotional. Very, very sensitive and deeply feeling ~ cries easily! During the week he squares Saturn ~ getting a NO ~ on Monday. He joins with Neptune on Wednesday ~ deeply depressed or ardently following his dream. He forms a Finger of God with Jupiter on Saturday ~ you have an opportunity to meet your fate! He collaborates with Pluto and argues with Uranus on Sunday, to clarify his focus and feelings going forward.
Mars in Aries with all this crazy is impulsive energy that does things that in retrospect are driven by stupidity or a need for control. People with hurt feelings can do really stupid things. Watch out for road rage as well as emotional outbursts in your Aries house. With folks who are reeling from recent emotional or love or financial setbacks, take time to connect with them and explain these are “transits” which will pass.
Venus enters Taurus, her favorite place, on Tuesday for 24 days. Suddenly, love seems in the air. The North Node of Fate currently in Libra, answers to Venus in Taurus. It’s about connection and partnering to create something.
Sun enters Aries on Friday at 6:45 pm ET officially kicking off the spring season (and for some astrologers, the new year!) as he cross the equator heading north. The Aries Ingress follows 13 short hours after the eclipse at 29:27 Pisces. New beginnings abound!!!
Juno is direct and trine to stationing Saturn in Sagittarius. New partners can appear out of the ethers. Or existing partners can evaporate like dust swirling in a hot afternoon breeze. Yes, it IS ending energy. Out of ending energy come brand new beginnings! Watch who you meet! They are important! Beginnings on eclipses CAN definitely work out!
This week the Moon wans and narrows into a new moon Solar eclipse on the last degree of the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces. Folks will be feeling quite exhausted. Energy is at a low. Your seasonal change cold arrives. Check in on your depressed ones. Tell everyone you love them as you leave them. No regrets later!
The upcoming Solar eclipse is at the VERY last degree of Pisces ~ 29:27 on Friday March 20. The week leading up to the New Moon Solar eclipse on March 20 will be full of departures, endings, breakdowns and breakthroughs. There are oodles and oodles of letting go and being done with it forever energy. Think about it ~ the very last degree of the very last sign on the very last day of the previous year. The very last degree of 19 YEARS are ending and changing before your eyes! There is a big old pile of dead, finished energy just aching to zoom off into the heavens and be gone from your life.
And right BEHIND the Solar eclipse, a new season, a brand new 19 year cycle, and a huge new chapter arrives!!
Eclipses mark times when the Nodes of Fate connect the Sun and Moon as they move within 15 degrees of the Nodes. Eclipses mark times with fated events. They invite our fate to come look us in the eye. We are ending a 19 year cycle karmic cycle with the eclipse. We are beginning a new karmic cycle. Eclipses are not all bad energies either ~ new beginnings spring out of the endings.
About this Solar eclipse, Bernadette Brady writes in her book, “The Eagle and the Lark”, ‘The issues, with this family of eclipses, are of sudden success in group projects or personal relationship matters. Happiness in love, thinking of love matters, good news concerning relationships or creative expressions with a group.’
Moon in Aquarius with action taking aspects to Mars in Aries gets tons of things accomplished Monday and Tuesday. Moon is void Tuesday after 2:18 pm ET in the afternoon and evening. Moon in Pisces ends with the New Moon Solar eclipse bright and early Friday Morning, linking up your ego and emotions into ending a 19 year journey and beginning a new adventure right behind it! Moon in Aries on Friday and Saturday has a powerful closing aspect of a conjunction to Mars. The void Moon Saturday night in Aries makes it a WILD PARTY night! Launch a dream high into the sky and kick off your new chapter under the Aries energy. The heavens are supporting you! Moon in Taurus on Sunday with a closing sextile to Mercury brings good news.
Eclipse seasons are big departure time periods. The Sun and Moon link up with the Nodes of Fate and Destiny, inviting us to change our paths and course correct our lives. This week as Moon wans in energy to get to the Sun will bring many departures. Release, release, release. Time to leave earth, the job, the relationship, or the situation that has outgrown you (or vice versa). Older people, those who are sick or with a tenuous hold on life will leave us. It is another big suicide and death week as folks can feel quite helpless and hopeless. Connect and send lots of love to folks who are feeling depressed or suicidal or sad. Remember to separate with love from all you meet!
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow, and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon goes void square to Venus on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 04:02:54 am EDT.
Moon Enters Aquarius on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 06:14:50 am EDT.
Moon goes void sextile to Mars on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 02:19:24 pm EDT.
Moon is void Tuesday afternoon and evening.
Moon Enters Pisces on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 06:58:54 am EDT.
Moon goes void joined to the Sun on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 05:37:18 am EDT.
Moon Enters Aries on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 06:29:04 am EDT.
Moon goes void joined to Mars on Saturday, March 21, 2015 at 06:51:56 pm EDT.
Moon is void Saturday night.
Moon enters Taurus on Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 06:41:11 am EDT.
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is: Commentary: ‘A Majestic Rock Formation Resembling a Face is Idealized by a Boy Who Takes it as His Ideal of Greatness, ‘As He Grows Up, He Begins to Look Like It’ shows the ability that we have of projecting an ideal or an image into the future. This can be an image of what, or who, we’d like to become. We can then grow and emerge into that reality.
Oracle: Sometimes we see an image of ourselves that we’d like to emulate or aspire to or become. It’s good to have a goal in life, something we can inspire us, and something to work towards. Truly in this life, we can set our sights high and aim for them, as did the ‘Boy’ who looked on the ‘Majestic Rock Formation’ as ‘His Ideal of Greatness’. Having an ‘Ideal’ of how we’d like to be can be great, as long as we aren’t trying to be something that we naturally or intrinsically are not possible of being. What is that you ‘Idealize’? What is it that you’d like to project? What image suits the real person inside of you? You may find that you are growing into the ‘Ideal’ that you have imagined and it gives you a sense of pride and fulfillment, assuming you have imagined a positive image. Meditating on a goal or the projection of an ideal can lead to actuality, just be clear about what you really desire in the situation-you just might get it!
Keywords: Concrete manifestation of one’s ideals. Enduring truths. Culmination of efforts. Projections of ideal images. Wanting to be “big” and successful. Tutankhamen’s mask. Wanting a sense of immortality. Defining one’s fate through conscious manifestation.
The Caution: Not being at all clear about whom one is or what one can be. Becoming a screen for the projection of other’s ideals. Stony faces that show the hardships of life. Hardening of one’s personality.
I always wanted to be someone, but I should have been more specific. Lily Tomlin
Life is a quarry, out of which we are to mold and chisel and complete a character. Goethe
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. Kurt Vonnegut
For a man to achieve all that is demanded of him he must regard himself as greater than he is. You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature. Les Brown
Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible. Cherie Carter-Scott
I guess it proves that in America anyone can be. President Gerald Ford (Referring to his own appointment as President)
Moon day Monday March 16, 2015 Moon in Capricorn goes void square to Venus at 04:02:54 am EDT. Moon Enters Aquarius at 06:14:50 am EDT and goes void sextile to Mars. Mercury’s square to Saturn encourages us to take a hard look at the no we receive today. Just because THIS situation presents a NO, doesn’t mean you can’t go and do it yourself by yourself or with someone else. Give yourself permission to move on. Change your pattern. Moon works productively with Saturn later in the day increasing your options and choices. Venus has a biquintile to Saturn ~ causing her to have a brilliant idea that simply must be pursued and followed up on. Vesta squares Sedna offering us a deep emotional reaction to a situation around home and heart. You might have to let it go. Hades stations and turns direct. You can feel like you are in hell ~ yes perhaps a hell of your own making. It is still hell. As Winston Churchill said “When you’re going through hell, keep on going.” The Uranus Pluto square perfects today! There is a HUGE burst of emotional and culminating energy as they finish the seventh of seven squares. Anxiety and tension are part of the story. Remember everyone is feeling this last pass… so be gentle with yourself and others. Loved ones are struggling with words right now. Probably better to NOT talk but hold each other. Words are hard to find or come by.
Mars’s day Tuesday March 17, 2015 Moon is in Aquarius and goes void sextile to Mars at 02:19:24 pm EDT. Moon is void Tuesday afternoon and evening. This morning is productive and the afternoon /evening void moon encourages you to kick back and relax, release and let go. Venus enters Taurus grounding the energy that is swirling around and making the path you are invited to take this week more clear. Venus in Taurus rules the Node of Destiny… so your path is to move toward what you love and desire and away from conflict, war, intense drama. No more drama. It is more about the peace and collaboration. Astraea enters Taurus inviting a grounding and clarity. Astraea was the virgin goddess of innocence and purity. Astraea, the celestial virgin, was the last of the immortals to live with humans. Astraea abandoned the earth during the Iron Age. Fleeing from the new wickedness of humanity, she ascended to heaven to become the constellation Virgo. According to legend, Astraea will one day come back to Earth, bringing with her the return of the utopian Golden Age. While we may not have a utopian Golden Age on Earth right now, her entry in Taurus invites each of us to enter into a new Golden Age in our lives. What is the Golden Age you would like to create in your life? Right before Venus and Astraea enter Taurus, Venus joins with Astraea at 29:52 Aries. Both Venus and Astraea vow and pledge with the passion of a new spring to create a blessed Golden Age in your life. So help them! What would a Golden Age in your life look like? Take time to plant that Golden Age. Sun’s square to Pallas invites us to see patterns in a new way and more importantly points the way to change the patterns that don’t serve our future any more. Just stop partnering with it. Don’t hit the tennis ball back over the net. Put your racket down and walk off the court. Walk toward what you want to create and move away from what you no longer want. Just gently, gently, move away from it. Do it less. Engage it less. Change doesn’t have to be dramatic. No drama. No new wickedness. Just love. Focus on the love.
Wednesday Mercury’s day March 18, 2015 Moon Enters Pisces at 06:58:54 am EDT. Moon goes void joined to the Sun. The next few days have deep emotional consequences for us related to the things that happen as well as profound feelings around them. We enter into a 19 year release energy around very old, frayed, threadbare tapestries of our life as the eclipse on the South Node of Destiny approaches. As I write this, I am listening to Carole King sing “Tapestry”. Think of the tapestry of your life and what has been woven into and around your life. Another night of active dreaming. Mercury links up with Neptune clarifying your dream and the components of it. There will be a rising feeling of a need to do SOMETHING. Under eclipses, it is often best to simply be quiet and watch the energy unravel around you. The situation has existed for quite a while, you are simply feeling the immediate need to deal with it NOW rather than wait a second more. Wait a second more! Wait a few days even! Let it gently fall apart or fall away from you. No more trying to save it or redeem it or rescue it. Just send it love. Let it evolve too! Understand how and why you needed it and why you no longer need it. Vesta aspects the Nodes of Destiny clearing out a space for new things to grow. There is a firm good bye this afternoon that invites a shift in your perspective. Mercury’s quintile to Pallas offers an expansive understanding of the patterns and tapestries of your life. Unravel. Unravel. Release and let go. What once was beautiful now has a patina of wisdom embedded in it.
Jupiter’s Day Thursday March 19, 2015 Moon is in Pisces. Moon goes void joined to the Sun. Dreams are full of adventures and ideas so you have an active night of dreaming. Try to remember your dreams upon awakening. You need to make an adjustment to a plan you had as things are not working out (or won’t work out) the way you want them to. Go with the flow… Mercury in Pisces says don’t sweat the answer not being what you wanted. They will change their mind (or you will move on) soon enough. Take aggressive action around health matters today. It is serious and you need to be too! Venus cooperates with stationing Hades ~ your time in the underworld or dealing with difficult situations is coming to a close. Work with the energy productively. Extreme anxiety tonight as Venus and Mercury both have stressed out aspects. There is nothing you can do about it but go through it. Calm yourself down with nurturing activities that are healthy for you. The eclipse tomorrow morning will bring a release. And you can help the releasing energy by focusing on the immediate moment and standing in as clear a space as you can. It WILL be okay. This is a temporary passage or transit.
Friday Venus’s Day March 20, 2015 Moon is in Pisces and goes void joined to the Sun at 05:37:18 am EDT. There is a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 29:27 Pisces that takes place over Western Europe and Russia so the geo-political issues with Putin and gang will continue to percolate on this eclipse. Moon Enters Aries at 06:29:04 am EDT. Sun enters Aires at 6:45 pm!! Spring is HERE!!! Woo-hoo. Been a long, dark and snowy winter that now shifts into sun and spring! The Spring Equinox is when day and night are of equal length. And you can balance an Egg on its butt and it stays there! For about 20 minutes at any rate. Brooms too! Gravity and the tip of earth compensate for each other as the Sun is exactly at the middle of the earth, crossing the equator! Dreams last night about relationships and problems with same keep you tossing and turning. Mercury connects with Neptune so there can be extreme sadness or emotional upswells of gratitude and connection. Health matters start to improve and your seasonal cough or cold abates. There is a gift of laughter tonight that inspires. Emotionally, or perhaps physically, today you released 19 years of deep feelings and scattered debris from your life as the New Moon on the South Node of Destiny bid farewell to a major chapter of life. Out of any ending springs a new beginning. In this case, Spring also arrives! Here comes the Sun!
Saturn’s Day Saturday March 21, 2015 Moon is in Aries and goes void joined to Mars at 06:51:56 pm EDT. Moon is void Saturday night. Today is a great day to power through a bunch of things as Moon and Mars are cooperating. You’ll find you have enormous abilities to leap tall buildings in a single bound and go faster than a speeding bullet. Heck you might EVEN be more powerful than a locomotive! Moon in Aries loads up with energy from connecting with Jupiter and then argues with Pluto but collaborates with Uranus and Mars~ all leading to a wicked case of spring fever as well as a day full of accomplishment. Venus’ inconjunct to Saturn asks you to adjust and take another approach to an old problem or situation where you feel inadequate. Mercury’s inconjunct to Jupiter says you know more than you think you do and that you need to trust Mercury’s intuitive wisdom as you approach situations today. Mars joins with Eris so there can be a bout of jealousy and envy which you can use to inspire situations today. Mercury can have a separating argument with Mars in the afternoon or you can stand back and figure out how to reconnect with the energy. You can do this! Health matters swell!
Sun’s day Sunday March 22, 2015 Moon enters Taurus at 06:41:11 am EDT and goes void sextile to Mercury. A delicious and productive moon, Taurus creates and blooms all sorts of new ideas, plan, ideals and physical realties. Sun’s contraparallel to Chiron invites us to let go of more old wounds to better embrace and move forward towards the next chapter. Mars forms semi-square with Neptune so emotional eruptions appear out of nowhere. It has actually been brewing for a while so what seems new to you is actually quite old. You can also feel a bit blind-sided by the emotions as they erupt. Mercury in an emotional communication with Pluto takes everything a whole level step deeper. Swirling emotions roll through your being. Time to clear out the garden of debris and dead energy ~ literally and metaphorically. Imagine what you want to plant in your life and your garden. For it to grow, you need to create space. Taurus moon offers a gracious and generous energy you can use to clear that needed space. Kronos stations and turns direct. Mercury’s semi-sextile to Uranus invites strange yet creative thoughts into your brain and life. Accept the unusual. Moon connects with Venus tonight offering an emotional comfort after a pretty tough week. Accept the Tears? Of Gratitude? Of Sadness? Of Life? Yes, all three and probably a few more emotions in there.
ADVERTISEMENT: Were you unable to attend the Reading Relationships Workshop on March 7 & 8, 2015? Due to requests from various folks who could not attend, we’ve decided to sell it (well a recorded version of it). You don’t get to “play” with us in person but you still can learn A LOT! You will receive a Powerpoint presentation and 10 hours of instruction on how to read Relationship charts! Email me for instructions on how to purchase it at [email protected]!
Anne’s Three Radio Shows and Three Recommended Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via iTunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming! There is a HUGE eclipse on Friday! Let go of 19 years of old to welcome in the new! Need I say more? What a week we have ahead of us! Saturn is stationed to go backwards, Hades stations to go direct! Venus enters Taurus, Uranus Squares Pluto for the seventh and final time. The Aries Ingress is Friday. Spring is coming! Happy? Watch out for fire!
Scorpios Talking: We talked about connections in energy and how to read it. Michael had a great time on vacation!!
Access Astrology: We were all there and took three calls.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation and your understanding of Venus!
Got a Lite? Pattie Canova hosts a talk show using wit, candor, keen insight, perception, experience and Tarot to inform, illuminate, enlighten and entertain her listeners.
CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in! Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. made a wonderful series. He reads excerpts from Jung. If you are working on individuating, take the time to listen in!
Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at Sabiansymbols.com
Copyright© 2015 at A.C. Ortelee