Weekly Weather March 11, 2012
Just 1 more day of Non-Linear time. Mars leaves Pisces ~ which will shift the entire feeling of the heavens bright and early Tuesday morning, March 12. We all get our mojo back when Mars moves into Aries. Woo-hoo, I can’t WAIT! Think boiling water! Hot steam!
The eternal question of HOW do we get to Mars and When we get there, what can we expect is answered below! Get ready for a wild ride in the weeks ahead! Mars is in Aries for the next 30 days! Mars is taking off on a HUGE adventure as we start a new twenty three month cycle of action on Tuesday in each of our lives as he sets off the World Axis of 0 Aries and starts his journey through the zodiac. And, right now, when Mars shifts into a new sign, Saturn in Scorpio, the North Node of Fate, Pluto In Capricorn, with Uranus, Pallas and Eris in Aries all come to attention and start operating with the new energy of Mars as their guide. So the lethargic, dreamy, creative, non-linear, floating and depressive energy of Mars in Pisces shifts into the action oriented, CHARGE, attention will be paid, FORWARD MARCHING attack energy of Aries. Stand back!
In the meantime, back here, closer to earth, it is time to meditate on the rest of the planets still in Pisces. Let’s contemplate trees and their rings. I found a lovely piece on the internet about tree rings.
Tree Rings:
Contained within a single tree is its unabridged chronicle
Year by year, never skipping a beat, it records its history slowly
Some lines speak of seasons of plenty, while others cry of famine
The sizes of the rings are never the same.
Each engraving bears witness to battles waged in the name of survival
To observe such is to humble ourselves to nature’s love of life
Nao Tamura
Tree Rings are not judgmental. Tree Rings chronicle the history of the tree, year by year, month by month, day by day, the circle of time unchanging yet never the same. Tree Rings offer a silent yet telling witness to the passage of time and the changes brought to the tree by the various seasons in its life. We can’t see our own Tree Rings. And, it probably would be plenty messy if we tried to look at them! Yet, our Tree Rings reside inside of us. Our Tree Rings inform our memories and guide our days. Our Tree Rings chronicle the story of our life. What would happen if we looked at our own Tree Rings non-judgmentally? What would happen if we just noticed the seasons of plenty with fat rings, the scars and marks from the fires in our lives, the thin rings of famine, the rings that held the times of tears, the ever changing sizes and shapes of our Tree Rings? What if we looked at the events in our lives as Tree Rings that witness our own love of life and the sheer impulse of our soul to grow, survive and thrive?
My Mail continues to deliver gems of wisdom from readers: Our bullying, narcissistic founder’s personal assistant’s last day was last week. She’d been mistreated and taken advantage of by him since right around the Virgo New Moon in August 2011. Friday, we turned up “You Don’t Own Me” on the stereo and danced her out of the office into a new chapter of her life where she would be valued and free.
Think about where you need to be set free. Where do you need to let go of being owned by something or someone? Where do you need to be yourself? Where do you find freedom? Where do you want to go? What do you need to release? Again ~ apply no judgment to it. Be like a Tree Ring. Observe. Observe and move. Move away from what you don’t want. Move toward what you want. That is the advantage we have OVER trees…. We can move ourselves to a more sunny spot or a better patch of soil. If you don’t know what you want just turn on the music and dance yourself right out of your old life into a new chapter of your life where you are valued, loved and free.
My readers describe the energy in their lives in beautiful ways. Nancy sent an email last week:
This weekend little Nancy got to remember,,,, her dad’s seizures, her brother’s death, the silence, the quiet, the loneliness of no voice…. no representation, through her new boyfriends hidden addictions.
Always, standing there with arms outstretched and heart breaking, reaching, towards my love. ….always a veil between us which I am powerless to penetrate. How many times, people, situations, has this happened..?
This time, when the veil, mists, fog, dreamy impossibleness of a connection appeared, I stopped, became quiet, found my coat and quietly walked out of the situation.
For good.
Today I get to process and finally, finally the tears for the me, always left behind. Always powerless and silenced by the veil, always invisible.
