Weekly Weather July 31, 2006

Weekly Weather July 31, 2006

Mercury retrograde is finally over! Whew! We still have to get out of his shadow on August 12, but the “information discovery” phase is done, finished! What a tough Mercury Retrograde that was ~ but SO illuminating! You are on your road, forward, wiser for all the ghosts you met and chatted up! The week or so ahead has a wrap up, clean up, throw out and broom sweep clean your old life ~ until the Sun joins with Saturn August 7th. It’s not that last year didn’t “count” ~ it did. However, the universe is going to ask you “Do you want a Do Over? We, the universe, with YOUR permission, of course, will act as if the ENTIRE last year didn‘t happen. You’ll start fresh! You get to take ALL the knowledge you’ve gained over the last year and put it to darn good use during the rest of Saturn‘s transit through Leo (and for the rest of your life). Would you like that ~ either a fresh start or a do over?”

So what would you say to the Universe if you knew last August what you know now? What would you ask for? What would you let go of? What would you do differently? What would you not worry about? Where would you spend your time? What would you keep the exact same way perfect way? Get clear and focused on what you are going towards between now and when Sun meets Saturn on August 7th. Will you pick a Do over or a Fresh Start?

The past year of Saturn in Leo was to help you get clear on and about doing your Saturn. Your Saturn is why you are here! Saturn is what you love and are simply fabulous at!! And, your Saturn is what you are completely scared of, anxious about and fearful of at the same time! The transit of Saturn through the sign of Leo is designed to help you learn how to create and work with what you LOVE about your Saturn. The good stuff ~ not the hard stuff ~ the fun parts. Now that you are “crystal clear” ~ thanks to Saturn’s first year in Leo ~ about what YOU LOVE, about your work, your Saturn, your karma, it is time to go CREATE in YOUR life a version of Saturn that YOU LOVE. Bring much more of the good parts of Saturn into your life!

I know, I know, good parts? Harrumph ~ WHAT planet is she talking about? Saturn!?!? Saturn represents our Learning Principle ~ Saturn is what you are here to learn during your lifetime! Saturn governs your profession, reputation, authority, standing, community, ego, status, fame, ambition, achievements, how the world sees you and evaluates you as well as what you most desire in life, your goals, and what you receive love, money and other Venus things for doing. See Saturn is in charge of your good stuff! And, of course, well, yes, unfortunately perhaps, Saturn is involved in those lovely life circumstances over which you have very little control ~ the ones that go ouch and hurt.

So why is Saturn designed like that ~ why do we get hurt by Saturn and love our Saturn at the same time? I think it has to do with the nature of Saturn. He’s exalted in Libra so the more we work at our Saturn, the better our relationship with him gets, and the more effective he is (and we are). Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius ~ our destiny, career, community, true tribe, hopes and dreams. If Saturn is in charge of all those areas of our life OF COURSE we would feel rotten and depressed when life doesn’t deliver what we want.

Saturn is kind of like a giant iceberg in our charts. On one part of Saturn’s iceberg ~ the part above water ~ we find all of our visible, known and recognized gifts and talents. And, below the surface of the water, we find a huge, stabilizing base of Saturn’s iceberg ~ the part of Saturn that gives solidness to our skills, structure to our path, does the real work of Saturn, literally holds our heads above water, adds depth, breadth and width to our gifts and talents. And, yes, IS big enough to sink the Titanic on a bad day.

So go, right now, and put an ice cube into a glass of water. Look at it. See how the surface of the cube breaks the water? That is Saturn. Look at the part below the surface ~ that is Saturn too. Which part of the ice cube does the “work” of cooling water? You got it. Now, if you swirl that Saturn ice cube around in the water, “doing your Saturn”, doesn’t it chill the water faster? You don’t have to HOLD the ice, just swirl the glass and the Saturn ice gets the chilling job done rapidly and cleanly, without wet or cold hands. Do your Saturn.

I am sure you’ve noticed the “whoosh” energy that seems to be all over the place lately. In a matter of moments, “WHOOSH”, people, situations and energy is off and running crazily, exploding, jumping around the room or world. That “whoosh” of energy is Jupiter and Neptune taking off. When you see it, or feel it, do your Saturn. When you talk to your friends and family who are involved in their own “Whoosh” versions of energy (and we all will be), encourage them to do their Saturn. Practice NOW while it is easy to find Saturn and do it. Build up your Saturn muscles!

During the next week or so, the eclipses from March 2006 are going to get set off by the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. Yep, a tough list of trigger planets. When you feel the whoosh of energy, amplified by the extra boosting impact of the eclipse energy, do your Saturn. By house and sign.

Monday, our glorious Leo Sun lights up Uranus and Pallas by biquintile aspect. Bi-quintiles are gifts of brilliance and presents from the Universe. Watch for a gift from the Universe to help you. Pluto pushes off from Vesta by contraparallel so a living situation may change today ~ for the better.

Tuesday, Saturn is inconjunct to Uranus as Sun argues with Pluto. This is one of those it would have been better if you stayed in bed kind of days. But, as is often the case, unfortunately, you are not going to be able to. The Moon in Scorpio is spoiling for a fight. As she’s aspecting Mars today and Sun and Jupiter tomorrow, be conscious and cautious. Adjustments are needed. Make them, take them, and offer them. Seek to defuse tensions. Don’t partner with anger, vengeance or violence, it will whoosh very, very rapidly if you do. If you can extend kindness and love during the day, it will go a long way.

Wednesday is another stay in bed kind of day. Today Scorpio moon has aspects with Sun and Jupiter filling that old fallen Moon right up with all sorts of very nasty Whoosh energy. Mercury, Mars and Juno have inconjunct aspects to Ceres, Chiron and the Node respectively. No Nurture from who you want it from. A solid poke in those sensitive shins by critical Mars. Flipping your hair while making for a dramatic exit isn’t going to help the hurt and loss. Sun in Leo squares Jupiter in Scorpio adding fuel to the fire and moving things along. You know the scenes in the old Wild West saloon where the bullets start flying all over the room as the poker table suddenly spills the card all over the floor as its upended? You got it ~ Do your Saturn. Lots and lots of whoosh today!

Thursday, Sun forms a Hammer of Thor with the North Node and Jupiter. Bang, bang, bang, the structures of your life are shifting, changing, evolving and moving into their new forms. Remember it is better to be a hammer than a nail ~ do your Saturn. Venus is inconjunct to Neptune as Neptune argues with Vesta by contraparallel. No, you can’t go home again. Yes, it is okay. Deep in your heart part of you knows the “new” is what you want, with the knowledge of the past year tucked firmly in your pockets you are ready to go for it. Yes, there is a new life right around the corner. No worries. No knickers in a twist. When the whooshes happen, do your Saturn. The good part? Well, the MOON IS VOID all day long SO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING COMES OF ALL THE DRAMA! Don’t you just love astrology?

Friday, Vesta finally gets out of Leo and int
o Virgo, calming down the in
tense temperature, tempers, heat and all the looming, ominous fiery energy. Sun joins Saturn by parallel today and by conjunction on Monday. If you can, over the weekend do release rituals and let go of the past year, or perhaps the past 30 years of your life. Get rid of the stuff you don’t need or want any more. Embrace what you are heading toward. Embrace what you LOVE. Ride Mercury’s parallel to Pallas to commit to what you’ve learned over the past year or so about yourself and your dreams. It all starts to shift after this weekend and Sun’s union with Saturn on Monday. No, you are not going to have it right away but you are on your way. Knowledge is key!

Saturday, Venus is inconjunct to Ceres and Mercury is inconjunct to Pluto. It is not your spouses’, partners’, child’s, mother’s, father’s, sister’s, brother’s, cousin’s, coworker’s, bosses’ or friend’s life. It is your life. What is it you would like in your life? Say it loud and clear ~ Pluto is listening to Mercury! Positive versions of your list please!

Sunday, Sun is inconjunct to Uranus right before his conjunction to Saturn tomorrow. I know, you are exhausted and completely drained. However, AFTER Sun joins with Saturn, your energy will start to feel better and be MUCH, MUCH more available. You just let go of 30 years of karma ~what did you think you were going to feel like ~ dancing? Well, actually, get your shiny party shoes polished for next week …. Off you go sparkly toes. Take a nap first!

Mundane: Mid July 2006, the progressed Mars of the United States stationed to go retrograde for the next 80 years. Yep, you read that right, 80 years! The USA Progressed Mars will go backwards until 2086 ~ well past the lifetimes of most of us! Mars travels backwards to station at 0 Libra and returns to pass where he is now in 2148. In any retrograde, one looks to see when Mars entered his shadow (the point of his eventual station and end of the retrograde) to understand the journey of the Mars Retrograde. Mars entered his shadow, 0 Libra, in September of 1940, during the Battle of Britain as World War 2 was heating up.

Mars in Libra often assumes a leadership role, and, true to that definition, the USA WAS a “Leader”. It appears the USA is relinquishing her “leadership” role in the world. We prefer NOT to intervene as Israel and Hezbollah battle it out. We are NOT going to have a cease fire unless it is “lasting, permanent and sustainable”. We are NOT going to help stop the fight. Heck, we might even throw a nuke or start a fight with Hezbollah’s buddy, Iran!

It is like a wild bar fight after a night of WAY too much drinking! Go ahead; have at each other, until one of you falls to the ground bleeding and bloody. Where is the BOUNCER? This is NOT a frigging saloon in the Wild West! Rather than helping, splitting up, negotiating or stopping a couple of countries engaged in an ugly, violent fight, we are going to let them duke it out. EVERY peace is negotiated during a cessation of hostilities! In the meantime, old Vlad Putin of Russia signed a contract to sell oodles of arms to Venezuela, violating the arms embargo. It is right after the G-8 Summit where George was a bit of a buffoon. Do you suppose old Vlad, formerly head of the KGB, knows something WE don’t know?

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee