Weekly Weather March 12, 2012
Life is neither bad nor good. Life is life, and all we know ~ good and bad and joy and woe are woven fine. ~ “Candide” by Voltaire
Lots of action and decisions will take place this week ~ especially on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as the planets form a major and solidly grounding configuration over our heads. Trust your heart, fasten your seat belt and get ready for major movements in the earth beneath your feet and the structures in your life around you. You have a mind-expanding, mind-blowing aspect on Sunday causing a major revelation.
Mercury stations to go retrograde this week so we are working with the messenger of the Gods in understanding our life and its purpose. Mercury will station at 6:48 Aries bringing a fire vision and duality when he talks to us. Mars in Virgo, ruled by Mercury in Fire, is ALSO retrograde.
The heavens will be using the vehicle of a “double negative” arriving in our life to help us clarify what exactly we want to do. Do you remember back to double negatives from Math or English? They actually make a positive! Your life’s double negative message will help you make a positive choice or decision. It will take place in your Aries and Virgo houses. It will require an adjustment or change on your part. We will reverse or adjust previous choices we’ve made as Mercury stations to go retrograde for the next three weeks. The news we received will change. The approach we were taking will shift. Mars is going to say to us, “Hey, while I get what you want, this isn’t going to work the way you think it is going to work. Instead, why don’t we take this other approach.” You can move from a firm position to a brand new, apparently REVERSED position but it actually is an evolution of your thoughts through a double negative.
We have a pivotal week ahead of us as a lovely grand trine in productive, solid, grounded and down to earth energies help us figure out, commit and move forward with our lives. Jupiter and Pluto, the two brothers, talk productively like this once every 13 years or so for about nine or ten months. Their earth trine is the finalizing part three in the heavens this week. The trine started in July 7 2011 and had part two on October 28. Part three takes place this week.
When there is a three part aspect like this, the universe gives us time and space to make our appropriate evolutionary choices. We get time to mull over our alternatives, possibilities and options. Last July, Pluto, the planet of owning your own power and triangles was retrograde so we wanted to shy away from the decision(s) the universe was asking us to make, while Jupiter, the planet of relationships, connections and community, was clear what he wanted. Jupiter wanted to preserve relationships because of safety, security or length/type of connection. Then last October, Jupiter was retrograde and Pluto was direct so we said to ourselves, “Hmmm, maybe I CAN’T preserve this relationship. Maybe I have to let it go. Or maybe I need to change for my own soul’s growth and personal evolution. Or if THEY don’t change, I am going to kill them. ” Pluto was direct, urging you to evolve, transform, control or destroy.
This week, both planets are direct and meeting up. Jupiter and Pluto know that we need to make changes. We can preserve the important parts but it is time to let the unimportant parts change, die, evolve or fall away. In December 2007, the current Jupiter/Pluto cycle started. It will end in November of 2020. The story before you ties back to when that cycle began.
Finally, we combine the double negative Mars, also in Virgo earth, with Jupiter and Pluto in Taurus and Capricorn earth to make a Grand Trine in Earth. Grand Trines are all about producing things and getting things accomplished. So our week’s second theme is all about taking concrete actions and making choices. We will use the vehicle of a “double negative” arriving in our life to help us clarify what exactly we want to do. The double negative will help you make a positive choice or decision after which Mars will say to Jupiter and Pluto, “Hey guys, I was thinking… how about if we do this instead of what we were planning? “ The big fellows agree ~ taking into consideration (literally translated as working with the stars ) the two previous parts of your relationships with your own and other’s power~ last July and October. Jupiter and Pluto figure out how they want to handle what they’ve been working with since last July.
Reversing or adjusting previous choices we’ve made is not always easy. Jung wrote, ”One form of life cannot simply be abandoned unless it is exchanged for another”. As Jung was evolving his own theories of the unconscious, he realized “Freud was blind toward the paradox of the unconscious, and did not know that everything which arises out of the unconscious has a top and a bottom, an inside and an outside. The robust nature of the unconscious allows us to have a numinous experience when we explore it.”
Jung’s experience of seeing the limitations of Freud, the man, the teacher, the person who had profoundly influenced his life’s development deeply affected him. He appreciated what he had received. Jung was aware he had to leave. All knowledge that was combined with a deep knowing that Jung had to go his own way, follow his own path, and listen to his inner guidance and develop his own ideas. Their break up was very difficult for both men.
People leave each other in all sorts of ways. Some disappear without a word and delete you from Facebook. Others pick a fight and slam out the door ~ that makes it easier to go for them but makes you feel bad. Catholics can annul their marriages, even when children are involved. Divorces can be pleasant or unpleasant. Others write a lovely note to say farewell and thank you, departing with grace, caring and an open heart. Another type replaces your relationship with another relationship ~ or introduces a third person (Pluto) into the story which, of course, makes the primary relationship change. And of course, there are some people who NEVER want to leave and cling ever tighter at the thought of departing. That is perfectly okay (it IS their life) but this week YOU might want to modify how you relate to them so they know it is okay to actually be on their own.
Saturn is back and forth between the degrees of 22 and 29 Libra from November 2011 to October 2012 because our relationships ARE so complex, complicated and woven fine with good and bad and joy and woe. This week is a major relationship week ~ what do we want in our future? For our life? For our heart’s desire? We are talking relationships to EVERYTHING as that is how we grow through the vehicle of connection. The solid physical nature of the grand trine in earth brings things down to earth, it literally makes us understand how we want to proceed.
Venus in Taurus also gets in the mix this week forming part of that grand trine energy. So a once every 13 year cycle of solidness grows, shifts and changes this week to be replaced, enhanced or supplanted with a new form of solidness. It is a cycle that can’t be abandoned… we adapt and move forward.
If you decide you have to leave, remember people always remember how you make them feel. So no Facebook deletes or door slamming in anger. Talk about it. Give them a tribute. Hug. If the relationship is facing a finalization ~ like signing divorce papers or agreeing to terms of separation, look at what your deeper vision down the road is. Kids involved? Be gentle, they are watching and will do what you do rather than what you say.
And please, please, please, watch out to NOT do what you saw modeled as a young child, ESPECIALLY if it made you feel bad, was negative behavior or hurt other people. I recently watched as a woman ended numerous relationships with various and sundry people in her life ~ including some of those infamous Facebook deletes. She burned bridges and blew up connections ~ without a single word about why ~ leaving destruction and hurt feelings in her wake. One of her enduring, oft repeated and very difficult childhood stories was how her own father moved the family, without a word of warning, when she was a child. She was FORBIDDEN to speak about it and not allowed to contact her best friend or tell anyone where they had moved. Every day, she kept begging her father to be able to call her best friend. Finally, after a long time, her father relented and allowed her to call her friend. She called to find a very angry former best friend on the other end of the phone line. It was a horrible and hurtful story from her childhood which deeply affected her. And now, here she was, a grown woman in her 40’s, over 30 years later, virtually repeating exactly what she had seen her father do. She annulled her relationships without a word of conversation or warning.
So be conscious about how you want to be remembered. Your unconscious does have a top, bottom, inside and outside. Explore it. Examine your desires to take action. Understand why and what it actually is tied to back in your being.
Void Moons for the Week
Monday March 12 2012 02:30:54 pm EDT to Tuesday March 13 2012 02:54:33 am EDT
Thursday March 15 2012 03:35:26 am EDT to March 15 2012 06:24:57 am EDT
Saturday March 17 2012 09:01:33 am EDT to March 17 2012 12:12:33 pm EDT
Moon Day Monday March 12 Moon in Scorpio with lovely closing aspects of a trine to the Sun makes today (and yesterday) quite productive and INTENSE. Mercury stations to stop and go retrograde for 12 days in Fiery Aries and 13 days in Watery Pisces, alternating us between passion and emotion. The usual Mercury retrograde cautions apply ~ communications break down, travel problems with cars and transportation options, old acquaintances and people from your past return as ghosts to remind you of how you’ve changed and evolved. This will be a particularly hopping retrograde for old romances, former enemies, people worked with, inspired to take action or fought with return as Mars is retrograde at the same time as Mercury is retrograde. The combination makes for a double negative or a YES because now that I get it completely, I don’t want that to ever happen again. It is a deeply emotional day. Sun and your ego has a gift of brilliance around relationships in your life. Moon’s trine to Sun means things are deeply even felt as they are brilliant in their wisdom and illuminating your inner consciousness. Venus has stressful connections to the Nodes of Fate so even IF you completely adore the other person, you need to make some kind of adjustment to love, money or relationships to proceed. Hades stations to go direct at 29 Gemini so there is a high degree of instability right now around all matters that seem to want a firm decision. Love the uncertainty if you can. You’ll understand how your choices brought you to this point in your life. Mars contraparallel to Neptune makes emotional and deep welling unconscious angers a reason to separate, move on or take action. Don’t be the like the woman who repeated what her own father had done so many years before. Be aware of the inside, outside, top and bottom of your unconscious and conscious behaviors. The world is watching. Or rather Saturn is watching to see if you actually got it.
Tuesday Mar’s Day March 13 Moon in Sagittarius adds an element of passion to matters conducted today. Her closing aspect is a sextile to Saturn so legal matters are handled well today and tomorrow. It is a super busy day as Moon aspects the fire energy in the sky ~ Uranus and Mercury ~ and forms a t-square with Neptune and Mars ~ unconscious motivations are flying around. You will be illuminated in a fairly major way at the same time your unconscious will bring things to the surface for you to see ~ what are those motives? Jupiter trines Pluto for part three and asks you for a decision about your relationships, community, connections, and power dynamics. Mind you, this decision could have been percolating for the past few weeks and now you are ready to make it over the next few days. Mars is opposite Pallas Athena ~ take action that is strategic in the long view ~ is it worth it to fight over a matter that is simply a struggle or does it make sense to go forward with a reduction or shift to get it moving? This is where the double negative can apply. Two nos make a yes. Figure out the two nos. Mercury is trine to Juno so partnerships are seeing to expand and move to a wider, free connection. Venus pushes off of Hygeia so you can feel a bit ugly around health matters. No worries as the final outcome won’t be that bad. Health matters are tied to old bad habits. Change the habits, change your life. Remember one form of life cannot simply be abandoned unless it is exchanged for another! Venus in lovely, kind and gentle Taurus earth starts to enter the grand earth triangle in the heavens, bringing her energy to bear on the productive triangle forming. Choose your heart’s path. That is the approach to take to move forward with love and caring.
Wednesday Mercury’s Day March 14 Moon in Sagittarius continues to be productive and inspirational. Another super busy day as Venus and Mars dance through the Grand Trine in Earth formed with Jupiter and Pluto. And a good super busy day ~ the solidness of the energy is exceptionally productive to accomplishing things. Venus loves to work with Jupiter, Pluto and Mars. They, too, adore her. It is a day to make decisions with love in your heart, for the greater good. Mars makes Jupiter, Pluto and Venus take action in productive and constructive ways. Mars hears their plans and based on his double negative process going on right now, he suggests a go backwards to go forwards approach. He says “Hey gang, I was thinking. What I REALLY want is… so that means we need to …. What do you think?” They all are a bit surprised by his approach but agree to give it a trial or test run to see how it goes. Even if it seems counterintuitive to what you SAY you want, the mind blowing aspect that takes place later this week will help you understand why you want to take this approach. All about exploring that unconscious and making yourself clear about the top, bottom, outside and inside. Vesta connects with the Nodes of Fate so she wants to find you a new home, office or job. Again don’t worry about the seeming contradiction of the energy ~ your Ego is going to fight about this one. Let it sit in the corner and tell it to be quiet and listen to what is going on. Mercury semi-sextile to Chiron means you are not going to like what you hear but it is the truth. Or at least some of is. We still are in the projecting section of the sky with Saturn retrograde in Libra so the words spoken while truthfully part of the other guy’s issue are also part of your issue. The reason you have them in your life is to get clear on the area they are talking to you about. That said, your clarity is not to be at the expense of what is good for you. Remember Candide’s line “Life is neither bad nor good. Life is life, and all we know ~ good and bad and joy and woe are woven fine.”
Thursday Jupiter’s day March 15 Moon in Capricorn has closing aspect of a square to Saturn so today and Friday we end things and let them go ~ hopefully with more psychological consciousness than we had before. Venus works with Pallas to help us see patterns we never saw before. Sun and our ego wants LESS nurturing or “you know what you should do….”. We don’t want to hear it right now. We are convinced, perhaps wrongheadedly (those double negatives are tricky), of the righteousness of our behavior. We don’t want any nurturing or anyone pointing out what we need to do to take care of ourselves. Let the other person figure it out, even if you are willing to jump in to fix it. We learn by fixing it ourselves. Anyone telling us what to do will turn into our negative authority voice. We want to shake them off and do it our own way. Cold, calculating Capricorn Moon, moving mighty fast, travels through Neptune, Uranus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter and Venus. Remember the heavens want to trick you with that double negative so you see it clearly for perhaps the first time ever. In order, emotion sadness/deception, a desire to break things up, telling the person or situation that it is ending or changing because you are opting for action, power, transformation, deep connection and what you desire or love to come into your life. One form of life cannot simply be abandoned unless it is exchanged for another. Take action to prevent yourself from going back to your old comforts.
Friday Venus’ Day March 16 Moon in Capricorn has no aspects so we emotionally and psychologically process what we worked on all week. Take it easy on yourself. Know the decision to end or change it is a good one. Notice your dreams upon awakening ~ your unconscious is trying to talk to you. On some level, you can’t go home again as Pluto squares Vesta ~ perhaps it burned up in a fit of passion and was destroyed and as Uranus contraparallel Vesta ~ you’ve left it behind for the next chapter. So how were you taught to leave situations? How DO you leave situations that don’t work for you anymore?
Saturn’s day Saturday March 17 Moon in Aquarius has a closing aspect of a trine to Saturn making today, Sunday and Monday very intellectual and crystal clear focused on communicating your accomplishments, ideas and decisions. The evening has brilliance involved with it and excellent ideas abounding. Try to stand back a bit and reflect on the week’s events from a distance. The Sun, your ego and soul’s path or purpose, is surprised by the similarity of the pattern and understanding how hard it is to modify behaviors or change our lives. Your sense of connection to the greater purpose of your life can feel inspired (or depressed) today. Whether it is a joy or a woe, it is your life and all you know. So get to KNOW it. Look at good and bad as opposite sides of the same coin. See the patterns. There is a gift of brilliance, redemption, illusion, delusion and inspiration in the events of the past week. The lyrics of Bette Midler’s song “From a Distance” come to mind.
From a distance the world looks blue and green
And the snow capped mountains white
From a distance the ocean meets the stream
And the eagle takes to flight
From a distance, there is harmony
And it echoes through the land
It’s the voice of hope, it’s the voice of peace
It’s the voice of every man
From a distance we all have enough
And no one is in need
And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease
No hungry mouths to feed
From a distance we are instruments
Marching in a common band
Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace
They’re the songs of every man
God is watching us, God is watching us
God is watching us from a distance
From a distance you look like my friend
Even though we are at war
From a distance I just cannot comprehend
What all this fighting is for
From a distance there is harmony
And it echoes through the land
And it’s the hope of hopes, it’s the love of loves
It’s the heart of every man
It’s the hope of hopes, it’s the love of loves
This is the song of every man
And God is watching us, God is watching us
God is watching us from a distance
Oh, God is watching us, God is watching
God is watching us from a distance
And if you don’t believe in God, just substitute Saturn. Saturn is watching us, watching from a distance. He gets back into town in June. God and Saturn are virtually the same energy!
Sunday Sun’s Day March 18 Moon in Aquarius is excited and having fun. Mercury has a rock them, sock them, mind expanding energy today as he joins with Uranus for part two of a three peater ~ think back to Monday March 5 and know that part three will happen on Sunday April 22. The universe is working really, really hard to get you conscious. See the top, inside and outside, bottom ~ explore that baby! Time for some emotional adjustments about what all you can do. Do you REALLY want to do that? Maybe you need to give yourself a break and focus on what you actually want to do. Lots of adjusting aspects today so play it by ear and adjust, adjust, adjust.
Introduction to Astrology Weekend taught by
Presented by Bodhi Consult
April 27-29, 2012
The Wilburton Inn
Manchester Village, VT
The Introduction to Astrology Weekend includes:
16 hours of Astrology Instruction,
Two nights at the Wilburton Inn,
Friday Night Welcome Reception with Light Dinner
Breakfast, Lunch and coffee breaks on Saturday and Sunday
An Astrology Introduction Book for use and reference after the Weekend.
The Opportunity to Understand Your Chart in greater depth by studying with Anne
Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction with Anne
A bit of history about astrology, how everything under the Sun and in our world is included in astrology, what is a horoscope? A picture of the hour you were born.
Basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in Saturday’s workshop what each planet does both personally and collectively, how signs behave both in both the public arena and personal life, how to analyze horoscope charts and put it together by looking at a “mystery chart” as well as your own. There will be time to practice these skills with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch, and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Today we put it all together and explore a chart in depth. What is the myth and ruling planet in charge of your life? Where to look to determine your life’s path, how the planets talk to each other (nicely or not so nicely) and the Aspects between them, how to see the basic health information provided by the horoscope chart, and find out where to get free charts on the internet. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break is included for all.
Contact for more Information about the Introduction to Astrology Weekend:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Symbols appears with her permission. Check her work out at http://www.sabiansymbols.typepad.com or http://www.sabiansymbols.com
Copyright © 2012 A.C. Ortelee