Weekly Weather July 29, 2013
“Everyone has self-limiting idiosyncrasies. These were not put into your nature by God, but were created by you. These are what you must change — by remembering that these habits, peculiar to your nature, are nothing but manifestations of your own thoughts.” Paramahansa Yogananda
Last week’s imagery of bound feet resulted in a lot of feedback. The image of bound feet was disturbing to a few. Others kept it in mind as they faced the week and wrote how it helped. As the saying goes, “You can get used to just about anything.” The question is do you WANT to STAY used to it? The concept of unbinding your bound areas or being held back by where you are bound or working with the potential pain, process and, perhaps, a bit of fear involved in being able to break free of your binding was cosmically complimented by the story of a humpback whale appearing on the internet:
A female humpback whale had become entangled in a spider web of crab traps and lines. She was weighted down by hundreds of pounds of traps that caused her to struggle to stay afloat. She also had hundreds of yards of line rope wrapped around her body, her tail, her torso, a line tugging in her mouth.
A fisherman spotted her just east of the Faralon Islands (outside the Golden Gate) and radioed for help. Within a few hours, the rescue team arrived and determined that she was so badly off, the only way to save her was to dive in and untangle her…. a very dangerous proposition.
One slap of the tail could kill a rescuer. They worked for hours with curved knives and eventually freed her.
When she was free, the divers say she swam in what seemed like joyous circles. She then came back to each and every diver, one at a time, nudged them, and pushed gently, thanking them. Some said it was the most incredibly beautiful experience of their lives.
The guy who cut the rope out of her mouth says her eye was following him the whole time, and he will never be the same.
May you be so fortunate …To be surrounded by people who will help you get untangled from the things that are binding you. May you always know the joy of giving and receiving gratitude.
Around each of us, if we look, are people who will help you get untangled or unbound from the things that are binding you. It always helps to know people are there if you look for them. The universe stands ready to help you evolve. And it will feel REALLY GREAT once you are unbound. Even if your binding takes the form of crab traps!
The Week’s Planetary Highlights ~ Lots of evolutions, expansion, and choices!!
The next grand trine between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune is September 2145. Yes, 132 years from now! Use it or lose it!
Oodles of Configurations! Besides the Star of David, we have 4 Mystic Rectangles, 11 kites, 4 Grand Trines, 5 T-squares, 4 square keys, 3 three point stelliums, 2 Fingers of God, 1 Diamond (not named Lucy!) and No unaspected points. Think giant cocktail party in the sky and the planets are all talking about you! Or the planets all want to talk to you! No hiding!
Mars is out of bounds until August 3, 2013 so expect over the top actions! Every time the Moon changes, he changes. This week Mars is a solid reliable Taurus on Monday and Tuesday, a chatty and communicative Gemini on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday; and a deeply sensitive, intuitive and nurturing Cancer fellow on Saturday and Sunday. Mars is a wild card when he goes out of bounds as the planet of war, action and sex NOT following the rules can be quite difficult.
Seven Planets Dance with the Nodes of Fate. So that means you and everyone around you will be making SEVEN, count them SEVEN, fated choices this week with seven actors in your chart ruling five houses. Sun, Venus, Mars, Chiron (twice), Vesta, and Juno all aspect the Nodes of Destiny. Houses ruled by Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra and Scorpio all are adjusting as their rulers make important choices about your future. As YOU make important choices about YOUR future! They are your planets after all!
Venus is very active yet sensitive to criticism. Venus in Virgo, the sign of her detriment, has oodles of aspects. She releases old habits that don’t serve her. She also forms a Finger of God, making fated choices about relationships.
Mercury finally leaves his retrograde shadow in Cancer on August 4. Continue to connect with old ghosts who show up and want to talk. They share important information.
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon enters Taurus on Monday July 29, 2013 at 00:43 am EDT.
Moon goes Void Sextile to Mercury on Tuesday July 30, 2013 at 11:58:40 am EDT and enters Gemini on Wednesday July 31, 2013 at 11:42:52 am EDT. Moon is void Tuesday Afternoon and Wednesday morning.
Moon goes Void sextile to Uranus on Thursday August 1, 2013 at 12:49:32 pm EDT and enters Cancer on Saturday August 3, 2013 at 00:30:37 am EDT. Moon is void Thursday afternoon and all day Friday.
We continue to have the Star of David forming the heavens above our head. Comprised of two complimentary Grand Trines in the elements of Earth and Water, it encourages us to dream, plant, nurture, fertilize and grow the next chapter of our life. Earth and Water produce fertile earth, mud so to speak ~ that becomes the clay of our next structure.
After I realized how rare the grand trine between Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune was, I looked ahead. I went through my computer software a month at a time for 132 years. The NEXT grand trine between these three planets takes place in September 2145.
The next grand trine between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune is September 2145
Yes, you read that correctly, the next grand trine is 132 years from now. So this heavenly configuration is essentially a once in a lifetime opportunity! Unless you are vampire! The earlier grand trines were in September 1966, January 1929 and July 1834. My father experiences three of them, while I get two and anyone born after 1966 only has this one! Use it or lose it!
I started poking around on the internet and in my various books to further assess the meaning. These once in a lifetime or long span of time aspects are fascinating to me. In hindsight, we can ALWAYS see what they meant but when going THROUGH the aspect or energy, it can be hard to assess the meaning. I HAD scheduled the weekend to write yet OFF I went exploring, digging around and following the clues. Mercury and I had a great, grand time playing and frolicking in this great grand trine ~ pun intended.
First, my focus turned to Neptune ~ that large, lovely gassy fellow out at the boundary of the Solar System. The grand trine is so rare because of Neptune. Jupiter and Saturn are markers of life with their 12 and 28 year orbits while Neptune’s orbit of 165 years makes him multi-generational. He takes approximately 14 years to travel through a sign ~ or half a Saturn cycle ~ so individual generations share the sign he is in.
Where ever we have Neptune in our chart by sign and house placement is where we seek to unite with the divine, bond with God/dess, and find the rapture here on earth or in heaven above. Neptune describes our desire to transcend form and create beauty, illusion and desire. Where you find Neptune in your chart describes how you can deceive yourself and others. It is where you seek to release the bounds of earth. Neptune’s sign and house is where we can be mightily betrayed, dismayed and disillusioned. It is where we seek redemption and profound transformation. Neptune comes in all forms from drugs and alcohol ~ spirits of a sort ~ to creative impulses, to artistic endeavors. Other things under Neptune’s jurisdiction are illusions, delusions, refinement, ideal of perfection, inspiration, spirituality, genius/madness, no boundaries, sensitive, subtle, refined, delicate, gentle, kind, humane, secretive, ecstatic, devotional, romantic, sentimental, escapist, unstable, sensuous, deceitful, nebulous, evasive, absent minded, hypersensitive, shy, vague, disorderly, gullible, anxious, fragile, obsessive spiritual quests, liquids, movies, glamour, dreams, ideals, addictions, spirituality, hunches, mystique, dissolving, eroding, liquids, music, movies, stage & television, escapism, fantasy, fog, drugs, alcohol, anesthesia, intangibles, infections, allergies, fragrances, evocative, second sight, psychic visions, hypochondria, sleep, trances, hypnosis, abnormality, grace, blessings, and subtle energies. Neptune is considered to be the higher octave of Venus.
For example, I have Neptune in my eighth house ~ sex, death and taxes as well as psychology, occult or hidden things and money from other people. So I receive money from other people to discuss their charts using an occult art ~ astrology ~ with a psychological and spiritual orientation. Did you think I was going to talk about my sex life? I seek the rapture through 8th house experiences! I will say that! <wink> After a day of readings, I am soooo high and connected because I am working in a place that is simply rapturous for me ~ it isn’t work, it is spirit. A client with Neptune in the 5th, the house of children, had her first born child arrive with Downs Syndrome (that is NOT always how it manifests for those of you with 5th house Neptunes) so she always saw the world through the eyes of her daughter who was appropriately named Angel.
Look at where Neptune is in YOUR chart to see where you seek the divine in your daily living as well as where you connect in to your soul’s path. Your Neptune is your soul’s work and calling. If you actively seek to connect to the higher forms of your Neptune, you’ll live in a state of bliss and joy. Neptune is what your SOUL says about your journey in this life time. It is what your soul wanted to experience as transcendent. While Saturn is your work, Sun is your ego’s expression, and the other planets weigh in with their respective jobs, Neptune connects us to where we actually can connect consciously or unconsciously with the divine spark of creation.
So our lovely grand trine is asking us to dream our soul’s dream. Focus on the dream of our life and our soul. Focus on our soul’s location. Then align your Saturn and Jupiter to work to create the dream of your soul. Once in a life time… go for it! Twice in a life time if you were born before 1966!
The grand trine also speaks to our dreams as a collective and humanity. I keep seeing all these protests against GMOs , corporations and governments as part of that… they don’t have souls. Are they serving us and helping with the greater evolution of our respective souls? Is it time for a new dream there?
Second, there are four Mystic Rectangles in the middle of the Star of David. Mystic rectangles can be masculine or feminine ~ air and fire or earth and water. A rare form of the Mystic rectangle is Lucifer’s Mystic Rectangle comprised of Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. One of our four Mystic Rectangles is a Lucifer Mystic Rectangle… the one with Chiron in Pisces ~ the bound feet ~ Pisces rules feet and Chiron is the wounding of feet ~ imagery of last week or this week’s crab trap bound and wounded female humpback whale of the Pisces ocean. I know, astrology is amazing and you can’t make this stuff up! Just astounding actually. The heavens SO support us in our evolutionary journey to consciousness!
The Lucifer Mystic Rectangle is comprised of Saturn in Scorpio, Chiron in Pisces, Venus in Virgo and the South Node in Taurus. Friedrich Nietzsche, Aleister Crowley, Anne Rice, and the Founding of the Church of Satan all have Lucifer Mystic Rectangles. So if you think the devil made you do it, this week you are CORRECT!
Adina Mather writes: Through the mystic rectangle we can see that Lucifer comes from God/microcosm (Pisces) into the individual/microcosm (Virgo). Lucifer manifests right at crossroads of the dual desires of soul (Pluto-Scorpio/Taurus), one desire to return to that which created us and one desire to remain separate from that which created us (Pisces), with Taurus being ruled by Venus, the higher octave of which is Neptune, ruler of Pisces. So now we have sextiles between Pisces and Taurus and Scorpio (limitations) and Virgo (lack) and trines from Pisces to Scorpio (Source and Soul) and Taurus (feelings, personal desires) to Virgo (thoughts), and the obvious opposition of Pisces (Solution) and Virgo (Problem): the mystic rectangle.
Here is an interesting post by Adina Mather on the Lucifer Mystic Rectangle of Scorpio/ Taurus/ Pisces/ Virgo taking place in the heavens above our heads right now.
According to Dane Rudhyar, “ the Mystic Rectangle points in a certain direction and presents a challenge for a particular kind of integration. The rectangular shape was used in many temples and chambers of initiation, and the buildings themselves were built to symbolize the process of transition from one stage of personal-spiritual unfoldment to the next – the fulfillment of a great goal. Seen on the vertical plane, the rectangle becomes a DOOR, something to pass thru to enter a new realm.” (from Astrological Aspects: A Process Oriented Approach)
Dane Rudhyar continued: “One of the most practically constructive and spiritually harmonious possibilities of any rectangle is indicated when the 2 oppositions are linked by sextiles and trines.” The tensions don’t go away but can be “laid on the altar,” or channeled toward the concrete completion of a significant life-task.” ibid.
The Star of David is active this week! Buy a lottery ticket! Venus in Virgo forms a Finger of God making relationships face a choice. Seven choices are offered and asked for by the Nodes of Fate! Keep your feet unbound even if it hurts! STRETCH !!! Avoid the devil!
“Whether you know it or not, whether you are aware of it or not, your life is a trust. Every faculty that you have, all the training that you receive, is a trust granted to you so that you may give to the world, which stands badly in need of your contribution. Don’t go by what the media say. We are in a very, very difficult situation all over the world, and it’s not enough to talk about peace; you have to live in peace, and you have to help others live in peace too.” -Eknath Easwaran
Moon day, Monday July 29, 2013 Moon enters Taurus. Plant the new ideas of the last few days in fertile ground. Water them. Eat great food, play music, dance and sing LOUDLY! Moon in Taurus has contented closing aspect of a sextile to Mercury making today and Tuesday morning great days to connect with folks and start things moving along in a good direction! Moon is quite active today, rolling through the earth trine in the Star of David and awaking it. Easy, flowing and productive if a bit provocative. Accept the provocation and use the energy to move yourself forward three giant umbrella steps… Pluto will push you to change the comfortable in your life and shift it to evolve. Neptune’s trine to Pallas encourages you to dream and understand the patterns of your chart. Figure out where your Neptune is by sign and house… that is where you are being asked to expand your dream, your soul, your spirit to serve the next 132 years. That is how rare the energy of this time is!
Mars Day Tuesday July 30, 2013 Moon continues in Taurus going void, Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning making those times good for catching up on routine events, beautifying, planting and nurturing. Partnerships and relationships are under stress from Uranus and Chiron asking you to choose what you want to do ~ stay or go. Juno is squaring the Nodes of Fate, requesting a choice on each of our parts about and around the relationships in our lives. Regardless of whether you stay or go, Cyndi Lauper’s ballad “I’m Gonna be Strong” suits the energy of the choice being faced this week. Be strong even as you weep. Venus has a trine to Pluto encouraging evolution by setting off the Star of David one more time. Saturn helps us see how our choices are often based in old patterns we rely on and don’t question. Question your patterns this week. Emotional clarity is part of the energy today even if you feel blindsided by the revelations that help you get clear.
Mercury’s day Wednesday July 31, 2013 Moon enters Gemini at 11:42:52 am EDT. Moon is void Wednesday morning in Taurus. On Gemini Moon you call your siblings, chat with neighbors. Write, communicate and listen for brilliant ideas from Mercury. Moon’s closing aspect is a sextile to his higher version, Uranus, so expect all sorts of ideas, inspirations and connections to flow freely for the next few days. Mars squares Uranus, finalizing his last bits of the powerful cardinal T-square from last week when he rocketed between Jupiter and Pluto. Now we know what the T-square is asking us to do. We are clear on what it means! Whatever the universe is trying to tell you has TWO sides, two parts, a duality. One of the four mystic rectangles above our heads is called Lucifer’s Mystic Rectangle. It contains two opposite and antithetical desires. One desire is to separate and one desire is to return to the soul’s path, the spiritual reason for your incarnation. The intent of the Lucifer Mystic Rectangle is to show you the choice between returning and separating from your soul’s path. Make sure to do the higher version of your Neptune by sign and house placement to choose correctly the path to follow. Don’t go down the devil’s path toward separation from your soul’s purpose. Believe, unbind, release and let go from the Taurus place in the rectangle to go to the healing space of connection.
Jupiter’s day Thursday August 1, 2013 Moon continues in Gemini going void at 12:48 pm EDT. Moon is Void in frisky, flirty and communicative Gemini all afternoon and all day Friday. Today Venus has a fast moving Finger of God after both Chiron and Mars aspect the Nodes of Fate. Today is a mighty powerful day for making choices about and around your future. You see the duality of the choices before you clearly… choose wisely. Choose towards your soul’s path. No fear. Choose toward connection with whatever is the greater good. Lots of dreams last night made you toss and turn with all sorts of ideas. Chiron’s trine to the North Node says “this way to healing!” making today a great day for undertaking healing procedures and processes. Partnerships are enhanced with a shot of juice from Uranus. No holding onto old outworn ideas or things that prevent you from shining. Adjust and consider banishing them! Mars has a supportive trine to the North Node of Fate making it easy to accept the positive choice being presented to you. Sure, you COULD regress and rebind your feet, but why would you want to do that? Once you commit to stretching out those tight areas of your life, you’ll actually find it refreshing and satisfying. While there can be something terrifying about open spaces, allow them to speak to you. Sit in the openness. Enjoy the wideness. Spaciousness allows you to create! Mars cooperates with Chiron, encouraging ideas or thoughts that are healing. Venus’ fast moving Finger of God with Juno and Uranus ask the Virgo leg of the Star of David and Lucifer’s Mystic Rectangle to partner in a freedom based, creative and passionate way with the process of harvesting, analyzing and assessing your future. You can if you think you can. Think you can!
Venus’ day Friday August 2, 2013 Moon is void all day today in Gemini with fun and frisky closing aspects. Reach out to those who you haven’t talked to in a while. Connect with the beloveds, long losts, or not talked to in a while as you swing on a hammock sipping iced tea on this void moon day. Venus trines the South Node of Fate, culminating the Star of David and triggering Lucifer’s Mystic rectangle to ask you to let go of worldly cares and troubles to focus on the dream. Dreams are profound and quite interesting last night ~ they will point out what you need to let go of and release. Healing comes from letting go of the situation before you that causes your soul pain. When my siblings and I were little and had a pain when we moved our arm, we’d tell my dad, the physician, that it hurt. Dad would say “So don’t move your arm that way and it won’t hurt.” Typical Aries. Today, if it hurts, don’t take that advice! Know that to get where you are going, you might have to hurt a bit. You might have to move that arm. Hurting can help the healing. Hurting can help you move through to whatever or wherever you need to go to heal. Healing is much supported. Follow up on advice you hear, healers mentioned, protocols suggested, ideas floated. Mars is coming in from out of bounds and Mercury is getting ready to leave his shadow… powerful information is coming your way. The afternoon holds a lovely flirtatious energy… yes the Moon is void but indulge in a good old fantasy anyway as Mars and Venus play in the heavens today. Clear your space of clutter ~ trip to Goodwill? Garage Sale? Time to release whatever blocks your home from being a deeply creative nest for your being. Partnerships want to heal today. Reach out and connect with people you’ve had falling outs with. Yes, extend an olive branch or a butter croissant or a green smoothie to make peace!
Saturn’s day Saturday August 3, 2013 Moon enters Cancer at 00:30:37 am EDT. Sensitivity, vulnerability, nurturing and nourishment abound. Stay or play at home and tend to what needs loving care for the next two days. Moon’s closing aspect is a square to Saturn and offers the opportunity to let go of old, outworn or no longer needed emotional or family connections. Emotional releases of stress and structures! Vesta’s aspect to the Nodes of Fate offers you a choice of how you want to partner with your home and hearth to nurture or not nurture yourself. Chiron’s adjusting aspect to Vesta encourages you to continue to release the ties that bind you to things that don’t support your life’s path. Mercury’s square to Eris in the afternoon suggest words spoken that provoke, prod or cause anger or jealousy. Greet them with gratitude as they are pointing out the last bits of the recent retrograde energy coming to an end. Tonight is a great time to renegotiate, transform or end relationships that aren’t meeting your expectations. Earlier in the day, Moon’s gentle aspects to the Water trine in the Star of David invited you to clarify how you were or were not being nurtured. Stand in your vulnerability and ask for your heart’s desire. Look for places and people that raise you up and help you become the person you were meant to be.
Sun’s day Sunday August 4, 2013 Moon in Cancer brings a night of restless dreams full of arguments and fraught energy but the dreams help to clarify things upon awakening. Old emotional patterns are seen in high relief or spotlighted by intellects union with history. There is a saying in AA, “If it is hysterical, it’s historical.” While the situations before you might not be hysterical, they ARE historical. So use the energy to shift and push things along. This is a high emotional energy kind of day so good or bad emotions; you’ll be riding through emotions that simply beg you to take action. Health matters are often tied to unresolved emotional issues as things finally manifest in physical form ~ after trying to get your attention via mental, spiritual or emotional. Look at any health issues that surface today with that lens… bladder infection? What are you pissed at? Lungs and coughing ~ where are you releasing grief? Skin break outs ~ what can’t you contain a second longer so you have to detox it through your skin? Trust what your dreams and your body are saying to you today. Sun has a breakthrough with his trine to Uranus where he suddenly “gets it!” You’ll feel like yelling eureka! It is THAT profound of a realization. Right after that break through, Sun squares the Nodes offering you an evolutionary opportunity… choose to evolve toward your greater soul’s purpose. Release the lower form offered by the Lucifer Mystic Rectangle. After you let it go, you should experience a healing opportunity or break through of profound connection. Sun adjusts as he talks to those bound feet of yours… Unbind your feet and move towards your future. Happy birthday to my beloved mother, Donna Jean. She would have been 83 today had she lived these last 30 years. Hard to believe she’s been gone from earth so long ~ a complete journey of Saturn through my chart.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: The Star of David is active this week! Where is your Neptune? Buy a lottery ticket! Venus in Virgo forms a Finger of God making relationship choices and full of shifts in direction! Seven choices offered by the Nodes of Fate! Keep those feet unbound even if it hurts! STRETCH !!! A mystic rectangle called Lucifer’s Mystic Rectangle is above our heads! So if you think the devil made you do it, this week you are CORRECT!
Scorpios Talking: Directionless ~ how to cope!
The Mary Anne Show: The heat broke ~ Mary and Anne were back laughing and singing! Royal Baby conversation!
Access Astrology: Mark and Anne talked about the flow of energy in the heavens and took a call. Heather is back from her Travel America Road trip and Sundance this week!
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.
Copyright © 2013 A. C. Ortelee