Weekly Weather January 30, 2012

Weekly Weather January 30, 2012



It is going to be one of the most profound weeks of your life.

Well actually these three weeks will bundle together in your memory as a profound passage in your life and mark a major turning point in all of our lives. If last week was not profound, then this week or next week will step up and take over. Eventually, these three weeks at the beginning of 2012 will bear the test of time with silent testimony and mark an in the memories of our lives.

Mars stationed last week bringing news of a reversal or NO or a sudden unexpected change. Then Mars opened the door to YES by the end of the week. This week Neptune dives into Pisces, starting a New 14 year cycle of profound change in our dream and vision about our life and what it will be. Next week, Saturn stations and wraps up the story from 1982 and begins revisions to our planned relationships in the next 29 years of our life.

My friends Tom and Cathy have a house on a lake with a huge rock that you can dive or jump off into the water below. Frankly, it is bit scary. You climb this high thing and jump into the air. Whoosh ~ it seems like forever before you enter the water below. Essentially, we are standing on the edge of that rock, getting ready to jump into the Ocean of Neptune. We’ll all be riding on his back as he dives into the water after flying through the air.

Neptune was last in Pisces starting in 1847. During the time Neptune was in Pisces, some of the associated events were the Cholera epidemic in England and later in the United States, the Irish Potato Famine, the Donner Party incident and the Mexican-American War. The American Medical Association was founded, the printing press is introduced, the first postage stamps were issued, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and The Communist Manifesto were published. My particular favorite, the California Gold Rush, took place which caused a mass migration to California and statehood in 1852~ before the “flyover states” were added as states ~ uniting or merging on a literal basis the east and west coasts of the North American continent. Fourteen years later when Neptune went into Aries, we had the Civil War to determine the slave policy for the balance of the states to follow. There also was the Chartists movement in London in which the first mass working class labor movement in the world called for reform to make the political system more democratic. Prior to the movement, the working class were not allowed to vote. Radicals made speeches asserting the betrayal of the working class and the sacrificing of their interests by the misconduct of the government. Does that sound like our Occupy Wall Street folks to you? Eventually Britain banished slavery in her colonies. Scientists and medical folks discovered the little critters that caused infections and started creating conditions to stop spreading disease. It also was a phenomenal time for music and the arts as Neptune’s higher vision is about our union and creative connection to the divine. Lower forms of Neptune are depression, drugs, alcohol and suicide ~ we don’t want to go there! On the higher side, we have much to look forward to! So if you’ve been feeling like a Zumba class or taking up swimming or having wicked amazing dreams or feeling your psychic self expanding ~ it all is Neptune coming to call in your being.

When a planet changes signs like this, we often have a major world event that corresponds ~ look to Iran who is making noise about cutting off the oil shipments (oil is ruled by Neptune) or water stories in the news. Last spring when Neptune sojourned for a few months in Pisces, we had the Tsunami in Japan. And of course, Neptune in Pisces is tears. Melissa, my assistant of four years is moving to California so I know I will be crying mid-week when she heads off to her new life. Watch for Neptune to bring extreme emotions to the surface as we each process the major changes in our lives.

I went to see The Artist this weekend. It is a black and white film, completely silent, describing the shift from Silent Movies to the Talkies. In it, the Silent Movie star, falls from the heavens, as the Talkie star rises to take his place. It is a simply beautiful allegory for the changes taking place in many of our lives. If your life, as you’ve known, ceases to exist, to be relevant, to matter, to seem important ~ what DO you do? How do you adapt? How do you deal with that level of change? Each of us, during this year of change, will find part of our old life disappearing. And we need to figure out how to deal with that level of change. The movie shows how the hero, accompanied by his little dog, figures out the larger message of his purpose, being and life. Go see it. It will help with all the changes taking place in your life. And if, at the end, you find yourself singing and wanting to take tap dance lessons to help your transition ~ don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Our week also features Sun and Mercury dancing with the nodes of Destiny and Fate… we move off to meet our future. Or at least we hear about it! Or our future comes to meet us! And Venus fights with Mars. Normally the two of them are great buddies but not this week. Mars is retrograde and cRANky in Virgo. Venus is exalted in Pisces. Mars is SO SICK AND TIRED of Venus’ cheerful attitude and pie in the sky out look that he wants to slap her! That takes place on Wednesday. Or perhaps, Mars opposite Venus will be some thing or some one you love leaving your life ~ that is when Melissa leaves me. Mars in Virgo means a reorganization of the office structure and systems as exalted Venus goes to meet her love.

So listen to Adele sing “Some one like you”. Cry a bit. Eat comfort food. Take good care of you! It is a rough week on planet earth. Departures. Sadness. Profound changes. Life shifting in a very permanent way. Forward we go.

Get ready…. You are standing at the edge of the jumping rock. You are looking down at the water below you… Young kids are jumping off it all around you. It is your turn. You are holding up the line. Time to take that leap of faith. Time to trust that you are doing the right thing by following your heart and giving yourself permission to go forward, to jump forward, to leap, leap LEAP into the next chapter of your life…. It is time. You are right where you are supposed to be!

Void Moons This Week

1:09 am EST Monday January 29 to 1:28 am EST
2:06 pm EST Wednesday February 1 to 2:15 pm EST
0:06 am EST Saturday February 4 to 1:04 am EST

Moon day, Monday, January 30, finds Moon in delicious Taurus asking us to indulge in delectable foods, sooth our bodies and nurture our souls. Revel in the pleasures of the flesh, love and creation. Exalted when she is in Taurus, today we find Moon so happy as she prepares for her changes ahead. She joins with Jupiter this morning promising a great send off of love and creatify. She argues with Mercury mid-day to suggest that maybe the physical IS as important as the intellectual. She dances a transformation dance with Pluto in the early evening and pushes off from ego concerns tonight. She reminds us why life is good. Why the body is our temple. Why we love delicious food. Venus links with Hades in the night offering perhaps troubling dreams. Venus has a brilliant idea later in the day. Listen to it. She is wise as she is exalted right now too. Both the feminine energies are in their favorite places making today a lovely day for expanding your horizons.

Mars Day, Tuesday January 31 Moon in Taurus continues to nurture us with lovely aspects to both Venus and Mars ~ we are in creation mode even if we don’t realize it. Pallas squares Admetos marking the end of a pattern ~ it is over. The end is here. You will see it differently forever more. Astrea stations to go retrograde so health matters can surface today or shift today. Venus argues with Cupido so there is an ending of a family energy today. Venus also is stressed by her relationships and feeling a bit out of sorts. Listen to your heart about what you want to do in this situation. Be guided to take the high road rather than the low road.

Mercury day, Wednesday February 1 Moon shifts mid-day into Gemini. Gemini Moon has a lovely closing aspect of a trine to Saturn so even if you have mixed feelings about the events of the next few days, they will turn out okay. That trine says it is for the best. Taurus Moon’s square to Neptune at 2 pm EST is all about tears and endings. Take that leap. The Nodes of Fate are trine and sextile to the Sun. All the work you’ve been doing since the Nodes entered Sagittarius and Gemini in the February last year seems to be culminating now. Mercury wants you to understand the patterns in your transformation and how profound that they have been. You are ready for the next chapter to begin. Venus opposes Mars ~ a separation from something you love or desire as Mars in Virgo goes back to a place he needs to return to. His fate is there! He is resuming his life ~ or resolving unfinished issues from November 2011. Either way, it is time to let go and let Mars do his thing. Take that Leap of Faith. Jump off the rock into the cool water below….

Jupiter’s Day Thursday February 2 Moon in Gemini continues to be a busy bee and quite productive as she works with Mercury and Sun by trine. The planets in Air are coming up with a new plan that will suit every one. There is a shift in the partnership energy as Juno and the Sun have a great idea about how to go forward. Mercury can be a bit sharp tongued as he is NOT happy with the situation before him. When he is in Aquarius, he speaks the truth even if you may not like it very much. Make sure to listen to what you hear today as it is important and more importantly, it is TRUE. Or at least most of it is! Venus and Saturn figure out an important factor about relationships as they dance with each other in the sky. Back to the dance scenes in The Artist. When we consciously dance with the Planets we learn so much…. Today Mars joins with Pluto by declination. This is NEVER a good aspect ~ it denotes permanent endings and farewells. Often an indicator of war, when the two malefic planets join in the heavens, we notice it down here on earth. Something can be irrevocably broken and finished today. It is time. Emotional words can contribute to the situation. Be careful or conscious about what you say.

Venus’ Day Friday February 3 Moon in Gemini continues to be a busy bee. Today Neptune departs from the last degree of Aquarius ~ a 14 year cycle ends. Neptune slips away from his trine to Saturn as he dives into the Ocean. Saturn waves farewell! Sadly and with probably a few tears. A new 14 year cycle begins. You jumped! You jumped off that rock, flew through the air and just landed in the water. The new life is HERE! Venus is very emotional as she moves out into the world. Mercury has connections with the Nodes of Destiny and Fate ~ taking trips, messages of what is possible, ideas about where you are going next, departures for the great unknown ~ all are part and parcel of today. Believe in your dreams. They can come true today.

Saturn’s Day Saturday February 4 Today finds the Moon in Cancer and very sensitive. Sleep is deep and can be disturbed or transformed by some seriously amazing dreams. Watch their messages. Neptune in Pisces now will have profound effect our sleep cycles as well as our dreams. Neptune is in the sign of dreams and dreaming. Venus sesquiquadrate Poseidon drops us deeper into emotions than we ever thought possible. Remember Saturn is stopped in the sky too ~ adding to the emotional tension…. As he turns to go back to 22 Libra ~ his hand feels where Neptune last held it before he jumped into the Ocean. Saturn stumbles a bit and pulls back. Fate is happening. The moment is here. Saturn knows he has to resolve what has been going on since November 2011 and finish up the 29 year cycle that started in 1982 in the next nine months. Then Saturn can join Neptune in the Water and they will reconnect to start yet another solid dream of life. For now, Neptune is on his own, swimming out to sea. He’s surfaces. He dances like a dolphin in the wake of a boat. He’s going for it. Wave goodbye to Neptune. Turn to go back to work with Saturn. Saturn’s turn to jump off the rock takes place in the fall. Between now and then, you and he need to get clear about relationships and your, his, and their expectations about relationships. Time for some serious conversations. Well actually, that is in a couple of week. This week is for sadness and joy and celebrations and tears. Venus joins with Uranus ~ there is a strange elevation and joy of creation taking place too… such a mixed bag of emotions. Time for fate to step in and take over. Some moments are fated. These three week are all about fate. Free will returns soon. But fate is before you.

Sun’s Day Sunday February 5 Moon in Cancer continues to delve into the feeling place. You might as well just sit down with a bowl of Hagen Daas Ice cream and chow down. Everyone needs emotional comfort today (and yesterday). Own your future today. Mercury trines Zeus asking us to stand in our own power place and connect with our ego’s best vision of the life we want to connect. Saturn stopped reminds us that life passes by so quickly. Make the best of it. Use the minutes. That is for tomorrow. For today, take time to support and love yourself and those in your circle who are hurting too. Some times the changes in life can feel overwhelming. Today is one of those days. Hang in there. It gets better. Promise.

Classes: Anne Ortelee’s Classes take place between 6:30 and 8:30 pm in her apartment on the upper east side. Space is limited so register early.

The Monday Night Advanced Class schedule and topics for Spring is as follows:

1) January 30, February 6,13, 27 and March 5 ~ $150 ~ Synastry of Relationships, Davison and Midpoint Charts. Progressing them too! Chart Interpretation with Natal potential.

2) March 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16 ~ $150 ~Other kinds of Synastry ~ You have relationships with ALL KINDS of people. Progressing them too! Chart interpretation with Natal Potential.

3) April 30, May 7, 14, 21 ~ $120 ~ Solar, Lunar and Planetary Returns

4) June 4, 11, 18, 25 ~ $120 ~ East Meets West ~ selected techniques from Vedic Astrology added to your bag of tricks ~ Yogas/Planetary pictures (including Raja), Lunar Mansions, Planetary Periods and Dashas.

The Thursday Night Intermediate Class preparing for the Level 2 NCGR-PAA exam schedule and topics for Spring is as follows:

1) January 26, February 9, 16, 23 ~ $120 ~ Secondary Progressions/ Solar Arc/ Lunar & Planetary Phase Theory

2) March 15, 22, 29, April 12 ~ $120 ~ Asteroids, Parallels, Contra-Parallels, Minor Aspects & Relocation charts.

3) April 19, 26, May 10, 17 ~ $120 ~ Fixed Stars, Mundane Charting, Antiscia & Miscellaneous topics.




WEBSITE PROBLEMS: I just discovered that my website has been taking messages and not delivering them. If you sent me an email and did not receive a response, the chances are EXCELLENT that I never received it. Please resend it. For those of you wondering ~my Mercury stationed and turned direct by Progression after 21 years of going retrograde. Woo-hoo! And NOW, Transiting Saturn is stationing on my Progressed Mercury so I just figured it out… Ah astrology. Don’t you just love it?





Introduction to Astrology Weekend With
Presented by Bodhi Consult


April 27-29, 2012
The Wilburton Inn
Manchester Village, VT

Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction with Anne
A bit of history about astrology, how everything under the Sun and in our world is included in astrology, what is a horoscope? A picture of the hour you were born.
Basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in Saturday’s workshop what each planet does both personally and collectively, how signs behave both in both the public arena and personal life, how to analyze horoscope charts and put it together by looking at a “mystery chart” as well as your own. There will be time to practice these skills with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch, and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Today we put it all together and explore a chart in depth. What is the myth and ruling planet in charge of your life? Where to look to determine your life’s path, how the planets talk to each other (nicely or not so nicely) and the Aspects between them, how to see the basic health information provided by the horoscope chart, and find out where to get free charts on the internet. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break is included for all.

Contact for more Information about the Introduction to Astrology Weekend:
Beth Shaw or Elaine Haytko
Phone:             (802)379-5775

[email protected]