Weekly Weather July 22, 2013

Weekly Weather July 22, 2013








It’s a complicated week on the horizon before us!

We have the Star of  David forming the heavens above our head.  Comprised of two complimentary Grand Trines in the elements of Earth and Water, it encourages us to dream, plant, nurture, fertilize and grow the next chapter of our life. Earth and Water produce fertile earth, mud so to speak ~ that becomes the clay of our next structure.

We can expect Jupiter in Cancer to continue to work his magic ALL SUMMER long as he trines Saturn and Neptune.  The formation of a grand trine of these three planets is quite rare ~ the last time was September 1966 and before that January 1929 and July 1834.  Jupiter just makes things bigger and juicy and better.  Now that Saturn is direct and working with Neptune the planet of dreams, we can will have an enormous emotional whoosh forward with our energy and lives. We’ll be in the flow…

The energy flows from Jupiter in your Cancer house into Saturn in your Scorpio house to Neptune in your Pisces house… imagine a flowing body of water just carrying you from one house to the other to see where your emotions want you to swim, splash and dive in to connect emotionally to your passions.

The earth trine begins this week as Venus enters Virgo. Comprised of Pluto in Capricorn asking power to evolve, the South Node of releasing old and outworn karma and Venus in Virgo to help us figure out the process by which we can do that, the earth trine grounds the energy. Venus in Virgo is a fussy Venus ~ she doesn’t want to waste her time OR your time on things that are not going to be ultimately productive.  Allow her to prune out what no longer works or serves you.  The grand trine in Earth encourages us to put down roots, commit to building a stable foundation that will support and contain the energy of the water flowing through out chart. Let go in the Taurus house on the South Node to allow the Pluto in Capricorn part of your chart to evolve with Venus’ detailed guidance and  plans.

There are no planets in air in the sky so words will be hard to come by.  Feelings ~ with all the emotions are complimented by Earth to help manifest and ignited by Fire to create the passion.  Still, no air makes it hard to express what we want to say.  Opportunities for confusion are profound.  People will leap to conclusions with the fire, hear through their limitations with earth or saddle the story with emotional reactions.














The Week’s Planetary Highlights ~ Lots of arguments, fights and passion!!

Mars is out of bounds until August 3, 2013 so expect over the top actions! Even more emotions as he travels in Cancer. Every time the Moon changes, he changes.  This week he’s a detached and strategic Aquarian on Monday and Tuesday, an  emotional merging Pisces on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; then he turns into a wild, aggressive, angry and crazy Aries on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. Stand back every body!

Sun enters Leo for 30 days marking high summer and a deep desire to play, create and be wild and crazy.

Full Moon in Leo and Aquarius at 0.  The full Moon takes us back to the New Moon on January 23, 2012 and the opening quarter Moon on October 21, 2012.  Now we see the story clearly!

Mars is out of bounds until August 4.   Mars out of bounds in Cancer changes his behavior as the Moon changes signs.  Watch the Moon change signs and see Mars shift his behavior until he gets out of Cancer on August 27th. Mars is a wild card when he goes out of bounds as the planet of war, action and sex NOT following the rules can be quite difficult.

Venus is thin skinned, taking it on the chin yet still putting up with all sorts of difficult stuff all week as she enters Virgo, the sign of her detriment for 26 days and  has difficult aspects with Moon, Neptune, and Saturn, until she waltzes with Jupiter on Sunday. Relationships, love, money and desire are stressed because Venus is stressed. If you can’t say something nice, fermez la bouche! (keep your mouth closed)

Mercury is moving forward in Cancer, still in his shadow until August 4 so words fail you.  There is no air in the sky. Double, triple and quadruple check all communications. Connect with old ghosts who show up and want to talk about your early life.

Mars joins up Jupiter and opposes Pluto so Mars is fully loaded, hair trigger tempered, contains ENORMOUS energy as he swirls around in emotional Cancer while riding in the grand trine in Water.  Mars will get amplified by the Moon’s changes as well as his out of bounds status.  Tempers can flare easily, especially as passions build up and culminate on Saturday under an Aries Moon when Mars opposes Pluto.


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes Void Opposite the Sun on Sunday July 21, 2013 at 11:53:06 am EDT and enters Aquarius on Monday July 22, 2013 at 02:07:51 pm EDT.  Moon is Void Monday Morning.

Moon goes Void Sextile to Uranus on Tuesday July 23 2013 at 10:01:44 am EDT and enters Pisces on Wednesday July 24, 2013 at 02:23:17 pm EDT. Moon is Void most of Tuesday and Wednesday Morning.

Moon goes void trine to Mercury on Thursday July 25 2013 at 02:44:19 pm EDT and enters Aries on Friday July 26 2013 at 05:30:02 pm EDT.  Moon is Void Thursday afternoon and all day Friday.

Moon goes void square to Mercury on Saturday July 27 2013 at 10:20:15 pm EDT and enters Taurus on Monday July 29, 2013 at 00:43 am EDT.  Moon is void all day Sunday.

Sun in Leo is trine to Uranus offering us creative opportunities for self-expression as well as a playful energy. Sun also squares Saturn, blocking or inhibiting how the authorities in our lives (or our inner critic) suggest we shine.  Scorpio seeks to darken the Sun’s energy ~ he doesn’t succeed but he makes things harder for Leo to be optimistic about.

There are many images involving the Dark Moon Lillith this week~ a scary amount of aspects  frankly.  Lillith is a difficult energy embodying a very dark side of the feminine energy… kind of a cross between a woman scorned and one who refuses to be bowed, bound or beholden.  She was Adam’s first wife. Her refusal to be subservient to him resulted in them divorcing and Eve appearing as the first trophy wife.

On the dark side, Mars is in the mood to fight, be aggressive and bully.  He joins up with Jupiter at the beginning of  the week. He changes emotions every time the Moon changes signs. He is still out of bounds and thus NOT following the rules at all.  All week Mars builds up a head of steam as he approaches an opposition with Pluto on Saturday.  Moon will be in Aries when the opposition occurs~ making Mars be in Cancer answering to Aries Moon opposite Pluto in Capricorn answering to Saturn in Scorpio answering to Mars in Cancer answering to Aries.  A double dose of Aries fighting with two malefics standing off at high noon by zodiac degree as well as declination contraparallel.  That is a mighty nasty kind of energy. PLUS Moon in Aries is going to set off the Star of David, the oppositions and T-squares fueling us with hot-headed emotions as it creates a rather nasty T-square on the Cardinal axis between Uranus, Pluto and Mars.  Uranus, Pluto and Mars in a fight above our head does NOT reflect well down here on earth.  It is a fairly cataclysmic aspect.










I keep getting the image of bound feet.  In China, delicate and dainty feet were considered a sign of beauty and grace.  To obtain them , women bound their feet.  Binding feet essentially crippled the woman . A woman could not walk on her feet and needed to be carried.  Binding the feet was a slow and painful process.  Eventually, there came a point when the feet could NOT be untied or unbound without an enormous amount of pain. The feet were so USED to be bound and held together, NOT being bound was painful.  The feet were permanently crippled as the feet were unable to release and return to “normal” feet again.

There is something in the energy of the week that will be asking us to unbind our feet.   We’ve been going through enormous changes.  Often at the end of the profound life changes, when the space is opened before us, we get VERY anxious and REBIND ourselves into the old, familiar and comfortable condition we once struggled against.  We are at such a cross roads over the next few weeks.


Across my practice, I see people rebinding themselves and their feet back up. Often after the “pain” ends, we slip back into the old structures in our lives instead of going forward to the evolutionary goal of the changes.  That pain was for a REASON.  The pain was to help you evolve.

We had Cory Monteith of Glee die of a drug overdose as our celebrity example. After the hard work of getting sober and attending rehab, he relapsed, overdosed and died.  The pain was for a reason!

After the hard work of leaving a marriage and gaining economic and financial independence, a client slid back into letting his new partner pick up and pay for all the financial responsibilities ~ he wants his partner to KEEP him. Another said to me “I am settling for this person.” because it was too hard / tiring to keep looking for a satisfactory partner.  A client stopped going to school for her degree because it was too challenging to her beliefs about what was possible ~ she would be the first in her family to have a degree.  Another tried a new approach to meeting people only to give up and head for home at the first sign of difficulty ~ “It is easier to be with my dog!”

Deep and profound changes are being asked of each of us.  Have the courage to unbind your feet even if it hurts or feels “too spacious”, “too free”, “too unstructured”, “too open” or “too unknown”  Give it at least a month or two.  True change is VERY HARD.  We ARE creatures of habit.





















The Sabian Image for the Full Moon in 0 Aquarius is AN OLD ADOBE MISSION IN CALIFORNIA. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Moon is:

Commentary: ‘An Old Adobe Mission in California’ is a symbol of man’s ability to take natural materials from the environment to build something lasting and enduring that protects, sustains and nourishes the community on every level. The ‘Old Adobe Missions’ were built in the early days of California in an attempt to bring civilization to this wild area. Although these ‘Missions’ hold a certain romance in history, people have polarized perspectives of their actual significance. There’s the romantic colonial version of altruistic Spanish missionaries and soldiers laboring to bring religion and European culture to the backward native peoples, and then there’s the revisionist version: white intruders subjugating and persecuting the Indians, indoctrinating them with religion, killing them off with strange new diseases and obliterating their culture. Somewhere in the middle, the truth will most likely be found.

Oracle: Sometimes it’s easy to assume that one’s beliefs are right and that others need to be shown the “real truth” or a better way to live their life. You may find yourself on either side of this issue. Efforts sometimes need to be turned toward creating the infrastructure to pursue our beliefs and way of life as this can enrich everyone’s lives. There is a need for the provision of faith, love and shelter to those who require it. However, the effort may be too big for some and may leave them feeling “homesick”, “homeless” or without a cause. It may be a case of someone trying to change or dominate the core beliefs of someone else, causing emotional restriction and pain. The truth to be remembered is that contributing to others lives and caring about people in a community is not about control, but acceptance of, and reverence for, each person’s divinity. There’s no need for conformity, manipulation or pretension here.

Keywords: Spiritual retreats in natural surroundings. Finding new areas to work with spirit. Creating civilization out of natural elements. Hard work to create places of sanctuary and learning. Places once revered now tourist attractions. Forging links to new worlds. Missions and missionaries. Bringing faith to the “new world”. Brotherhoods.

The Caution: Dogmatism. Pushing beliefs and ideas on others. Believing one’s spiritual and religious beliefs contain all the answers. Taking over others lives. Moving in and taking control. Monuments to the past sagging and fading. People moving in on others spiritual beliefs. Cults.

A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

If a man cannot be a Christian in the place where he is, he cannot be a Christian anywhere. Henry Ward Beecher

When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, “Let us pray”. We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land. Desmond Tutu

The belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it seems to me the deepest root of all evil that is in the world. Max Born

It is easier to pull down than to build up. Proverb

But those cracks, they should be fixed, the walls strengthened. It’s tough maintaining an old adobe church. Bill Short–Franciscan Brother

In the beginning was the word and it was misunderstood. Native American Saying

The Sabian Image for the Sun in 0 Leo is UNDER EMOTIONAL STRESS, BLOOD RUSHES TO A MAN’S HEAD.Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sun is:

Commentary: ‘Under Emotional Stress, Blood Rushes To a Man’s Head’ is what happens when a situation arises which fires up one’s mind and emotions quickly and suddenly. This can lead to anger, but it can also lead to being stuck in a strong sequence of emotional reactions. If this ‘Emotional Stress’ proves to be embarrassing, it can lead to blushing, which can be hard to conceal.

Oracle: There may be nothing that can be done at the moment. It’s like being immobilized with neither mental nor physical control. Resistance may just make the situation worse. Don’t panic, though-this will not last forever. When emotions or ambitions take over there is a need to put extra energy into thinking everything through with a calm frame of mind. However, when you’re under ‘Stress’ it is often difficult, if not impossible, to settle down and think rationally. When temper erupts it works against the mind from settling down. If you restrict or ignore your frustrations and anxieties your situation could blow out of control. It is important to recognize whether you’re reacting to a situation because it bothers you, or whether it’s because you’re generally going through a stressful time. Be careful not to explode every time you are under some kind of duress, as this can create a “cranky” type of person who is unbearable unless circumstances are smooth and calm. At the very least it is important to notice, either at the time it actually happens or later, what the underlying problems are that are bringing things to a head. What is the real problem? If someone explodes every time there is some emotional stress, it can become a habit. Consequently, family and friends tiptoe around in an effort to keep things calm. This just leads to everyone internalizing their anger and frustration, and the problem is projected onto those around. Try to not to take things, or yourself, too seriously. It may take some time to take the energy out of the charge. Meditation or “getting away from it all” could be a solution.

Keywords: Ambition. Becoming fired-up. Charging off in all directions at once. Dizziness and disorientation. Nervous breakdowns. Not acting like one’s usual self. Events coming to a head. Feeling like one will explode at any moment. Too many obligations to live up to. Feeling incapable of action. Too much excitement to contain safely. Headaches. Blood pressure. Erections. Animal passions.

The Caution: Becoming ill through emotional suppression. Losing one’s cool. Going off the deep end. Lack of self-restraint. Taking things too seriously. Grumpiness and irritability. Not knowing how to act or respond. Difficulty containing emotional reactions. Unable to make accurate decisions due to irrational thoughts.

It doesn’t pay to say too much when you are mad enough to choke. For the word that stings the deepest is the word that is never spoke. Let the other fellow wrangle till the storm has blown away, then he’ll do a heap of thinking about the things you didn’t say. James Whitcomb Riley

Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us all without words? Marcel Marceau

The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you. Anthony Robbins

When anger rises, think of the consequences. Confucius

Anger is a short madness. Romanian proverb

Perhaps there is only one cardinal sin: impatience. Because of impatience we are driven out of Paradise; because of impatience we cannot return. Franz Kafka

It’s Been Lovely But I Have To Scream Now. Bumper sticker

We boil at different degrees. Ralph Waldo Emerson


Moon day Monday July 22, 2013 Moon is void in Capricorn in the morning and enters Aquarius on Monday July 22, 2013 at 02:07:51 pm EDT.  Moon is Void Monday Morning. Mars joins Jupiter in Cancer signifying a new two year journey of creativity and action. Lots of astrologers are placing bets and making predictions about when the new Princess/Prince will be born in England. Dave Roell of the book store AstroAmerica.com predicted several weeks ago that the Princess/Prince would arrive today with Mars joined to Royal Jupiter. And as I write this column, the internet is reporting that Kate is in labor and heading to the hospital. It is an interesting day to be born on ~ if the birth is not a C-section (medical intervention), the future royal should be born after the moon is no longer void and enters into Aquarius ~ giving the baby Venus in Virgo, Sun in Leo and  Full Moon in Aquarius with the Mars/ Jupiter conjunction.  Chiron is inconjunct Ceres so there can be medical complications around childbirth today around 8:35 am  EDT. Venus enters Virgo at 8:40 am EDT for 26 days of being mighty sensitive and thin skinned ~ sensitive to criticism. Sun enters Leo at 11:55 am EDT for 30 days of royal, playful, creative and restorative fun. It is interesting that Black Moon Lillith is quite active today as we wait for an official announcement about a royal baby ~ hopefully there are not health problems. Lots of shifting and changing energy today.  Expect major releases, recognitions and understandings. The Star of David with Grand Trines in Earth and Water starts to form today. Mercury connects with Nodes of Fate offering important connections and ideas that you should follow up on.

Mars Day Tuesday July 23, 2013 Moon in Aquarius goes Void Sextile to Uranus on Tuesday July 23 2013 at 10:01:44 am EDT . Moon is Void most of Tuesday in Aquarius.  Unusual connections and strange bedfellows occur with this energy.  Ceres has a square to the nodes of Fate ~ Creation opportunities present themselves.  Say yes to moving in the direction of expansion and transformation. Let go of what holds you tied in place.  Lots of energy with Black Moon Lillith pushing us to transform away from being subservient to what would control us or hold us back. See those ties for what they are. Stay connected to the ties that you want to be bound to ~ release the ties that don’t work for you anymore. Venus has a sextile to Pallas encouraging a new way of looking at things, an ability to see the patterns and relationships in your life for the process or procedure that they serve.  Sometimes NEGATIVE attention or difficult relationships keep us safe (or so we think) from facing our fears and being what we can be. Chiron supports a growing and healing opportunity by helping you understand that tie that holds you in place, so snugly but so limited. Allow yourself to untie the ties.  Venus dances with the Nodes of Fate and encourages the vision of something better, different or higher… a gift from the gods so to speak. Sun opposes Pluto by declination ~ this is a push back energy… hands square on the other guy’s shoulders and pushing, pushing HARD.  Sun in Leo opposed to Pluto in Capricorn by declination is a clear statement in defiance of the powers that be. Be careful in conversations with authority figures who want to control or power over you.  You are not in the mood to be bossed and they are not in the mood to be defied.  Unexpected complications take place today around emotional matters. Allow yourself to partner with your deepest dream ~ even if only in mental fantasies about it.  Partnerships happen because we allow them the spaciousness to evolve in our lives.

Mercury’s day Wednesday July 24, 2013 Moon enters Pisces on Wednesday July 24, 2013 at 02:23:17 pm EDT. Moon is Void Wednesday Morning in Aquarius.  Pisces Moon has a lovely closing aspect of a trine to Mercury suggesting you are able to connect on a deeper and emotional level over the next few days.  Dreams of endings trouble your sleep tonight. They are prophetic so make sure to record them upon awakening. Moon in Pisces sets off the Grand trine in water…. Emotions swirl again! Let the dreamscape change and evoke feelings, emotions, music and connections. It is time to separate from a partner who is blocking or suppressing your creativity as Juno and Ceres argue in the heavens.  As Juno and Ceres are on the world axis, expect to hear of famous or prominent partnerships separating and dissolving now that the creative work has been completed.    Venus connects with Hades by sextile and suggests another approach to a difficult relationship situation… you can appreciate the difficulty as a teaching mechanism.

Jupiter’s day, Thursday July 25, 2013 Moon in Pisces has lovely closing aspects.  Moon goes void trine to Mercury on Thursday July 25 2013 at 02:44:19 pm EDT. Moon is Void Thursday afternoon and night.  Today, Moon moves through the grand trine in water and kicks it up a notice as she amplifies a feedback loop of emotion.  Mars connects with Kronos bringing a situation that is quite difficult to an end. It is time to let go. Passions can be stimulated to attempt to preserve or argue to keep things going that need to end as Mercury squares Zeus. Allow silence to guide you. Listen. Attempt to not speak for the other person. Listen again.  Mercury is combust the Sun by declination so people have trouble believing their view point could be incorrect…. They see the world the way they see it.  However, their viewpoint (or yours) is probably not taking into account some underlying meaning or important factor. Make a point to listen and perhaps even repeat to the person what you are hearing them say.  Allow for error. Allow for correction. Mars links up with Black Moon Lillith so asking or suggesting someone be subservient is NOT a good idea. Passions are easily aroused and tough to pack back down. There is an opportunity for healing if you can keep your heart open and unblocked. Allow the feelings to flow. Allow passions to express themselves.

Venus’s Day Friday July 26, 2013 Moon enters Aries on Friday July 26 2013 at 05:30:02 pm EDT.  Moon is Void all day Friday in Pisces, making it a dreamy kind of day.  Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces ~ setting off the Star of David.  Allow the dream to swirl and form in your mind. Lots of energy about or around not being subservient as Black Moon Lillith is quite active today ~ she’s connecting with Sun, Saturn, Venus and  Neptune. Lillith energy can be deliver difficult stories around children and parents or caretakers that hurt them.  Lillith refused to be subservient to Adam  so they divorced.  She was accused and blamed for stealing men’s nocturnal emissions to make demon babies with their stolen seed. It’s a harsh energy about dreams not fulfilled. Venus connects with Saturn and tries to work with him even as she is pulling away from his control. Saturn in Scorpio sometimes attempts to control through power over and Venus in Virgo prefers to separate or suffer rather than be controlled.  No agreeing to sacrifice yourself any more. It is time to grow up and take better care of yourself.  Watch for weird kinds of dependencies. Harsh words can echo in your ears.  Back up from people speaking harshly to you…. Try to avoid criticism today ~ it stings in a particularly deep way.  Words spoken without careful thought today can permanently end relationships. Keep silent if you can.  The lack of the air in the sky makes virtually everything that is said loaded with the potential to be misunderstood.

Saturn’s day Saturday July 27, 2013  Moon in aggressive Aries is in a VERY nasty mood. Moon goes void square to Mercury on Saturday July 27 2013 at 10:20:15 pm EDT. Before that Moon in Aries makes all the Cancer planets aggressive ~ including Mars who is arguing with Pluto in an opposition.  Mars/ Pluto aspects are known for their violent tendencies ~ wars, aggressions, attacks, accidents take place when these two planets connect in the heavens.  Mars sends people to Pluto’s underworld.  For the past few days, the energy between these two planets has been building, to culminate today at 6:50 pm EDT at 9:39 of the Cardinal axis. It is an opposition, suggesting people will take opposite positions and polarize the energy. The argument between Mars and Pluto is close enough to set off Uranus in Fire who squares the planets and is moving retrograde toward them.  Earlier in the day, Moon in Aries squared Mars and Pluto before joining up with Uranus in Fire Aries. It’s the cosmic equivalent of giving Mars, Pluto and Uranus a couple of gallons of gasoline and inviting them to make a Molotov cocktail. Your ego has to adjust your dream.  It doesn’t mean you have to give UP your dream, just adjust it for the time being so you can move forward.  You can receive difficult news about a power struggle or ending ~ especially regarding siblings.  On some level you know you can’t go back home again… even though you WANT to connect on a deeper level ~today it is hard to find the underlying vulnerability ~ people are not in the mood to compromise or allow sensitive or emotional connections.  There is too much hostility or anger to connect emotionally so don’t push it.  Leo Sun’s square to Saturn in Scorpio suggest that authorities are not interested in any bright ideas. Keep your own counsel. Just because THEY don’t think it is a good idea, doesn’t mean someone else won’t love it.  Take your creativity and move it to a quite place for the time being. DO NOT GIVE UP on the idea. But do MOVE ALONG. It ain’t happening here! Venus is arguing with Neptune so detailed clarity and important connections or revelations are taking place ~ the veil drops and you see the beloved without the glamour and makeup.  Yes, that is who they are… believing it is part of the transformation.  On some level we are all juggling Molotov cocktails…. Fingers crossed we are successful.

Juggling a Molotov Cocktail!



Sun’s day, Sunday July 28, 2013   Moon  is void all day Sunday in Aries. We need a nice all day long void moon to recover from last week!  Today, after ANOTHER restless night of active dreaming about old homes or places from your past, Venus in Virgo finally gets a break and waltzes with Jupiter in Cancer.  Take time today to pamper yourself ~ perhaps spend it as a pajama day, curled up with a cup of iced tea and a good book. Maybe a fun hike or a few hours spent gardening or cleaning out, fixing, repairing or organizing something that’s been nagging at you.  The void moon invites us to kick back and rock in a hammock.  Your ego needs a break from all the drama of last week ~ it is a day of rest for the Sun. Allow yourself  recreation ~to  re-create ~ and nurture your ego’s desire to shine with people that make you feel good, pleasant and happy. Avoid the mean ones! Partnerships are very productive and fertile today, especially if you are exploring ideas about what you want to create.  A good day for frisky procreative sex to make the baby when Moon is in fertile Taurus tomorrow, especially in the late afternoon or early evening hours.  A good time for any creative project already in process to move forward quite a few giant steps!  Venus needs to go to bed early ~ if she is up too late, something will irritate her so send her to bed early.


Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Oy vey what a week!  Venus enters Virgo, Sun enters Leo, and Mars meets up with both Jupiter and Pluto!  Power struggles, falling in love, falling out of love, passion, war and hot, hot, hot sex~ (provided you don’t kill each other)! Plus the Star of David starts to form! Going to be a wild, hot, wet, sexy and muddy week!

Scorpios Talking:  We covered floating in water and being kind of swamped.

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne were back laughing and singing despite the heat.

Access Astrology: Broad cast from Fire Island and Manhattan, Anne got her hotspot to work. Mark and Anne talked about the flow of energy in the heavens.

Venus Unplugged:  Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

Lynda Hill’s work on the Sabian Symbols appears with her permission. Check her work out at Sabiansymbols.com

Copyright © 2013 A. C. Ortelee