Weekly Weather January 7, 2013

Weekly Weather January 7, 2013











Fire Come Forth Set me Free
Kindle the Fire that Burns in me.
Burn away what is not Love,
Burn away what is the past,
Burn away what will not last,
Light the path ahead.

















Announcements: My rates are going up for the first time in 5 years in January 2013. They were $130 an hour. They will become $152 per hour.

To say thank you to loyal clients and readers, you can book your 2013 reading(s) at the old rate until the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, 2013. So, IF you traditionally come in August, book your August Appointment NOW using the online system. Choose Pay Later as the payment option. We’ll bill you in August. Enter “OldRateGift” at the discount box when you are prompted. You can always cancel the appointment if you don’t use it.

If you plan to come MORE OFTEN than once a year, you can apply the discount to ALL of your planned readings for 2013. Just make sure to schedule ALL OF THE PLANNED READINGS before the New Moon on Friday, January 11, 2013. Choose Pay Later as the payment option. Enter “OldRateGift” at the discount box when you are prompted. We’ll bill you before your reading. You can always cancel the appointment if you don’t use it.

If you have been thinking about scheduling as a New Client for a while, you can take advantage of the OldRateGift even though you have never been here. You can give a reading as a gift to a friend ~ just make sure to book and hold the appointment time BEFORE January 11, 2013. The same process described above applies.










Our week ahead features passion, brilliant ideas, discord, fires and the psychological opportunity to accept defeat gracefully. Venus changes signs to leave passionate Sagittarius for somber Saturn ruled Capricorn for 24 days ~ love and money come down to earth and get real. Venus changes signs on the same day that Eris, the Goddess of Discord stations to go forward. Eris’ station at 21 Aries on Tuesday amplifies the energy of the New Moon at 21 Capricorn later in the week as they form a psychological closing square to each other. You’ll have what the heavens call an opportunity to process something that needs to be handled and worked with internally to release an old, karmic situation that is psychologically difficult for you. I know, that sounds a bit vague yet kind of difficult ~ so here’s another way of thinking about it.


Eris is a relative newcomer on the scene only being discovered in January 2005. She has already made herself quite well known as we’ve watched discord expand, seemingly exponentially, in the world around us. Maybe I am just getting older but it seems like everyone is cranky about something lately. Disagreements between people seem more intractable and dug into their positions than ever before. People end relationships rather than negotiate new terms. Eris as the chip on her shoulder evil and dark sister of Mars LOVES to foment problems between people. So we can anticipate, as she stations, that we will be problems fomenting. She managed to start the Trojan War where people fought for 10 years because of a silly Golden Apple and pridefulness so don’t put anything past her.


Eris stops this week on Tuesday. So five to six days before and five to six days after her station, we feel the result or impact of her energy. That is because stationing planets always kick up their heels and a whole lot of dust. So from New Year’s Day to Monday January 14, Eris is stirring discord. When planets station, their energy is amplified and ramped up. On Friday, Moon and Sun in Capricorn meet up, square to the degree of Eris’ station. That degree, 21:46 of the Cardinal signs, was basically where Saturn sat, opposite, last summer, in May, June and July, when he parked on 22 of Libra. So the lessons of last summer are up and dancing around the room as Eris points out how we are NOT getting what we thought we wanted. Or we got something we thought we wanted and NOW we realize it is NOT what we want. Or we got something in a format we’ve since figured out isn’t really working for us anymore. So here we go for some psychological work or processing on the matter as Eris squares the New Moon. When you realize that you got (or didn’t get) something you thought you wanted but now no longer want, you have a few choices about how to handle it.


The choices of how to handle it are Gracefully or NOT Gracefully. Choose Gracefully if you can.


So let’s say you got married last summer, in a hot rush, and now realize your new bride doesn’t want to have children while you are getting older by the second. Or your company merged with another firm and you hate the new place it has become. Or you were offered a romantic opportunity that you’ve dreamed and yearned for but now that it actually arrived, you don’t like that it is repeating the same old patterns of your previous relationships. Or you moved to a new city to start a new life to find your old behaviors are causing similar problems in your new life ~ who knew? Or the person you begged to change actually changed but you don’t like the new, sober, no drama life they are offering to you. Or you said you wanted to do something, you started it and now you are nervous or anxious because it actually is going pretty well and you might actually HAVE your dream take place yet you want to run away and hide from it.


Accept Defeat Gracefully. Look at it. Understand the underlying pattern. Get clear on where your stuff is causing the situations to reoccur in ways you don’t much like.


Then understand, it isn’t actually DEFEAT ~ it is REPEAT. Accept Repeat Gracefully.


In my case, I recently signed up for internet dating. I made a lot of noise about wanting a better work / life balance, maybe it is time for a relationship. Yada Yada. Or at least it is time to get back out there again…. whatever back out there means when you are 58 and haven’t been out there for a while. So I enrolled in an age appropriate site that has men my age who don’t want 20 years olds. Now, I am getting winked at, friendly emails, flirted with and “I like your profile”. And I AM FROZEN, simply frozen. Quite Anxious. I’d checked “Big and Beautiful” ~ what an obnoxious ~ yet accurate ~ way to describe myself. And who knew ~ there are sites for men who LIKE Big and Beautiful women… so THOSE SITES are emailing me to sign up with them too. Clearly someone is sharing my email and profile ~ did I check that box?! It looks like I might actually be successful at meeting someone. I am looking at emails and going “What do I do NOW?” Answer the emails you silly girl! Ah, if it were only that easy! I am back into “dating anxiety mode” again ~ I always HATED dating. That awkward, what do I do now part of the whole process. Much easier to fast forward into the connected relationship part… but to GET to what I SAY I want, the connected relationship part, I have to Accept Repeat (and Defeat) Gracefully and go through this not so fun part. So I talked to a friend who dates aggressively ~ she gave me a checklist of her approach ~ One email with a phone number included. A 15 minute phone call. If all systems are go, a one hour date. A written recap of what you learned about them. Next or Repeat. Seems simple enough if I can manage to do it. I thought of Mittens Romney and made my very own “Binder of Men.” Accept Repeat Gracefully….


The huge Finger of God in the heavens is asking us to make changes in our lives. It is encouraging us to go for what we want. To move forward in the direction we say we want to head. To accept defeat or repeat Gracefully. No shouting and screaming. No 10 years of a Trojan War. No drama and craziness. Just do it. Just move forward. Understand that your inhibitions, anxieties and fears are all PART OF THE PACKAGE. As we move forward ~ and right now the Heavens are PUSHING US to move forward and change ~ we are going to run right into our fears, anxieties and dark spots in our soul. Accept them Gracefully. Don’t let them defeat you forever but do let them guide you toward what you SAY you want even if you aren’t so sure now that the time has arrived that you actually DO want what you SAID you wanted. LIVE IN THE MOMENT. NO past. NO future. Do the task before you. MOVE on!


I know. Being human is complicated. Plant lots of seeds between now and the end of March in the various areas that you think you want to have grow. Say yes to everything that remotely appeals. Accept defeat or repeat gracefully. Keep moving! No worries. Just keep moving even if you FEEL a bit paralyzed or anxious or afraid or out of control.


If you are feeling ANXIOUS ~ that means Uranus is pushing on you to change. CHANGE your behavior and MOVE toward the anxiety… feel it but take a step or three toward it. If you feel like you are POWERLESS or NEED TO CONTROL a situation that means Pluto is asking you to evolve and let go of desire to control ~ go with the flow. LET GO. OPEN UP the triangle to a higher vision. If you are feeling FEAR or SHOULD Dos in a situation, that means Saturn is pushing on you to feel the fear and do it anyway OR to say NO to the authority that is pushing on you to comply. Be your own Authority. If you are feeling dithery ~ well Jupiter is in Gemini ~ so dither away. Take time to write down ALL your options. What do you actually WANT? What is Plan A, Plan B and a back up vision? Fingers of God are stressful little buggers…. Depending on which Leg or planet is getting stimulated, they push us to shift and move and go for it by living in the moment.


There also are a HUGE amount of quintiles and bi-quintiles in the heavens this week. Quintiles and Bi-quintiles are 5th harmonics ~ made by dividing the circle by 5 and comprised of 72 degrees. Their degree amount, 72, adds up to a 9 ~ so they are considered the karmic gifts that you arrive carrying in your chart in this life time. When they are in the heaven above us, your quintiles and bi-quintiles vibrate to the energy. Fives vibrate and answer to the planet Mercury. Quintiles and Biquintiles are about freedom, travel, adventure, lively, witty, difficult to pin down, quick in emergencies, need for change and variety, sharp, agile, versatile, mentally active and effervescent. The Quintiles and Bi-quintile bring that kind of energy into your life this week and cause all sorts of illuminating breakthroughs.


Pallas Athena leaves dreamy Pisces to enter kick butt Aries on Thursday. Our pattern seer is back in good strategic and detached form after her dreamy journey in Pisces as Mars in Aquarius is ruling her visionary gifts. Flying at 20,000 feet, you are not going to miss a trick this week.





















There is a Full Moon On Friday January 11, 2013 which starts a new cycle of creation. The Capricorn New Moon takes place at 21:46 Capricorn. It is inspired by Saturn in the powerful Finger of God to step forward and accept the change in your life Gracefully.








The Sabian Image for the New Moon is A GENERAL ACCEPTING DEFEAT GRACEFULLY. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the symbol is :
Commentary: ‘A General’ is seen ‘Accepting Defeat Gracefully’. He has to acknowledge a ‘Defeat’ of some kind and respond without losing face. Being a ‘General’, this person is obviously often a “winner”, respected for being in charge and in command. Now there’s the need for acknowledgment of a loss or a ‘Defeat’, or a backing down of some kind.








Oracle: There’s an old saying: Winning or losing doesn’t matter as much as how you play the game. Through the acceptance of ‘Defeat’, one can often discover important and valuable life lessons. Merely making excuses can lead to the same mistakes being made again and again, when there is no longer any point in pushing matters. At a time of “surrender”, it is the way a situation is handled that will be remembered the most. It is how ‘Gracefully’ you handle ‘Defeat’ that will be the measure of your inner worth both to yourself and others. Sometimes it is wise to concede when the “victory” or the “prize” is more valuable for your opponent than oneself. Admitting that one has lost or is prepared to give up can free you up to get on with your life and more rewarding adventures. Learning from ‘Defeat’ can bring strength of character. On a deeper level, ‘Defeat’ shows us that we are neither perfect, nor indestructible. Is the objective, battle or conflict really worth winning or pursuing? Going for revenge, greed or glory can often prove to end up badly as things can turn sour. Sometimes pushing your agenda can hurt your cause and it’s better to back off and hold your tongue. Struggling to have your point made or accepted may be self-defeating. This can happen in simple everyday situations such as conversation with others not understanding what you’re saying or doing. Realizing that you’re not going to change others can lead to being able to ‘Accept’ things in a better light.

Keywords: True inner worth. Being a “good loser”. Learning that every minor skirmish in life is not a major ‘Defeat’. Being prepared to start again. Sacrificing things for the benefit of others. Nobility of character. Letting go of the “charge” around anger. Surrendering.

The Caution: Being a “bad loser”. Feeling everything is going to come out badly. Reliance on self-limitations. Seeing the negative in everything. Losing what’s been worked for. Making excuses to get out of tight situations. Betrayal and loss. Loss of support. Surrendering too early. Giving up on life.

The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender. William Booth

Defeat is a state of mind. No one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality. Bruce Lee

A proud heart can survive a general failure because such a failure does not prick its pride. Chinese Proverb

An unjust peace is better than a just war. Cicero

Failure is nature’s plan to prepare you for great responsibilities. Napoleon

Always imitate the behavior of winners when you lose. Anon

The surrender of life is nothing to sinking down into acknowledgment of inferiority. John C. Calhoun

You don’t always win your battles, but it’s good to know you fought. Marjorie Holmes

But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. Ernest Hemingway

Part of the happiness of life consists not in fighting battles, but in avoiding them. A masterly retreat is in itself a victory. Norman Vincent Peale



Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via Itunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: I talk about the New Moon in Capricorn but before that the Mars square Saturn aspect as Eris stations to go direct. Plus lots of Quintiles to inspire you!

Scorpios Talking: Michael Colberg and I talked about how to make or not make New Year’s resolutions. The process of gaining clarity in no clear time can be helped by finding a structure that works for you and transferring it to the unstructured place.

The Mary Anne Show comes back from Vacation this week.  Mary Fitzpatrick and I explore the recent holidays and laugh alot!

Access Astrology comes back from Vacation this week. Heather Roan Robbins, Mark Wolz and I talk about the heavens and take questions/calls from listeners.

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt tells the ancient myth Of Amour & Psyche. Explore the story of a feminine task of individuation. The Tale begins this Thursday……it is a cliff hanger!


Void Moons This Week
Moon goes void sextile to the Sun on Jan 7, 2013 at 06:32:12 am EST and enters Sagittarius on Tuesday Jan 8, 2013 at 03:29:15 am EST.
Moon is Void All Day Monday

Moon goes void sextile to Mars on Tuesday Jan 8, 2013 at 9:28 pm EST and enters Capricorn on Thursday Jan 10, 2013 at 03:55:27 am EST.
Moon is Void All Day Wednesday

Moon goes void joining the Sun on Friday Jan 11, 2013 at 02:44:44 pm EST and enters Aquarius on Saturday Jan 12, 2013 at 04:02:25 am EST.
Moon is Void Friday Afternoon and Evening.

Moon goes void joining Mars on Sunday Jan 13, 2013 at 03:38:00 am EST and enters Pisces on Monday Jan 14, 2013 at 5:49 am EST.
Moon is Void All Day Sunday



Moon day Monday January 7 finds the Moon Void all day in intense Scorpio with lovely closing aspects of a sextile to Capricorn Sun. Mars has a square to Saturn at 2:33 pm pushing us to make changes in the structures of our lives and move past blockages that hold us back from having what we want. Sun is quite active with quintiles to Pallas, Vesta as Pallas and Vesta quintile each other. Accept or notice all the interesting ideas that flow through your brain and life today. Venus is quintile Zeus inspiring her to step forward and go for her dreams. Mars has a quintile to Eris encouraging us to look at what is irritating us to find inspiration for how we can change things. Several things, project or ideas will need to be adjusted mid day as Jupiter and Mercury both squabble with Juno and Vesta respectively. Live in the moment baby! No past. No future. Just now! We only have now! Intense emotions from the Scorpio Moon pulse through your being. Mercury’s out of bounds in Capricorn and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions.









Mars day, Tuesday January 8 finds Moon in the last, passionate degree of Sagitarius as Eris stations at 21 Aries.  Lots of fire energy today… passions, explosions, fires and desires erupting out of virtually thin air.  Fire Moon has numerous accelerating aspects to day ~ throwing all sorts of fuel on her unstable fire energy. Be very careful around open fires and flames today. Moon trines Uranus in Aries adding an explosive quality to the emotional energy. Then Moon gets fed lots of oxygen by Jupiter in Gemini blowing on her flames. Venus squares Pallas and sees patterns she doesn’t much like. Finally, Moon has a closing aspect of a sextile to Mars, also in Air, further fueling her emotional energy. Then, right after that emotionally volatile sextile, Venus flares up in culmination at the last degrees of Sagittarius and throws a bit of gasoline on the fire.  Then Venus dances out of Sagittarius for 24 days of serious, somber Capricorn.  Going to be a wild, passionate ride today.  Eris station has been building since January 1 and will continue for another five or six days after she stops and moves direct in the sign of singular illumination. Eris makes us angry or discordant. She pushes us and prods us to take actions for our own greater good, even if we don’t really want to do what is good for us.  We have to accept that what we wanted might not actually turn out the way we wanted. Temper tantrums appear seemingly out of no where.  The energy has been building for a while now and it needs to come out. Let it out of your body.  I remember a salesman when I was buying a postage mailer literally stamp his feet up and down a few times, like he was stomping on something at about age 5.  He was so frustrated at not being able to get the meter to sign in to down load the postage.  Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. It was pretty funny actually ~ a grown man stomping his feet in anger at the recalcitrant postage meter in the middle of the file room.  I didn’t dare giggle but I sure wanted to!  You may find yourself stomping your feet in frustration today. It also is a day filled with interesting ideas that you will want to write down and follow up on. You can also make excellent and amazing progress on a project that has been lingering for a while, unfinished. Pay attention to health matters. Mercury’s out of bounds in Capricorn and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions.





Mercury’s day, Wednesday January 9 finds Moon void all day in Sagittarius with no exact aspects.  The closing aspects from yesterday make it a good day to tackle projects that are lingering and need resolution or follow up/follow through. Don’t start new stuff today but move along on existing, mundane types of things.  Think about all that went on yesterday! Process, process, process. Mercury’s out of bounds in Capricorn and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions.








Jupiter’s day, Thursday January 10 finds Moon in Capricorn with a passel of aspects and a solid closing aspect of a conjunction to the Sun.  Release, Release, RELEASE! Balsamic moons are great for detoxes, letting go and finishing up things that need to be done. Venus is sextile to Neptune so dreams are interesting and a perhaps a bit troubling due to the opposition to Hades… they let you know that something is ending and shifting on a profound level inside of you.  Coughs, lungs or health matters need you to pay attention to them. No fooling around or they will progress into something more serious. Pluto has difficult aspects to the Nodes so power dynamics are a bit fraught with drama right now. You don’t need to stamp your feet even if you want to.  Ceres out of bounds in opposite Cupido so you might NOT be in the mood or be able to hang with your usual group or crowd. Certainly, there is an overdoing quality to the energy of the group.  Pallas enters Aries and sends a burst of Fire into the mix as she lights up and sees a pattern you’ve been struggling with. Like a match of illumination, you GET IT!  So get it. Accept it. Understand it. Prepare to move forward. Moon in Capricorn is quite emotionally serious today as she moves through the Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Pluto and Saturn.  It is an emotionally solid kind of energy even if it feels a bit depressing. Mercury’s out of bounds in Capricorn and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions.


Venus’ day, Friday January 11 finds Moon going void on as she joins with the Sun at 2:44 pm EST.  The New Moon chart’s Sabian Image is A General Accepting Defeat Gracefully. You may lose this battle but it doesn’t mean you lost the war. You do understand it is not going to work the way you want it to right now ~ for whatever reason~ accept it. Move on. The Serenity Prayer comes to mind: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. The situation before you is VERY OLD and VERY DEEP and probably VERY EMOTIONALLY CHARGED.  Make sure you take care of the various little people inside of you… Your grown up person needs to support those various versions of your little people so that you are able to work with the situation with dignity. The New Moon is quite focused with three Yods, or Fingers of God in it. The Apex of the Finger is where we look to see the outlet for the energy. In one Finger, the Apex is Ceres with legs Sun/Moon and North Node of Fate ~ you have to nurture yourself because no one else knows what you need.  Moon/Sun in Capricorn are asking you to psychologically address the places where your habits, embedded psychological issues and deep desires from confused by the double messages you received as a child from the people who nurtured you. Remember they had their issues too!  The second Finger is the one we are working with until March 30, Jupiter as the Apex with legs Saturn and Pluto.  Here you are emotionally processing the coping behaviors and decisions made between the ages of 7 and 10.  You were a little person making BIG decisions that affected your life.  You made them from the perspective and wisdom of a 7 to 10 year old. Now the universe is asking you to reconsider those decisions and coping skills. Try new ones. Give yourself permission to stretch. Comfort your inner little kid with your big person skills. Encourage yourself to take on the stuff that used to scare you or make you run. You’ve evolved and grown so much!  You can do it! The third Finger is the North Node of Fate as the Apex with the legs of Ceres (out of bounds) and Eris (stationing)… this is the angry feminine energy flying around right now. … It is the energy to psychologically push yourself to change and grow. Time to dive into your own internal complexes, the dark parts of your being and swim around in them. You will be okay. Trust that the universe is inviting you in for a swim in the swamp. Time to work with the inner dragons or water snakes of your being. North Node in Scorpio is harnessing your dissatisfaction with the situations you find yourself in. It is the part of you that believes the worst of the situation rather than looking at the best of it. And, yes, of course, it is related to your childhood. But it also is the invitation to get conscious and evolve.  Neptune and Chiron aspecting Venus in Capricorn encourage you to be gentle with yourself. See the patterns and understand all the GOOD stuff they do for you as well as the not so fun stuff. Sun and Moon’s square to Eris encourage us each to harness the dissatisfied part and use it to move us towards what would make us more satisfied. Sun asks you to adjust how you nurture yourself so you can proceed in a healthy and wise manner. Listen to the wisdom of your life. Mercury’s out of bounds in Capricorn and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions.


Saturn’s day Saturday January 12 finds Moon in Aquarius with a closing conjunction to Mars. Based on all the learnings, temper tantrums and experiences of the week, you are ready and roaring to go forward. Moon encourages you to take unusual actions that propel you forward. Moon’s trine to Jupiter speaks to an expanding sense of the possible, a limitless ocean opening before you. Venus squares Uranus so relationships can falter and break apart over “silly things” ~ ah but it wasn’t THAT silly.  It was THAT important.  Accept Defeat Gracefully.  Accept Repeat Gracefully. Mercury has an aspect of brilliance to Pallas ~ such a wise and seeing energy. Be kind with what you see and say today.  Words strike a deep chord in people’s beings. Sun’s quintile to Saturn offers a wisdom that is deep and true. Find comfort in the changes taking place in your life. You might need to go to bed early to tackle a cold as Hygeia is quite active today. Sun’s quintile to Uranus offers an amazing breakthrough, breakdown or breakup. No you never saw it before but now you do. Your life will NEVER be the same. The seeing is what all this week has been about. Embrace the new understanding. Mercury’s out of bounds in Capricorn and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions.









Sun’s Day, Sunday January 13 finds the Moon void all day, in Aquarius. You need to adjust your communications today to make sure that people are not offended. You may find you say something that irritates the other. Ask them what they heard. Make the necessary structural changes in your life, habits and health areas.  Time to step up and take care of yourself. No more whining about it. Chiron’s harsh aspect to Eris suggests the wound can be or is self inflicted. No more okay?  You have to agree to not hurt yourself going forward. You don’t have to do this any more. Junos’ harsh aspects to the Nodes are asking you to partner with yourself in a different way. You are the only you that you have. If you aren’t nice to you, who will be? Health matters can nudge you to take a pajama day or to snuggle in with some delicious crock pot stew.  Steam helps. Comfort food nurtures. Sun’s aspect to the Nodes of Fate invites new and interesting people into your life. Give yourself permission to expand and say yes. Mercury’s out of bounds in Capricorn and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions.













Save The Date: Venus Star Point Workshop: On February 8, 9 or 10, 2013, Access Astrology (Heather Roan Robbins, Mark Wolz and Anne Ortelee) is sponsoring Arielle Guttman in a






special evening and day long workshop in New York City. The workshop is very hands on. Space is quite limited. You can attend Friday night’s Lecture for $35. Or you can participate in the very hands on day long Workshop, using your own charts, EITHER Saturday or Sunday. The Workshop cost includes Friday night’s lecture. Arielle developed the Venus Star Point Workshop to support her recently published book Venus Star Rising.

Arielle introduces a new concept, Venus Star Point, to astrology that explores the pentagram of Venus in great detail as the celestial heartbeat of humanity. Venus pulses with energy that human beings receive as either love or war. Relationships are analyzed from an exciting new perspective and angle via her work. If you are interested in a wonderful new tool to help your clients OR only want to delve deeper into your OWN language of your heart and love, this Workshop is for you. Learn how to connect personally to how you channel the energy from Venus into your life. Venus Star Rising delivers. Arielle will be selling her book at the both the lecture and workshops. Workshop participants will be asked to provide their birth data prior to the Workshop so Arielle can prepare their charts using the Star Point approach.

On Line Registration begins January 11, 2013 via my website. Next week, you will be able to register via my column too!



Lynda Hill’s Work appears with her permission.  Check her out at Sabiansymbols.com

Copyright © 2013  A.C. Ortelee