Weekly Weather July 8, 2013
There is no sunlit meadow, no restful bower of easy sleep; there are rather swamplands of the soul where nature, our nature, intends that we live a good part of the journey, and from whence many of the most meaningful moments of our lives will derive. It is in the swamplands where soul is fashioned and forged, where we encounter not only the gravitas of life, but its purpose, its dignity and its deepest meaning.” James Hollis ~ Swamplands of the Soul.
Saturn is direct in the swamplands of your chart! Saturn is connecting with the Ocean ~ Neptune in Pisces ~ and the River ~ Jupiter in Cancer ~ this week. The swamplands of your life and soul takes off!!
One of the beautiful things about swamps is their fixed nature. Swamps don’t change and are characterized by slow moving, or fixed, water that receives periodic inundations of either fresh or salty water. That is what makes them such a safe and secure place for breeding and nesting ~ birds, eels, fish, snakes, alligators and mosquitos call swamps home. Swamps only change when a hurricane comes in from the ocean/gulf or a flood arrives from the river upstream. That influx of water from either border of the swamp, makes it swirl, shift, change, adapt and move. Fresh water dilutes the stagnant nature. Salty water restores the swamp’s water to brackish again. The influx changes the fixed nature of the swamp. This week, Saturn in Scorpio gets a flood of fresh water! Hopefully, a GENTLE and KIND flood ~ it will be a kind of whoosh of fresh water from Jupiter in Cancer to make Scorpio Saturn shift. The Grand Trine in Water gets activated this week by Jupiter in Cancer. Jupiter in Cancer comes rolling through on Wednesday afternoon, linking up Saturn and Neptune energy.
Right after that, on Friday, the Swamp of Scorpio heads out into the Ocean of Neptune Pisces ~ moving the silt, brackish water and probably a few eels or other swamp babies into the Ocean of dreams and creation.
Next, Mars, out of bounds in Cancer, stimulates Saturn and Neptune on Saturday afternoon with a more aggressive flood of water ~ demanding action or movement on our part. Expect a one-two-three emotional punch ~ both Jupiter and Mars are in the very sensitive sign of Cancer and old Saturn is moving too as he sends his swamp water out into the Ocean of Pisces Neptune.
As Hollis says it is IN THE SWAMP where our soul is fashioned and forged. In the swamp, in the Scorpio area of our chart, is where we encounter the gravitas of life, as well as its purpose, its dignity and its deepest meaning.
The transits taking place this summer, starting this week, involve Neptune the planet of your Soul’s dream uniting with the karmic structure of your life and your ability to contribute to the world, Saturn and Jupiter respectively. These are “RARE” transits… the last grand trine between them happened in 1966, 1929 and 1834. Take time to focus on the dream of your soul and how you shape or adjust your life to move toward it.
Catherine Rose Stevens in her excellent newsletter wrote: “There is a lot of material written by coaches and healers about going for your big dream. Live your best life, live your biggest life. I found that this question doesn’t help me or my clients. It pushes many people into being judgmental about their life. I think rather than ask “What is your big dream?” which can easily be derailed into thoughts of what it might look like, ask “What are the qualities you want in your life?”
“How do you want to feel or be?” For example: for myself I want peace — peace of mind, peace in my body, peace in different situations, peaceful interactions. And if peace is not possible, acceptance of what is, allowing what is by not resisting.
Often, when you feel stuck or overwhelmed you cannot see the next step.”
With all the water in the sky this week, you’ll be moving! Let yourself float free!
The Week’s Planetary Highlights ~ 3 Grand trines, 3 Planets station, wow what a week!
Mars is out of bounds until August 3, 2013. Mars is in Cancer with emotional reactions every time the Moon changes signs. Expect over the top actions when the Moon’s sign changes.
Ceres comes back in bounds July 20, 2013
Mercury is retrograde in Cancer until July 20, 2013.
Mars joins Hades on July 17 2013 at 09:07:49 am EDT. Wow is the world pissed off? Anger!
Uranus stations and turn retrograde on July 17 2013 at 01:19:32 pm EDT on 12°Ar31′. He goes retrograde until December 17, 2013 and 8°Ar31′. He is square to Mercury stationing direct.
Jupiter closing trines Saturn on July 17, 2013 at 01:31:28 pm EDT on 04°Cn53′ and 04°Sc53′. This happens every 20 years.
Jupiter opening trines Neptune on July 17 2013 at 08:13:48 pm EDT on 04°Cn57′ and 04°Pi57′ every 4 or 8 years. The next trine is 4 years from now.
Eris, the Goddess of Discord, stations to go retrograde on July 19, 2013 at 07:07:57 am EDT on 22°Ar57′.
Saturn closing trines Neptune once every 12 or 25 years. The next trine is in 25 years. It happens on July 19, 2013 at 09:19:45 am EDT on 04°Sc55′ and 04°Pi55′.
Mercury turns direct on July 20 2013 at 02:22:05 pm EDT at 13°Cn21′. He is square to Uranus stationing retrograde.
Mars opening trines Neptune on Saturday July 20 2013 at 03:42:14 pm EDT and Mars closing trines Saturn on July 20 2013 at 05:33:56 pm EDT.
Pallas enters Cancer on Jul 21 2013 at 08:58:14 am EDT until September 11, 2013 for 52 days allowing you to emotionally come to understand your patterns.
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon goes Void Square to the Sun on Monday July 15 2013 at 11:19:25 pm EDT and enters Scorpio on Tuesday July 16 2013 at 10:25:20 am EDT. Moon is void all night.
Moon goes void trine to the Sun on Thursday July 18 2013 at 07:13:40 am EDT and enters Sagittarius on July 18 2013 at 01:55:17 pm EDT. Moon is void in the Morning.
Moon goes void trine to Venus on Saturday July 20 2013 at 11:00:48 am EDT and enters Capricorn on July 20 2013 at 02:39:54 pm EDT.
Moon goes void opposite Mercury on Sunday July 21, 2013 at 11:53 am EDT and enters Leo on Monday July 21, 2013 at 02:07 pm EDT. Moon is void Sunday afternoon and Monday morning.
There are weeks when I am at a complete loss about what to say or how to describe what I see in forming in the sky. This is one of those weeks. First, we have next to no air in the sky. We will be at a loss for words. Well THAT is true!
We have aspects perfecting that happen literally once in a lifetime. We have aspects that are exceptionally difficult. We have aspects that are amazing in their ability to transform our charts, our lives, and our souls. We have three planets stopping and shifting direction. We have the detached overseer of our chart, Pallas, entering Cancer for 52 days of emotional realizations about and around our patterns. We have Ceres coming in from her long journey out of bounds.
We are entering an accelerated time with a Grand Trine in Water forming between Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter. Now that Saturn is moving forward, the Grand Trine in water is going to take off. Jupiter and Saturn form a closing trine with each other once every 20 years or so ~ they trine each other all summer. Jupiter, exalted in Cancer, will support Scorpio Saturn in making the needed structural changes in your life as the psychological blocks about and around commitment shift. However, most importantly, we are adding Neptune into the mix! Neptune forms a Grand Trine to Jupiter and Saturn, filling in the Pisces Leg.
Neptune in our charts describes where we find god, the divine, our soul and seek to escape the ties of earth or merge with the rapture. Putting Neptune into a mix with the two generational planets, Saturn and Jupiter, means we are forming very important and key dreams about our future with the two planets charged with our relationship to the world and our community of choice. Neptune forms a grand trine with Saturn and Jupiter very rarely. The last times a trine between these planets took place were in 1966, 1929 and 1834.
Eris, Uranus and Mercury station and change directions this week. Uranus and Mercury are square to each other. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury so they complement and enhance each other even as they have an argument this week. Truth telling. Emotions on fire. Uranus is in explosive and controversial Aries. Mercury is security conscious, family oriented and emotional Cancer. Their square is steamy ~ hot water ~ boiling and breaking through. I keep getting the image of eruptions of water ~ volcanos erupting from the ocean perhaps? A Tsunami? Something major and emotional and transformative ~ adding to Jupiter dumping his considerable flow into Saturn and Neptune. Uranus stations on Wednesday while Mercury stations on Saturday. Stations of Outer planets like Uranus and Eris this week have five day window on either side. Mercury’s station is less, about two days on either side of stopping Saturday.
Eris, and the disruptive energy that she embodies, stations on Friday. She’s a great one for stirring up the pot and causing all sorts of jealousy, drama, emotional eruptions. She rolls that golden apple into the mix and suddenly everyone HAS to HAVE it. Watch for people stirring up negative emotions ~ jealously, envy, thwarted desire, secrecy, controversy and covetousness. Eris’ effects will be felt between Monday and July 24. People are just not in the mood….
Once broken down into parts, it doesn’t seem so difficult after all. However, the various layers of energy, piled on TOP of each, like a cosmic layer cake, are very profound and deeply interactive. I like to be able to say “This is how you deal with the energy”. I don’t have a way to parse them into a how to. Tough to edit.
The approach is to take or do the higher version of whatever is offered. Focus on what you can do and what you do well. Don’t compare yourself to others. What is YOUR vision? What do YOU love? Where do you want to spend the time of your life? Float through the week, ride the currents, feel the feelings, stay silent, pay attention and connect as best you can with what you love. Next week, when the Sun gets into Leo, we’ll have more clarity.
Moon Day Monday July 15, 2013 finds Moon in Libra with a harsh closing aspect of a square ~ that makes it hard to reconcile the heart with the ego today. Moon goes Void Square to the Sun on Monday July 15 2013 at 11:19:25 pm EDT. You are being asked to transform from stodgy and controlling ~ this is the way you must do it to allow others to nurture. Lots of dreams last night full of interesting stories and revelations. Sun’s square to Eris suggests an irritation about emotional matters that you have no control over. Let it go. Moon works productively with Venus tonight, making it a great night for connecting with friends and loved ones. Make adjustments and don’t try to control how things are created any more. Trust the process.
Mars Day Tuesday July 16, 2013 Moon enters Scorpio on Tuesday July 16 2013 at 10:25:20 am EDT. The closing aspect is a lovely trine to the Sun permitting many things to be accomplished emotionally. Perhaps with DIFFICULT emotions but hey, those tough emotions DO help you get clear on things. Moon forms a Grand trine to Jupiter and Neptune tonight and she joins with Saturn. Clarity on an important emotional matter takes place. You might not ever get this situation to shift. Can you focus on what qualities you want in your life? How do you want to feel? All the water energy is asking us to clarify what we FEEL. FEELING is how we know if we are in the right place for our being. How do you FEEL? Sun’s working aspect with Sedna asks us to understand how often we DON’T listen to our feelings. Pay attention to how you are feeling today. Venus trines Eris mid-day, offering us a spirited emotional reaction to help us re-vision or envision what we want. Mercury positively aspects the Nodes of Fate…. He’s asking you to connect with a deeper part of your being. Go for it.
Mercury’s day, Wednesday July 17, 2013 finds Moon in Scorpio with easy closing aspects of emotional awareness. Moon tells your ego WHY you are doing it. Today is one of the most amazing days of the year. There is a lovely grand trine in Water complimented by a mystic rectangle. The aspects in the heaven help you to connect to your soul’s path and follow it. Juno aspects Eris asking why you are partnering with pain and suffering? Why do you keep going back in, expecting the situation to change? The only thing that can change here is YOU. Mars links up with Hades, bringing another acceleration of difficult, yet clarifying energy. Clear out and clarify your home, office and body, as Saturn, Sun and Neptune aspect Vesta, the hearth and sister asteroid. How can the side by side relationships help you and create a nurturing environment? Venus squares Sedna inviting you to take time to groom your dream ~ comb its hair, focus on the jewelry, what accessories, pay attention to clarifying how you want to feel. Uranus stations to go retrograde, square to Mercury ~ expect break throughs, break downs, break outs in how you think and what you feel. Amazing breakthroughs and pivots. Uranus stations often bring earth quakes, explosions and stunning revelations. Divorces. Jupiter trines Saturn and Neptune today, creating the Grand Trine in Water as he links up the water energy. The river flows into the swamp and the swamp changes. No planets in Air can make it difficult to find the proper words. Feel the feelings. Perhaps words have no place in your life today.
Jupiter’s day Thursday July 18, 2013 Moon goes void trine to the Sun on Thursday July 18 2013 at 07:13:40 am EDT and enters Sagittarius on July 18 2013 at 01:55:17 pm EDT. Moon is void in the Morning. Moon in Sagittarius today, Friday and Saturday morning is exceptionally productive and related if freedom oriented. Moon asks the dream what it needs to proceed. How do we GET there? Venus is troubled by her dreams tonight. Pallas at the end of Gemini talks to Apollon inviting a vision of what you would like ~ no need to worry about how ~ Pallas realizes that everything ends sooner rather than later.
Venus’ Day Friday July 19, 2013 finds Moon in Sagittarius with transformative closing aspects around love and connection. Eris stations and turns retrograde on 22°Ar57′. She will go direct on January 9, 2014. Saturn forms a trine to Neptune ~ the swamp empties his brackish water into the great cosmic force of the ocean. Back in 1989, Saturn and Neptune met in early Capricorn. The trine today compliments the opening trines that took place 12 years ago in June 2001, January 2002 and April 2002. The trine today is the third of three; the earlier two were last October 10, 2012 and June 11, 2013. The next trine is in 25 years. What are those dreams of yours? How do we harness the energy so that every Dream you have that wants to become real is created? Pallas’ stressful aspects to the nodes say change is hard. But when you look back you can see how the changes in your life all connect across time and space. As the structure of that swamp area of your life shifts, changes and releases into the Ocean, allow yourself to go with the flowing energy toward your future. No holding back. Tears are a distinct possibility.
Saturn’s Day Saturday July 20, 2013 Moon goes void trine to Venus on Saturday July 20 2013 at 11:00:48 am EDT and enters Capricorn on July 20 2013 at 02:39:54 pm EDT. Capricorn moon has separating closing aspects so relationships can shift, end, oppose or transform. Today is a super busy day as there are numerous aspects. Expect it to fly by in a swirl. Pluto takes you on a deep emotional journey and drops an unexpected revelation on your plate. Venus in playful Leo pushes hard to get what she wants, taking unexpected approaches to the matter before. Expect surprises in love and relationship matters. Part of the deeper work of the week takes place today as Mars finally figures out what he needs to do to change things in his world. Mercury stations to go direct at 13 Cancer, square to Uranus’s station on Wednesday. If you didn’t figure it out on Wednesday, you get it figured out today. Trust the process. The break throughs, break downs, break outs or shifts in ideas are all part of how you evolve to the next space or place. Sun’s square to Apollon can make your mood darken or cause you to question your path. When you actually REALLY start to change, the ego part of you that wants to defend the old you, will stand up and insist on revising or revisiting that reality. Change is one of the hardest things we can do. Mars in Cancer, out of bounds, answering to a VERY SERIOUS Capricorn Moon. Time to stimulate that Grand Trine again, making it work hard on emotional issues that are deep and embedded inside. Break free. Pluto is bringing up old health issues for you to look at and see how they are tied to the situation at hand. Sun’s working energy with Chiron takes us back to understand the early wounds of our lives are tied to our life’s work. Uranus encourages you to connect to the early nurturing (or lack of nurturing) that you received to see how it shaped and formed the person you’ve become. In response to those early experiences, you’ve shaped your life. Now the universe is attempting to get you to shift and change your responses ~ to understand where they came from. If you understand where they came from, you can make different choices or respond differently. Sun’s sextile to Admetos says you can change the situation. You can end it or fix it or revise it. Venus’ square to Admetos encourages each of us to let go of where we are afraid. Open our space and our heart. Allow the possibility of having what you love enter your life. What is your deep, deep wish ~ inside your heart? What is that deepest wish? The secret one you never, ever tell anyone? Find a friendly tree or a gentle rock ~ whisper your secret wish into its silence. There. Now once you’ve said it, it will become easier and easier to say. Or feel. Allow the wish to take root. Water it. Let it grow.
Sun’s Day Sunday July 21, 2013 Moon is in Capricorn with harsh closing aspects asking us to separate from our emotional feelings to get a different perspective. We’ll be emotionally processing all that happened this week. Moon joins with Pluto and square Uranus so expect clarity. Moon goes void at 11:53 am EDT. Pallas enters Cancer, the sign she is LEAST comfortable in for 52 days. The detached, pattern observing goddess does not like the messy, teary and emotional world of feeling. In fact, she carries Medusa’s head on her shield to remind her to pay attention to her feelings and not get carried away with them. However, emotions will rule the patterns in your life. No more detached and strategic father’s daughter the warrior. She’ll help all of us integrate our various observances into emotional understanding. Part of being able to successfully partner with the new energies is a requirement to understand the commitment being asked of you and that you can step forward to do it. Sun and Venus have a quiet moment of conversation tonight making it an excellent time to connect with loved ones or old friends.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: What an amazing week ahead of us! The Grand trine in Water perfects as Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune connect. Mars forms a secondary Grand trine, filling in for Jupiter. Mercury turns direct, Uranus and Eris go retrograde. Uranus and Mercury are square to each other. Ceres comes in from out of bounds. Pallas enters Cancer. Whipsaw emotions! Going to be another completely wild and very out of control week!
Scorpios Talking: Michael and Anne focus on how to connect and process emotions as you set solid and clear boundaries.
The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne are, hopefully, back laughing and singing in the heat and rain…Another fun show about recent events.
Access Astrology: Mark and Anne talked about the upcoming energy and took a call. Heather is on a road trip for the next few weeks!
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.
Copyright © 2013 A. C. Ortelee