Always loving but nothing in return.
Today, I begin to pick little Nancy up, love her back, take her by the hand, and lead her softly and lightly into the “rainbow connection”.
Paula Heaphy, the brilliant illustrator and author of The Weird series on bullies, shared the following image on her website about calling a truce with fear:
With Mars changing into Aries, we’ll move forward rapidly over the 30 days, starting on Tuesday. Mars in Aries will feel like we are taking off on a rocket. Everything in the heavens will shift from formless, chaos and floating flowing energy into action oriented movement.
Before that hard driving shift, we have a lovely New Moon in Pisces on Monday.
The New Moon is quite a powerful Moon with Mars at the anarectic degree of Pisces. There are seven, count them, seven planets in Pisces: Neptune, Mercury, Chiron, Venus, Moon, Sun, and Mars making nine of the houses in the chart directly answer to and be ruled by Pisces energy. The Pisces stellium is in the eighth house of transformation, sex, death, taxes, debt and money from other people in the chart cast for Washington, D.C. The energy of the New Moon continues to encourage us to let go and release. The Finger of God releases into the eleventh house of hopes and dreams. It is time to build a new foundation with Saturn in the fourth house and evolve your habits with Pluto in the sixth house. Last chance to let the bad old habits go… we are rocketing forward starting on Tuesday.
The Sabian Image for the New Moon on MOnday March 11 is A PROPHET BRINGING DOWN THE NEW LAW FROM THE MOUNTAIN. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:
Commentary: ‘A Prophet Bringing Down the New Law From The Mountain’ pictures revelations concerning spirit and truth being delivered through the agency of a single individual, the ‘Prophet’. This message, this ‘New Law’ can be “brought down” orally or in written form in order to be given to the people. ‘Laws’ relate to the culture of the time and will vary as technology and society changes, but the ‘Prophet’ is able to manifest ‘Laws’ that will apply not just for his time, but also for times to come.
Oracle: There is a ‘New Law’ being brought ‘Down From the Mountain’ and it is important to make it manifest and integrated into everyday existence. This Symbol can show people watching and waiting for what someone has to say, as if it will change their lives in some way. However, in this day and age it is important not to take what people say as “gospel” without considering your own beliefs and thoughts and whether these ‘New Laws’ ring true to your inner being. Beliefs are something that can bring people together, but they can also just as easily tear people apart. Being asked, or forced, to take on new beliefs or codes of living or being can be confronting. This Symbol can also indicate things being acted out in “biblical proportions”, with huge fanfare and importance placed on them, and this may be a good thing, but only you will know whether these apply to you in your life, or not. Misuse of messages for the personal gain of the one who’s seen as the ‘Prophet’ can lead to alienation and a loss of faith. Although the principles of ‘Law’ may stay the same, it is the specifics that must vary in order to accommodate the changing perceptions of the times. It is wonderful if the message resonates with you, but if it doesn’t, you should be able to choose another code for living.
Keywords: Revelations and channeling of new information. Truths being revealed. Thoughts, ideas, guidelines. The Ten Commandments. Laying down the law. New resolutions. New pathways of living. Social justice messages. The Koran. The Torah. The Bible. Finding records. People of the book. The Ark of the Covenant. Newly codified laws. Amendments. The Testaments. Avatars and guides. Moses. Mt. Sinai. Legislation. Laws enacted. Legislation.
The Caution: Being told what to do. Believing that one has all of the answers OR believing that someone else has all of the answers. Disregarding the religious ways of the past. Rules set in stone. The statement “this is what’s going to happen”. Rigid application of dogmatic moral codes.
The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences. Frederick Frieseke
Every age hath its book. The Koran
The 7 Deadly Sins are: Wealth without work; Pleasure without conscience; Knowledge without character; Business without morality; Science without humanity; Worship without sacrifice; Politics without principle. Mahatma Gandhi
The ideas I stand for aren’t mine. I borrowed them from Socrates. I swiped them from Chesterfield. I stole them from Jesus. And I put them in a book. If you don’t like their rules, whose would you use? Dale Carnegie
Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it. Henry David Thoreau
Three things it is best to avoid: a strange dog, a flood, and a man who thinks he is wise. Welsh Proverb
There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. Oscar Wilde
Only law can give us freedom. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
In the week ahead, Venus forms an aspect with the Nodes of Destiny. She slides into a Trine with the Node of Fate on Tuesday so she encourages you to move towards what you know you want or away from what you know you no longer want. Easy, flowing aspects make it feel seamless. Venus is also simultaneously irritated and stimulated by Eris and Pallas Athena in her second house of talents and skills answering to Mars in Aries. Venus in Pisces wants to approach the world with love, beauty and grace. However, THIS WEEK, she’s kind of irritated with the whole business of being gracious, especially if she feels she’s being taken advantage of or made a fool of. Never mistake her kindness for weakness.
Mercury stations at the end of the week and turns direct on Sunday at 5:39 Pisces. This has been a long, long, long journey of Mercury in Pisces. He’s going to be less confused and start moving in a positive manner toward what he wants. While he’s been retrograde, folks have been more clear about what they DON’T want ~ which still counts but is more confusing. Once he turns direct, he has four more weeks in Pisces ~ non-linear THINKING but it is forward moving thinking.
Last but not least, Mars has harsh aspects with the Nodes of Fate on Friday marking important decisions that are not easy to make but must be made. Expect final decisions on situations that have been dragging out. A few people wrote last week saying they had suddenly lost their jobs or been fired essentially without a word of warning. There will be more of that ~ sudden endings seemingly out of the blue ~ this week as Mars moves into Aries and makes hard, fast and quick decisions. If you lose a job, end a relationship or feel the unbearable need to quit the situation RIGHT NOW, look at what the Finger of God or Goddess is doing in your chart. If you’ve been staying in the job, situation, relationship or circumstance due to fear or anxiety or because you don’t know quite what to do, the Finger CAN AND WILL make the decision for you. It takes over so to speak and banishes or releases that which is finished or needs to be done now or needs to go now.
Often when the Finger makes the decision, it doesn’t show in the “normal” sections of the chart ~ the tenth or sixth house or ruler in the case of job changes ~ the first, seventh or fifth house or ruler in the case of relationship changes. A few clients wrote to me ask about sudden and unexpected changes that I had not talked about or even seen during their reading. Several of my students had clients with situations where they didn’t see the changes that arrived. Fingers of God or Goddess have a vital and vibrant life force of their own. Tied to your karma and your soul’s evolution, they shake the energy of your chart and flip you out of the situations you are no longer supposed to be in. You don’t have the normal level of control or warning that builds up from regular transits. On a deep and fundamental level, Fingers are not predictable even if we would hope we could see it coming. Fingers often come as shocks or surprises. If your world turns upside down this week, trust the process. The Karma and the Evolutionary Impulse operate at far deeper levels of every chart’s functioning than the houses of the chart and neat ways we like to think we can manage our lives. Fingers are let go and let god or goddess aspects. They are fate. Stand back and let them take over. They won’t be denied.
So those of you STILL wrestling with decisions, options, directions, choices or ‘what to do-what to do’, backing and forthing… NO WORRIES! This week we have yet another week of non-linear releasing energy which will speed up as Mars in Aries takes over the Legs of the Finger of God. He’s fast, merciful in the speed with which he delivers or dispatches his decisions. Precise, concise and final, the God of WAR in the sign of War is surgical and without waste. There is no longer any time to delay. The Finger will take the opportunity to make needed changes in our lives. The Finger of God or Goddess will bring fated, profound and important events and choices. When Mars goes into Aries, Saturn, Pluto, the North Node of Fate and Uranus in Aries now take on a darker, dangerous and more menacing cast. It will feel urgent to get it right. It will feel like it is a matter of life and death.
In actuality, what happens will be a Ring forming in the Tree of your life. Don’t judge it. Just accept it and move forward.
Void Moons This Week
Moon goes Void as she joins with the Sun on Mar 11 2013 at 3:51 pm and enters Aries on Mar 12 2013 at 07:18:10 am EDT.
Moon is Void late Monday Afternoon and Evening
Moon goes void square to Pluto on Mar 13 2013 at 04:02:39 am EDT and enters Taurus on Mar 14 2013 at 03:09:20 pm EDT.
Day Long Void Moon on Wednesday March 13 and Thursday March 14
Moon goes void sextile to Sun on Mar 16 2013 at 07:11:59 pm EDT and enters Gemini on Mar 17 2013 at 02:10:02 am EDT.
Moon’s day Monday March 11, 2013 finds Moon in Pisces forming a New Moon and going Void late afternoon. The closing aspect is a New Beginning which of course means an ending. Say yes to partnership offers this morning as Mars sextiles Juno in the last degrees. Commit to moving forward. Sun’s union with Eris mid-day can make you feel a sense of irritation with the matter at hand. See the bigger pattern. No judgment. Just see it. What do you want to do now that you see it? Mercury has creative aspects with Uranus offering or suggesting sressful conversations or ideas late in the day. Mercury’s union with Venus toward the end of the day says you will hear good news of an affirmative nature moving you forward (or away from) a situation in your life that needs to change.
Tuesday Mars day March 12, 2013 Mars enters tropical Aries 2:26AM EDT for thirty nine, count them 39 days of clear, assertive, warrior like energy. Raven Kaldera in his excellent book, Myth Astrology describes Mars in Aries as: “Where is the line between action and aggression? Aries Mars doesn’t know and doesn’t care. Is it true that every act of creation is an act of violence, forcing your will onto a resisting world? Or course it is, says Aries. So what? Should you seek out struggles or wait for them to find you? Why sit around and wait for anything? Says Aries. Go for it! When Mars activates Aries you get a double helping of that fiery Mars energy. The ability to do becomes a compulsion to do something, anything, preferably something big and fast and energetic. Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera. He did not get along well with either parent. His impulsive aggression caused his mother to shun him as unrefined. He continually fought with his father over every small thing in his life. Ares, a creature of emotions and strong passions, would jump in wherever he thought that one side might need his help, like a sort of divine vigilante looking for fights to take part in. Who he chose to help was generally a spur of the moment, subjective, decision, not based on any thoughtful consideration. It might just as easily be the “wrong” side. Ares was not a strategist. It didn’t matter much to him who the “right” side was ~ he just needed to be fighting someone for something. Action without thought are his keywords.
An intense, over reactive Mars can be calmed and controlled by the Venusian touch. He needs to learn deeply, emotionally, that even the people he fights with are not demons but humans who are worthy of compassion. He needs to understand love, and what it means to defend those who you love but to defend their rights as well… against yourself and your own anger. He needs to learn how to apologize and to atone ~ to think before jumping and striking. It is the choice between being the destructive force or the hero ~ reap fear and terror or love and harmony. Ares’ children with Aphrodite were Deimos (Fear), Phobos (Terror), Eros (Love) and Harmonia (Harmony). We all get to choose to be heroes.
Moon’s union with Mars in Aries ends with a closing aspect of a square to Pluto ~ feel the power and look at the triangles. Sun sees the pattern inside the discontent and unhappiness. Now that you’ve seen them, you have a chance to take action to change them using Mars in his heroic or warlike roles. Mercury also connecting to Pallas and Eris like the Sun did earlier in the day ~ invite you to speak about it. Say what you need to say to move the situations forward. Describe the patterns even if they are difficult for the other person to hear. Venus has an aspect to the Nodes of Fate… she give yourself permission to calm the Mars in Aries energy with clear, kind direction from the position of her exaltation in Pisces. Sun’s union with Chiron by declination implies we can easily be operating from our wounded space. Health matters start to clear up.
Wednesday Mercury’s Day March13, 2013 finds Moon in Aries void all day long today and tomorrow too. Her closing aspect to Pluto is action oriented and wants to jump into fix things ~ or fight about things ~ as she’s loaded with Mars energy too. Sun’s sextile Sedna makes the dreams deep and disturbing, possibly including fights. Juno enters detached Aquarius making relationship decisions much easier. The anxiety and fear associated with relationships that are not going the way you would like eases significantly. You can be detached and see things clearly. There are options to end things today but the void moon indicates caution as they can reopen up right back again when the Moon goes into Taurus. Understand from Mercury’s aspect to Chronos that OLD patterns are very, very hard to break even if you want to. Slippage will and does happen. I am reminded of an AA meeting I attended a long time ago. A man with 25 or 30 years of sobriety related his story of the early morning. He had arrived at his work place to find a pile of bottles of partially filled with alcohol in front of his store front, clustered around a tree. He bent to pick them up and throw them away. The smell of the alcohol hit his nostrils. And he went “Nope, this is NOT a good idea for me to pick these up!” He left the bottles and went into the store. When one of his employees arrived, he sent them out to clean up the bottles around the tree. BE CAUTIOUS today as there will be a strong desire to back slip, back slide. Let someone else clean up the bottles. Take care of yourself. Mars rocketing off in Aries creates a backwash, an energetic flow, a desire for an equal and opposite reaction to the forceful shift of energy… basic physics. The back wash of energy is throbbing through all those Pisces planets still meandering in water, drifting.
Thursday Jupiter’s Day March 14, 2013 finds Moon void most of the day in Aries until she enters the sign of HER exaltation, Taurus, at 3:08 pm EDT. That is when the employee shows up to help clean up the bottles around the tree so difficult temptations for you are averted. Moon has a lovely closing aspect of a sextile to the Sun so events of this later afternoon, tomorrow and Saturday go very well indeed… you have the passion of Mars, the wisdom of an exalted Moon answering to an Exalted Venus. Make some babies! Start some creative projects. Envision who, what, where, when and why you want a different outcome. Gaze at Paula’s picture of making a truce with FEAR (and TERROR too!) ~choose LOVE and HARMONY instead. There is a clarity around an ending that needs to take place as Hades stations and turns direct this morning. Dreams can be troubling but are clarifying that you don’t want to be a second class citizen in the situation at hand any more. Make sure to nurture your inner soul and LISTEN for heaven’s sake. See ho the situation before you is a perfect way to observe and see your life. No judgment of the Tree Ring before you. It is YOUR TREE RING! It represents your survival, life force and growth up until now. Be gentle with yourself and others today.
Friday Venus’s day March 15, 2013 finds Moon exalted in Taurus and Venus exalted in Pisces. And they are going to be talking to each other. Mars aspects to the Nodes of Fate means you take fated actions today… be wise in how you go about it. Choose the responsible and wise thing for your soul’s evolution. Exalted Moon is opposite Saturn ~ ending a difficult situation or emotional energy in your life. Exalted Moon is trine Pluto asking, inviting, and encouraging you to evolve toward your soul’s transformation. Today is a deeply transformative and profound decision making day. If you get fired or dumped today, just blame that Finger of God/Goddess ~ actually THANK IT ~ and move along to the next chapter. Play Leslie Gore singing you don’t own me and dance your self right out of that place into a new chapter of your life
Saturday Saturn’s Day March 16, 2013 had Moon continuing along in Taurus with lovely aspects to both Venus and Sun. One of the better days of the year, things feel like they are moving along to a new and better place. Mercury’s station tomorrow is stirring up emotions but also offering clarity that you didn’t have before. Communications are particularly important today, tomorrow and Monday. Notice what you hear. WRITE IT DOWN SO YOU DON’T FORGET IT. There is so much swirling around, you might not be so good at remembering down the road. It is VERY important and will play a major role in what goes on for you this summer. Health matters improve rapidly today. Sun has an aspect to Saturn that requests that you take action even if you are a bit stressed about what to do. Listen to your inner wisdom. Move away from Fear and Terror. Move towards Love and Harmony. Be careful with drugs and drinking and driving and moving and dancing tonight as Mars and Neptune are talking in an argument and are in your or their blind spot… you won’t see it coming or they won’t see you coming. So proceed cautiously with all actions where Neptune ~ water, snow, drugs, alcohol or dancing ~ are involved. Of course it IS St. Patrick’s Eve…. When all the amateur drinkers are out and about!
Sunday Sun’s Day March 17, 2013 finds the Moon in Gemini and in the mood to be quite the trouble maker. Mercury is stationing today so communications and transportation can be sullied, fraught and full of confusions. Dreams are confusing and stressful ~ especially about matters you thought were finished. Sun’s union with Mars by declination sets off some aggressive and angry energy or allows you to clarify what exactly needs to happen to proceed. Venus is parallel Eris so the feminine is argumentative. Mercury’s station at 5:37 Pisces to turn direct marks a shift in the energy. Now instead of knowing you want to move AWAY from something you will be able to articulate what you want to move TOWARDS. A profound shift indeed. And of course, Mars in Aries will be happy to take you there is you talk nicely to him…. He does love to help Venus get what she wants…
OBSERVATION: The Vatican has the largest collection of Astrology Literature in the world. They picked the conclave to start with Mars on the Aries ingress. You can’t tell me they don’t have an astrologer on staff…
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: Non-linear time starts to end! New Moon! Mars moves into Aries and joins up with the Moon to super power a few days! Retrograde Mercury continues to play with us and the Finger of God. The heavens are awash in WATER ~ but we start to dry out. Go with the flow but you can start to kick now!! LOTS OF PISCES and a Touch of Fire!!
Scorpios Talking: Michael’s back from Minnesota and feeling a bit sick! We talk about being super absorptive with all the water and how to work with it. .
The Mary Anne Show: Mary and I are back. Anne didn’t make the Flower show as she was still sick but NOW she’s feeling fine…Join us for laughter.
Access Astrology: Heather and I talked about the week ahead and took calls from a listener.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt continues to enthrall… Venus arises!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this teaching myth is encoded with the process toward mature Femininity. As the tale unfold Psyche has betrayed Eros (Cupid), been banished from Paradise, destitute and terrified, Suicidal, and clueless. Next (as if this wasn’t enough) Psyche must face the Tyranny of Venus, Complete the four tasks of The Trial of The Seeds, Gathering the Hair of the Golden Fleece, Obtaining Sacred Waters of Styx And
Learn Palmistry with Anne Ortelee
Weekend Workshop April 26-28, 2013
Manchester, Vermont
Palmistry is both an art and a science. It is based on scientific principles that can be learned by anyone. The hand is called ‘God’s Road Map’. The hand is one of the most valuable tools we have for guidance. Knowing Palmistry will enrich the lives of all you meet as they understand the knowledge and wisdom in their hands.
Palmistry’s use as a means of psychological insight and divination dates back thousands of years. Because the hand changes as you change, it is an up to the minute report from your own Higher Self. The hand reports on many areas of your life, including health, financial security, talents, strengths and weaknesses. It shows the best choices for creating a fulfilling life. It reflects YOU, the unique individual. Your hand is a mirror of your soul.
The weekend workshop in Palmistry will cover every aspect of the hand, the shapes, the lines, fingers, and the seven planetary archetypes. We will practice reading hands, as well as learn how to synthesize and communicate the information we find.
Anne Ortelee was trained as a Palmist by The School of Oracles. The School of Oracles is dedicated to preserving and perpetuating Palmistry, a sacred art, in a manner that does honor to the wisdom, healing and illumination it brings to humanity.
Weekend will include:
• 5 meals ~ dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch Saturday & Sunday
• Two nights’ accommodations
• Workshop and Course materials
• Individual Time with your Own Hand!
Please contact Bodhi Consult for more information. Register by visiting www.bodhiconsult.com or call Beth at 802 379 5775
Copyright © 2013. A.C. Ortelee
Lynda Hill’s Work appears with her permission. Check her out at www.SabianSymbols.com
Copyright © 2013 A.C. Ortelee