Weekly Weather July 10, 2006
We start the week off Monday with a full moon in Cancer /Capricorn evoking the Sabian Images of Cancer Sun A FRAGILE MISS, REPRESENTATIVE OF PROUD OLD BLOOD, IS WED IN A MARRIAGE CEREMONY BY A PRIEST TO AN EAGER YOUTH OF THE NEW ORDER and Capricorn Moon of A CHILD OF ABOUT FIVE CARRYING A HUGE SHOPPING BAG FILLED WITH GROCERIES. Notice the richness of the images ~ a marriage ceremony where the old you marries your new you to start a life nurturing to your Sun’s emotional ego and soul’s path. Or a practical, solid Capricorn moon bag full of groceries ~ jam packed with EXACTLY what you want ~ and a childlike joy as you carry it home. Yep, you made it through. Might not have everything in the house just yet but the commencement of the journey has begun. Yaaay!!! Finally.
We still have oodles of more ghosts to go (until the new moon at two Leo on July 25th). Keep chatting up your ghosts, recording your dreams, noting who calls and calling people you feel a need to call or connect with ~ you might be THEIR ghost! The purpose of the ghost is NOT to scare you ~ it is to point out how much you have grown, changed and evolved. The purpose of the ghost is to help you learn important lessons about yourself that only ghosts can teach. Remember that moment when Bruce Willis, and we, realized he had actually died at the beginning of “Sixth Sense”? Didn’t you go back through all the movie scenes and replay how they “worked” with him as a dead shrink instead of a live one? Same idea for the ghosts arriving in your life over the next few weeks. I had a ghost arrive for a reading this week ~ a version of my younger self sitting at my table for an astrology reading. Never met her before but I knew her story ~ so interesting to meet an earlier me ~ before various choices were made. So chat up your ghosts! They are going to be very familiar ghosts. They are going to bring up and evoke last July as Mercury moves back into Cancer on Monday. It is exceptionally important Mercury retrograde! Pay attention.
Later in the week, around Friday, you are going to have the opportunity to release something and go toward what you deeply want. We have Venus opposite Pluto and about to dive into the karmic nodes by square on Sunday. At the same time, Mars is approaching a fire trine in Leo with Pluto in Sagittarius on Friday. Decision time. If you can, read my full moon column on thecosmicpath.com site about the see saw energy involved in our full moon. Time to hop off the see saw and try new playground equipment. That see saw game is getting old and very, very boring. The only way to get any place REAL is to GET OFF THE SEESAW. Your see saw game can, literally, go on forever. Once, one person hops OFF the see saw, the game is, for all intents and purposes, over, finished and done. The see saw does not work without two people. Now, the other person might hop off and follow you. On the other hand, they might sit on the ground for a while with the empty plank in the air, pout or play with themselves. If they DO follow you, frankly, you have outgrown the see saw. Nice game, for a while, but you want to do other, cooler, more grown up stuff. There is a huge playground in the world, not just the silly seesaw! You may NOT have outgrown the person, just the seesaw game. So invite them, IF YOU WANT TO, to swing on the swings, climb on the jungle bars or dance in the water fountain WITH you. They might, they might not. You might want to invite them OR you might want to go play with someone else. No problem. If they do not continue to play with you, you will find plenty of people who want to. Stand up, flip your hair and regally announce you do not want to play that silly see saw game any more. You want to do something MUCH more fun! Then pivot on your toes and sashay right out of there. I bet they follow you. However, if they do not ~ not to worry ~ there are plenty of other opportunities for you on the playground. It is a big wide world! So onto our week ahead
Monday, a major full moon inviting us towards our new life. Time to hop off the see saw and go play with other, more fun playground equipment. Mercury leaves Leo and retrogrades back into Cancer. If you thought LAST week’s ghosts were fun, just wait until you see what the universe sends your way THIS week and next. Remember, the ghosts are NOT to scare you ~ they are to show you how much you have grown and changed over the past year. Actually, since 1982/83 and May of 2000 truth is told. Forward you go. Chat those Ghosts up.
Tuesday has a discontented feeling to it as Sun seesaws with Neptune and Mercury spits at Uranus and argues with the Moon in Capricorn. The ghost today is not actually a pleasant one but you know what ~ it is just a ghost. Closer but not quite real. You are looking for real. If you can stick your hand through it, ~ it is a ghost! Turn around and look to see if you have a bullet wound in your back under your jacket. Revisit our bubble imagery from earlier in the year ~ bubbles all bubbles. Not real but still there. Bubbles. Do not get mad at the bubbles. It is the nature of bubbles. Focus on what you want to create, move toward that. Chat up the ghosts. See how they show up. Are they real? Well, we are NOT going to know until after the new moon at the end of the month. So play with them if you want to but no commitments.
Wednesday the Moon in Aquarius makes few aspects and sets off the square of Saturn and Jupiter. The Saturn and Jupiter square is in place until October ~ just sitting there, getting tighter and tighter now that Jupiter is moving forward. Think of the big boys as being a “good news, bad news” kind of energy ~ the good news is you know what you want, the bad news is you have to work toward it. The good news is you found $100 dollars, the bad news is your electric bill is huge because you’ve been running the air conditioning. When we have a good news/bad news aspects with Jupiter and Saturn, our human tendency is to notice the bad and not the good. Watch for the good news. It will ALWAYS be there AND match the bad news in size and proportion. So your pay will be cut because you work part time, but you get more work in your beloved part time job to make up the difference. Because of the ambivalence of the good news/bad news aspect, work on your Saturn as that brings in your Jupiter ~ it works like a cosmic lever ~press your Saturn bar to get a Jupiter pellet of goodies. Don’t press your Saturn bar ~ nothing much happens. Press the Saturn bar 100 times, get 100 pellets of Jupiter. Gotta press the Saturn to get what you want.
Thursday, Venus argues with Chiron. Truth time. Off the seesaw. You want a real game, not a back and forth thing silly thing that wastes your time. Might have an ouch quality to it. You were so much younger then, you are wiser than that now! A nice long void moon compliments the Venus/Chiron fight suggesting you can spiral yourself right into I am going to die alone, unloved, poverty ridden with my cats ~ the difficult side of the void moon. Remember, nothing comes of void moons. Just press your Saturn bar.
Friday is what we have been building towards all week. Mars is opposite Ceres and trine to Pluto ~ you are leading your OWN life, not your family’s, mother’s, father’s, sister’s, brother’s, pastor’s, friends‘, partner’s, coworkers‘, teachers‘, boss‘, child’s or ANY ONE else’s life. YOUR LIFE! The only life you have (at least in this lifetime J ). Venus is mighty, mighty powerful and VERY irritated as she opposes Pluto, joins with Pallas Athena by declination and kicks off Jupiter in Scorpio. Do not cross the Love Goddess ~ you do not want to take her on. She wins. She always wins. You know those great speeches they give Academy Awards for? The monologues where the character reveals their true essence, and fights back as the audience cheers! Or where
the audience goes “oh&
rdquo; in a collective gasp of knowing as a scene plays out in front of them ~ like Al Capone, in The Untouchables, taking a baseball bat to the head of a disloyal member of his "family." That is what Friday is going to feel like. Now, you do not have to give an Academy Award winning speech or take a baseball bat to a disloyal person’s head (it is bad for your karma) but you will want to! Or you will watch it happen in your world. Going to be a fun day on Planet Earth. Now, the PURPOSE or desire for the Academy Award winning speech or baseball bat is to make you go for what you want. Remember ~ these are FIXED signs ~ we don’t like change in our fixed signs.
Saturday, Venus joins with Mars by sextile and trines Ceres ~ forming an isosceles triangle in the sky. It is not as powerful as a Grand Trine but it gets you moving nonetheless. Whatever happened last week is over and done. You are going to be fine. Mercury’s trine to the North Node of karma points out how the lessons of your family, mother AND your OWN unique life experience and chart combine to make you the person you are today. Warts, freckles, wrinkles and all. They are YOUR warts, freckles and wrinkles. Gosh darn it ~ they are pretty darn cute in a warty, freckly, wrinkly way. As Popeye says, “I am what I am and that’s all that I am." Make that your mantra today (and actually, for the rest of the summer) when someone asks you to do something you do not feel much like doing. Or tells you how to “behave” according to their rules and regulations. You have your own rules now.
Sunday, Venus dives into the North and South Nodes of destiny by square right after she has a bit of a spat with stodgy old Saturn in Leo. Gotta let it go now. Time to move definitively toward what you want. There is a fast moving finger of God today and Monday, formed by Sun, Retrograde Mercury at the apex with Pluto and Ceres. The Finger of God shoots a heavy, dose of consciousness into the Mystic Rectangle that has been forming in the sky all week with Venus, Ceres, Mars and Pluto. We have been talking and talking and talking about changes in your life. Here comes the Sun and Mercury to light the whole thing up and send it a dose of sunshine. Now is the time to take your leap of faith and move toward your dream as the Sun beams into the mystic rectangle, lights up and points the way toward your new life. So, what are you waiting for? Yet another Cosmic Invitation? Well, if you have been waiting for a “sign” to know you are on the right path, it will fly into your life or line of vision today or tomorrow. No more dilly-dallying. Yes, you are supposed to do it. Yes, that is one of the reasons why you are here. Yes, that is why the universe keeps prodding you and poking at you and moving you along towards it. Might as well go toward it willingly. Today, that Finger of God is going to give you a big old flick of his index finger on your slowpoke butt to get you moving.
Mundane: Call me suspicious but I am not buying the story that Ken Lay (April 15, 1942 6 pm, Tyrone, MO), the recently convicted leader of Enron, is dead. His chart simply does not support it. He does not die of a heart attack. His chart is not having death transits. Venus in Pisces is the ruler of his eighth house, placed in the 5th house. His Saturn is in Taurus in the eighth joined to Uranus in Taurus. Enron’s chart (July 30, 1992, 9:30 am NYC, NY) is not having “death of the founder/leader” aspects if you look EITHER from the point of significant endings OR death of the head ~ fifth or eighth house rulers and aspects to them. Abscond with the money and a honey aspects, YES! Death aspects, NO!
Relocate Lay to Aspen, where he supposedly died (July 5, 2006, 4:11 am, Aspen, CO) to find Mars in Gemini now rules the eighth and is placed on the Midheaven right next to Jupiter in Gemini. Mars in Gemini is SUCH a trickster and fibber ~ put him next to Jupiter in Gemini and you have a VERY BIG, GASSY, BOLD, brassy, sparkly, expansive trick or fib! Lays’ lovely crescent moon at 29 Aries moves into the eighth house ~ again not a death by heart attack ~ an escape by being head strong and running. There is no way an Aries Sun, Moon and Mercury is going to lose OR go to jail OR give up their money with out a fight! And, when you cannot fight, you flee. Mercury, in Aries, ruler of Gemini Mars, is in the eighth house. Mercury AND Jupiter were stationing, a day apart last week, have a natal sextile aspect just as his Mercury retrograde by progression is sitting on his natal Jupiter in Gemini. Again, not a death aspect ~ an escape with the goodies by telling a whopper of a story.
On the Friday before Lay died, the U.S. Justice Department’s Enron Taskforce filed a motion asking the Judge to force Lay to pay $43.5 million. Nice long Fourth of July Weekend. A defendant is not technically ruled guilty until the person has been sentenced and has exhausted the appeals process. Since Lay died before his sentencing and appeal, his conviction does not stand, so the financial claim by the government will not proceed. So, he “died” right before the Judgement could be filed with the banks and his money seized. My money is on Argentina or Brazil as the transiting Mars/ Neptune lines run through there and Saudi Arabia. I imagine we will hear about Ken Lay “ghosts” once Saturn gets to 20. He is not having transits to stay hidden for long. I must admit I was QUITE amused by the VERY CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN New York Post‘s headline “Check the Coffin”.
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee