Weekly Weather July 3, 2006
Our week ahead features quite a few “easing on down the road” aspects. Mercury stations to go retrograde on Tuesday and Jupiter stations to go direct on Thursday. With two planets stopping in the same week, just a day apart, we watch that Mercury/Jupiter midpoint of 20.11 mutable. The 20 degree in every chart, but particularly mutable signs, will vibrate all sorts of stuff and ghosts up into your consciousness. We are asked to adjust our perceived set of skills, values and talents to become a bit more grounded in reality. Before that happens, we are going to meet up with a few ghosts. Mercury has moved into the earliest degrees of Fixed Leo, he’s going to station, roll back into the early degrees of Cancer, AND return to Leo to join up with Saturn and square Jupiter. Please, please, PAY ATTENTION to what happens! It is critical to your process and evolution.
Last summer, JULY 2005, as Saturn was in his last degrees of Cancer, Mercury zipped into Leo and stationed in Leo at 20 of the fixed signs. Mercury retrograded back to eight Leo. Late July, last year, Saturn ROLLED over the degree of Mercury’s current station, 1 Leo. THE STORY FROM LAST JULY and LAST FALL (the 8-9 and 20 degrees of fixed signs) IS BACK! AGAIN! Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn collide in a cosmic RE-connect with May of 2000 to help guide WHO you are and WHERE you are going.
I know it sounds complicated but YOU, as a conscious being, can link events together! The universe has 12 signs and 10 planets to “talk” with. Houses count as it comes back to where the planets land in your natal chart to describe the evolution of your personal story. What happens over the next week or so ties the whole messy evolution of the past nasty year together into a cute bundle that you‘ll want to take home with you!
So what can you expect? Like Scrooge’s ghostly visitors on Christmas Eve, situations or people (or echoes of situations and people) from last summer will REAPPEAR in your life! Might be in your dreams but I have a feeling it will be the real, live honest to goodness person and /or situation. The PURPOSE of your ghost visitor(s) is NOT to give you a scare! Ghosts are appearing to show you how far you’ve evolved and all you have figured out over the past 12 months! Ghosts are appearing to help you figure out where you want to go next. Now, the ghosts may arrive in dreams. If so, write the dreams down. Your ghosts may be a phone call from a long lost or missing someone ~ take their call and talk to them. They have figured out something. They will help YOU figure out something. Your ghost may be a hot internet date, who surfed through your life, disappeared and now reappears in a VERY curious form. Talk to your ghosts. Nicely!
Please know, their strange, odd, unusual or reappearing ghostly behavior IS NOT CONSCIOUS!! Don’t take it PERSONALLY! Your ghost is saying what they deeply want ~ perhaps without all the ambivalence from last summer. YOU are reading an astrology column that tells you what to watch for on your path. They, and the rest of the world, are NOT astrology buffs! Be wise. Watch. Listen. Forewarned is alert. Be curious. Engage, gather data, and give information back. Say what you want. SAY WHAT YOU WANT! They may have gotten to a new or unique understanding of what they want over the past months. You certainly did. It is all part of our evolutionary journey.
In addition, if people you know and like run into a strange ghost or two from last summer make sure to point out the story links to them. It is all about clearing out 82/83, giving yourself permission to move towards what you SAID you wanted in May of 2000, releasing the hurts from last fall that showed you it WASN’T about you, understanding what was going on during March 2006 and over the past few week as Jupiter squared Saturn. It is all about evolving, revising, expanding and growing into the being you are to become.
A reader wrote asking about the Jupiter Saturn conjunction at 22 Taurus on May 28, 2000 at 11:05 am EDT and how it pertains to the choices we are facing and making now as Jupiter and Saturn square each other in the sky. Planet Cycles are a critical component of an astrologers’ accurate forecasting skills, and understanding who we are and what we are here for. We trace the cycles in a chart to “see” what is going to happen next. Jupiter and Saturn, our big boys, form a neat 20 year cycle. Jupiter and Saturn cycles are manageable. They run for reasonable amount of years. They are not as “fear filled” as our Saturn returns nor as “rosy optimistic” as our Jupiter returns. They combine the benefic and relation connections of Jupiter with the firm foundations and structures Saturn likes so much. Essentially, Jupiter/Saturn cycles are a wondrous mix of expansion towards manifestation and our karma. Jupiter Saturn cycles announce the pivotal roles and choices faced by every society as well as in our own individual and unique lives. They are VERY IMPORTANT.
A Jupiter Saturn cycle “starts” when they conjoin each other. Then, as they dance through our heavens for the next 20 years, we watch their aspects to each other to anticipate OUR moments of choice, change and revision. We track the aspects of Jupiter and Saturn as they move through their Ptolemaic cycle of opening sextile, opening square, opening trine, opposition, closing trine, closing square and closing sextile. Mundane astrologers look at the “smaller” aspects too ~ the sesquiquadrate, semisextile, nonile etc.
Right now, this past year, until October 2006, we are at the opening square, the crisis of choice, the point where we decide to move toward OR away from what was promised or dreamed for or worried about at the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in May 2000. The energy has a Cancer feel ~ what do we want to NURTURE in our creative drives, lives, desires and needs to help grow over the next 15 years? You only have so much time to nurture ~ what do you want to take care of, mother, father and create? Back in May 2000, Aries energy said, “Hey, you know what? I want to start, begin, create xxx!” Now, you are looking at what you started, began or created AND are being asked by the universe IF YOU WANT to commit to nurturing it for the next 5 years.
Fixed signs, which are the mode where the May 2000 conjunction took place, are about creating solidly and completely in our lives, whatever purpose we are here for. The fixed signs mark the “epitome” of the season they represent ~ Taurus ~ Spring, Leo ~ Summer, Scorpio ~ Fall and Aquarius ~ Winter. Under fixed signs, the true, pure, essential energy of a season takes place. Cardinal signs START seasons (and stuff) up and Mutable signs finish seasons (and stuff) up to get ready for the next season. Fixed signs DO THE SEASON, are the season, represent the ESSENCE of the season. The “bad” part about fixed signs is their inflexibility, fixidity and fidelity to their purpose. They don’t change! They like their season just the way it is, thank you very much.
Therefore, our universe, in its wisdom, says “Ah, little human critters ~ so fear based and reluctant to change where you have fixed signs in your chart! Hmmm. The ONLY way I know of to get you to evolve, expand and grow in the fixed areas of your chart is to make you SO SICK and TIRED of your stuff and that part of your life that you say, “Okay, UNCLE! I give up! I‘ll change! I‘ll change!” The plants, animals and other growing things don‘t argue with me NEARLY as much as you humans do! Plants go with the flow and evolve along, seasonally, with no problems. Animals, pretty much evolve too, unless they become fearful of cars after getting hit by one. But, YOU, you conscious, worry wart human beings can get SO stuck in places that one has to practically saturate you with WD-40 to move you.”
Think of the last year of your li
fe, between now and last JUL
Y, as a very, squeaky car door, stuck hinge or rusted, locked down bolt that wouldn’t move! The universe is going to spray you in your sticky parts with WD-40 the next couple of weeks. The universe is going to spray everyone in their sticky parts with WD-40! Or send a couple of ghosts to startle you into asking and going for what you want. Be brave. Old Scrooge got up and bought Tiny Tim and his family a lovely turkey dinner after HIS night with ghosts. You are going to have a week or three of ghosts or similarly view altering experiences as Mercury goes back to station at 21 Cancer. Change. Evolve. Go for your dreams! Time to take a risk and move towards your best life!
So, place the chart of the Jupiter Saturn 2000 conjunction in your natal chart and see what you see. For me, the conjunction falls in my third house of writing and communicating. So part of my Saturn/Jupiter journey is to “practical-ly” write and point out evolving patterns using my Scorpio Venus/Saturn. May 2000 was when I decided I wanted to do more than keep track of the value and location of every vending machine, visicooler and fountain in America for Pepsi. I wanted to be an astrologer! I love linking past events from our lives to assess present value ~ just like I did with those thousands of vending machines. I’d never seen that kind of astrology done in writing before. I have wrestled with how to do it over the past year as I wrote the Weekly Weather column. I‘ve learned quite a bit more about how to communicate cosmic evolution! As Mercury is stationing on my Part of Fortune in the 7th , Mercury/ Jupiter’s midpoint is on my Virgo Sun and Jupiter is stationing on my Saturn, I want to thank you for sharing your evolving stories and say how grateful I feel to Stephanie for creating and nurturing thecosmicpath.com for all of us. She’s a cosmic dispenser of wisdom!
So, on to our week ahead. WATCH for GHOSTS! Remember, they are friendly Ghosts ~not scary ones.
Monday, Sun’s a bit cranky as he wants to be left alone as the world makes demands. You can’t do it all. Prioritize ~ do the thing that is MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU ~ first! The rest of the world can wait until you finish up. You have to nurture YOUR path every day, starting NOW, to get it moving in the right direction. Libra moon asks you to collaborate with chatty Venus in Gemini to establish a DAILY (10 minutes at least), playful flirtation with what you adore and want to bring into your life.
Tuesday, Mercury stations at one Leo. Watch for ghosts. Ghosts are bringing you important messages. Flirt with the ghosts. Flies with Honey!
Wednesday is the day to particularly watch for ghosts, messages and WD-40 on your stuck places. Mars opposes Neptune so there is a see through the fog or shadow box with illusions and delusions energy. Sun lights up Neptune ~ you ARE able to see the ghost’s wispiness to notice his brilliant, gift like purpose in your life. It was important for you to collaborate with the Ghost to get you to where you are now in consciousness. We learn to see through reflections, refractions and duality. Moon in Scorpio means the ghosts might SEEM scary but they actually are quite cuddly once you get to know them better.
Thursday Venus squares Uranus and the Sun trines Uranus. Awakening! Lightening bolts! Electric Charges! Earthquakes! Shocks to your system! Uranus has a story to tell and you are going to hear it. Gather the data. Don’t react. Take time to go think under a solid, reliable tree. Jupiter stations so the situation that seemed to stop moving forward in a positive manner last December and completely stalled in early March, will change, reappear or reactivate. It might feel a bit volatile or changeable as Jupiter is also getting an aspect from Venus with a Uranian/Solar charge. Whatever you see, hear, or learn ~ look at it from the point of view of 10,000 feet in the context of YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! Don’t make assumptions about any of the data you gather. Think of yourself as an eagle ~ watching with sharp eyes, noting, paying attention but not engaged. It is for your greater growth. Call a friend who is SUPPORTIVE, not judgmental, to analyze the situation if you need help. NO judgments! All part of the process of awakening!
Friday Mars and Pluto are in aspect by contraparallel. Negative energy, particularly hurtful words, seem to abound. Or perhaps a desire to take action that might be counter productive to your long-term goals. Uranus is in the mood to fight with traditional versions of partnerships and relations. Keep your LONG TERM PLANS in mind and DON’T make short-term decisions, particularly while in the heat of passion. What is in YOUR, not their, best interest? Act toward YOUR interest! Moon in Sagittarius finally, finally has Jupiter, his ruler, moving forward so head towards your dreams, visions, and philosophy of a best life for you. Pull up your inner Scarlet O’Hara by your bootstraps and make a dress out of the drapes.
Saturn’s day interesting information appears ~ might be another ghost, could be a message or connection from an old, out of touch or former friend or lover. Our Mercury retrograde is going to have people from your past popping up out all over the place. Walk right up to those ghosts of yours and say hello with a huge, welcoming smile on your face. You need to talk with EVERY ghost who appears. They are how the universe is giving you guidance. Yes, talk to them even if you HATE them! They are YOUR GHOST!
Sunday’s Mars’ aspect to node as he opposes Neptune by contraparallel gives a nice symmetry to the week’s opening Mars oppose Neptune aspect. Venus trines Neptune. Ghosts, ghosts, ghosts. All friendly, nice, communicative, ghosts. By now, you’ve gotten the hang of ghosts stopping by to wake you so chat them up. Old Ebenezer was quite perky and curious by the time his third ghost showed up. You will be too. The past contains messages for your future. Gotta know and understand history to not repeat it yet again! Unless, of course, you want to. A decent size void moon in Sagittarius happens before it moves into reliable Capricorn to ground all the information you‘ve gathered. It is Christmas morning this evening! So do you want to buy a turkey for Tiny Tim? Change your life? Adjust your plans? Merry Christmas!
Mundane. The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction is why I have been so obsessed with politics all year ~ we are facing critical choices in the kind of society we want to create and become. In May of 2000, Dick Cheney announced he thought HE was the best Vice-Presidential candidate after a one term Texas Governor with “Name Recognition” appeared at the GOP table with $50 million in his pot to fund a Presidential Run. Mom and Pop Bush were surprised “they” choose George over Jeb! Well, five years later, we’ve watched an imperial presidency evolve, with Dick in charge. (Dick is called “Leadership” by the Secret Service ~ their nicknames are SO instructive!) We’ve watched the destruction and violation of our privacy rights, tapping our phones, reading our emails and google searches, collection and sharing of our personal data, and evaluation of our bank records. Who knows what ELSE they are doing IF THAT is what they have told us!
We’ve watched people be declared enemy combatants and dropped into black holes FOR YEARS with out trial. We’ve discarded the Geneva conventions as “quaint” and out of date. We openly torture people. We watched our military and reserves be devasted by three and four deployments into a sovereign nation that WE invaded based on a pack of lies. We are poisoning Iraq, her people and our soldiers with depleted uranium bullets. We call it a War but it is, actually, an Occupation! And, it all happened because they have trained us to be afraid, be very afraid. They STILL haven’t caught that six foot four ghost of a guy in a turban walking around Afghanistan, trailing a dialysis machi
ne and sending out taunting video tapes.
Our three-branch government of checks and balances is out of balance. Our votes are recorded on corporate machines, with out a paper trail to “prove” ~ do you think the IRS would agree to no paper trail? Why do we? Our liberal media, the supposed watchdog of government, is virtually blind and toothless. The media reports into five corporations who “play nice” so they can get what they want and keep using our public airwaves. Our corporations write legislation and present it to the Congress for a rubber stamp ~ drug programs, pension, environmental regulation, pollution, insurance, food labeling, and bankruptcy reform. We are in debt up to our eyeballs. The middle class is shrinking by the minute as the rich get richer.The folks in charge learned their lessons after Iran Contra (82/83) so the $8.9 billion gone “missing” in Iraq did so because there was NO paper trail. Maybe that is why there is no paper trail on the voting machines too? Gotta love it! Therefore, we, citizens of our nation, are facing a crisis of choice. What DO we want to create and nurture for ourselves, our children, our grandchildren and the rest of the world we SHARE?
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee