Weekly Weather January 9, 2006 to January 15, 2006

Weekly Weather January 9, 2006 to January 15, 2006
What is so great about evolution? Why do I have to evolve?
You get to find out WHY evolution exists this week! Last week we talked about the regressive, fearful, conservative nature of Venus in Capricorn, particularly as Venus is in charge of that delectable, addictive and tempting south node in Libra. Venus invites us back into known partnerships which don‘t fit where our soul wants to go. Saturn in Leo, rules Venus, and thus the South Node. Saturn in Leo asks us to find our own brand of sunshine. Saturn in Leo says this week you’ll face emotional fear and limits about how you are going to shine! One of Saturn’s biggest contributions to our world and our psyches is fear and limits. But, we also grow by facing our Saturns, doing the work, showing up and dealing with him in an adult manner. All week Saturn is going to be jumping up and down in front of your face, telling you to be afraid, be very afraid. But quick, look, right over there, in the corner behind the curtain, see the short person controlling the scary thing in front of you? If you are afraid, you will lose! Act brave. Act as if. Go for the academy award with your courageous performance, even if your knees are knocking, heart pounds and teeth are chattering. Don’t let them see or smell your fear! Mars is in charge of the North Node in Aries. Mars is calling you to evolve and change to stay alive. Or else like the bull in the bullfight, you will die. On the other hand, like Perseus, you will be turned to stone if you are look Medusa in the face. It is a difficult week. Do you know what you want? Do you know what you don’t want?
Remember Venus in Capricorn rules MARS in Taurus too! What a concept! Both Mars AND Venus are asking you to choose between opposite ends of the evolutionary, karmic nodal axis. Do you want to stay in the familiar energy of the known, comfortable south node? OR do you want to go with Mars towards what you want, even if you are clueless about what it actually is? You will follow your blindfolded soul’s desire to evolve? YOU are in the middle of a cosmic tug of war between Venus and Mars, pulled between the evolutionary space of Libra and Aries nodes. You are being pulled back and forth like a crazed monkey ~ back and forth, back and forth ~ south or north node ~ past or future ~ security or evolution?.
Now, adding to the evolutionary pushme-pullme energy of the nodes and Venus/Mars, the Sun in Capricorn is going to join with Venus retrograde in an inferior conjunction. Inferior conjuctions suggest Venus is NOT deciding to marry her best choice of mate. She is leaning towards picking safety and security over love and passion. She’s leaning towards security over evolution. In addition, Venus is going backwards and getting trapped in that sticky south node of conventions, partnerships, society, laws and relationships. However, the Full Moon joins with Saturn in a configuration that occurred at 913 years ago! The Full Moon is out of bounds, at her highest declination. Next, the Full Moon passes over the TOP of Saturn in the sky as Jupiter rises in the east. Jupiter is opposite to Mars and square to Neptune suggesting a pivotal moment in the game of your life. Time for you to assume your rightful place in the world.
So, as far as the universe is concerned, it is basketball in a game with one point difference and 15 seconds left to go. Venus’ team leads by a point. The ball just went out of bounds. You are the referee, Saturn, You get to call WHO gets the ball. IF you call the ball for Venus, she is going to dribble it out until the clock runs out to win, unless Mars’ team manages to steal the ball. IF you call the ball for Mars, he is going to make a fast break to try to get a shot in before the buzzer sounds or Venus’ team stops him.
So, what are you going to do, REF? The crowd screams. Of course, THIS game is ONLY YOUR LIFE! WHOM are you going to give the ball to? By the way, you did not see who hit the ball out of bounds. You could, of course, go to the video tape. HOWEVER, YOUR CALL IS LAW, regardless of what that video tape says. Who is YOUR favorite team? Who do YOU WANT to win? Oh, did I mention that videotape IS NOT recording? We forgot to turn it! So, NOW whom are you going to give the ball to?
You hold the power to shift the game’s outcome OR guarantee conservative play will prevail! The power is in your hands. It is your call. It is all about whom you pick. It depends on whom YOU give the ball to, Venus or Mars. The game, of course, will continue until March/April, when our traffic jam ends. A few months are, in cosmic time, 15 seconds. Nevertheless, EVERYONE will say it was THIS call, the call YOU make around the Full Moon in January that decided the game, season, and championship. Do you feel the pressure of evolution!?!
Monday, Mercury squares the nodes. The ball goes out of bounds. No videotape record exists of who hit the ball out. Jupiter trines home and hearth Vesta encouraging a wise and emotional approach to your decision. You WILL need a security escort to the parking lot and out of town after your decision! WHAT DO YOU WANT? Mercury argues with Saturn by inconjunct. Both the coaches, benches and the entire packed stadium are on their feet, screaming for you to give the ball to THEIR team. The moon is void all afternoon while you decide what to do.
Tuesday, Uranus aspects the nodes. You are free to pick. No one is going to know, or be able to second guess you, or have any proof you made a bad call. It is your life after all! Uranus moves closer to her inconjunct with Saturn. You notice Mars has a bit of blood trickling down his cheek and is breathing hard. Venus does not look like she has broken a sweat. Well, maybe her hair is mussed up. Of course, Mars HAS been in that bullfight all fall. No wonder he has a bit of blood on his cheek.
Wednesday, Mercury aspects Juno by inconjunct and then joins with Ceres. Your fellow referees did not see who hit it out either. Your call. A time out is called by the home team‘s coach. By the way, which team do you think is the home team ~ Venus or Mars? And, which team do YOU want to win?
Thursday, the time out continues. The water is wiped off the floor as Venus joins with Neptune by parallel. Mercury opposes Vesta suggesting you are going to call AGAINST the home team! Oh, I DO hope you call against the home team, even if you need a police escort out of town!
Friday, the time out continues. Mercury trines Mars suggesting you, the referee, want to call the ball for scrappy, bloodied Mars. Mars wants to win SO badly! Mars wants to live! Mars wants to evolve! Mars deserves a chance! Mars has been fighting so hard all fall to figure this stupid game out. Mars is the underdog! Mars, in his fall in Taurus, blocked for months by Saturn in Leo, wounded by his fight with the matador, scared silly by all those stone statues on his way to Medusa’s cave but STILL Mars is in there!! Mars is pushing, trying, panting, playing his heart out and aching to win! Sun and Venus, favored to win as the home team, are now completely losing it. Sun shouts at Uranus about the unfairness of a call for Mars. The tide will shift if you call the ball for Mars. Mercury sextiles Jupiter suggesting the power to change, shift and evolve is in your hands. You are making the decision right now.
Saturday, the full moon takes place at 4:48 am. Juno stations. The buzzer sounds. The timeout is over. What are you going to do? Now, frankly, if I were the referee, I would call the ball for Mars. I would give Mars a chance. However, I have a Pisces moon and am a bit of a romantic about things. So, REF, who are you going to call the ball for? Venus or Mars? The game, season and championship rest on the decision you make about the ball in your hands.
Sunday, the teams reassemble on the court. You call the ball. Play begins. The game continues. According to the ephemeris, Venus hit the ball out of bounds on Monday as she trined Moon right before Moon went void. Therefore, that ball rightly belonged to Mars. Did you give the ball to Mars? Did you? Did you go for evolution?
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee