Weekly Weather January 6, 2014

Weekly Weather January 6, 2014 

Need surgery? Look at your surgeon’s hands to discover if they are good at what they do!  Interviewing for a new job?  Look at your potential boss’s hands to see if they are a control freak or generous with employees!  Dating a new person?  Find out if they are a crooked thief or a straight shooter from their hands.  Palmistry is a portable assessment tool ~ you can’t always get their natal chart but you CAN look at their hands.  Learn Basic Palmistry in two days!  It is a wonderful complement to Astrology and a helpful tool in life.

Palmistry Weekend Workshop January 11 & 12, 2014.  Discount Rate $199 through January 6, 2014.   Register:  http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504




















Patric Creelman posted the following on Facebook:  “This is a beautiful sculpture that was at church last night. I sat in front of it and allowed my own prayers to join the prayers of these ancestors. Thank you for all the hands I came in contact with this past year, and last night. Prayerful hands. Helpful hands. Hugging hands. Creative hands. Building up and tearing down, hands. Melody playing and rhythm driving, hands. Butt grabbing, arm squeezing, and delightful caressing hands. Dancing hands, air waving, and even jazz hands. I pray and encourage and appreciate and celebrate and join hands with you all, as we move forward in to the newness, and sameness, of the coming days. Let our hands do the work of our prayers, and our lives be the example of our hearts, and let us clap because we’re happy and we know it.”

Thank you for the prayers for Handsome, my cat. His vet put him on prednisone which made a world of difference and reduced the eye swelling from his cancer.  Of course, it will be a matter of time.  A Pirate by trade, skill and craft, Handsome will let me know when he wants to set sail for distance shores. Until then, we appreciate all the love, prayers and support.

In our week ahead, we get right down to the work of the New Year.  2014 is a 7 year, inspiring us to be spiritual, intelligent, thinking, seeking Truth (with a capital T!) and looking at the underlying, hidden secrets. Nothing is exactly as it seems ~ reality is often hidden or obscured behind illusions.  There are no clear answers ~ ambiguous and abstract adventures invite us to move forward from last year’s health, relationship and nurturing receptive energy.  It is time to develop your own unique and offbeat perspective about the world and get ready to commit to a deep and profound partnership with the world.

Saturn is moving through the ages of 16 and 23 between November and March 1.  During those years, we each develop our first “adult” world views based on a combination of our family, friends, childhood lessons and our first steps out into the world of adults all by ourselves. We get our driver’s license that allows us to set off on our own in a car. We have many firsts ~ road trips, drinks, drunks, drugs, loves, heart breaks, heart healings, travels, jobs, training, choice based education in college or university, apartments, roommates and many deep and profound conversations about the meaning of the world and our role in it.

Now, at whatever age you are, Saturn is asking you to review those first adult world views from back then. This week and next we are reviewing age 21.  Decide what your adult world view is NOW as opposed to age 21.  Which parts from age 21 are still form a part of your life view?  Delve into the psychological underpinnings of how you got to where you are in your life based on the decisions you made at age 21. What is left undone?  What needs to shift?  Where or what do you want to commit to with the next precious days of your life? As my friend Llorraine says, “It is perfect the way it is.”  Understand the decisions and views you formed back then created the perfect path you’ve walked in your life. Now, as Saturn rolls through the psychological sign of Scorpio, Saturn wants you to delve into the deeper parts of your being and understand the source of the choices. 

Once we understand the SOURCE of the choices, we are free to make different choices or re-affirm that the choices that we have made are the things we still want.

Add to age 21, the last time Saturn was at the 21st degree of Scorpio.  Think back to Nov-Dec 1984 and July-August 1985, and, if you are older, March and October 1955. Each of those times, presented you with the opportunity to change your life and delve deeper into it. Now, Saturn invites you to commit to the next cycle of life and passion. If you were “young” during these Saturn years, look to the experience of your parents, particularly your father, as they were working with Saturn energies and you were a witness to it.

Remember nothing is exactly as it seems ~ reality is obscured by illusions.  But what illusions they are!  They are the dreams and illusions of our life!  What can you imagine your life to be? Neptune is active this week inviting us to dream.   And Neptune is inviting us to partner with our dreams.  Listen to John Lennon invite us to Imagine what the world COULD be like by clicking on the IMAGINE link below!























The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

Sun, Venus and Saturn work together on Saturday to teach you a practical and valuable set of skills or lessons.  Sun’s square to Vesta and Eris later on Saturday encourages you to change things for the better.

Mercury is moving fast and busy. He is out of bounds through Wednesday, speaking directly and clearly.  He kisses Venus on Tuesday and gives her a big hug bringing you news of money, relationships or love. He enters Aquarius on Saturday for 56 days (he has a retrograde coming). He fights with envy, works on building his future and tried to heal old wounds. Give him space. Change your words and you can change your life.  See your patterns with new eyes ~ no more being blind.  Please watch the video below on how changing your words can change your world!



Change your Words, Change your World




Venus in Capricorn is retrograde until January 31. SERIOUS times about money, finance, love and desire energies!  Venus is arguing with Mom, Envy, Sister, and Home.  She longs to sink into an old lover’s arms and relax her guard.  She can on Saturday.

Mars links up with his sister Eris on Jan 6, 2014 presenting problems and shifts in power dynamic.  Later in the week he squares Jupiter bringing an overdoing energy to all things action oriented. Think WE-WE-WE not ME-ME-ME!

Saturn works productively with the Mercury, Moon, Sun and Venus this week engaging all the personal planets except Mars in dynamically changing.  Focus on your vision of how to improve or build your life (remember WE-WE-WE not ME-ME-ME until July 25!) Full steam ahead on every commitment you can make.  No worries if they will be revised or changed after March 2, 2014. Say yes to your life!

Neptune joins Juno on Jan 8 2014 ~ you can lose your boundaries, barriers and sense of decorum over a relationship or partnership being offered to you right now.  It is a good thing.  Merge freely and go for it! Imagine your future. Partner with your dreams!

Pallas stations to go retrograde on Jan 6 2014 at 13°Vi45′.  She’s retrograde in Virgo until early March when she enters Leo.  Go back and redo those patterns and plans.  Edit. Revise. Revisit. Time to get everything a bit closer to perfect!

Eris Stations and turns direct on Thursday Jan 9, 2014 at 21°Ar50′.  We feel irritation, anger and envy bloom over the next few days (five day before and after her station).  Situations that have been festering with jealousy, anger or aggression unspoken bloom and take off.  At least you are clear now!  Direct the energy towards something you can change.  She’s a powerful force for evolving!

Vesta fights with Eris on Jan 12, 2014 bringing arguments around home and office spaces.

Juno’s aspects to the Nodes of Fate on Jan 11, 2014 brings an important person or relationship into your life (or causes a relationship to leave).  Cherish ALL the partnerships and relationships in your life.


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes void sextile to Venus on Monday Jan 6, 2014 at 04:45:18 am EST and enters Aries on Jan 6, 2014 at 02:46:26 pm EST.   Moon is void Monday Morning and early afternoon.

Moon goes void square to Mercury on Wednesday Jan 8, 2014 at 11:22:55 am EST and enters Taurus on Jan 8, 2014 at 09:24:52 pm EST.  Moon is void Wednesday afternoon and early evening.

Moon goes void trine to Mercury on Saturday Jan 11, 2014 at 05:59:28 am EST and enters Gemini on Jan 11, 2014 at 07:26:54 am EST.

Moon goes void trine to Mars on Sunday Jan 12, 2014 at 04:34:27 pm EST and enters Cancer on Monday Jan 13, 2014 at 07:25 pm EST.  Moon is void Sunday night and all day Monday.



Change Your Body, Change your Mind.



Moon’s day Monday January 6, 2014 Moon in Pisces goes void sextile to Venus at 04:45:18 am EST and enters Aries at 02:46:26 pm EST.   Moon is void Monday Morning and early afternoon.  Dreams last night were very profound and full of information as Pisces Moon sought to connect you to the primal part of your soul and reinvigorate your dreams and imagination.  Mercury’s sextile to Saturn ask you to look at the image and dreams as messages from Saturn about your future and where you going next. Pay attention to family or group images from your dreams too. The unconscious is communicating to you.  Pallas stations to go retrograde at 13 Virgo ~ trine to the upcoming station point of Venus Retrograde in Capricorn ~ the Grand Trine in earth seeks to ground and put foundation under your dreams. Mars parallels Eris ~ uniting with his sister, Mars works with our understanding of what is irritating us to help us shift and change that dynamic. WE-WE-WE instead of ME-ME-ME.  Eris is at her station degree so she’s particularly strong this week invoking our understanding of envy and jealousy. Frank and clear conversations can help pinpoint where the problem is. When we consciously make the unspoken, spoken, it dispels or dissipates the energy of negativity.  Open the windows of your life and let the sunlight in. Shine it on the dark spaces today.  By acknowledging where the more difficult energies dwell, we are able to work with them more productively. They exist for a reason. Love fights with nurturing, part 2 of 3 ~ you sometime have to sacrifice or choose a path that offers a less secure outcome than you would like. Now is one of those moments. Sun’s quintile to the Node encourages you to take the leap of faith in understanding what needs to be done and offers the courage or skill to get it accomplished. Trust in your vision of what you want to create. Energy really ramps up in the afternoon when Moon enters Aries and moves forward rapidly.

Mars Day Tuesday January 7, 2014  Moon is in Aries and goes void square to Mercury suggesting events of the next two days will present conflict between choices you are asked to make.  Conflict that requests you evaluate is it for YOU or for the greater good?  Knowing the difference helps you make the proper choice. Moon in Aries rushes through the loose Cardinal cross ~ making today particularly active in expression and volatile in presenting options, choices and decisions. Mercury and Venus connect and catch up as she moves retrograde and disappears from the evening sky.  After the 17th, she’ll become a Morning Star. In her whispered communication with Mercury, she asks for what she wants. Today is an excellent day to ask for what you want ~ express it and get it out there. Continue asking the rest of the week as the aspects are lovely for moving situations along to their next  phase.

Mercury’s day Wednesday January 8, 2014 Moon in Aries goes void square to Mercury at 11:22:55 am EST and enters Taurus at 09:24:52 pm EST.  Moon is void Wednesday afternoon and early evening. The action oriented closing aspect between the cardinal signs encourages decision making and connection.  Today is a good day to get things out the door and off your desk. Mars square to Jupiter has a bit of overdoing energy but a good overdoing. You’ll find you are leaping tall buildings at a single bound ~ always a good thing!  Dreams are full of images again!  Stress happens between what you want to do and what partner or relationships want ~ give extra consideration to matters before you today.  Neptune’s aspect asks you to imagine what could happen if you partner with your dreams today.  Neptune and Juno working together invite you to connect with the stuff that dreams are made of.  What is the dream of your soul? And no, it doesn’t matter HOW you get there ~ what is important is that  you have the dream and can imagine getting there.  Tonight words can hurt.  Be careful how you say things ~ while it might be true it will sting more than usual with Moon in Aries.

Jupiter’s day Thursday January 9, 2014 Moon is in Taurus and goes void trine to Mercury making the next few days very, very productive and excellent for communication, writing and contracts.  And Yes, even though Venus is retrograde, you can connect or commit ~ just know the financial component of the relationship will change.  Eris stations and goes direct today, harnessing and directing envy, anger and jealousy into a new focus.  Stand back and avoid fighting with people. When a planet is discovered, we start to experience the energy on a new level.  Eris, as the Goddess of Discord, discovered in 2006, made us all much more aware of bullying, envy, haters on the internet and the desire to hide from that energy or not shine your light quite so bright. The solution to envy is to name it and not hide from it. Watch for the opportunity to address it directly today. Or at least name it and recognize it in your life.  Eris stations at 21 Aries. Pallas has an adjusting aspect to Astraea’s healing energy ~ the situation isn’t going to heal on its own. You are going to have to change something. Mercury’s quintile to Uranus allows for a brilliant idea to arrive as an inspiration.  Follow up on it as it will take you to places you can’t even imagine!  Say yes to your imagination.

Venus’ Day Friday January 10, 2014 Moon is in Taurus  and goes void trine to Mercury making today quite productive and juicy in emotional communications and awareness. Dreams again are rocking as the heavens send you many messages about how to become what you are supposed to be.  Often when I read charts, my job is to encourage people to follow the dream in their heart. Today the entire universe is singing yes, yes, yes to you and encouraging you to follow up on the dream in your heart.  If someone DOESN’T encourage you to follow your dream, notice if they are, perhaps, a bit envious of you? That green eyed envy can cause problems if not attended to. Fake it until you become it, especially if you are feeling unable to do it. You will become it if you keep practicing. Venus’ square to Vesta encourages communications around and about the home front. You connect with your tribe tonight!

Saturn’s day Saturday January 11, 2014 Moon goes void trine to Mercury at 05:59:28 am EST and enters Gemini at 07:26:54 am EST. Saturn’s day dawns bright and early with abundance and light. Moon in Gemini has lovely closing aspects of a trine to Mars in Libra offering lots of knowledge and information that you can use in the world. Today is a great day for classes, workshops or learning new talents and skills that are practical. It also is a fabulous day for practical organizational matters.  Venus, Saturn, and Sun all connect inspiring a new chapter in your life and your understanding of the world. Juno’s aspects to the Nodes of Destiny encourage a deepening of relationships and connections.  Mercury enters Aquarius for 56 days (he has a retrograde in Aquarius next month) so intelligence blooms and expands exponentially as he enters the sign of his exaltation.  Mercury’s square to super Jupiter Apollon encourages your brain and mind to bloom in brand new pathways.  Important communications and connections take place tonight. Sun’s square to Eris illuminates how interconnected your life is ~ allow any discord to simply shift away and dissolve. Changes on the home front are particularly exciting and passionate~ allow them to move in clearly and cleanly.  Great day for a first date or intimacy that includes solid communication.

Sun’s day Sunday January 12, 2014 Moon is in Gemini and goes void trine to Mars at 04:34:27 pm EST.  Moon is void Sunday night.  Dreams contain some anxiety but also are very healing if you follow the symbolism to the logical or emotional place. Today flies by with speed and grace. The closing trine to Mars makes the information or news today informative and fun. It is a great day to write, learn things, reorganize papers, connect with loved friends or family. Venus’ aspect to Juno encourages partnerships and relationships to bloom and grow. Juno connects with family or people who feel like your family and forms solid bonds that will stand the test of time. Great day for a first day or intimacy that includes solid communication.


Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Lots of me, myself and I energy this week to get things positively accomplished.  Possible overdoing but in a good way!  Pallas and Eris station shifting their dynamics.  Sextiles to Saturn help you build your future!

Scorpios Talking:  We are back from vacation this week. We return on January 9, 2014

The Mary Anne Show: We are back from vacation this week. We return on January 6, 2014

Access Astrology: We are back from vacation this week.  We return on January 8, 2014

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!



Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014. Her topic is “Planetary Returns.”  Meetings are open to the public: http://www.lincgr.com/


Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC.  Discounted Rate through January 6, 2014 is $199.  At Door Rate is $250. Register for the Workshop: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504


Anne will be teaching, with Access Astrology, a Chart Reading A to Z Weekend Workshop on February 7, 8 and 9, 2014 in NYC. Discounted Rates through Jan 31, 2014 is $220. Full Rate is $250. Register for the Workshop at:  http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139006705


Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 19, 2014. Her topic is “Planets as People!”  To register: http://www.isarastrology.com/etapestry    For Information:  http://www.isarastrology.com/Astrology-World-2014



Anne will be speaking on “Tertiary Progressions” at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014.  Limited in-person consultations are available in Michigan.  To register: http://greatlakesastrology.com/

Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee