Weekly Weather June 26, 2006

Weekly Weather June 26, 2006

The new moon yesterday after last week’s nodal shift into Pisces and Summer Sun’s Cancer Ingress marks the beginning of the next season of your life. As we emotionally process the turbulent, active and volatile events from the last few weeks, we move towards friendly Mercury and benevolent Jupiter’s stations in early July. About the only “exciting” thing is Mercury moving into Leo on Wednesday. Mercury will find his voice again. Otherwise, it looks to be a fairly quiet week on planet earth as we adjust to all the new nodal, solar and life energy flowing through the cosmos and our lives. Our Sun in Cancer seeks security, nurturing and wants to feather a nest to create a space for the new life which arrived on your door step last week.

Listen to your dreams carefully as the North Node in Pisces brings you visions, images and ideas of imagination. WRITE THEM DOWN upon awakening to ground them and capture the wisps. You probably are going to have no clue what your dreams are about even as you marvel at their complexity, imagery and emotions. Clarity will come later. However, IF you notice a theme to your dreams, ACT on the images coming through to you. The Pisces/Virgo Nodes are approaching a square to Pluto in Sagittarius and the Galactic Center soon. Now the North Node in Pisces, SO we‘ll FEEL the approaching energy more strongly as the changeable Moon rules our Cancer Sun and Jupiter and Neptune in fixed signs co-rule our North Node. Your dreams speak in images and cosmic code. If you pay attention you can decode them. Toy with them. Play with them like a cat toys with a mouse. See what your dreams are whispering to your heart and soul. If you link the images to recent events, you’ll see the next step in your plan. ACT ON YOUR DREAMS!!! ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN FIGURE THEM OUT!

For example, I attended my 30th Catholic College reunion and slept on Campus, in the former Friary, which now is a dorm. Saw a few old loves, friends and laughed a lot. We talked about various romantic escapades and relationships during our long drive home. Unbeknownst to me, I brought home a country mouse who climbed into my bag to move to New York City, just like I did ~ a country girl moving to the big city 30 years ago! Woke to found my new guest, Mr. Mouse, being played with by my cat Max in MY BED at a VERY ungodly hour in the morning! As I realized Mr. Mouse WAS NOT a toy (he was able to move all by himself) AND screamed (thus startling Max so Mr. Mouse escaped with his life to, hopefully, live a long, happy life with a cute mouse in another apartment!), I listened to a few snarky comments about the symbolism of having a “rat” in my bed from various “funny” friends. Over the next few nights, I dreamed of various ex-boyfriends. They each stopped by to say so long or hello or whatever in these long elaborate images, conversations and adventures. It was quite bizarre! One after the other, every single one of them, in a series of dreams!

Now, EVEN I could draw a correlation between the teeny, tiny mouse in my bed, the rat in the bed comments, various “ex” dreams, my Venus Saturn conjunction in Scorpio in the 8th house and the Sabian Image ~ New Moon on my South Node in Cancer in the fifth house of love affairs ~ A Cat Toys with A Mouse. So, I acted on the correlation! Quite bravely! I took out an ad on an internet dating service. It said, nicely, no rats. South Node in Libra was on my Juno! I am interpreting the symbolism to be my days of having rats (mice) in my bed are over! So, we’ll see what happens, especially as transiting Jupiter and Saturn squared on my natal Venus/Saturn.

ACT ON YOUR DREAMS. ACT ON YOUR DREAMS the very MINUTE, the instant SECOND, you figure them out! Act toward your future hopes, wishes and desires. Don’t be afraid. You have support from the heavens. Your dreams are telling you how to move to the next place in your life. I’ve decided to have Max check out each internet respondent I meet! If he toys with them, it is over!

After all the turbulence of the past few weeks, I hope you noticed the energy shift last week. We’ll get a few weeks of relative peace and quiet. Home from the hospital after giving birth to your new life, settle in, get used to it, count your new life’s toes and fingers, look at those gorgeous eyelashes as it sleeps. Rest up yourself. And, throw away, give away, or sell the stuff acquired in your old life. Dump your maternity clothes (aren‘t you TIRED of them?) Release the stuff you are finished with or don‘t need any more. Move away from the stuff you need to move away from. Or perhaps, ask the stuff for what YOU want IF it is going to stay in your life going forward. Ask the stuff to change. It might not be able to change ~ that is perfectly okay. Just ask for what you want. The universe is listening, even if the person or situation before you can’t deliver what you want. The universe hears you. You know what you want. Bring in new stuff to support your movement towards where you want to go with your life.

And, for those of you who still aren’t QUITE sure WHAT you want, you DO know what you DON’T want. Make a don’t want list. Rewrite it on a separate paper as a DO want list. Be careful and conscious not to block the Do wants with fears or limitations from your earlier Don’t wants. For example, my internet ad said I didn’t want the karma of a married triangle and encouraged samplers to enjoy the abundance of the universe but skip me. Clear and not blocking. To help with your anxiety, know that we are entering a new phase of adjusting to your new life which will run until the end of October. Later in the summer, as Saturn comes to oppose Neptune and North node squares Pluto, your new life will start to coalesce into a recognizable form and reshape around you. Nothing is locked and loaded into final form until we get to our third and final Saturn Jupiter square at the end of October. So edit, tweak away, change, adjust, fiddle with, massage, rearrange, and organize that new life of yours as you finish up taking care of the last bits of your old life. Whenever there are changes as massive as the ones we’ve gone through over the past year, the Universe gives us plenty of time to settle into our new skins. So move along, joyfully, hopefully, happily toward your new life. Your new life is not going to sleep through the night until the end of October so make sure to juggle your priorities and catch a nap when you can!

Monday, Saturn catches up with Juno suggesting we are marrying our new life. YEAH!! We finally got here! Mercury’s trine to the North Node at 29 Pisces says, take your vows seriously, emotionally and with feelings. I know, Mercury is about to go retrograde so you are going to change your mind or revise it a bit in a few weeks. That is perfectly ok. Just make a commitment to the PROCESS of moving toward your new life. You can renegotiate your contract down the road a piece. Handshake and seal the deal!

Tuesday has an anxious quality as buyers remorse settles in around your ears. Mars is inconjunct to Uranus ~ why oh why did you say you wanted this? Now YOU HAVE IT. You have to DO something! Don’t you hate when that happens? Quite a nervous quality to the world today. Jumpy, on edge, not happy, as Moon enters Leo and moves toward his conjunction with Saturn. Gotta breathe deeply! Again. Hold it. Count to 10. Exhale. Repeat. You’ll be fine.

Wednesday has a proud yet stressful energy to it. Interesting mix. Mercury is at the last degree of Cancer so he is an unusual combination of nervous and excited, proud yet anxious right before he goes into Leo. That anticipatory energy before a first date, first day on a new job or when you have to make an important speech and have butterflies. Anxious but very, very excited. Has a teenage girl squealing quality to it with Mercury’s aspec
t to Uranus ~ like when they
spot a movie star they adore. I am reminded of when the Beatles were appearing on TV. All girls in Ed Sullivan’s audience were screaming at the top of their lungs. Suddenly, my younger sister, catching their fever, began to scream at the TV right in our living room! We were startled. That kind of energy.

Thursday has a long Leo void moon in the afternoon so it represents a wonderful time to clean out the old parts and closets of your life that you don’t simply adore. It indicates the USA holiday Fourth of July weekend starts a bit early as people get a jump on fun and take off to play.

Offices will be very quiet during Friday’s Virgo moon so you’ll be able to whip through lots of stuff and clear off your desk as comfy Sun trines Jupiter in Scorpio’s sign of transformation! Great day for a home improvement project, moving, or starting something solid of a work nature with moon‘s lovely aspects to Venus, Sun, and Jupiter. If it is broken, old, worn, pinches, doesn’t fit, expired or out of date kiss it goodbye on Sun‘s inconjunct to Chiron, and Saturn‘s to Pallas. Take advantage of Venus’ union with Vesta to make your new love and life part of your home.

Saturday, we continue adjusting to our new life as Moon opposes Uranus and Venus trines Chiron. So tell me, Why DID you decide to do this again? Tell me again. Stop sniffling. Stand up straight. Be brave. Say what it is you want. I know, it isn’t QUITE what you thought it would be. However, it is moving you along on your path towards a new life. That happily ever after stuff only happens in fairy tales! This is your life. It is work to make your life the way you want it. You have to build it to suit your dreams. You are taking bold (or maybe teeny tiny timid mouse) steps towards you new life. Uranus’ inconjunct to Vesta combined with Venus’ inconjunct to Jupiter suggest a crankiness with the whole darn process. Change is NOT easy. It is too much work. The glamour part is finished. Everyone has gone home and left you completely alone with your new life, all by yourself, looking at it. No, you are NOT positive it is the right thing for you. HOWEVER, it is moving you along on your path so take a deep breath and move forward. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. IF you asked for something you find out you don’t actually want, you can take it back. Try on your new life. As Sun opposes Pallas, it will make us question the wisdom our choices. All of your fears are hovering around whispering anxiously into your ears suggesting you‘ve lost your mind. You have NOT lost your mind! Change is hard.

We some how expect that once we make a decision it will all magically fall into place like in those fairy tales. As an adult, you know that Christmas is A LOT of work ~ shopping for presents, wrapping, cooking, decorating cookies, getting a tree and polishing the silver for a short flurry of present opening under the tree and a day which quickly passes, VERY quickly, into a memory. Or a wedding ~ all that planning, preparing, obsessing for months and in a few short hours it is over. Or a pregnancy ~ 10 long lunar months as your body morphs into strange shapes, your clothes don’t fit, people pat your stomach, a bunch of pain which makes you wonder why you agreed to end up with a new responsibility for the rest of your life! So, why oh why do you think this change, one of the MOST important transitions of your life, is going to happen smoothly, easily and without any angst about whether you are going to live happily ever after like in the fairy tales? All part of the process of life.

Sunday finds the anxiety from Saturday abating as you realize you can do it. Step by step, slow and sure, step by step. Ask for help. Venus’ sextile to Saturn and aspect to the north node says if you make a list you won’t feel nearly so overwhelmed by all that lays before you. ASK FOR HELP. Back to the AA quote “A day at a time.” If you keep focusing on it like it is going to be for the REST of YOUR LIFE, you’ll totally freak yourself right out, feel overwhelmed and start crying again. You have to do it for today. A day at a time. Step by step. Hang in there. You are looking GOOD! Head up, shoulders down, stand up straight, deep breath, suck in your stomach, comb your hair, pinch your cheeks, add a bit of lipstick (for the gals) and put a bright smile on your face. Let someone else hold the baby so you can get a new look at your new life! You are going to be just fine. Day at a time.

Mundane: Iraq is on my mind. Time to reframe the words as the nodes change signs out of ARIES into PISCES. Let’s start calling it an occupation. As even George said, “Major Combat Operations in Iraq are over!” a few years ago on a ship off the coast of California. We are an occupying force in a country not our own. Occupation: The invasion, conquest and control of a nation or territory by a foreign military force. Occupations end. Occupations have time tables. Occupations have plans. All occupied countries take over from the foreign military force. We “won” the war. Our military did a while ago. We overthrew Saddam Hussein. If we keep referring to it as the WAR in Iraq instead of the OCCUPATION of Iraq, we’ll never leave! One just completely HATES to “lose” wars. One doesn’t “lose” occupations ~ the nation involved takes over, in an orderly, planned manner with a time table. And we bring our soldiers home.

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee